AZ - Lori Vallow Daybell charged w/ conspiring to kill ex-husband Charles Vallow and another relative, Brandon Boudreaux, Chandler, Maricopa County,

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Was there any mention of the pretrial hearing on 3/28/24 being vacated?? Or that still on? TIA! :)

Both cases:

Case Calendar
Date Time Event
2/21/2024 8:31 Comprehensive PreTrial Conference

3/28/2024 8:30 Pre-Trial Conference - vacated??

4/4/2024 9:00 Trial - vacated

4/24/2024 8:30 Complex / Capital Case

7/25/2024 8:30 Pre-Trial Conference

8/1/2024 9:00 Trial

link: Criminal Court Case Information - Case History
I can’t fathom how happy she, a mom, can be , with her own children dead (by her wishes) so recently? Maybe she truly is nuts and not just gullible, naive , manipulative, selfish, and dimwitted? I truly am asking. Is she really mentally ill???? Any docs or therapists on board? Thank you.
I agree, even if she truly believes that she did not "murder" her kids but saved them from a demonic possession, THEY ARE STILL DEAD. Killed by a demon. Any normal parent would be absolutely devastated by the death of their child, no matter how it happened. But here she is all smiles and fluttery eyes. She really does look like she enjoys the attention. The attention she is getting for being on trial for killing her kids. How is any part of this fun or deserving of a smile of any kind???
You'd think anyone would be furious at being accused of something so awful.
Any normal parent would be absolutely devastated by the death of their child, no matter how it happened.
SBM. Remember what she said to her sister in the jail phone call when the latter asked about the blissful wedding photos from Hawaii while her children were buried in Chad's back yard? Lori replied (paraphrasing) that enough time had passed and that she deserved to be happy. She's always thinking only of herself.
SBM. Remember what she said to her sister in the jail phone call when the latter asked about the blissful wedding photos from Hawaii while her children were buried in Chad's back yard? Lori replied (paraphrasing) that enough time had passed and that she deserved to be happy. She's always thinking only of herself.
She has no soul and no conscience.
I agree, even if she truly believes that she did not "murder" her kids but saved them from a demonic possession, THEY ARE STILL DEAD. Killed by a demon. Any normal parent would be absolutely devastated by the death of their child, no matter how it happened. But here she is all smiles and fluttery eyes. She really does look like she enjoys the attention. The attention she is getting for being on trial for killing her kids. How is any part of this fun or deserving of a smile of any kind???
You'd think anyone would be furious at being accused of something so awful.

What we are seeing is completely "normal" for an extreme pathological narcissist such as LVD. As she sees life ...
1 ALL of life is all about her, not about anyone else.
2 What does NOT honor her, or make her life better-easier-more enjoyable, has no real value, and should rightly be discarded. Including other people. Her kids were no more important than any other annoyance, and it was the right thing for them to be gone from her life.
3 Anything that makes her appear less than perfect is a misunderstanding, an error, a lie, and so on. There MUST BE a different story, a different history that is the real one, that when known will reveal her perfection. Her kids are fine,and much better off, because there's no possibility she could have done evil to them.
4 Because she has done no wrong in her story of herself, and is blameless, she can mentally dismiss the accusations, knowing in her mind that they aren't the REAL truth of what has happened.
5 Since she is so perfect, she can go forward and look for those who see her as a goddess, and embrace them liking her, with no need to worry about the "false" tales of her having done evil and being bad. Because she is perfect, of course. Her life is good, and others will see the truth of her perfection in time.
6 Ultimately all who have not seen her as good will get their judgment, when she will assume her rightly place as the one who determines good from bad in the end. That outcome is certain.
Yep, she doesn't believe she has done anything wrong and that her children were not murdered. Just "released" from being possessed by a demon. I guess she thinks the demon killed them and they were trapped until the demon was killed and then they were released into heaven? Something like that anyway. That's how she can smile and be happy, she thinks she helped her kids... I just wonder how much of it is a real delusion and how much is her ego rationalizing & compartmentalizing what she did.
I'm betting ego. She acts just like other narcissistic killers like Jodi Arias, Casey Anthony... it's all about the attention.
What we are seeing is completely "normal" for an extreme pathological narcissist such as LVD. As she sees life ...
1 ALL of life is all about her, not about anyone else.
2 What does NOT honor her, or make her life better-easier-more enjoyable, has no real value, and should rightly be discarded. Including other people. Her kids were no more important than any other annoyance, and it was the right thing for them to be gone from her life.
3 Anything that makes her appear less than perfect is a misunderstanding, an error, a lie, and so on. There MUST BE a different story, a different history that is the real one, that when known will reveal her perfection. Her kids are fine,and much better off, because there's no possibility she could have done evil to them.
4 Because she has done no wrong in her story of herself, and is blameless, she can mentally dismiss the accusations, knowing in her mind that they aren't the REAL truth of what has happened.
5 Since she is so perfect, she can go forward and look for those who see her as a goddess, and embrace them liking her, with no need to worry about the "false" tales of her having done evil and being bad. Because she is perfect, of course. Her life is good, and others will see the truth of her perfection in time.
6 Ultimately all who have not seen her as good will get their judgment, when she will assume her rightly place as the one who determines good from bad in the end. That outcome is certain.
That's a narrative from her that needs a barf emoji.
Charles had abrasions on his knees?

