Identified! AZ - Yavapai Co, 'Little Miss Nobody', WhtFem 6-7, UP10741, Jul'60 - Sharon Lee Gallegos

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don't understand the disdain over the name Little Miss Nobody. I thought the sheriff erred by denouncing the monicker at the outset of the press conference.

Situational influence is paramount and always needs to be understood from the given time frame, not half a century later. The movie Little Miss Nobody from 1936 was as tight to 1960 as the movie Titanic would be to today. There was also a Little Miss Nobody unidentified victim from the 1944 Hartford, Connecticut circus fire. Does anyone actually believe that both communities more than 2000 miles apart decided to intentionally belittle a dead precious victim, and to the degree of placing the name on a headstone? Not everything transfers smoothly or obviously from generation to generation. It's the reason I never comment on historical or political or sporting matters from before my time. It would be guesswork, regardless of anything read or viewed.

In this situation you don't need to know anything other than hundreds if not thousands of good caring people were aware of the nickname and had no trouble embracing it. That case was closed 62 years before the name revealed.
I thought Sharon's nephew Rey Chavez did a great job at the presser. IMO, he was the most impressive speaker of any family member who has appeared at these Doe pressers in recent years. And more evidence that family members should not be reluctant to appear and speak, regardless off how microphone shy. Anything you say is a plus. And virtually without exception you'll fare better than you expect, be greeted warmly, and be glad you did it.

To my surprise, Rey Chavez posted once on Websleuths. I looked at the thread devoted to Sharon Lee Gallegos. It is a much shorter thread than this one and includes the post from Rey a few years ago.

Even though that thread includes references to the Little Miss Nobody case it does not appear family members were aware of the possible linkage, based on Rey's comments on Tuesday.
Now that we know definitively that it was in fact Sharon. I now am curious (reading back the thread) about the many comments excluding her due to a lack of match of a footprint. The police department also mentioned the footprint exclusion as a reason they removed Sharon as a possibility.

I am also curious about the lack of information regarding the birthmark/identifying marks that were noted on Sharon's report, were not mentioned on LMN's report.

I think it is miscommunication like this that make people like the websleuth's here so incredibly important. Public information is key in solving these horrible crimes

Wish I had time to come here the other day when Springrain messaged me that she's finally been identified. I'm sure everyone who knows me with my two little girls, LMN and Sharon can imagine how ticked off I was when I heard the ID. I've busted my butt making a DNA compare happen after I entered Sharon in NamUs to specifically be compared using DNA to LMN.

I have a lot of my posts copied to bring over for those with questions. I want to address yours about the foot print.

Foot prints are supposed to be like fingerprints, they do not change as we age, our hands and feet just get bigger.

I'm bringing over a screenshot of the original article when the FBI ruled Sharon out via that footprint way back when saying there is no way LMN's footprint is Sharon's footprint so watch for the articles I'm reposting. I'm very upset that this was some how botched by the FBI way back in 1960. Now I wonder did they really compare footprints or did he not because Sharon wasn't like white bread? To me, Sharon looked European, so I wonder about her parents ethnicities and how much European they have. Sharon doesn't look as "ethnic" as her sister did in the obituary photo. I'm pretty sure I've seen a photo of her mother in her obituary but I don't recall her look.

They’ve been trying to match her DNA to the Gallegos family for four years, but it took Othram’s skills with DNA.

As I said above, I'm copying over some of my posts along with dates. Sharon and LMN's DNA in NamUs is one I am bringing over.

Sharon has had DNA in NamUs which came from her sister. I'm very sad to read that she passed away in 2017, but my heart is happy that I was able to have NamUs contact Sharon's LE to get her sisters DNA for NamUs when I found out her sister was still local. Thankfully when her sister passed, she knew that someone cared enough about Sharon to get her case in our national MP database and Doe Net. Doe Net emailed me at one point, they were going to take her profile offline because the NamUs profile wasn't online.

I don't know why it took over a year for Sharon's NamUs profile to go online, it was not online when her DNA was showing me that it was in fact processed and in their MP DNA database.

LMN was exhumed in 2018, she had DNA in NamUs's UP DNA database since it was done processing. The MP and UP DNA databases automatically check the other when a new case has DNA entered. I believe I also emailed NamUs and/or NCMEC (another worthless organization) to make sure they were checked against each other.

