Baez files motion for JG DNA report showing he's not the father 1/28/09

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Bingo- JG is in love with Casey, upset about the paternity test, jealous of the new relationship with Tony, fired from the police department, he is looking to paint reasonable doubt that there are people with more motivation than lovely mother of the year- look at my smiling photos Casey.

Exactly Red! Also, it might be noteworthy that JG was not fired...that was another cop that KC was sleeping with. Ironically, JG resigned on or around 6/24/08 - isn't that the same day GA was asking about the gas cans? Isn't that one of the days that fits into JWG's and Bond's timeline of when KC got rid of her daughter's corpse? Not sure, I'll have to go back and look, but they are highly respected by me b/c of the amount of time and intelligence put into their theories (among others). So, needless to say, his date of resigning from OCSO could very well play a role in this and therefore reasonable doubt could be created...that along with a bit of the evidence that we haven't seen thus far.
I hope LE has a someone ready to testify about Dr Lee's credablitiy. He fits right in with the rest of this defense
item #16 and #19 makes me think he is going after Dr Vass and Dr G.
He wants to see all grants from government for Dr Vass, and he wants to see all payments for Dr G. from any media shows.

This is going to be a throw everyone under the bus and see who survives. I hope all these people have crossed their T's and dotted their I's, and have nothing to hide in the closet. This defense appears to be going after them all.

It looks as though anyone near this case will be harmed by it. the list is getting longer.
I agree with all said above and will add my thoughts and questions. Again I see Baez asking for information that the SA office may not even have yet and information from the FBI that he is not entitled to from what I understood. "IMO" Baez looks like a chicken with his head cut off. His dream team is leading him in all these motion's he is filing. I know it seems senseless, but it's working. People are now looking into the possibility that another person could of been involved and the case has once again shifted from Casey killed Caylee, to a bunch of motions, paternity test, the family asking for immunity, Lee's possible charges, the family now say they "don't know what to believe", a private meeting in the jail, no memorial for Caylee and the smell of ham and the fact that Dr.Lee got O.J. off of his murder charges make me believe this case may heading in the same direction. Dr.Lee discovered a lot from the car that the local authorities missed. Including many hairs and other that have been sent off to the labs. I hope this does not go against the SA and the local authorities, but I would think this is a big break for the defense and they will use it against the prosecutors.

I am thinking the reason he is asking for all the DNA is due to the fact the Dr.Lee had found other hairs and items in the car that the local authorities missed. I see that to be a big problem in the near future as they will use that against LE. So, it could be that they will try and prove that someone else could of killed Caylee from the evidence collected..resonable doubt. As someone else pointed out about the laundry bag. That made me think of the shower that Casey took at one of her ex boyfriends house. Could it be she stole the laundry bag from someone else? As for Jesse's paternity results I though that Casey had that information as well as LE? Then I think about Cindy telling LE that Jesse or Amy could be the nanny and that Casey had told her not to contact Jesse. Which brings me to the text that Casey had sent Jesse around July3.."If my mom calls you, what ever you do don't talk to her, I will explain later". :waitasec: I also noticed in the last doc dump that they had Eric. B. death certificate. 18 yr old that died in Kentucky born in Ohio, not sure what the connection is with that except that Cindy did state a few times that Caylee's father was an old friend of Casey's from school that had moved to Tennessee, this Eric was in Kentucky, he could of been visiting..still up in the air about that one.

What is heart breaking is that the SA is fighting for Justice for Caylee and so many are interfering..."IMO". This precious angel did not ask for this and I wish some on the defense would have some morals and realize that this is about an innocent child that lost her life in her mother's hands. I really wish that legislation would change and that the "Victims" would have more rights. Poor Caylee is still sitting in card board box while Casey is just worried about herself and her defense. Just heart breaking and I pray to God that justice will be served for this precious angle, may she RIP..
Yeah but as far as I know LE took it as evidence and if it is evidence then the DA has a responsibility to turn it over to Baez too.

