Baez' Statement Regarding DP News

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Baez says, "... anyone who thinks this will force Casey to plea is sadly mistaken. She won't." 1:07

Good for her Baez. Is this supposed to make us think that when you pull her defense out of your a@@, it will be believable? Well, Baez, bring it. Totally fail your client. Live with the fact that you chose fame and publicity over the life of your client by not insisting that she plea to LWOP, sparing her life. She's what, 23? She is relying on your expertise and you have failed her. Anyone who thinks Casey won't get the DP is sadly mistaken. She will.

:clap::clap::clap: When I hear the stupidity that this man spews out of his mouth it amazes me that he made it through elementary school, let alone law school. He has to go down in history as one of the worst attorneys of all time. Clarence Darrow must be rolling over in his grave. Forgive me if this reported earlier in this thread (I just got online) but Mark Eiglarsh had the line of the century about Baez last night on Mike Galanos's show. Galanos asked him if Baez would exit the case since he wasn't DP qualified. Eiglarsh responded, "Are you kidding? Baez is holding on to this case like my 2 year old holds on to his blanky." I fell on the floor.
Most states have a rule of "sequestration" for witnesses (NOT talking about jurors) that either party can invoke. It's to keep the witnesses separated until after they have testified so they can't be influenced or conform their testimony to someone else's. The rule can be invoked for depositions, too. Parties are not subject to the rule, and probably FLA statutes or case law say if there are exceptions. There usually is one for family members of the victim, but I'm not sure about FLA. How ironic.

Well, we can assume that the A's will be there more on behalf of KC since this trial, I truly believe, to them, is about freeing KC, not about justice for Caylee's killer, although they seem to be one and the same. I hope that the great-gma, uncle R., someone form the family is there solely for Caylee. But, ironically as you stated, they will most likely all be witnesses for the prosecution. Sad!
Boy he sure sounds butt hurt over the whole thing.

Sorry, couldn't resist!
The link to FLA Supreme Court requirements on DP lawyers does refer to court appointed attorneys, but they are essentially the same things all of the attorneys on HLN, and other networks have cited with regard to JB being qualified to be lead counsel this case. I couldn't find a link regarding attorneys on retainer, so I cannot say for sure if they are the same. If not, I apologize.
With the Dp, KC will now get a more conservative jury that are not
afraid of conviction. More likely won't be sympathetic to this evil
mother who took the life of an innocent little Caylee.
I'd say JB got shot back a cpl pegs.
"If they think that this is going to make her plea, they're sadly mistaken. They've been trying to intimidate Casey Anthony from day 1 and it didn't work then, and it's not going to work now."

His reaction is utterly bizarre. "Forces out to get her" I for one, don't want her to plea. Death is what she deserves. I think if she had a sane attorney he would suggest that she plea, but it's obvious that ole JB has a few screws loose. Not only is he giving his client terrible advice but when he makes statements like this he makes her even less likeable.
I think he might need some counseling. I'm not trying to be funny. He really seems to have gotten things confused.
i know the thread has moved on, but i'm sorely behind right now and i just want to add my, err, ramblings.
the tawdry little phrase 'forces out to get' first became popular during the era of the 'penny dreadful'. it summons up images of the cosa nostra, triads, CIA, mossad, MI6, ma barker, the barrow gang and the freakin men in black!
is jose baez trying to tell us that somehow casey got caught up in a world of criminals w/ god-like power who can influence the entire judicial system?
can't you just see him in court - 'ladies and gentleman i put it to you that casey anthony has in fact been working these past 2 years .....*pause for dramatic effect* ..... for kaiser soze! whose girlfriend zenaida owns a fluffy white poodle!'

(sorry, i couldn't find the rant thread)
:clap::clap::clap: When I hear the stupidity that this man spews out of his mouth it amazes me that he made it through elementary school, let alone law school. He has to go down in history as one of the worst attorneys of all time. Clarence Darrow must be rolling over in his grave. Forgive me if this reported earlier in this thread (I just got online) but Mark Eiglarsh had the line of the century about Baez last night on Mike Galanos's show. Galanos asked him if Baez would exit the case since he wasn't DP qualified. Eiglarsh responded, "Are you kidding? Baez is holding on to this case like my 2 year old holds on to his blanky." I fell on the floor.

there are times I hate Mark E--only because he does the defense thing---but at least he shows reality vs. that Jane atty....I have noted that lots of the atty's out there are wondering wth with jb.....
there are times I hate Mark E--only because he does the defense thing---but at least he shows reality vs. that Jane atty....I have noted that lots of the atty's out there are wondering wth with jb.....

