GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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I agree that it sounds like to me that Kia inferred her son didnt do the actual killing. Too late now though...

Too late for him... But I'm sure the court documents regarding Heather's sentence are going to be composed in a manner to maximize her chances of getting the trust fund, but with a confession from Tommy they may be able to block her still...
Too late for him... But I'm sure the court documents regarding Heather's sentence are going to be composed in a manner to maximize her chances of getting the trust fund and it may or may not work. If it does they may still be able to block her with a confession from Tommy...

I just hope that they don't use only the "official" word from the Bali courts as to what her sentence is for. You know they're wording it so that she can still get access to more money for them.

This is just laughable. It sounds like he's not trying to make a legal claim to the money, and is just pressuring HM.

I can't help but think Kia is referring to who actually did the killing - I'm still thinking it was really Heather... And if that's the case hopefully Tommy reaches a breaking point and starts talking

It sounds like whomever was tasked with supplying him with food is not getting paid. ;)
This is what gets me about Kia's statement about the 'truth'. She implies that we don't know the real truth. OK, there really aren't a lot of options.

1) The real roles were reversed; HM did the killing, TS acted like a robot and helped her after he came out of the bathroom.

2) Sheila was some horrific physically aggressive predator who attacked TS.

If the first case is true, so what? TS still deserves the penalty he got. HM would deserve a harsher penalty, but that wouldn't lessen his guilt. If the second case, aside from element of surprise, age, fitness, height, weight and weapon, SWM had a history of passiveness when physically attacked.

At any rate, I guess I don't see what 'truth' Kia thinks will make things somehow better for TS. And Stella? Her best interests do not lie with Kia, IMHO. If the 'truth' is that HM is as guilty as we believe, I think it means that the slayer statute comes into play and the $ go to WW, not Stella.

OTOH, if the 'truth' is HM is a murderess and she is legally judged as such, perhaps Kia thinks that she can use that to get Stella taken out of HM's custody - along with the $500K that HM is trying to settle on her.

That wouldn't help TS much, but it would make life sweet for Kia.
It sounds like whomever was tasked with supplying him with food is not getting paid. ;)

I wonder if he's heard (rumor through the grapevine) that HM's supposed to be getting a semi-private cell?

I hope he's seen some of the meals Julian Ponder gets and imagines that is what HM is getting, too.
A quote from the daily mail article: a clever person posted this in the comments and thought I'd share

Once released, surely he can return to his lucrative career in youtube "rapping." Think of all the new material he'll have: She was twice my age/killed her in a rage/stuffed her in a case/coz she dissed my race/that made me da man/living in Kerobokan.

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A quote from the daily mail article: a clever person posted this in the comments and thought I'd share

Once released, surely he can return to his lucrative career in youtube "rapping." Think of all the new material he'll have: She was twice my age/killed her in a rage/stuffed her in a case/coz she dissed my race/that made me da man/living in Kerobokan.

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Not to make light of what happened to poor Sheila and the injustice she received in a Bali court but that's pretty clever and spot on.

Didn't I read way back when that some smart poster had looked up info that as long as Stella was conceived when Sheila was killed, that she can inherit if Heather is disqualified under slayer statute?

I mean, I'd rather she get it than Heather/Tommy/lawyers/bribed judges, but not if it ends up in Kia's hands.

Hahahaha - silliest thing I have ever heard! :hilarious:

"..... he is entitled to a portion of the fund - set up by Mack's mother before she was murdered - because of his strong relationship with her [HM]."

".... he also wants money invested on his behalf so that it is waiting for him when he eventually leaves prison"

The boy is a fool, a dumb murderous fool. Heather spotted him coming a mile away. The perfect person to help her murder her mother - and then take the rap for it. :shakehead:
"..... he is entitled to a portion of the fund - set up by Mack's mother before she was murdered - because of his strong relationship with her [HM]."

".... he also wants money invested on his behalf so that it is waiting for him when he eventually leaves prison"

The boy is a fool, a dumb murderous fool. Heather spotted him coming a mile away. The perfect person to help her murder her mother - and then take the rap for it. :shakehead:

She sure did and he was too stupid to resist. As soon as I stop laughing at his claim...really?