If both Sharon and LMN had DNA in NamUs, it should have hit ASAP, case closed, but it did not. Trust me I want to know why. I tagged Todd Matthews yesterday, not sure if he can even answer my question. This is not the first time it has happened there which is beyond unfortunate, it is tragic that Sharon's sister passed away not knowing the LMN was in fact her sister.

Springrain sent me the doe net page yesterday, it breaks my heart that the narrative I lovingly wrote for Sharon was reduced to a few lines. I had a lot of details about the couple, the car, how she was being stalked, just like her narrative at Never Forget Me. Everyone can see from her album how detailed I was.

I didn't pick up on the exact description of the car Sharon's abductors were driving, but they did release it. Apparently the driver was a pale skinned white man with brown hair and possibly a moustache, and Sharon was forced into the car by a woman (not sure if there's a description of her). There were also two children in the car, one of them was a little boy with freckles.

Pay attention to the posts of mine that I'm going to quote to bring over. Not sure who knows or does not know this, in the quote you'll see Roselvr said with a small arrow. You can right click that small arrow, select open in new tab, it will open my original post so you can read it if the article screen shots do not quote over for some reason.

They released information about the car and the abductors. It was a green Dodge or Plymouth IIRC. Green was a pretty common color back then.

Well done again @othram !
I pulled these posts from earlier in the thread for those that may want to catch up -

Thanks, I'm bringing some over too. I've been reading the last few hours to go back over what I've already done and when.

I don't know much about this case and haven't watched the conference yet but is it be possible that the kidnappers did dye her hair so if anyone was looking for her they might not recognize her? I also wonder why she was killed almost immediately if the kidnappers were the murderers, considering they allegedly had been scoping her out for a while, I would have assumed they'd have kept her alive for a while...

Rip Sharon

I do not know what happened with the original narrative, the kidnappers did dye Sharon's hair using a wash out hair dye which was popular back then. They probably did that to darken or change the light/blond hair that Sharon was known to have.

If you are not listening to the live feed, the police are interested in following up on the following information in regards to the case.
1951 or 1952 Dark Green Car. Possibly Dodge or Plymouth
Suspects asked for directions to Alamo Lake Rd, where body was found
White (pale) Man and Woman. Woman was noted to have spoken with local church (5 days prior to abduction) about Sharon's mother, where she lived. ect.
Reports state that there were 2 other children in the car at the time of the abduction, one being a freckled face boy

Original clothing has been discarded due to improper storage and as a result, became molded.

That's tragic that LMN's clothing was thrown out.

I missed that she had been burned. I do wish we had more information directly from the source about stuff like this. They knew what clothing she had on, they mentioned the color and patterns on the clothing.

Go through the thread. You can scroll until you start seeing me post. I posted a whole bunch of original articles. There was a lot of information given about both LMN and Sharon.

i understood it that her mother also lived there and the father had left the family and was not in contact.

I still have to go visit Sharon's thread to do the same thing I did with LMN. I don't know how it started that Sharon's mother didn't live there too because the articles said she did. Sharon's mother was broken hearted over Sharon being kidnapped until the day she died.

In the old articles, do they say if Sharon's mother had any interaction with the man or was it always just the woman? I wonder if Sharon's mother ever saw a picture of who he remarried. I also wonder if the police ever looked into what kind of car the absent father drove.

I had wondered if it was Sharon's father who put someone up to kidnap her.To my knowledge, I don't even recall that her father was questioned. I could be wrong. I'll see once I get over to Sharon's thread.


All the articles are posted by roselvr here in the thread, and typed out on this FB-page:
Log in or sign up to view

Thanks for linking her album. Massive amounts of time were spent typing the articles out because I like to have a text copy for their album pictures in case the articles go offline which has happened way too many times.

I couldn’t imagine that they’d think that a footprint at the burial site belonged to her! I sort of thought that the FBI was going by the size of her feet/shoes. (Was she wearing shoes when found?)

But on the Sharon Gallegos side of things, they talked about footprints, too, I thought. And how could that make any sense at all, in a house that seemed to be full of little children? I suppose they checked her shoes—left behind? Hmmm, at that age, I only had one pair of shoes at a time. No point in having multiple pairs until your feet start growing, unless it’s a well-to-do family. So, they MIGHT have just had to measure random children’s footprints.