I was under the impression that the DNA test was the propert of JG. he paid for it, it wasn't performed by LE. So why should JB be allowed to have it, it doesn't pertain to this case. Also, we don't know if the labs are done processing all the fingerprint evidence.
OK, people, here's what I predict: I think that the reason JB is requesting JG's DNA test isn't to see if he's actually not related to Caylee, it's to create reasonable doubt based on the type of the DNA test used! Lest we not forget that it was wonderful Dr. Henry Lee that helped to get OJ Simpson off on murder 1 charges! If I remember correctly, it was Dr. Lee that suggested it was the type of DNA testing done that proved reasonable doubt based on the fact that several thousand people in California alone shared similar markers. I sure hope the FBI used several different methods to test every single bit of trace evidence, otherwise good ol' Dr. Lee will have another notch in his respective lab belt! I've been wondering how and why JB pulled Dr. Lee onto their team - now I create reasonable doubt! I also thought of something that's easily disgusting...what about if the State of Florida is actually paying for Dr. Lee? I found a loophole in their law that says such things could be done, but then I heard that Dr. Lee is pro not sure about that. I honestly hope they (FBI & OCSO + JG's lab) didn't use PCR, because if they did, KC could very well walk. I personally haven't respected this Dr. since OJ's trial...and now I loathe him even more...but that's beside the point! It is my understanding that JB contracted Dr. Lee before this case became high profile...but it had the potential to become high profile nationwide. This would draw a HUGE audience - alot of money to be made! It's made me sick since day one! Keep in mind that these so-called experts might not make any $ during the trial, but they stand to make millions in interviews, book deals, expert panelists, etc. after the trial.!:furious:

PCR DNA testing is used to amplify DNA (replicate) when only trace amounts are available. The lab that did JG's paternity test would have no reason to use this because they had access to as much genetic material as they would need. There is no worry that Lee will challenge PCR used in JG's lab result because it wasn't used.

PCR was challenged in the OJ trial because, IIRC, some drops of blood didn't yield enough genetic material or it was degraded so that they used this technique.

There's probably another reason JB wants the paternity test besides creating reasonable doubt, ie. free copy of JG's DNA.
It goes without saying that the defense will try to bring reasonable doubt to any and all of the lab results. That's why they hire the experts.
Bold by me.....No, Baez doesn't want out of this! He is a rock star now! He loves the spotlight! JB should be the poster child for law school students...."This is what you look like when you fail"

Perhaps Baez's " Dream Team," is bailing on him and he is looking to the law school students to help him on this case. Also the students would do the dirty work and Baez would get the glory. Just a thought!
Again with Baez request for JG's DNA. PUT THE BLAME ON SOMEONE ELSE, not where it belongs. This is what this case has been all about from as Casey says " THE GET GO!"
If I were a juror I wouldn't think anything nefarious about JG's hair being in KC's trunk. She dated him so it's likely that a hair of his would find it's way to her trunk in one way or another.
I am thinking the reason he is asking for all the DNA is due to the fact the Dr.Lee had found other hairs and items in the car that the local authorities missed. I see that to be a big problem in the near future as they will use that against LE. So, it could be that they will try and prove that someone else could of killed Caylee from the evidence collected..resonable doubt. As someone else pointed out about the laundry bag. That made me think of the shower that Casey took at one of her ex boyfriends house. Could it be she stole the laundry bag from someone else?

I sniped part of your post.

I believe Dr. Lee has been caught planting evidence before. With such a MO, anything he 'finds' would be suspect from the get go.

All they got to go on is an attempt to discredit the LE, Labs, etc. LE knows this and is working under the asssumption that will be the game plan.
I agree with all said above and will add my thoughts and questions. Again I see Baez asking for information that the SA office may not even have yet and information from the FBI that he is not entitled to from what I understood. "IMO" Baez looks like a chicken with his head cut off. His dream team is leading him in all these motion's he is filing. I know it seems senseless, but it's working. People are now looking into the possibility that another person could of been involved and the case has once again shifted from Casey killed Caylee, to a bunch of motions, paternity test, the family asking for immunity, Lee's possible charges, the family now say they "don't know what to believe", a private meeting in the jail, no memorial for Caylee and the smell of ham and the fact that Dr.Lee got O.J. off of his murder charges make me believe this case may heading in the same direction. Dr.Lee discovered a lot from the car that the local authorities missed. Including many hairs and other that have been sent off to the labs. I hope this does not go against the SA and the local authorities, but I would think this is a big break for the defense and they will use it against the prosecutors.