I am so with you on the Jane Whatshername attorney that Mike Galanos and JVM can't seem to keep off their shows. What is up with her--she concedes nothing, in fact, she goes so far as to state that the SA has NO case, NO evidence...puhleeeeze!!
Could it be that JB's statement means that KC hasn't given up any info and has remained silent when it comes to Caylee. KC did state to LE on the way to jail after being indited that she would take this as far as she needed. LE promptly asked her ,"What do you mean" and we were not privy to her response. Something tells me that she is making her defense team work extra hard and isn't giving them anything to work off of for her defense so her attorneys are having to come up with there own scenerios. I think she will stay true to her slence concerning Caylee until trial and at that time I feel part of her defense will put blame on the family. KC has shown us and her family how she feels about them since the beginning of her arrest. I feel the A's were truly asking for forgiveness from KC at the memorial when the minister talked about forgiveness and look at the response KC gave them via JB about the memorial. The A's seem to be continually pandering to KC for many reasons we aren't aware of yet. Behaviors of all the A's including KC shows the family was very volital before Caylee went missing. After watching CA throughout the investigation I refuse to believe her conversations with kC while she was running amuck supposedly with her child were calm, everyday conversations. It appears to me that when CA reportedly choked KC out, CA opened up Pandoras box and from that point on there was no stopping KC's anger. Shirley P. I feel gave the true reasons for kC murdering her daughter. Some feel the A's are going through so much, just think of SP and the loss she must feel and having to be the voice of truth. Am I on the right thread? I think I got carried away! Forgive I just felt passionate suddenly about the lot of them.
Could it be that JB's statement means that KC hasn't given up any info and has remained silent when it comes to Caylee. KC did state to LE on the way to jail after being indited that she would take this as far as she needed. LE promptly asked her ,"What do you mean" and we were not privy to her response. Something tells me that she is making her defense team work extra hard and isn't giving them anything to work off of for her defense so her attorneys are having to come up with there own scenerios. I think she will stay true to her slence concerning Caylee until trial and at that time I feel part of her defense will put blame on the family. KC has shown us and her family how she feels about them since the beginning of her arrest. I feel the A's were truly asking for forgiveness from KC at the memorial when the minister talked about forgiveness and look at the response KC gave them via JB about the memorial. The A's seem to be continually pandering to KC for many reasons we aren't aware of yet. Behaviors of all the A's including KC shows the family was very volital before Caylee went missing. After watching CA throughout the investigation I refuse to believe her conversations with kC while she was running amuck supposedly with her child were calm, everyday conversations. It appears to me that when CA reportedly choked KC out, CA opened up Pandoras box and from that point on there was no stopping KC's anger. Shirley P. I feel gave the true reasons for kC murdering her daughter. Some feel the A's are going through so much, just think of SP and the loss she must feel and having to be the voice of truth. Am I on the right thread? I think I got carried away! Forgive I just felt passionate suddenly about the lot of them.

So sorry! I pasted the wrong link. Here's the correct one:

"The prosecution announced Monday its intent to seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony, but historically the state of Florida has been hesitant to put a woman to death."

"Very few women are put to death in Florida," defense attorney Jose Baez said. "She's not a serial killer."

Geez Baez....sooooo, what, only serial killers get the DP :rolleyes:

Historically is the key word here Mr Baez and your client may be the exception to that. So sit back and ponder that.

"Very few women are put to death in Florida," defense attorney Jose Baez said. "She's not a serial killer."

Isn't he kinda admitting she is a killer just NOT a serial killer? In a backasswards kinda Anthony way?

Upon hearing JB statement over and over again, I take it this means we aren't going to get the much promised explanation as to what really happened that will make her mother of the year....shucks!

"Very few women are put to death in Florida," defense attorney Jose Baez said. "She's not a serial killer."

Isn't he kinda admitting she is a killer just NOT a serial killer? In a backasswards kinda Anthony way?

JB has definately learned how to use what one poster said was "Word Salad" and I think your right in a backword sort of way. LOL Do you think he carefully planned those words? JB only seems to use his new media representative when he seems to screw up verbably to media.
Mr Baez's whole performance in this case reminds me of a little boy trying to whistle as he passes through a graveyard on his way home after dark. However long it took, Mr Baez did pass the Bar. He knows enough law to realize that his client is in mortal danger. He has also seen the documents of all the evidence that we have seen and more. He probably realizes that he is in over his head.


He wants this case. He wants to be famous. He wants to be consulted and deferred to and quoted. He wants to be the first Hispanic lawyer to reach the top of his profession.

Unfortunately the poor man is hunting grizzly bears with a switch. He just isn't equipped to win this fight.
"If they think that this is going to make her plea, they're sadly mistaken. They've been trying to intimidate Casey Anthony from day 1 and it didn't work then, and it's not going to work now."

His reaction is utterly bizarre. "Forces out to get her" I for one, don't want her to plea. Death is what she deserves. I think if she had a sane attorney he would suggest that she plea, but it's obvious that ole JB has a few screws loose. Not only is he giving his client terrible advice but when he makes statements like this he makes her even less likeable.
I think he might need some counseling. I'm not trying to be funny. He really seems to have gotten things confused.

I wouldn't call it bizarre. I would call it grossly amateur. One gets the impression that the ONLY experience baez has ever had regarding the Death Penalty and Death Penalty cases comes from old Law and Order reruns and watching "My Cousin Vinnie" 97 times.

This is precisely why Florida has the attorney requirements that it does for DP cases. It is also why one hopes that as soon as a properly DP qualified attorney gets put in place the absolute first thing he will do is sideline Baez and get him to shut up and stay out of the cameras. Every public word out of Baez's mouth hurts his client. Every public statement by Baez may be used against his client in court.

"Very few women are put to death in Florida," defense attorney Jose Baez said. "She's not a serial killer."

Isn't he kinda admitting she is a killer just NOT a serial killer? In a backasswards kinda Anthony way?

I think he is verbalizing the unconscious thought that if she had not been so bad at it, she would have been a serial killer.
I wouldn't call it bizarre. I would call it grossly amateur. One gets the impression that the ONLY experience baez has ever had regarding the Death Penalty and Death Penalty cases comes from old Law and Order reruns and watching "My Cousin Vinnie" 97 times.

This is precisely why Florida has the attorney requirements that it does for DP cases. It is also why one hopes that as soon as a properly DP qualified attorney gets put in place the absolute first thing he will do is sideline Baez and get him to shut up and stay out of the cameras. Every public word out of Baez's mouth hurts his client. Every public statement by Baez may be used against his client in court.

The first part of your post had me wiping tea off my screen while laughing.

The last sentence sobered me up quickly. I did not know that media statements by a lawyer could be used against his client in court. I have read that the Anthony statements could be used but never even considered Mr Baez's blustering making it into evidence. I am off to read/ listen to some of his comments. Thank you kindly for the food for thought.

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