What on earth made them so confident?

all this MOO

I'm not sure if I already addressed this in one of my replies, sorry if it's a repeat.

When kids were born back then, hospitals used to only do an inking of their feet, not feet and hands, so they had Sharon's birth footprints. LMN's ME did an inking of her footprints which was sent to the FBI along with Sharon's prints to be compared. The FBI ruled that there was no way LMN was Sharon based on comparing their footprint inkings.

Those photos should be shown to the two neighbors, if they are still alive. I think the names were Mary Lou Badial and Dolores Badial. They would be in their early to mid 70s today. Dolores was the one who walked Sharon to the market earlier that afternoon. Sharon saw the green car, got scared, and asked to be picked up and carried home.

Some of the articles were not specific toward time frame. But this link indicated that much of the stalking happened earlier the same day. If so, the couple was in a hurry and determined to make it happen that day. That's why they didn't care if the neighbors noticed them in the alley, staring at the Gallegos home:

Sharon Lee Gallegos: abducted by couple in broad daylight in 1960 -True Crime Diva

That author was one of many who believed Little Miss Nobody was likely Sharon Gallegos. I thought the same thing years ago when first sampling this case. Then the reports surfaced in this thread of the DNA not matching her sister. I guess we'll never know what happened there.

Sadly, it looks like her sister passed away in 2017. This appears to be the obituary. Strangely no mention of Sharon, at least not that I saw. The one sister mentioned was named Ruthie:

Thanks for linking her obituary. She sounds like a wonderful person.

The obituaries are usually written by family after losing the person. Unfortunately, loved ones being mentioned get missed. Her son could have written it because her husband had already passed away. It says her loved ones were by her side so it sounded like she was sick.

As to DNA, they both supposedly had DNA in NamUs. I'm looking for answers.

Thank you for taking LMN's case, doing what NamUs failed to do for many years. It is not the first of my cases that I've entered where it should have matched in their database. There was one in Kansas that was identified as a woman I entered years ago. NamUs refused to help get an MP report, they also refused taking her mothers DNA which they used to do, even on not published cases. Her case, LMN/Sharon, the Mendocino Jane Does and a few others should have been solved with NamUs. I've been so disgusted with them and their reps that I stopped renewing my password. NCMEC is just as bad. One of my cases, Helen Green should have been announced as found deceased 5 years ago when we found her. There's been years of dragging their feet on whether to exhume her or not. Last I heard she was finally exhumed but still no announcement. It's over money.

It was obvious to me when I found Sharon that she was LMN, I did everything I could to prove it. I kept up on their DNA samples, was told there was no match.

I did everything I could as both an MP and UP advocate to share these "two little girls" with the world. Putting them on the MP/UP Facebook page I co-own Never Forget Me did a lot to get them all over Facebook. I'm very pleased how the world has fallen in love with their cases. A lot of people also thought they were the same. I can't tell you how thankful I am to you and others like Colleen and DNA Doe Project who have finally given names to so many cases that are dear to my heart, but I'm especially thankful for knowing that LMN was proven by DNA to be Sharon.

I'm big on doing my own DNA at Ancestry, My Heritage, 23 and me, FTDNA and even GEDmatch, I know that there is no doubt that it solves cases. It's so much easier these days being able to know how many cM's a match shares to better pinpoint the exact relationship. I also help adoptees find birth parents. I've figured out the father of one of my 2nd cousins who is my maternal grandmothers sisters grandson, turns out his mystery bio mother is related on my maternal grandfathers side, so at some point 2 descendants from both of my mother's parents got together here in the US. My grandmothers sisters settled in NJ, my grandfathers brothers went to Missouri. My grandparents stayed in Hungary.

Are you able to share the family level match you had for LMN/Sharon? Were you able to get a close match or was it one you really had to work?

Thank you so much!
Below is a few of my replies in the thread showing what I was doing. I've dated some, especially the DNA ones.

Unfortunately, it is not bringing over the articles. I had also brought over the footprints are not a match one but it's not showing.

To go to the post I'm quoting, click the small arrow next to where it shows "Roselvr said", I normally right click the arrow to open in a new thread.

