Baez, is it legal?

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Mar 9, 2009
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So the the defense is claiming that poor Caylee died in the swimmng pool on June 16/2008.....

So why did the defense ask for and receive money to investigate innocent people? Look at the turmoil and more investigative money that went into equasearch. The money all these people had to pay to retain lawyers doesn't seem right or real ! Near the end demanding more more to search the searchers of equasearch and look for someone to say her body was never in the swam all the time , especially knowing Caylee died all in the pool.

All the experts hired on behalf of the defense to claim she died in the pool accidently, the extra attorneys paid for by the tax payers money for Casey's defense, yet Baez seems to be handling it ......

That long search for Caylee's body and the imaginary babysitter ?

Is this legal and will the defense team suffer any consequences for mishandling or misleading authorites and other innocent folk. For knowingly taking money for false pretenses ?

Sorry mods if this is not in the right place. I just don't understand the lawin Florida. Don't know how the defense attorneys can mislead the courts and people and demand money for false and misleadingt statements.....

Why the elaborate story , Casey style ? Why deny the baby was in the trunk if it were an accident?

Charleyann :banghead:
What a great point charleyann

Wonder if the JAC can claw back all the money they ve paid out on unecessary private investigater and experts when he knew she Died in the pool ( which is a load of ....well u know what I mean)

x a
What a great point charleyann

Wonder if the JAC can claw back all the money they ve paid out on unecessary private investigater and experts when he knew she Died in the pool ( which is a load of ....well u know what I mean)

x a

Yes ! Even George and Cindy were still looking for the Nanny up until 6 weeks ago....

Why wait three years to let folks know this was an accident and reap the benefits along the way?
Why knowingly take false money for a lie ?

Everybody and his brother seems to have made a dollar off Caylee--is it legal--yep.

Moral...that's personal and many people will need to answer to that question one day, no?
I've always said, why sit locked up for 3 years "knowing it was an accident". I would have been singing like a bird. Loudly!
Didn't HHJP point out at one hearing that a number of lawyers were starting to make money by going after attorneys who wasted the JAC's money? I clearly remember him saying that in one hearing.

Unfortunately, all the defense has to say is that KC never told them the 'true' story until 6 weeks before the trial started. Since KC will never say a word, it will be impossible to prove anything, so yes, they will get away with it.
Wish we knew what the Florida Bar is thinking.
Anyone have linkies to honest Peer reviews ( JB Peers) without slant?
Like I have time to read one more thing!
But, another interesting thing to ponder.
Thanks, Charleyann. =)
Everybody and his brother seems to have made a dollar off Caylee--is it legal--yep.

Moral...that's personal and many people will need to answer to that question one day, no?

Yes it pretty disgusting others are making money of a precious, deceased baby girl. I equate that to thievery, a crime. Morals are lacking here and the almighty dollar is everything to them. Greed is their motive. Money is truly the route to evil. I have to say there is a lot wrong with this world, love of money is only one thing. Then there is murder....profiting off of a murder gives me the impression that they think it is just business as usual. Pretty sad.
Jose Baez is allowed to present any theory he wants to, and claim that this information just came to light a few weeks ago. There is no way to prove that he knew about it 3 years ago.
CASEY is the one who should have admitted what happened to Caylee 3 years ago. CASEY is the one who has cost the state all that money for searches and for her defense. CASEY is the one who should be held responsible for everything she has put everybody through. Baez is only doing what a defense lawyer is supposed to do, defend their client. A lot of lawyers are unethical, he's not the only one. Why blame ONLY him for this? Blame the person who caused Caylee's death and the one who brought all this about in the first place.
Yes it pretty disgusting others are making money of a precious, deceased baby girl. I equate that to thievery, a crime. Morals are lacking here and the almighty dollar is everything to them. Greed is their motive. Money is truly the route to evil. I have to say there is a lot wrong with this world, love of money is only one thing. Then there is murder....profiting off of a murder gives me the impression that they think it is just business as usual. Pretty sad.

I just wanted to add one more thing. Baez used the words about Kronk.( morally bankrupt)
These descriptive words apply to the DF team. They are MORALLY BANKRUPT.
I just wanted to add one more thing. Baez used the words about Kronk.( morally bankrupt)
These descriptive words apply to the DF team. They are MORALLY BANKRUPT.

