GUILTY AZ - Sylar Newton, 2, Rimrock, 25 July 2010 - #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Good point. Kind of the opposite of what I was thinking, but you may be on to something. I was just thinking that if they take this long for a possible homicide, which you'd think would be priority, could you imagine how long it would take for a case of accidental death?

I would think that NOT putting a rush on a homicide case just because the family involved is trash (for lack of a better term) would be discriminatory. You'd think they'd have to follow some sort of protocol regardless of the situation.

Im sure it totally discriminatory, but that doesnt mean it doesnt influence some of the decision making. A rush is pretty expensive, im betting they dont rush all homicides. Its probably only rushed if their is a need. at$525.00 per sample, protocal probably requires a reason for the rush, things like upcoming court dates, media pressure, societal dangers, and risk of a suspect fleeing. Sylars case doesnt have any of these. If a detective were compassionate with a family, I could see him finding a way to work around protocal to get those results. But I dont see them willing to stick out their necks for either of the families that are in this case by requesting a rush.
Im sure it totally discriminatory, but that doesnt mean it doesnt influence some of the decision making. A rush is pretty expensive, im betting they dont rush all homicides. Its probably only rushed if their is a need. at$525.00 per sample, protocal probably requires a reason for the rush, things like upcoming court dates, media pressure, societal dangers, and risk of a suspect fleeing. Sylars case doesnt have any of these. If a detective were compassionate with a family, I could see him finding a way to work around protocal to get those results. But I dont see them willing to stick out their necks for either of the families that are in this case by requesting a rush.

I know you're probably absolutely correct. It's just a shame to think that it actually happens that way. C'est la vie
I think LE can withhold COD for a number of different reasons. Not every jurisdiction does that as a matter or course, but since we know COD for Emmett, seems to me that would not be the case here. They may also chose to withhold COD from the public if the DA is putting together a criminal case.

Just checked the YAvapai County Medical Exminer's website. COD is a matter of public record and can be released unless it would hinder an ongoing investigation.
One would hope that all the alphabet LE agencies are still engaged in this to some degree (FBI, hopefully DEA too). IF the two central adults at the time CP and NC weren't involved (stretch I realize) then the public at large should be concerned that someone else is chewing a hole through the LE net and getting away with Sylar's demise.

A quick resolution re DNA would be a good public relations move MOO
One would hope that all the alphabet LE agencies are still engaged in this to some degree (FBI, hopefully DEA too). IF the two central adults at the time CP and NC weren't involved (stretch I realize) then the public at large should be concerned that someone else is chewing a hole through the LE net and getting away with Sylar's demise.

A quick resolution re DNA would be a good public relations move MOO

This has always been a concern of mine, obviously if it were so cut and dried that it was Tina and Nancy, wouldnt they be in jail, right now? It worries me that maybe LE has focused so hard on them, that they may be missing evidence of something else. Like you said a stretch, but stranger things have been known to happen. I would hate for them to come back in 2 months after finally getting the DNA back and sayings "oops". Sylar did wonder off, or were now looking for anyone who has seen a mexican man wondering campgrounds, or even "sorry, this isnt Sylar, but now we know what happened to Jaryd Atadero, anyone seen Sylar?"
DNA is going to be the only thing to clear this up, I really wish they had rushed the order :(
Find sylar facebook question asked Sarecares for 501 paperwork to be posted. Wonder how that will go?
Find sylar facebook question asked Sarecares for 501 paperwork to be posted. Wonder how that will go?


good catch Soulmagent

I think that would be a good 'start' -- :dance:
You know, I'm starting to think Charity is completely unaware of reality. First, she hands her child to anyone that offers, and expects that to work for her. And now, anyone who comes along and offers her their help, she grasps at it without even a cursory background check. I would think with the hard knocks she has supposedly had, she would have gained some street smarts, and not be quite so trusting. It doesnt take much to do a google search. I know she has internet access. Run the name of the foundation through, hmmm nothing. Well how about the IRS charity search, hhhhhhmmm nothing. What about the State, hmmmm nothing. How about the search the arizona case lookup for the names of the founders, aaaahhhh, theres something......
If their is any doubt at all as to the trustworthiness of these charities, its only going to do more harm. she needs to say no thank you. Take the time to find help that is appropriate and trustworthy. Talk to some local churches, maybe a scouting group, a crime victims support group, etc...
well...according to the sylar newton FB page....the funeral home no longer accepts what did the funeral home do with the money people sent there. I hate to eve speculate someone may make money off an innocent child's death..,.but certainly someone has donated something there as well as other places. I want to donate but I'm afraid to. Why can't they just have one place the money goes and posts updates weekly how much has went in. I don't think that is too much to ask. Put a goal up and show people how their donations are making a difference towards that goal. Is that too much to ask??? why so many different accounts? too confusing:waitasec:
I dont know that they would have, remember Don found the body after the Sherrifs department had stopped looking. I remember because it really bothered me when they announced that they thought he was dead. I didnt think it was right to assume anything like that without a body, or blood evidence. The sherriff said they were basing that on the fact that the dogs returning over and over to the campsite, a sign that he never left on his own. I always thought, well that is a sign someone carried him away from the site, but not that they killed him. I figured the police had some sort of evidence they were withholding from the public but as time goes on and no arrests are made I'm starting to question that. I'm thinking they have only assumptions and need the forensic evidence processed to back up those assumptioms before they can do anything. This really scares me though because so far, with cases like Emmetts, they havent been to spot on with all their "assumptions".