Posted Mar 8, 2016
So very happy to see this!
NamUs Case # 10741 has had changes made. You can view the case by clicking the url below


The following fields have been changed:
DNA : DNA Status changed from "none" to "submitted not complete"
I received a nice reply from her NamUs case worker. He put a call into her LE to see what they have in terms of photos so cross your fingers & toes

This was the previous discussion about rodeo's

NamUs Case # 10741 has had changes made. You can view the case by clicking the url below


The following fields have been changed:
Dental : Dental Available changed from "none" to "entered"

Posted Sep 13, 2016
Someone found a little girl named Sharon Lee Gallegos while reading about Little Miss Nobody. I'm surprised we never saw any of the articles she's mentioned in. This is not my find, I'm just entering her in NamUs.

My email to Brenda, Melissa and Dustin. It's gonna take me a few posts to get it all in. I'm not going to post the text to the articles so that I'm not breaking any WS rules. Huge thank you to Migmuu for helping me with the articles!

One of my pet cases is UP #10741 who's been nicknamed "Little Miss Nobody" (LMN). While researching LMN , a little girl named Sharon Lee Gallegos who was kidnapped at 2:55pm on July 21, 1960 from 512 Virginia Ave, Alamogordo, NM. was mentioned in a few articles. August 2, 1960 - Prescott Evening Courier - Officers Still Seek Clues To ID body Of Girl - MISSING GIRL IN N.M. MAY BE NEW LEAD
The last article about LMN that Sharon is mentioned in is about their foot prints being sent to the FBI. It's said they do not think Sharon is 10741 but I'm not sure if she was ruled out. August 5, 1960 Prescott Evening Courier Footprints Might Lead To Body ID

Sharon is not in any database so I entered her, she's NamUs MP #35250, but I wanted to make sure I touched base with you. I'm including Dustin on this email since UP 10741 is his case. I wanted to make sure I had every article I could find for history since she's not listed. They have all been screen shotted and typed out as well, to make it easier to compose the circumstances. I also included the article links so it's easier for you to confirm where they came from. The articles are listed in order in this email.

To date, Sharon has not been found. I have a lot of information but am missing height and weight. We've found 2 articles for the 5 year anniversary (included below). I also found that someone named Rhonda started a FB page for Sharon called Where is Sharon Lynn Gallegos? (Her middle name is wrong) but they pulled it offline. Here is the google cache.

Hopefully LE can get in contact with Sharon's sister who still lives in Alamogordo.

Sharon Gallegos was kidnapped Thursday, July 21, 1960 in an alley to the rear of her home at 512 Virginia Avenue on Alamogordo's south side at 2:55 p.m. by a man and a woman.

Sharon who would have been 5 on September 5th, was described as having light brown, blondish hair, a light complexion and brown eyes, and was wearing pink shorts and white shoes when she was dragged into a " dirty, old green car" believed to be a dark green 1951 or 1952 Dodge or Plymouth.

At the time of the abduction an Anglo man, described as fair and thin, drove the car which sped South and West onto Fifth Street after Sharon was kidnapped. The woman was described as a short, heavy-set, woman in her 30's with dirty blond hair. The couple had been stalking Sharon for the last week. After church the previous Sunday they were seen with two youngsters in their car, a small girl and a freckle-faced boy. The woman asked about Sharon's mother, saying she wanted to offer her a job.

The car stopped, the woman asked Sharon to come with her and she'd buy her clothes and candy. When Sharon refused, the woman grabbed her arm and dragged her into the car.

Birth date - September 6, 1955
Light brown hair
Fair complexion
Brown eyes
Sharon was wearing pink shorts and white shoes
Scars/ Marks - Birth mark on one hip
Mrs. Lupe Gallegos, had nick-named Sharon "La Huera" because of her blondish hair and fair complexion.

There were statements by LE in the various articles, but I don't think Alamogordo LE names were even given except in Arizona.
Yavapai County Sheriff - Jim Cramer
Yavapai County Attorney - Jim Boyle
Congress Junction Deputy - Dan Jacobs
Prescott Justice of the Peace - Jerold P. Kolar
Under Sheriff - Sam Saum
Deputy Yavapai County Attorney - George Ireland
The FBI was working the case in Alamogordo

City of Alamogordo > Departments > Police
700 Virginia Avenue.
Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310
Phone: (575) 439-4300
Fax: (575) 439-4320

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July 22, 1960 - Alamogordo Daily News from Alamogordo, New Mexico · Page 1 "She's My Baby... I Miss Her..." Distraught Mother Pleads For Return Of Daughter, 4 - Kidnappers Car Vanishes After Daylight Snatch