I disagree. Baez may be wrong for making accusations about other people involved which he can't prove, but he is only defending his client in any way he possibly can. Defense lawyers do it every day. Not all of them can afford the luxury of only taking on clients who they know are innocent. Some of them have to take on clients who may be guilty, but it's still their job and they are bound to do the best they can to defend them.
Baez did not cause this case to come about, nor did any of his defense team. I think all of them volunteered to help. Casey hired him to defend her, and even if he is doing a poor job of it... it does not make him morally bankrupt. Unfortunately, there are enough criminals in the world to create a big demand for defense lawyers, but you can't blame the lawyers because the crimes happen.
Jose Baez is allowed to present any theory he wants to, and claim that this information just came to light a few weeks ago. There is no way to prove that he knew about it 3 years ago.
CASEY is the one who should have admitted what happened to Caylee 3 years ago. CASEY is the one who has cost the state all that money for searches and for her defense. CASEY is the one who should be held responsible for everything she has put everybody through. Baez is only doing what a defense lawyer is supposed to do, defend their client. A lot of lawyers are unethical, he's not the only one. Why blame ONLY him for this? Blame the person who caused Caylee's death and the one who brought all this about in the first place.
I will agree with you on that and I will say that KC is included in the one that is Morally Bankrupt. I don't like the fact that people are reaping in the dough on this. It's just not right in my eyes. It is frustrating when you can not do a thing about it.
I will agree with you on that and I will say that KC is included in the one that is Morally Bankrupt. I don't like the fact that people are reaping in the dough on this. It's just not right in my eyes. It is frustrating when you can not do a thing about it.[/QUO

Smirking, Sunglasses, babes on each arm and sailing with celebrities. MORALLY EMPTY is the term I would use. Seems people forget it is about a precious little girl cut short .

"Old People die , with achievements and memories. Children die with opportunites and dreams ..."

Didn't HHJP point out at one hearing that a number of lawyers were starting to make money by going after attorneys who wasted the JAC's money? I clearly remember him saying that in one hearing.

Unfortunately, all the defense has to say is that KC never told them the 'true' story until 6 weeks before the trial started. Since KC will never say a word, it will be impossible to prove anything, so yes, they will get away with it.

But didn't they just ask for more money within the last few weeks? What was that for?
Didn't HHJP point out at one hearing that a number of lawyers were starting to make money by going after attorneys who wasted the JAC's money? I clearly remember him saying that in one hearing.

Unfortunately, all the defense has to say is that KC never told them the 'true' story until 6 weeks before the trial started. Since KC will never say a word, it will be impossible to prove anything, so yes, they will get away with it.

I am anxiously awaiting the lawsuits against Baez and the Defense team on behalf of JAC!! The Judge already warned it may happen, after Mason threatened that they may have to try the case over again. When this case is over I hope some enterprising lawyers take on the task of suing to get money back for the JAC and the State of Florida.

Hearing Jan 3, 2011
Part 2

Mason - prosecution has opportunity to respond - try this case one time - plenty of time to have that hearing

Judge - don't want to try but one time - but don't mind trying it twice - do not try to take advantage of it - because I'm told some lawyers that practice civil law looking for new areas to make money - sue criminal defense lawyers for certain things - including recovery cost and FL for JAC
I disagree. Baez may be wrong for making accusations about other people involved which he can't prove, but he is only defending his client in any way he possibly can. Defense lawyers do it every day. Not all of them can afford the luxury of only taking on clients who they know are innocent. Some of them have to take on clients who may be guilty, but it's still their job and they are bound to do the best they can to defend them.
Baez did not cause this case to come about, nor did any of his defense team. I think all of them volunteered to help. Casey hired him to defend her, and even if he is doing a poor job of it... it does not make him morally bankrupt. Unfortunately, there are enough criminals in the world to create a big demand for defense lawyers, but you can't blame the lawyers because the crimes happen.

When you attack the integrity of innocent people to use as a tool to win your argument, just because you are on the defense end, you are morally bankrupt. It just isn't necessary.

Every time a witness is sworn in, they have to attest to the words: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Attorneys should be bound by the same rules. Anything else is a mockery of our system.
So the the defense is claiming that poor Caylee died in the swimmng pool on June 16/2008.....

So why did the defense ask for and receive money to investigate innocent people? Look at the turmoil and more investigative money that went into equasearch. The money all these people had to pay to retain lawyers doesn't seem right or real ! Near the end demanding more more to search the searchers of equasearch and look for someone to say her body was never in the swam all the time , especially knowing Caylee died all in the pool.

All the experts hired on behalf of the defense to claim she died in the pool accidently, the extra attorneys paid for by the tax payers money for Casey's defense, yet Baez seems to be handling it ......

That long search for Caylee's body and the imaginary babysitter ?

Is this legal and will the defense team suffer any consequences for mishandling or misleading authorites and other innocent folk. For knowingly taking money for false pretenses ?

Sorry mods if this is not in the right place. I just don't understand the lawin Florida. Don't know how the defense attorneys can mislead the courts and people and demand money for false and misleadingt statements.....

Why the elaborate story , Casey style ? Why deny the baby was in the trunk if it were an accident?

Charleyann :banghead:

Do you think that if early on Baez said it was an accident that the SA would have said ok we,ll drop the charges,Casey's free to go. I would hope not.
Do you think that if early on Baez said it was an accident that the SA would have said ok we,ll drops the charges,Casey's free to go. I would hope not.

If she had said that on June 16th, 2008, yes, I think she would have had an entirely opposite outcome. But I don't think it was an accident since she hasn't even remotely hinted at that until recently. That now complicated with an attorney that is inexperienced, inarticulate and throwing darts everywhere to get the attention of a jury has now got her looking at the death penalty.

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