Baez files motion for JG DNA report showing he's not the father 1/28/09

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Some items setting off alarms to me:
-What we know about Dr. Lee's past
-the fact that Dr. Lee found some "hair" samples in the car that le previously missed
-the anthonys alluding to JG being a person of interest
-JB requesting a copy of the dna test excluding JG as Caylee's father (which has JG's dna)
If I was JG I would be wondering if perhaps I left some hair somewhere and it was collected and mysteriously placed somewhere. (DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH THINKING THAT I BELIEVE JG HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS - I do not, I truly believe he was the only person that felt anything remotely resembling unconditional love towards Caylee)
I did not read the entire post, so if this has been brought up & discussed already I apologize.
ALL of the above is MOO.

Adding to your list:
-suddenly changing their mind about visiting the crime scene. :waitasec:
Yep! Everytime LE drags their feet and delays turning over the discovery the defense asked for, it triples the time. After the LE FINALLY turns over the discovery (after the defense asking for it 2 or 3 times which translates into about 30 days for each request), the defense then looks at the discovery and that usually leads to more information needed because the discovery lead to new info and thus, more discovery requests.

For example, the discovery says 3 different hairs found, 1 hair submitted for testing, tested by lab A, and the hair belonged to the defendant.

Then the defense needs to ask for discovery on what testing was done, by what lab, on the other hairs and what does the prosecution know about who the other hairs belonged to? And so the visious circle begins again. It takes about 3 months for the prosecution to finally turn over THAT information after 2 or 3 more requests by the defense.

See how this works? Especially when the Defense wants a speedy trial and it is in the best interests of the prosecution NOT to have a speedy trial. They usually like to wait at least 1 1/2 years then go and offer a plea deal to the person in jail, hoping to get a "win" without the risk of a "not guilty".

So who's is delaying the trial into years? Lovely system we have, isn't it?

With all due respect, Baez is the gentleman who requested information on all the tips LE received on Caylee's disappearance, and that disk sits still to this day in OCSO's office awaiting his presence to pick it up and pay for it. Baez is the gentleman who was called when LE was nearly finished with the crime scene to let him know that he would be welcome to come down there while they were still holding the site to do his investigation (that one that he wants the judge to force the owner of the property to let him in to conduct now) and he refused. Baez is the gentleman who made the plea that the State not be allowed to issue a gag order and then complained when, through the Sunshine Law, the public was privy to the same information that he requested. Baez is the gentleman who called his client "Public Enemy #1" and himself "Public Enemy #2" and then motioned the court to waive Casey's appearances because there is negative publicity.

Please. Do not assume that the State is playing any game here. They are required to give Baez what he asks for. It is NOT the State's (nor the Judge's) duty to inform him of how to go about asking for discovery. Just because the State has information, the Defense is required to ASK for it, not to make them beg. If the Defense is competent, he will make certain to ask for ALL items he thinks will be pertinent. Baez is demonstrating that, as he reads through discovery documents, that he should have asked for other items. It is not the State's job to give him more than he asks for, it is Baez's job to be thorough.
So Baez wants THE LAB REPORT showing by test that JG not the father. Could JG blackout his own DNA code on the report give that to JB upon request? Afterall, it is a signed document that affirms that DNA testing has been done and JG is not the father of Caylee. Seems easy enough.

Otherwise, If I were JG, I'd have an attorney force JB to prove any relevance and subpeona the document from JG(if that is possible). Also, I'd have an attorney argue in court that the SA cannot turn over the report without JG's permission unless the DNA code is blacked out. This is very private information, and unless pertinance is shown, I'd fight the release if I were JG.
Those that know a bit of jurisprudence please correct me. :)

If Baez wants to know who Caylee's dad was why doesn't he just ask his client? She's so honest I'm sure she would tell him the truth. Also, Casey should have a copy of the report after the blood tests were taken and so should Jesse G. Why does Baez want to know who the father was anyway? What difference does it make now?
LOL! Baez probably wishes he could collect back child support for Caylee! No, that's not it, but why could he want that DNA report?

Who said who's DNA they wanted. There have been MANY people that have given LE DNA swabs in this case.
JG and God knows who else. Maybe all of the other men or boys KC slept with or had sex with.
This report tonite didnt tell me that it was Jesse's DNA that they wanted.

Remember in the last doc dump where LE was asking for LA's DNA to be tested against Caylee's This could be another avenue for JB and also if you think about it. THis could be the reason that LA may be looking at criminal charges as KC did say that LA and GA were interested in her.
Who said who's DNA they wanted. There have been MANY people that have given LE DNA swabs in this case.
JG and God knows who else. Maybe all of the other men or boys KC slept with or had sex with.
This report tonite didnt tell me that it was Jesse's DNA that they wanted.

Remember in the last doc dump where LE was asking for LA's DNA to be tested against Caylee's This could be another avenue for JB and also if you think about it. THis could be the reason that LA may be looking at criminal charges as KC did say that LA and GA were interested in her.