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July 24, 1960 Alamogordo Daily News from Alamogordo, New Mexico · Page 6 Child not found Old green car hunt continues

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July 28, 1960 - El Paso Herald-Post from El Paso, Texas · Page 2 - Hundreds Of Angles Checked In Kidnapping

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August 2, 1960 - Prescott Evening Courier Officers Still Seek Clues To ID body Of Girl - MISSING GIRL IN N.M. MAY BE NEW LEAD

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August 3, 1960 Prescott Evening Courier New Lead Is No Help In Learning ID of Little Girls Body on page 1

View attachment 101316

It was time consuming to set up the email but hopefully it made it easier on the case workers. Hopefully family can give us better photos but am thankful we have the news clippin ones.

Hopefully LE knows where her sister lived to get DNA and once its done processing it will get run in the database; she could be any number of Jane Does or still alive due to being stolen to pose as an adopted child. If I can get in touch with family, I will discuss doing DNA with family at the genealogy sites and adoption databases.

Posted Sep 13, 2016
August 5, 1960 Prescott Evening Courier Footprints Might Lead To Body ID

View attachment 101317

Jun 25, 1965, Fri, Alamogordo Daily News, Page 1 - A Mother Still Remembers And Yearns... After 5 Years, Hope Remains By Sally Sparlin

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July 2, 1965 Friday Tuscaloosa News Report On Kidnap Victim Is Awaited

View attachment 101320

Little Miss Nobody, forever in my heart!

Posted Feb 16, 2017
Someone found the article where Sharon's foot prints were ruled out as being LMN.
Sharon's Doe Net profile went online Valentine's day. NCMEC contacted her LE who found her sister still living local, they have gotten a DNA sample which is processing. Hopefully her profile will be online soon. I have no clue why it takes so long to get new juvenile MP's online with NCMEC. You'd think once they spoke to LE, got the MP report and info they'd be good to go.

I made a thread for her Sharon Lee Gallegos age 5 Kidnapped from Alamogordo NM July 21, 1960.

Aug 8, 1960 Prescott Evening Courier - Girl's Body, Kidnap Victim Not Linked: FBI Lab Report Says Prints Not Same

An FBI lab report today ruled out any connection between a small girl's body found near Congress and a kidnapped Alamongordo N.M. girl.

"So, again; we're right back where we started," Yavapai Sheriff Jim Cramer reported.

Cramer and other Yavapai authorities are in the Congress area today to check out other possible clues to the identity of the body found July 31 in a shallow desert grave.

"But the leads still to be checked are aweful flimsy," Under Sheriff Sam Saum said.

The FBI report said the foot prints of the two girls are "definately not of the same girl."

Yavapai officers said that an FBI report covering the girl's clothes and a knife found near the body has not yet been received here.

Another clue, turned up last week, also led to a dead end when the story of a migrant family in the Congress area shortly before the girl's body was found checked out.


Posted Jul 19, 2018
Sharon is in NamUs with DNA. I don't know why her profile isn't public. I've asked multiple times.

Unfortunately they're not a match. Their foot prints didn't match way back when either

Posted Aug 9, 2018
I emailed Dustin to see if he can send me LE or ME email addy or is willing to pass on Parabon's info to them so I'll post back when I hear.

We don't know that. Possible she still has someone to claim her. She could have had siblings, aunts or uncles, cousins that wondered what happened to her that are still alive. You'd be surprised how much family could still be around.
I don't understand the disdain over the name Little Miss Nobody. I thought the sheriff erred by denouncing the monicker at the outset of the press conference.

Situational influence is paramount and always needs to be understood from the given time frame, not half a century later. The movie Little Miss Nobody from 1936 was as tight to 1960 as the movie Titanic would be to today. There was also a Little Miss Nobody unidentified victim from the 1944 Hartford, Connecticut circus fire. Does anyone actually believe that both communities more than 2000 miles apart decided to intentionally belittle a dead precious victim, and to the degree of placing the name on a headstone? Not everything transfers smoothly or obviously from generation to generation. It's the reason I never comment on historical or political or sporting matters from before my time. It would be guesswork, regardless of anything read or viewed.

In this situation you don't need to know anything other than hundreds if not thousands of good caring people were aware of the nickname and had no trouble embracing it. That case was closed 62 years before the name revealed.

