Baez files motion to keep KC out of court -

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Of all the things, some just seem really out there, this would be one of those things. Now we have the battle of will she or won't she go to court. Really? Seeing her makes people talk? It's nothing to do with the way her and her "family" have acted since this whole thing's how long her hair is. This world is a getting strange I tell ya.

Baez is more concerned about people talking about her "appearance" than people talking about how she killed her kid. Sweet mother of all things holy.....somebody make em stop.

That is because Baez's client is MOST bothered about her exes and old friends seeing her in ugly clothes with a broader backside.

At most Casey may be irritated because people keep bringing Caylee up...just like Cindy always did. But I don't think the details about Caylee's remains are of much concern. (Well...except for the pesky incriminating ones. Casey did blink at the word fingerprint during the last hearing.)

In general though, I don't think Casey finds any subject but HER even very interesting.

Cay could be a new personality developping.

She's adding to the Zenaida group of personalities.

Cay must be the one that wears those teacher glasses and white blouses.

LOL. Could be like Sybil. :crazy:

Well - in any case it is clearly different from her big, loopy, "girl" handwriting she used previously. She had a very typical teenager/young adult girl type handwriting. She was also very legible. It sounds to me like she was signing this with some if it was intentionally not a whole-hearted effort.
Cay is more a form of Caylee than Casey, so now she's signing legal documents with the first three letters of her deceased daughters name. Sure would like to hear a psychologists opinion of this one!

Not if she is signing with a C, A and then slurring to the Y at the end of her name. That is how Baez signs his last name. I haven't seen the document yet... does anyone have a link?
I haven't read the article critically, but at first blush I concur with Baez.Just read this forum and you will see that her physical appearance is clearly a distraction to the facts at hand and have nothing to do with Caylee or this case.
JMHO of course.

I seriously doubt the Judge and everyone in the court room will be to distracted to do their job while she is there.

It rather blows my mind that this issue has been brought up, that the courts and/or the Judge should concern themselves with such issue.
Would not suprise me at all,:waitasec: but she obviously does NOT want to be in court. Good... even more reason to make her attend, along with possible future appeal issue.

You're right. She does not want to be annoyed by having to go to court. Just like her mother has always gotten her out of all of her messes, she knows that Jose will get her out of this. She doesn't want to be bothered by the details at all.

And btw, did y'all notice that Jose was at the jail with Casey until 12:30 midnight last Thursday night (the night George was missing). But he didn't seem to know about George's episode because he had to go back the next morning and tell her about that. I think somebody at the jail beat him to that, though.
Not if she is signing with a C, A and then slurring to the Y at the end of her name. That is how Baez signs his last name. I haven't seen the document yet... does anyone have a link?

There is a link on the first page of this thread. Don't think she slurred to the y, just signed CAY. I will go look again!
Edited to add: just looked, not slurred to the y
I think most defense attorney's don't want their client's to be seen in "custody" (jail outfit, shackles). I am sure he has relayed to her what a negative signal such pictures would send. I agree with the ruling though, she should have to be there. This could be brought up on appeal after a conviction.
There is a link on the first page of this thread. Don't think she slurred to the y, just signed CAY. I will go look again!

Thanks! :blowkiss:

Ok - I change my opinion. I think she is totally copying Jose. I believe she is signing with a C (for Casey) and an A slurred to a Y (for Anthony). That is TOTALLY what Jose does. He makes a J, then a B slurred to a Z.

Geez. Wasn't it Jesse who said Casey just molds herself to whatever guy is in her life at the moment? Seems like he was correct.
For some reason I don't think this is a whim of KC's. I think maybe there may be some legal strategy reason for this. This is my theory.

Like maybe JB wants to keep her out of the eye of the prosecution. If he really objected to the media he would have asked that cameras not be allowed in the courtroom. I think there is something that he wants to hide until as late as possible, until he is prepared and leaving the state as little time to prepare as possible.

When does JB have to declare that he is going to plead that she was not compentent/insane? KC's story was really preposterous and there is no way to explain her behavior afterwards without making her look cold hearted. Her parents and some friends have said that KC would never have done this (I'm ducking to keep from being hit by the items being thrown, but remember this is what the family has said :D). I have always thought that the A's treated her like they might treat someone who was ill. Esp. mentally ill. At first they appeared to accept her story, but kept questioning like they didn't understand/believe the story. And if she got upset they rushed right in to calm her. Like a parent with a child who was talking out of her head.

JB may not want it known right away that he is going for the insane defense. He needs to have her seen by psychiatrists (which I think he did while she was going to his office daily.) He has tried to limit her visitors so that she is not exposed to the public so much. Now the jail staff will be observing her and I would guess that their observations would get back to the prosecution. But JB is trying to keep her from being observed directly by the prosecution. If JB waits until the last moment to declare an insanity defense, the prosecution has less time to take any counter measures.