Here's the motion:

At #23, the defense specifically requests the results of the paternity test. IIRC, what was in the discovery was the summary page, which the defense appears to already have, noting it by page # in their request. FWIW, I think the defense is requesting more than just the page ruling JG out as Caylee's bio-dad; they want the full testing results that support the finding, iow, Caylee's, Casey's and JG's dna profile.

I don't think they're looking for Caylee's bio-dad. My first thought is they are really looking for a specific dna profile for Caylee, rather than mitochondrial or from the toothbrush, etc. But, it could be knowing this is another item not readily available to the prosecution and that there may be a protracted battle over it, defense is just trying to keep Casey in protective custody longer. Could be they're hoping that some of JG's dna was anywhere in the car so they can continue to try to throw him under the bus as they have from the start.

Notice the defense also asked again for FBI docs they've been told are not under the jurisdiction of the court until they are in prosecution's possession. Could be just normal dotting of i's, wanting the report as soon as prosecution gets it, but I tend to see this defense, if you want to call it that, is designed more to keep Casey out of general population as long as possible, rather than attempting to free her. I'm confident that even with the dream team, the state's case is just too strong. I can't imagine any juror getting past 31 days without reporting. Certainly no juror with children would.

Besides, we shouldn't overlook the possibility that some of these experts may not come up with opinions that will be helpful to the defense and may not be called by them. Wouldn't be the first time that's happened with reputable experts whose opinion isn't for sale.

Even if they're trying to shift blame toward JG, I'm confident that will fail due to the nanny debacle. Again, 31 days. <sarcasm warning> What? JG stole her from the nanny and also the nanny's keys to the car? Or was it that Casey made up the nanny to cover for JG? I don't think even Cindy would buy that one and George wouldn't even rent it. ;)

Finally, I think LA's atty. was pretty specific in that he was concerned about aiding and abetting or obstruction charges. These would be after the fact, nothing pre-dating Caylee's disappearance.
Here's the motion:

At #23, the defense specifically requests the results of the paternity test. IIRC, what was in the discovery was the summary page, which the defense appears to already have, noting it by page # in their request. FWIW, I think the defense is requesting more than just the page ruling JG out as Caylee's bio-dad; they want the full testing results that support the finding, iow, Caylee's, Casey's and JG's dna profile.

I don't think they're looking for Caylee's bio-dad. My first thought is they are really looking for a specific dna profile for Caylee, rather than mitochondrial or from the toothbrush, etc. But, it could be knowing this is another item not readily available to the prosecution and that there may be a protracted battle over it, defense is just trying to keep Casey in protective custody longer. Could be they're hoping that some of JG's dna was anywhere in the car so they can continue to try to throw him under the bus as they have from the start.

Notice the defense also asked again for FBI docs they've been told are not under the jurisdiction of the court until they are in prosecution's possession. Could be just normal dotting of i's, wanting the report as soon as prosecution gets it, but I tend to see this defense, if you want to call it that, is designed more to keep Casey out of general population as long as possible, rather than attempting to free her. I'm confident that even with the dream team, the state's case is just too strong. I can't imagine any juror getting past 31 days without reporting. Certainly no juror with children would.

Besides, we shouldn't overlook the possibility that some of these experts may not come up with opinions that will be helpful to the defense and may not be called by them. Wouldn't be the first time that's happened with reputable experts whose opinion isn't for sale.

Even if they're trying to shift blame toward JG, I'm confident that will fail due to the nanny debacle. Again, 31 days. <sarcasm warning> What? JG stole her from the nanny and also the nanny's keys to the car? Or was it that Casey made up the nanny to cover for JG? I don't think even Cindy would buy that one and George wouldn't even rent it. ;)

Finally, I think LA's atty. was pretty specific in that he was concerned about aiding and abetting or obstruction charges. These would be after the fact, nothing pre-dating Caylee's disappearance.

JB is flailing.
JB is flailing.

Oh sure, go ahead and say everything I was trying to say in a dozen paragraphs by using only three words; in fact, go ahead and say it way better with just those 3 words! Oh, I see you just did. :)
Don't they already have JG's dna sample? The defense can do their own test to compare to Caylee's DNA.
UMM am I not correct?
Baez getting other people to do his work again.
So the question of the day is...Could JG's DNA be linked to any of the hairs that Dr. Lee found in the trunk, and if so, couldn't that help to prove reasonable doubt?

OK First post for me, so be nice.

Remember KC took a shower at JG's in early July (?date) and he remarked how odd that was and she didn't seem to need one? She had access to his shower/sink drains ... and not necessarily the car at that time, but Caylee's body?
The following is respectfully taken from a post by Bond on another thread:

OT: Researching pings...
OT: However, in response to researching pings:

1) Goto the Sticky Forum (3rd in the list of Sub-Forums on the at the top of the main Caylee Forum page) Link here for convenience:
2) Scroll down/page forward to find the Thread for the day of interest. Titles are all in the same format, "Ping Map for June ##, 2008 - Discuss that day only."
3) Goto post#1 of the day of interest thread.
4) Use the link provided by Georgia PI in post#1 to view the Google Map for that day flagged with each ping and its associated time.
5) Read the thread for the day of interest to see if your specific interest/question has been discussed.

