"...baby is running out of time." UPDATE!

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This is ridiculous. Can't the hospital just do the surgery and then wait for the fee????? Unfreakinbelievable. They'd let a baby die. I thought hospitals and doctors were in it to save lives? I guess I was wrong. Well, the doctors may be but obviously the big business hospitals aren't.

Lately health insurance is a joke. There are so many things they won't cover and then when they do, they make you jump through hoops to get it.

I hope everyone posts the links on facebook, myspace, etc. in order to let people know about this. Maybe with donations this little guy can have his surgery.
This makes me so angry, that poor family has only managed to raise $46,621 so far, i prayed that by now some caring rich people would have stepped up, god knows theres people who have seen this story that could help hugely with no real cost or burden to themselves. I wish i had the money and i pray someone helps soon. Ive donated what i could. Thank you diamond for the link, i live in scotland and i would never have had heard of this without your link.
They should try Riley Hospital for Children in Indy. They treat sick kids regardless of parent's ability to pay (as I understand it). Great hospital.
beckaroozie, do they do transplants? If they do I wonder if the family is aware of this hospital?
That is so heartbreaking.
One of the few cases where I'd wish the parents would quit earning income to qualify for aid. But they count donated monies against you to. :(
Why can't I be rich?? This breaks my heart :( I pray that the family gets the money they need to heal their little guy. What a little sweetheart he is. I will post this on my own forum, as well as MySpace and Facebook.
Oh how sad is this. I really hope the little one makes it. I couldn't donate much but I suppose every little does help.
OMGosh!!! I just went to check for an update and it states the following:

"Thank you for your prayers and support!! Because of you we are currently en route to a transplant facility! Details to come!"
Thank you to all that took the time to read it and pass it on or donate. God bless all of you and this family. I'm so happy for them!!!:cloud9:
Thank goodness!

I donated today...such a great feeling! ....

I even thought it was some sort of scam...but said to myself...ah...so what> It's only 5 dollars!

Prayers for a successful transplant and a speedy recovery.
Something I just thought about. I'm also going to say a prayer for the parents of the little one that made this donation. They have to be very special people to think of someone else at such a difficult time as losing a child. God bless them.
Here is the latest as of march 1st

Update!! March 1, 2009

Baby Laith has been admitted to the Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh and is currently awaiting a transplant. This would not have been possible without all of your help, support and prayers!!!
Wonderful. I wish I had seen this sooner. Iw ould have contacted the family and at least given them information about our system, here. I've never heard of a facility (especially ours) denying care because of a family's inability to pay...but perhaps they were a for-profit hospital....very glad this child is getting the care needed!!! Prayers to them....and for the people that donated.
Thank God! I hope it doesn't take long for them!

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