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It was also reported in the Daily Mail article that HM was appealing her sentence. I thought it was the Prosecution who was appealing HM's too lenient sentence!
It was also reported in the Daily Mail article that HM was appealing her sentence. I thought it was the Prosecution who was appealing HM's too lenient sentence!

I noticed that too IslandLover. I guess we're never going to get true facts coming out of Bali if the Daily Mail is our only source. Lol

I think the info sent to the U.S. was that it was the prosecution who filed for the appeal. It was definitely the original info in the news. Just goes to show how intertwined the prosecutors, judges and lawyers are in the corruption and bribery game. It's like there is no difference between the prosecution and the defence, they both want the same end game, which appears to be cash in hand.

Is this the payoff for doing HM's bidding? Was he the hitman she hired? Really, I'm speechless :sick:

I guess he's expecting more than $50,000 now that they got caught and he took the full rap for the murder so that she could have access to the fund to save their arses from the firing squad.

Since he believes she will gain access to the rest of the funds because of his sacrifice, he believes she owes him a future with a substantial payoff now?

Is this the payoff for doing HM's bidding? Was he the hitman she hired? Really, I'm speechless :sick:

Almost answers the question of why he went to Bali when SVM & HM were to return to US in two or three days. Once in Bali they talked about drowning SVM in the surf. Jmo

Sounds a lot like there's blackmail going on here now.
Sounds like mum is about to spill the beans if HM doesn't pay up and HM gets her Appeal.
All those promises HM must have made - no money puts and end to all of that.
Who is throwing who under the bus now...
Its all disgusting...

Why would HM be responsible for paying him - what does she owe him?
Oh that's right - $50,000.00? Or is that just half the money *sarc*

So is that why Kia Walker was in Court? To find out if the money will be released?
Or just to make that point that is now hanging in the air about the Truth.
I think we're ready for the truth now Kia.

Or there's always HM's plan B - pass the money off to as many people as possible that HM knows so she has access to it.

Funny that the DM article says that Soenardi is busy preparing her case - what? for no money?
To even think the Appeal is going ahead tells me that there are some deals going on.
Maybe this Appeal is about the actual sentence itself - I bet they're trying to get it re-worded or downgraded so that the Slayer doesn't apply.
And Soenardi will do that for free IF he believes that he can work a deal for the payments to be released.
Then he, and everyone else looks to get paid.

And the Appeal is in the Supreme Court...
This will be a game of timing.

Read more:
I think HM has made a foolish move.

HM and TS are young - the odds of them remaining together, especially after the pressure of a baby, murder, trials, etc., were always somewhat slim. "Young love" - burns so hot until it doesn't.

Sounds like HM may have been stringing TS along more than we realized. Sounds like she also felt confident enough to show Kia some of her famous 'attitude'. She may regret that.

I don't think TS knew she had a phone/skype/internet. I think Kia took her best shot at the easy solution: take Stella and $$$. She got shut down, her son got the bigger sentence, HM's getting an appeal and may get out even sooner, and now Kia's angry. HM doesn't really need that. She only had two 'weapons' to keep TS in line: sex and $$$. She can't give him the former, and from the perspective of his mother and himself, she's already been holding out on him on the $$$.

If Kia gets angry enough, she might motivate TS to turn against HM. It won't necessarily put $$ in Kia's pocket, but even worse than losing her chance at $$ is watching her son take the fall for HM. Kia's not actually a voice for Sheila, but so far she's the only voice saying there's more to the story who actually might know what she's talking about.

BTW....not sure what to make of it, but DM article noted that HM hasn't moved to her private cell yet. I suspect that she also may not have been able to get another phone.

I almost have to laugh at TS's claims. It's like 'palimony' for the 21st century. So he thinks a couple months of unprotected sex with his teen girlfriend, a baby and a murder all mean they have a 'relationship' - does he think they're now 'married' in common law? Does Illinois have community property laws?

Doesn't he think HM will be standing at the gates of Hotel K with 18-year-old Stella when he finishes his sentence?

Bad feelings between HM and TS is a good thing. More of the truth is likely to come out this way.
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