On the police (first on the scene) bodycam
Charles is flat on his back with legs straight out & apart. So he could not have dropped to his knees then collapsed into that position.
What went on in that house REALLY?

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Charles had abrasions on his knees?

View attachment 485920
On the police (first on the scene) bodycam
Charles is flat on his back with legs straight out & apart. So he could not have dropped to his knees then collapsed into that position.
What went on in that house REALLY?

Big fight, IIRC.
Charles had abrasions on his knees?

View attachment 485920
On the police (first on the scene) bodycam
Charles is flat on his back with legs straight out & apart. So he could not have dropped to his knees then collapsed into that position.
What went on in that house REALLY?


According to what Alex said to LE, after Tylee grabbed the bat, Charles got the bat from Tylee. Then Alex said that he grabbed Charles from behind and they fell to the floor. I'm assuming they would have fallen forward. We don't know where that happened in the house but the bedrooms have carpet so it could be carpet burn.
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According to what Alex said to LE, after Tylee grabbed the bat, Charles got the bat from Tylee. Then Alex said that he grabbed Charles from behind and they fell to the floor. I'm assuming they would have fallen forward. We don't know where that happened in the house but the bedrooms have carpet bedrooms so it could be carpet burn.
Okay. Thank you!
I still wonder how LVD & Alex planned CV’s
death that day. What a terrible burden for Tylee to live with (in her short life)all of her mother’s hate & drama would rear its head at any time.

Okay. Thank you!
I still wonder how LVD & Alex planned CV’s
death that day. What a terrible burden for Tylee to live with (in her short life)all of her mother’s hate & drama would rear its head at any time.


It's all she ever knew, which is the most heartbreaking part of all, but maybe partially explains her taking on a mothering role with JJ (protecting him from Lori).

Alex had overnighted at LVD's the previous night. Even though he lived not far from where she lived. He wanted to be sure to be ready for Charles at whatever time he arrived that morning. They had all night to plan it. Anything the Goddess wanted.
She's not getting away with this.
Charles had abrasions on his knees?

View attachment 485920
On the police (first on the scene) bodycam
Charles is flat on his back with legs straight out & apart. So he could not have dropped to his knees then collapsed into that position.
What went on in that house REALLY?

Those injuries certainly paint a different picture than LVD's testimony.

Those bruises on the chest (A) are incredibly small, which makes me wonder what could have caused them: Being jabbed with the barrel of a gun or a fireplace poker? Being pinned down by a high-heeled shoe?

Scrapes on the left arm (B) and the back of the right hand (C) would seem defensive to me, not offensive. If someone's coming at you, and you're trying to protect your face, those are the parts of your body that would get injured.

And knee abrasions (D) definitely don't jive with the spread-eagle stance LE found him in.
Apparently, court is just a vehicle for more attention for LVD. Lots of men to chat with, and she is the absolute center of attention. LVD is the STAR. Isn't it sick that her punishment is more likely to be her dream?!

I agree, she thrives on attention. The last video of her flipping her hair back and forth and grinning like a Cheshire Cat sickens me.

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