I agree, they had lovingly given her the name. It is something I've tried to stress in my narrative of LMN and replies here. I wasn't one of the people in this thread who wanted to give her a regular name. It especially bothered one member who I see is not a member any more. They also claimed to have gotten contacted online that LMN may have been trans or identified as male and not a little girl. I kept my mouth shut while they were claiming this but I did not believe it for a minute. The only person that felt that way was that poster themselves because it applied to them. I don't know how many people the member contacted to say their private business besides me. I tried ignoring it. Sorry for the rant, rereading the thread this morning really turned my stomach.

Everything we knew about Sharon was that she was a beautiful little girl.

I thought Sharon's nephew Rey Chavez did a great job at the presser. IMO, he was the most impressive speaker of any family member who has appeared at these Doe pressers in recent years. And more evidence that family members should not be reluctant to appear and speak, regardless off how microphone shy. Anything you say is a plus. And virtually without exception you'll fare better than you expect, be greeted warmly, and be glad you did it.

To my surprise, Rey Chavez posted once on Websleuths. I looked at the thread devoted to Sharon Lee Gallegos. It is a much shorter thread than this one and includes the post from Rey a few years ago.

Even though that thread includes references to the Little Miss Nobody case it does not appear family members were aware of the possible linkage, based on Rey's comments on Tuesday.

Thanks, I haven't had a chance to find the presser yesterday, everything I clicked on did not give it to me, then I had to stop to drive my grandson home from school. I'll find it after I go through Sharon's thread.
When kids were born back then, hospitals used to only do an inking of their feet, not feet and hands, so they had Sharon's birth footprints. LMN's ME did an inking of her footprints which was sent to the FBI along with Sharon's prints to be compared. The FBI ruled that there was no way LMN was Sharon based on comparing their footprint inkings.

Snipped for focus

Thank you! I was visualizing footprints in the dirt, which had me totally baffled.

Two issues:

1: What possible reason could there have been for such a monumental failure on the part of the FBI? If only fragment of LMN’s footprints were recoverable, you’d think that ‘inconclusive,’ would have been an appropriate response.

2: At the press conference today, the member of LE who spoke first seemed very dismissive of the concept of identification by footprints. That seems strange—based on all I’ve ever heard, it’s as solid science as fingerprints, although less used. Maybe just a practical issue—that he might have to work with the FBI some time in the future?

all MOO
I should complete the visual perspective. Sharon's aunt Beatrice saw the abduction from the house and said her first instinct was to jump in a car and chase them. "However, I suddenly remembered I didn't even know how to drive, so I ran for help," she said.

Beatrice watched the car speed away down the alley then turn west on 5th Street. This is that view, the opposite site of the alley than I linked earlier. That was 6th Street. This view linked below is 5th Street. The car would have been heading toward this camera angle on departure. The home is back left in the distance, the white home with the light brown roof. Once the car reached the end of this alley it would have turned right to go west along 5th Street. So that's left as viewed from this angle:

Google Maps
Re: footprints

Could they have brought one of the children when they buried Sharon as a way of traumatizing them/keeping them in line? Perhaps forced them to help dig? I know that sounds terrible, but we have certainly seen other murderers do similar things.

I wonder if law enforcement has returned to this site to look for more evidence now that she has been identified. I'm curious who these other children in the car may have been...
They lost the knife too? Makes me furious the way the FBI handled this.

Someone found the article where Sharon's foot prints were ruled out as being LMN.
Sharon's Doe Net profile went online Valentine's day. NCMEC contacted he
The FBI report said the foot prints of the two girls are "definately not of the same girl."

Yavapai officers said that an FBI report covering the girl's clothes and a knife found near the body has not yet been received here.

Another clue, turned up last week, also led to a dead end when the story of a migrant family in the Congress area shortly before the girl's body was found checked out.

Snipped for focus

Thank you! I was visualizing footprints in the dirt, which had me totally baffled.

Two issues:

1: What possible reason could there have been for such a monumental failure on the part of the FBI? If only fragment of LMN’s footprints were recoverable, you’d think that ‘inconclusive,’ would have been an appropriate response.