Hope that helps. Now...back to Theories

Hi Marina:) I took this msg from a different post from Bond a few minutes ago. I'm posting to help us test if it could have happened (KC leaving then returning) but I still need to research.
I want to thank BJB for sharing that with us. Spent some time exploring that yesterday. Very cool!
The motion was filed later and won't be heard yet. (Thanks to Kathy on the other thread for explaining it to me!)
On JVM just now they were talking about this and she had a FL state attorney on and that attorney thinks JB is going to use the DNA theory and create a phantom father and say he stole and murdered Caylee because he didn't want to pay child support. I was like :eek:. She said that could be one stories they could go with because on the birth certificate it say unknown and since the phantom nanny didn't work I can picture JB and KC concocting this story. Too bad there is no link unless someone has the show saved from tonight.
Oh sure, go ahead and say everything I was trying to say in a dozen paragraphs by using only three words; in fact, go ahead and say it way better with just those 3 words! Oh, I see you just did. :)
On JVM just now they were talking about this and she had a FL state attorney on and that attorney thinks JB is going to use the DNA theory and create a phantom father and say he stole and murdered Caylee because he didn't want to pay child support. I was like :eek:. She said that could be one stories they could go with because on the birth certificate it say unknown and since the phantom nanny didn't work I can picture JB and KC concocting this story. Too bad there is no link unless someone has the show saved from tonight.

Hi, all, sorry to break in.

My thoughts have also been traveling in this direction....I can see no other use for the JG DNA evidence except to establish a "way in" for defense to begin a "story" line. The defense is also interested in AL interviews and notes. What do the two have in common, aside from dating KC? They have both said that KC was abused by her brother IIRC. (Or is it that AL testimony will describe KC's reported version of nightmares and she told an additional male friend about abuse?)

I know.....but this is the only use I can think why defense wants a NEGATIVE DNA test. Agreed, I do not know the precise wording of the motion / request.....But it cannot have been just for JG's own DNA. Had to be for (non) open the door?
Hi, all, sorry to break in.

My thoughts have also been traveling in this direction....I can see no other use for the JG DNA evidence except to establish a "way in" for defense to begin a "story" line. The defense is also interested in AL interviews and notes. What do the two have in common, aside from dating KC? They have both said that KC was abused by her brother IIRC. (Or is it that AL testimony will describe KC's reported version of nightmares and she told an additional male friend about abuse?)

I know.....but this is the only use I can think why defense wants a NEGATIVE DNA test. Agreed, I do not know the precise wording of the motion / request.....But it cannot have been just for JG's own DNA. Had to be for (non) open the door?

AL told LE that KC had nightmares, and said she was dreaming about their relationship, not abuse.

Did JG say KC told him that she was abused? I don't remember that. She told AL she was abused.
OK First post for me, so be nice.

Remember KC took a shower at JG's in early July (?date) and he remarked how odd that was and she didn't seem to need one? She had access to his shower/sink drains ... and not necessarily the car at that time, but Caylee's body?

Welcome loreet!

Are you saying she was looking to set up JG.....Scary thought!!
AL told LE that KC had nightmares, and said she was dreaming about their relationship, not abuse.

Did JG say KC told him that she was abused? I don't remember that. She told AL she was abused.

The facts have become so tangled for me lately....I read recently here on WS that the nightmares were about the manner in which Caylee was conceived, via incest. I really hate writing that, but can think of no other way to say what I mean without too much complication.

I *know* that AL interview says something different. I assumed I missed something in new AL material. Sometimes it is hard for me to separate fact from supposition lately in that many of us, self included, got out of the habit of moo, imho, iirc etc

There was one other male associate / bf that KC told about alleged abuse.

I am NOT saying it occured, I am saying this *could be* the defense story based on what KC *may* have told her own lawyers / defense PIs.

reinstituting: MOOOO! Emphasis added to make sure people know this is a moo. My speculation why JG DNA requested by defense. : )

The facts have become so tangled for me lately....I read recently here on WS that the nightmares were about the manner in which Caylee was conceived, via incest. I really hate writing that, but can think of no other way to say what I mean without too much complication.

I *know* that AL interview says something different. I assumed I missed something in new AL material. Sometimes it is hard for me to separate fact from supposition lately in that many of us, self included, got out of the habit of moo, imho, iirc etc

There was one other male associate / bf that KC told about alleged abuse.

I am NOT saying it occured, I am saying this *could be* the defense story based on what KC *may* have told her own lawyers / defense PIs.

reinstituting: MOOOO! Emphasis added to make sure people know this is a moo. My speculation why JG DNA requested by defense. : )


Nothing new on the AL testimony. That she said she was dreaming about "their relationship" was his last statement to LE. Some posters opined that she was really dreaming about the murder. I think I concur that it's likely.

Yeah, I think there WAS one other guy that she claimed abuse to. Wasn't JG, I don't think.

Seems like JB is just demanding a lot of ill-assorted stuff. I still think he's just flailing.

Incest discussion is in the Parking Lot.


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