OH my gosh, after reading the article, my thoughts are that he is talking about the rumors that she might be prego. If THAT is the case, it seems like her showing up would put a stop to the rumors one way or the other. <shrug>

The other part is the worry that the negative chatter was going to effect her having a fair trial. Pot calling kettle black, cause he causes alot of that negative chatter for his client. His Motions, just.. WOW! Unbelievable.

His thinking is so wack, Casey HAS to attend this hearings, etc.. so she can't say later she was clueless to how stupid he was and how stupid he is handling her case. She needs to SEE and be part of this. So she will have no one to blame but her self. And that is the goal of the Judge.
Thanks! :blowkiss:

Ok - I change my opinion. I think she is totally copying Jose. I believe she is signing with a C (for Casey) and an A slurred to a Y (for Anthony). That is TOTALLY what Jose does. He makes a J, then a B slurred to a Z.

Geez. Wasn't it Jesse who said Casey just molds herself to whatever guy is in her life at the moment? Seems like he was correct.
Yes it was Jesse and I too think he was right on. :)
Exactly, you'd think he'd have a few other things he could work on in her case instead of this ridiculous stuff, wouldn't you?


JB does have more important things to do but Princess KC doesn't want to be bothered with all this, keeping up apearances and trying to care. Sheesh. Just let KC know when this is over and she can go home.
Maybe she's just not a "morning" person. After all, look at her visitor logs. She has lawyers visiting her up to 1:00 in the morning. She probably wants to sleep in like she did at TonE's for 31 days. :furious:

Dude, that was just toooo funny! hahahahahahaha! I bet you're right -- going to court in the morning is not a 'normal' day for her. :crazy:
I think most defense attorney's don't want their client's to be seen in "custody" (jail outfit, shackles). I am sure he has relayed to her what a negative signal such pictures would send. I agree with the ruling though, she should have to be there. This could be brought up on appeal after a conviction.

You are absolutely correct that a defense attorney doesn't want their client seen in shackles, etc. That is why, as a matter of course, one of the first motions a defense attorney files is to permit their client to appear in normal clothes and to be un-shackeled in court. These motions are routinely granted. However, JB is apparently too busy filing frivolous motions to actually sit down and write a motion with merit that could actually benefit his client. I am starting to wonder if the judge didn't get a whiff that JB is setting up an ineffective assistance of counsel issue on appeal or if the judge thinks she is getting ineffective assistance of counsel and is trying to nip that in the bud. Hence, his order that she appear at every substantive hearing so she hears and knows for herself what her attorney is doing on her behalf. (And to show her what a buffoon he is ahead of the actual trial) JMHO
JB doesn't want anyone to see her and her demeanor. Her demeanor is totally inappropriate at all times. The site of her makes people sick. I don't know what he thinks he is going to do with her when the trial comes along. She is a lousy actress. She can't even feign sadness or worry or anything else.

I've given this a lot of thought, and trying to rationalize her actions is probably a huge waste of time, but I'm gonna try. I think she doesn't want to go to court because she has said numerous times in the jailhouse videos that she doesn't want to give the media what they want. She knows they want to see her, to talk about her, to dissect every thing she says and does. That is part of the reason, IMO, and the other part is because she is embarrassed to be seen in her condition. She can't do much to her hair, she has to wear ugly-butt plastic? man sandals, and she's gotten a bit heavier. She wants to pretend everything is going to work out for her, tells her parents how important it is for her to "remain strong", and doesn't want to face the cold hard truth that people aren't buying her stupid bs story.

I also believe JBozo has convinced her he will get her off so there's really no need for her to go waste her time hearing a bunch of drivel about poor little Caylee. (in her opinion)

It could also be that HUGE ego of hers and she doesn't want anybody telling her what she has to do.
Can't wait to watch him stammer his way through another hearing.
I wonder why he is so concerned now about what the public thinks of her physical appearance?
Anyways, I never heard of an attorney filing a motion for his client to stay out of the publics view at trial because the of how her physical appearance will be described by the media.
How could JB actually face the judge with that type of motion? Stop wasting the judges time and spending the counties money with these ridiculous motions.

Perhaps she is, know, in the family way and cannot possibly hide it any longer?

Maybe she is showing.

My thoughts exactly! If she HAD conceived in the month after she killed Caylee and did not have a chance to have an abortion as I am almost positive she would have done if she could, then she will be starting to show. I mean, come on, painting his client in a negative light in two different motions? Why such a HUGE fuss about her NOT being seen? There is more to this than meets the eye...
I just had me a look at Casey's signature on the Waiver NOT to have to appear and what the heck was that? Handwriting experts? That was not even a signature and not even remotely like any writing of hers that I have seen before. Is she NOW such ROYALTY that she cannot even write her stupid signature?
Wouldn't it be nice if Tony, Ricardo, Jeff, Amy, Will, Mark, and all the others showed up in court on Friday?

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