Baby Lisa's Crib

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I don't think it's the basement in a true sense of what a basement is.

Their house is a ranch w/ a walkout basement, so they do have stairs leading down to the basement. Very common layout in this area.
Their house is a ranch w/ a walkout basement, so they do have stairs leading down to the basement. Very common layout in this area.

Well since the house was searched from top to bottom she obviously is not in the basement. We still have the exact same problem under "she got out of the crib" scenario. Where is she at?
Their house is a ranch w/ a walkout basement, so they do have stairs leading down to the basement. Very common layout in this area.

But it still makes no sense to me. IF she fell down the stairs or into the tub, then I would think the dog would have hit in the basement or the bathroom, and not on the floor by mom's bed. If she died there, then she would have been alive when pulled from the tub or the bottom of the stairs. IF SO, then there is no excuse for not calling 911. :mad:
Lisa's crib.....


that does look quiet high,even if you say the bottom of the bumper is where the mattress is that still looks high.
my little ones cribs were always the lowest they could go,i always had the fear that they would fall out.
But it still makes no sense to me. IF she fell down the stairs or into the tub, then I would think the dog would have hit in the basement or the bathroom, and not on the floor by mom's bed. If she died there, then she would have been alive when pulled from the tub or the bottom of the stairs. IF SO, then there is no excuse for not calling 911. :mad:

We only know the dog hit in the bedroom where Lisa may have been placed by mom. The dog may have hit other places in the house. LE only needed one hit in order to ask for a search warrant.
Both my kids could climb out of their cribs at 9 months. I kept a mattress by the side of the crib for my 2nd son. As soon as they climbed out, I put them in little low beds right away to keep them from hurting themselves.
Of course there's always the first time, and I suppose if a baby fell just right, the little neck could break, but I don't think that's what happened.

I saw that video on tv. Pretty cute video, but glad I never had twin boys. lol

But watching it makes me even more certain that climbing out would probably not have killed her or injured her that badly. Both my kids eventually learned to flip themselves over and out of their cribs, and neither ever got hurt. We just had to move them to toddler beds.

She may have gotten out by herself, and been unattended, and something bad happened. Was there a bathtub full of water left for the boys? Did she walk or just crawl? Did she fall down some stairs?
Did she pull something down on top of her head?
Their house is one story, right? So no stairs. And I doubt that a fall from a crib is going to kill a child.
What if she got wedged by her neck between the slats and the mattress? Or the slats/bumper pads/mattress?
I think the cot bumper makes the mattress look higher than it actually is

But that doesn't change the height between the mattress and the crib railing.:waitasec:

I'm actually glad this picture shows items in the crib that can give us a better idea of the height between the two, when it's weighted down a bit.

If the crib was at the setting seen in the picture, it's very dangerous, regardless of it it played a role in this case.

She may not have even been trying to get out of the crib for a fall to happen.

Just standing up and leaning forward could do it IMO....which is unlikely to lead to death, but could cause a concussion.

Something happened to me last night that spooked me, and gave me a new 'out there' possible theory.
I got up to fill a glass of water from my kids bathroom, without switching the light on.

I kicked, then tripped over something that then went flying against the basin cabinet, and when I switched the light on I discovered it was a doll.

Obviously Lisa would be a lot heavier than the doll, but I wondered if lisa had gotten out of her crib, crawled into mums room searching for her then layed down and fell asleep on the floor , possibly from just being tired, or because she was concussed.

If DB was drunk (or even if she was completely sober) and lights were off, or she had no idea that Lisa was where she was, she could have stepped right on top if her, tripped, then landed with her full weight on Lisa.

Or Lisa could have layed there , choked on her own vomit (from the fall, being unwell, or crying so hard she made herself sick), and she died there on the floor of DB's room.
But, even if poor Lisa flipped herself out of her cradle & passed away (be it the fall, falling down stairs, or an accidental drowning) why the hiding of her body & the lies about abduction? Accidents, sadly, happen every hour of the day & even if she had been drinking the the police would have been able to tell it was an accident.

I think an "innocent" person would have called 911... Not automatically gone into "cover-up" mode...
I agree. None of these "accidental" scenarios explain where the child is.
Brilliant! That's it exactly! Never even thought of the bumper!

That doesn't even look like a normal size baby bed to me. Either that or the infanct seat is huge. It appears to be taking up the whole bed. jmo
But she couldn't have gotten far.
I think if she'd gotten out of the crib + injured in some way "that's what 911 is for". However I had a couple thoughts on danger of the set up as it is. 1. What was on the window before the black plastic? Anything with cords, such as blinds? 2. Is it possible she could've fallen out of the window? (DB - was scared of what she might find out back?) Might also explain the screen damage if the screen could be swapped with the computer room window. Neither of these explains where Lisa is now or why 911 wasn't called, but just theories that came to mind in relation to the crib set up. MOO
I broke my collarbone climbing out of my crib in the middle of the night at around one yr. old. (first born) The mattress looks too high in the crib, as many people have noticed. I don't know if it was taken apart by LE and the height position changed or not. To me dogs hitting in Mom's bedroom, sounds like Lisa eventually ended up in Mom's bedroom, but how she got there goes unanswered.
That doesn't even look like a normal size baby bed to me. Either that or the infanct seat is huge. It appears to be taking up the whole bed. jmo

It's a bathtub, I believe.
But, even if poor Lisa flipped herself out of her cradle & passed away (be it the fall, falling down stairs, or an accidental drowning) why the hiding of her body & the lies about abduction? Accidents, sadly, happen every hour of the day & even if she had been drinking the the police would have been able to tell it was an accident.

I think an "innocent" person would have called 911... Not automatically gone into "cover-up" mode...

BBM- I agree, but there's a few reasons I can think of why a person may go into cover-up mode, rather than doing the right thing if there was an accident.

1. She could still be charged with criminally negligent homicide.

2. She wasn't thinking like a 'normal' innocent person because she was inebriated.

3.She may care more about covering her own butt than doing the right thing for her child. We already know she put her 'needs' ahead of the childrens with her 'adult time' comment and being so flippant about it.

4. She may not want the body found or autopsied because she could have given Lisa something that 'could' potentially have caused death or illness, even if Lisa didn't die as a direct result of that.

It's certainly abnormal and wrong, but that doesn't make it an impossibility IMO.

Back to the crib.....

Has anyone seen any other pics of Lisa actually in the crib?
Have the parents ever mentioned in interviews if Lisa always sleeps in there, or if she sometimes sleeps in with mum and dad? TIA
I agree. None of these "accidental" scenarios explain where the child is.

Dr. C ME, when discussing Caylee's case said, paraphrasing, when babies have accidents 911 is called.

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