2: At the press conference today, the member of LE who spoke first seemed very dismissive of the concept of identification by footprints. That seems strange—based on all I’ve ever heard, it’s as solid science as fingerprints, although less used. Maybe just a practical issue—that he might have to work with the FBI some time in the future?

all MOO

I agree that it was a huge failure for the FBI to not match the footprints as I also read about them when I first found LMN that it was just like a fingerprint, would not change, except the foot would grow larger just like a finger would. My best guess is that back then, it could have been "newer technology". The person "skilled" with doing it was not as good as they thought they were.

I've only seen some of the presser, the sound is way too low using my cell, my computer headset or sound stopped working. I haven't had time to figure out if it is the headset or the computer. I'm going to listen to it when I sit to pick up my grandson from 2:30 to 3:25. My car stereo gets pretty loud.

I think the LE in the presser was not the person to ask for his opinion. He obviously did not know much about it. I did see that part and how he glazed right by it. I was not satisfied either with his excuse.

I should complete the visual perspective. Sharon's aunt Beatrice saw the abduction from the house and said her first instinct was to jump in a car and chase them. "However, I suddenly remembered I didn't even know how to drive, so I ran for help," she said.

Beatrice watched the car speed away down the alley then turn west on 5th Street. This is that view, the opposite site of the alley than I linked earlier. That was 6th Street. This view linked below is 5th Street. The car would have been heading toward this camera angle on departure. The home is back left in the distance, the white home with the light brown roof. Once the car reached the end of this alley it would have turned right to go west along 5th Street. So that's left as viewed from this angle:

Google Maps

Thanks for the maps. I wish I was good at using them but can only do basic things lol

For some reason I thought they were in an apartment building but see it's not the case.

Re: footprints

Could they have brought one of the children when they buried Sharon as a way of traumatizing them/keeping them in line? Perhaps forced them to help dig? I know that sounds terrible, but we have certainly seen other murderers do similar things.

I wonder if law enforcement has returned to this site to look for more evidence now that she has been identified. I'm curious who these other children in the car may have been...

Sure it's possible that the kids dug her hole. Times were way different to where someone 4 or 5 years old did things that a 10 (or older) year old today may do. I was making coffee and doing some cooking between ages 4 and 5. I was baking a cake by myself between 5 and 6. I used to pump gas, doing car windows when I was 11 at my dad's gas station. It was a totally different way of life back then. I'm 10 years younger than Sharon.

It makes no sense why they decided to kill Sharon unless something happened where they freaked, killing her or she died on her own. The ME didn't see any trace of how she died, maybe head wound like Bob Saget? I don't think there were any deceased kids reported in other states around the same time to account for the 2 kids that were seen in the car.

They lost the knife too? Makes me furious the way the FBI handled this.

Both cases have been botched over the years, similar to the little black headless girl. They actually mailed out her sweater but lost track of it, never got it back...

These days, that would not happen that they would mail evidence to a supposed psychic in another state.
I do not know what happened with the original narrative, the kidnappers did dye Sharon's hair using a wash out hair dye which was popular back then. They probably did that to darken or change the light/blond hair that Sharon was known to have.

Last night, I got to thinking about the possible hair coloring and then thought maybe they could have used a rinse. Fanciful still makes them. They require no processing.

Go through the thread. You can scroll until you start seeing me post. I posted a whole bunch of original articles. There was a lot of information given about both LMN and Sharon.

Thanks for linking her album. Massive amounts of time were spent typing the articles out because I like to have a text copy for their album pictures in case the articles go offline which has happened way too many times.

And about the foot prints: Duh...they always take footprints of newborn infants! They're even on birth certificates! It's so easy to forget about this. I was thinking they were taking footprints surrounding her body..duh on my part!

Thank you for all of your hard work! I read Sharon's thread yesterday! I agree, you put in massive amounts of time and effort on this case!
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so the hope is , the other two children survived these people and one of them is still alive and they connect the dots?
I mean it could be possible the perps are still alive however I am assuming their lifestyle was not the healthiest at all times and it is unlikely they will be brought to justice.
Last night, I got to thinking about the possible hair coloring and then thought maybe they could have used a rinse. Fanciful still makes them. They require no processing.

And about the foot prints: Duh...they always take footprints of newborn infants! They're even on birth certificates! It's so easy to forget about this. I was thinking they were taking footprints surrounding her body..duh on my part!

Thank you for all of your hard work! I read Sharon's thread yesterday! I agree, you put in massive amounts of time and effort on this case!