I am thinking the reason he is asking for all the DNA is due to the fact the Dr.Lee had found other hairs and items in the car that the local authorities missed. I see that to be a big problem in the near future as they will use that against LE. So, it could be that they will try and prove that someone else could of killed Caylee from the evidence collected..resonable doubt. As someone else pointed out about the laundry bag. That made me think of the shower that Casey took at one of her ex boyfriends house. Could it be she stole the laundry bag from someone else? As for Jesse's paternity results I though that Casey had that information as well as LE? Then I think about Cindy telling LE that Jesse or Amy could be the nanny and that Casey had told her not to contact Jesse. Which brings me to the text that Casey had sent Jesse around July3.."If my mom calls you, what ever you do don't talk to her, I will explain later". :waitasec: I also noticed in the last doc dump that they had Eric. B. death certificate. 18 yr old that died in Kentucky born in Ohio, not sure what the connection is with that except that Cindy did state a few times that Caylee's father was an old friend of Casey's from school that had moved to Tennessee, this Eric was in Kentucky, he could of been visiting..still up in the air about that one.

What is heart breaking is that the SA is fighting for Justice for Caylee and so many are interfering..."IMO". This precious angel did not ask for this and I wish some on the defense would have some morals and realize that this is about an innocent child that lost her life in her mother's hands. I really wish that legislation would change and that the "Victims" would have more rights. Poor Caylee is still sitting in card board box while Casey is just worried about herself and her defense. Just heart breaking and I pray to God that justice will be served for this precious angle, may she RIP..

Portions above bolded by me. These are my sentiments exactly, as discussed in my previous posts. I worry for JG & his family. There's alot of circumstantial evidence being presented. I'm sure the OCSO & the FBI have more evidence yet to be released, but I can only hope it's noteworthy. Otherwise, this case could very well turn around in KC's favor.
Again, one must take Casey at her word "I might look like I'm in charge, but I'm not."
I sniped part of your post.

I believe Dr. Lee has been caught planting evidence before. With such a MO, anything he 'finds' would be suspect from the get go.

All they got to go on is an attempt to discredit the LE, Labs, etc. LE knows this and is working under the asssumption that will be the game plan.

He would not be allowed to practice if this is true, so it probably isn't.

The experts swing both ways. They work for both the State and the defense. Depends on who calls first.
I sniped part of your post.

I believe Dr. Lee has been caught planting evidence before. With such a MO, anything he 'finds' would be suspect from the get go.

All they got to go on is an attempt to discredit the LE, Labs, etc. LE knows this and is working under the asssumption that will be the game plan.

Even if it's suspected, it would have to be proven...otherwise, it could be turned against LE as if they were bullying.
I sniped part of your post.

I believe Dr. Lee has been caught planting evidence before. With such a MO, anything he 'finds' would be suspect from the get go.

All they got to go on is an attempt to discredit the LE, Labs, etc. LE knows this and is working under the asssumption that will be the game plan.

I agree. It's the first thing I thought of when I read the docs. I was amazed at much hair was found after Lee examined the trunk. Not only the amount but where it was found...the pizza box, an empty soda bottle?
I would expect CSI to be especially vigilant when looking for evidence on these items. It seems doubtful to me that they would miss a hair.

I can't wait to see who they belong too. Probably TL, JG, AH, and an unknown dead person as evidenced by the death band found at the root end!
Even if it's suspected, it would have to be proven...otherwise, it could be turned against LE as if they were bullying.

A prime example is look at the way they made Mark Fuhrman look in OJ's trial. I, myself, was embarassed for him. The prosecuting team was made to look like fools. The defense's experts tore the prosecution apart, they created loopholes, and in turn presented proof of reasonable doubt. Remember, we are all only human, therefore we make mistakes, no matter how miniscule. The defense might only need a microscopic miniscule minor mistake to use against the prosecution...therefore creating reasonable doubt.
The judge in the Phil Spector murder trial ruled that Lee withheld evidence. If he'd withhold evidence I wouldn't put it past him to plant it.
I believe Dr. Lee has been caught planting evidence before. With such a MO, anything he 'finds' would be suspect from the get go.

Lee didn't plant evidence, he concealed evidence. He was seen picking up and concealing an acrylic finger nail in the foyer of Spector's mansion. The judge concluded that Lee hid or destroyed evidence from Lana's death scene.
I sniped part of your post.

I believe Dr. Lee has been caught planting evidence before. With such a MO, anything he 'finds' would be suspect from the get go.

All they got to go on is an attempt to discredit the LE, Labs, etc. LE knows this and is working under the asssumption that will be the game plan.

IIRc, when the defense team players in the spector trial went into his house, was it not Dr Lee that found the fingernail (blackened with gun powder)and put it in his pocket that then ended up disappearing. Or was that another expert witness for the defense.

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