Baez' Statement Regarding DP News

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:laugh: "aware of the forces that are out to get her"


Please tell me that Baez did not actually say that!!!!

Maybe he meant, "may the force be with her" ..

It's the forces against evil who's mission is to destroy the evil planet known as Imaliar.

What in the world could be the reason?

What possible motive would the state (LE - FBI- or prosecution) all have for going after this helpless defenceless innocent woman? Why would they waste their time if they were just going after someone who is "possibly" innocent.
I don't get it. What am I missing? its not "just because".....they would have to have a good reason for using taxpayer money to prosecute Casey, and the defense says its because they are on some kind of agenda to "get her".
Too bad JB sees this as just a prosecution "tactic." He'd do better serving his client if he started focusing the defense on the merits of the case and realizing that the prosecution believes this case merits the DP. Dysfunctional people always try to re-create their circumstance around dysfunctional relationships instead of focusing on the realities of the task at hand. Forget about a plea deal. If KC doesn't want it she's the only one who will ultimately have to pay whatever the price is from the verdict and sentencing. Forget about disqualifying any counsel -- get the game faces on and start prepping for trial on the merits. Of course the prosecution is "out to get" KC -- but not because of the dysfunctional relationships -- SA isn't "playing" that game. SA is doing the job the taxpayers pay him to do -- try cases and get the criminals. Note to SA: Keep your staff from being drawn into primary roles in this dysfunctional relationship stuff. Defense is going to try to defend by pounding government staff so they need some back-up on this.

Themis I enjoy your posts
Bold me
I agree with your post and the bolded comments stand out more for me
As much as I don't like Jose, I try to keep reminding myself it's his job to defend his client. He has to throw whatever doubt he can out to the public (he's not very good at it though, JMO.) That's why he fought against the gag order.
What in the world could be the reason?

What possible motive would the state (LE - FBI- or prosecution) all have for going after this helpless defenceless innocent woman? Why would they waste their time if they were just going after someone who is "possibly" innocent.
I don't get it. What am I missing? its not "just because".....they would have to have a good reason for using taxpayer money to prosecute Casey, and the defense says its because they are on some kind of agenda to "get her".

For some reason I had a vision of the "Church Lady" from SNL going "and who could have made KC kill that adorable little child? Who could it have been? Could it have been.....Satan?"

Well....KC will be able to ask Satan when she gets to He!!

But like someone said, JB is doing his job casting doubt but I think he has personally invested himself in this one and is taking things way too personally.
Is it just me thinking this....When JB says "forces are out to get her" doesn't it seem like JB is smitten (okay more than smitten) with KC and his/her hope is to walk away into the sunset to live happily ever after? I know....gag worthy!

It is obvious he is smitten with the "baby killer". It makes my stomach turn to watch. JB is so disgusting and probably lost his wife over this whole saga. Casey Baez, sure has a ring to it!! LOL they are made for each other. Hopefully he can get an adjoining cell
Does anyone else find it odd though, that this defense team appears to have a total of 6 (count'em) DP qualified attorneys working on the case? Of a team of 8 stated lawyers - 6 are DP qualified.

To me, that says a great deal about their own expectations of how the case will pan out.

It also says a great deal to me about the money financing this.

ITA. I could be wrong, but I think it says a few other things as well, i.e., that there may be some truth to JB's statement that they were not suprised by the SA upping the ante; if they were anticipating the new charges they must know facts that, if known to the prosecution, would warrant the DP; and the SA would be mistaken to under estimate her defense team.

By the way.... JB's comments about the "increased cost to taxpayers" and "sad day for justice" absolutely scream desperation and incompetence. Which head is he thinking with??? Does he actually expect the public spit to on Caylee's grave and rise up against the increased costs of the pursuit of justice? Not to seem snarky (which I probably am, sorry), but the phrase "Boo-Boo the Clown" springs to mind.
I wish he'd stop saying that the State wants to make her "plea." :bang: It's plead or plead guilty or take a plea or enter a plea or enter into a plea bargain or something, but not "make her plea." Maybe he's confused and meant "pee," IDK, but I wish he would stop.
ITA. I could be wrong, but I think it says a few other things as well, i.e., that there may be some truth to JB's statement that they were not suprised by the SA upping the ante; if they were anticipating the new charges they must know facts that, if known to the prosecution, would warrant the DP; and the SA would be mistaken to under estimate her defense team.

By the way.... JB's comments about the "increased cost to taxpayers" and "sad day for justice" absolutely scream desperation and incompetence. Which head is he thinking with??? Does he actually expect the public spit to on Caylee's grave and rise up against the increased costs of the pursuit of justice? Not to seem snarky (which I probably am, sorry), but the phrase "Boo-Boo the Clown" springs to mind.

Bolded by me.

A Few things:
1) Justice? What Justice? If she's so innocent JB, then why are you and your client not screaming to find the one hand that is at fault for this. Oh yeah, I forgot - you really already know.

2) Cost to tax payers? I have to laugh a little at this one. Since when does JB or his care about other peoples' pocket books? KC didnt' care about her own family's accounts, she doesn't care about the public's either. And I seriously doubt JB cares about anyone elses pockets besides his own. Nice suits, btw.