Hey, you’re not alone! I think @Roselvr is the only person here who knew what sort of footprints they were talking about! And I knew all about the concept of inked footprints, too.
Re: footprints

Could they have brought one of the children when they buried Sharon as a way of traumatizing them/keeping them in line? Perhaps forced them to help dig? I know that sounds terrible, but we have certainly seen other murderers do similar things.

I wonder if law enforcement has returned to this site to look for more evidence now that she has been identified. I'm curious who these other children in the car may have been...

This is the sort of footprints I visualized, too, but evidently, LE was talking about footprints used like fingerprints—the footprints of Sharon taken at her birth, compared to the footprints of the body, inked and pressed like fingerprints.
I found out what I could about the person questioned a week after Sharon was found. He was known to be hitch hiking in the Prescott area July 27-28 and was in Alamogordo when Sharon disappeared on July 21st. (I don't know what about him caught investigators interest. Who knows?? Did someone pick him up Jul 27/28 and strike up a conversation with him??)

He was born in 1913 and died in 1999
His Find A Grave indicates he only had one child, who was born in 1940
From the article: Davidson denied that more than their four children were with him.

He was married at the time he was questioned. He wife, who was his son's mother, died of heart attack in 1969. She was 50 years old.

He could have had more children.......I know Texas has pretty open birth records, but if they were traveling around, they could have children born in another state and the birth records are not online...

He lived in the area near Tyler. He is buried in Longview, which is near Tyler.

The 1940 Census indicates that he is a HS graduate and a farmer. The Census also indicates he had no income in 1939, but I take some of the census stuff with a grain of salt. His wife indicates that she has 3 years of HS.

Another article briefly refers to the Davidsons as a "migrant family". Maybe he was a migrant farm worker. Who knows??

Prescott Evening Courier - Google News Archive Search


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I'm thankful I was in the right place at the right time to do what I do best to get "both girls" info on Facebook and the net.

I read articles until my eyes popped out of my head lol

I'm so glad that it sounds like I made it easy on both of their LE by putting all of the articles on Never Forget Me since the man said records were gone.

I honestly don't believe NCMEC was involved that much in 2013. LMN was on NamUs about 2014 but my experience with NCMEC tells me they didn't do much if anything at all until there was so many people interested that they had to.
‘’We’re honored to be here today to give this little girl her name back,’’ a representative from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children said at a news conference.

On July 21, 1960, 10 days before the little girl was found dead in Arizona, Gallegos was playing with two other children in an alley near her family’s home in Alamogordo, N.M., when a ‘’dirty, old green car’' drove up to her, according to a report from the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System. A woman asked Gallegos to get into the car, offering to buy her clothes and candy. But when the little girl refused, the stranger ‘’grabbed her arm and dragged her into the car,’’ the report says. The woman and her male companion had allegedly been stalking Gallegos for a week.

A family photo of Sharon Lee Gallegos was displayed by the Yavapai County Sheriff's Office during a news conference in Prescott, Ariz., Tuesday. The Yavapai County Sheriff's office said the previously unidentified little girl dubbed "Little Miss Nobody," whose remains were found more than 60 years earlier in the Arizona desert was 4-year-old Gallegos, of New Mexico

One of the witnesses of the kidnapping who had been outside playing with Gallegos told law enforcement that he saw two children in the car, including a ‘’freckle-faced little boy,’’ Lieutenant Tom Boelts said at the news conference.

Gallegos’s nephew Ray Chavez, who was born five years after she went missing, said at the news conference that his family described his aunt as a ‘’feisty’' and ‘’jovial’' child who enjoyed playing with her cousins. He added that the kidnapping shaped his upbringing, with his mother, Gallegos’s sister, being very protective.
An unidentified child found dead in 1960 was dubbed ‘Little Miss Nobody.’ Authorities now know her name. - The Boston Globe
I can't help but wonder
Why did they descend on Alamogordo?
What made them decide on that town?

They sound like they were complete strangers to the area. Alamogordo is kinda in the middle of nowhere.

I wonder if they were from Texas? Back in the day people would cross state lines to commit crimes, but the kidnappers knew they were committing a federal crime.

There is an Air Force Base about 10 miles away. Maybe the guy had been previously stationed there and knew of the town? The oldest aerial I can find is from 1972. The area is surrounded by mountains and desert. Probably was not the easiest place to get to in 1960

Source: Historic Aerials: Viewer
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