Sorry if this has been asked but I followed this up to the baby boy's body being found and just check now and then to see if an arrest has been made, but the dogs that tracked Sylar, were they scent dogs or cadaver dogs? I'm thinking since the search was in progress early on that the dogs were scent tracking dogs. I wonder if it is too late to use cadaver dogs in the campsite? This could help determine if the baby was dead when he was removed from the tent. Maybe the tents themselves could be used in testing by cadaver dogs. If he died in either of the tents then maybe his death scent would still be there in the tent.
Sorry if this has been asked but I followed this up to the baby boy's body being found and just check now and then to see if an arrest has been made, but the dogs that tracked Sylar, were they scent dogs or cadaver dogs? I'm thinking since the search was in progress early on that the dogs were scent tracking dogs. I wonder if it is too late to use cadaver dogs in the campsite? This could help determine if the baby was dead when he was removed from the tent. Maybe the tents themselves could be used in testing by cadaver dogs. If he died in either of the tents then maybe his death scent would still be there in the tent.

I believe that info was included in the first two threads of this forum -- If I recall correctly dogs kept returning to the ''that'' spot (tent) indicating that he would have been carried from the campsite.

In the earliest thread there were some SAR people who gave us good info on the dogs.
Like everyone else on this thread I keep checking the news. I am dumbstruck by the 'inactivity' on this case. Just now I found the ''latest'' MSM news item (which is of course old news -- it's about the reward -- which leads me to think there is no ''new'' news on this one -- kind of like the reward being doubled in the case of Kyron Hormon)
The way I understood it was that the dogs would lead investigators to different areas on the campgrounds (the watering hole, restrooms, etc), but they would always turn around and go back to the campsite. They would hit on all these areas but had no desire to leave the campgrounds, which as newone posted, would leave one to believe that he was taken from the area through other means.

I'm really wondering if they were able to find an area where one of the vehicles possibly parked to the original drop-off area. Some casts of tire tracks and casts of shoe prints would be some really good physical evidence.
well...according to the sylar newton FB page....the funeral home no longer accepts what did the funeral home do with the money people sent there. I hate to eve speculate someone may make money off an innocent child's death..,.but certainly someone has donated something there as well as other places. I want to donate but I'm afraid to. Why can't they just have one place the money goes and posts updates weekly how much has went in. I don't think that is too much to ask. Put a goal up and show people how their donations are making a difference towards that goal. Is that too much to ask??? why so many different accounts? too confusing:waitasec:

I saw that too. My question is that if the funeral home was getting death threats why would they still be involved at all?
This has always been a concern of mine, obviously if it were so cut and dried that it was Tina and Nancy, wouldnt they be in jail, right now? It worries me that maybe LE has focused so hard on them, that they may be missing evidence of something else. Like you said a stretch, but stranger things have been known to happen. I would hate for them to come back in 2 months after finally getting the DNA back and sayings "oops". Sylar did wonder off, or were now looking for anyone who has seen a mexican man wondering campgrounds, or even "sorry, this isnt Sylar, but now we know what happened to Jaryd Atadero, anyone seen Sylar?"
DNA is going to be the only thing to clear this up, I really wish they had rushed the order :(

Baby Gabriel
has entered my mind numerous times since the day Sylar was reported missing. They are or would be close enough in height and weight...while Jaryd was bigger.

I don't know if you just pulled a name out of the air... but I thought I would mentioned in case you didn't know, that we DO know what happened to Jaryd Atadero. Or, at least we know that he died on the mountain... how he died is still debated. Police feel it was a mountain lion, his Dad questions that. Regardless, in the summer of 2003 his clothes were found 600 feet from where he disappeared...then part of his skull and a tooth were found ten days later. DNA testing showed it was Jaryd.

I was shocked that there was essentially nothing on WS about him.

Found Deceased CO - Jaryd Atadero, 3, Comanche Peak Wilderness, 1999 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Most articles are archived now as well. But there is a few from 2008.
This may be off topic, I believe it isnt because they have inserted themselves into Sylars case and cause. Not that it is a bad thing but I thought it opened them up for discussion.

So someone on finding Sylar asked Saracares to post a copy of the 501. Here is the responce to that.!/topic.php?uid=147150865297878&topic=157&post=559&ref=notif&notif_t=board_post_reply#post559

Also this was posted on the same thread there towards the top.
By the founder who is also Sara's parent.

''The Sara Cares Foundation provides their services free of charge and they do not charge any administration fees. The Sara Cares Foundation is named after Sara Walls, (the daughter of co-directors Chris Berry and Deanna Harris), who died in July of 2009 of an accidental drug overdose leaving three small children behind.'' UNSNIPP

Then in searching for information about SaraCares was a little info about who the group was founded for and I found this.

And it is written by a parent. Not a huge deal but interesting in how this article says intentional and the Non profit information says accidental.

It did not go unnoticed by me that in the same thread he decided a $10 fee for the 501 info should be charged , that not an admin fee or am I wrong?
well...according to the sylar newton FB page....the funeral home no longer accepts what did the funeral home do with the money people sent there. I hate to eve speculate someone may make money off an innocent child's death..,.but certainly someone has donated something there as well as other places. I want to donate but I'm afraid to. Why can't they just have one place the money goes and posts updates weekly how much has went in. I don't think that is too much to ask. Put a goal up and show people how their donations are making a difference towards that goal. Is that too much to ask??? why so many different accounts? too confusing:waitasec:

If I remember correctly, there was a statement by one either Charity or Anna maybe, that the funeral home was inundated with rude and threatening phone calls. I suspect the owner decided that as much as he wanted to help, it wasn't worth the hassle.
I have no desire to donate to anything having to do with them. It wont help Sylar now. I would rather donate to the SAR teams that spents their days out searching and are now left with holes in their hearts placed there by children they have never met. Maybe that donation would help buy a piece of equipment that would help locate a child or a rope to aid in a rescue.

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