3) You're right - it screams deflection to me too and laced with a little paranoia.

I have to laugh at all the Forces jokes in this too. Maybe KC toked a few too many in the last months and the paranoia has settled in there too. Hopefully she's being haunted, and the ghosts of her dreams are telling her of her fate. :eek:
I wish he'd stop saying that the State wants to make her "plea." :bang: It's plead or plead guilty or take a plea or enter a plea or enter into a plea bargain or something, but not "make her plea." Maybe he's confused and meant "pee," IDK, but I wish he would stop.

Make her 'plea' sounds as they want her to beg. JB knows that proud pleople would take umbrage at being forced to beg and feel sympathy for KC. To 'take a plea' sounds legal and reminds the world that she is a criminal and not the victim he wants people to see. It is all in how you 'sell' it.

Or could be he just doesn't know the difference. LOL!
I've spent months traying to figure out JB's defense strategy...I think I've got it...If you throw enough Bull**** against the wall somethings gonna stick. He's brilliant!!!:waitasec:
Forces are 'out to get her". Yep. That is how we handle murderers, we try to "get them" and put them away where they can't hurt other people. The DP, IMO, will not even cause this girl to lose a second of sleep. It takes a long time to go from conviction and sentence to lethal injection and it is just too far remote for KC to comprehend.

The average is about 12-15 years which is more than 1/2 of her life so this isn't something that she can comprehend as she only thinks about 10 minutes into the future.

I feel for GA and CA. I can't imagine having a child in prison to be executed. How do you not try to keep safe from this. Can't touch her, can't hold her, can't run away to safety with her. Such heartache.
I've spent months traying to figure out JB's defense strategy...I think I've got it...If you throw enough Bull**** against the wall somethings gonna stick. He's brilliant!!!:waitasec:

To which I counter: "If you're going to throw enough bull$hit at the wall hoping something sticks, then be prepared to be covered in $hit by the end of the day. Because even if a little piece does stick, everyone will still know you're still full of bull$hit".
I feel for GA and CA. I can't imagine having a child in prison to be executed. How do you not try to keep safe from this. Can't touch her, can't hold her, can't run away to safety with her. Such heartache.

Snipped respectfully.

That's the difference between you and their daughter. You feel for them where as she does not.

And not to be snarky here, but protecting her, coddling her, and all of those things we do as parents to "shelter" our children from the evils of this world didn't do this child any good. It is with in that act they've repeatedly performed they've created a monster who does not see consequences. Furthermore, the same should have applied to KC and her daughter, or the gp's and their beloved Caylee.

It's all very sad, all very heartbreaking. No one wins here, not ever.

"attorney Mark NeJame said he expected the state's move and predicted it could bolster a plea deal for Anthony.

"It's often happened where the death penalty has been on the table, that the state agrees to withdraw the death penalty in exchange for a life sentence," said NeJame, a former attorney for George and Cindy Anthony.

Things would have been different months ago and the state's action signals a change. "I believe that the state believes it has been empowered with a stronger case and are probably far less likely to offer any type of deal that they might have considered in the past," NeJame added."

But according to Baez..

"She was fully aware that this was a strong possibility. She's aware of the forces that are out to get her," said Baez, who is a strong opponent of the death penalty. "If they think that this is going to make her plea, they're sadly mistaken. They've been trying to intimidate Casey Anthony from day 1 and it didn't work then, and it's not going to work now."

Guess JB has no intention of trying to get KC to consider a plea deal of any kind.
i was shaking my head. Who does he think buys what he is selling.:confused:

CAGA! Come on people! Cindy and George! I wish I hAd photoshop. I would whip up Casey as Princess, JB as yoda and Cindy as Darth Vader and George as C3Po

"attorney Mark NeJame said he expected the state's move and predicted it could bolster a plea deal for Anthony.

"It's often happened where the death penalty has been on the table, that the state agrees to withdraw the death penalty in exchange for a life sentence," said NeJame, a former attorney for George and Cindy Anthony.

Things would have been different months ago and the state's action signals a change. "I believe that the state believes it has been empowered with a stronger case and are probably far less likely to offer any type of deal that they might have considered in the past," NeJame added."

But according to Baez..

"She was fully aware that this was a strong possibility. She's aware of the forces that are out to get her," said Baez, who is a strong opponent of the death penalty. "If they think that this is going to make her plea, they're sadly mistaken. They've been trying to intimidate Casey Anthony from day 1 and it didn't work then, and it's not going to work now."

Guess JB has no intention of trying to get KC to consider a plea deal of any kind.

Pride is a terrible thing. It can get you killed. Both JB and KC should put aside their pride and think about the consequences and risk of taking this to trial with anger, arrogance and stupidity as your defense.
To which I counter: "If you're going to throw enough bull$hit at the wall hoping something sticks, then be prepared to be covered in $hit by the end of the day. Because even if a little piece does stick, everyone will still know you're still full of bull$hit".
What a picture you evoke!
Reminds me of an old "Rugby" song:

"Covered all over from head to toe,
Covered all over in s....
Sweet Violets"

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