Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Or, she can make an entirely new fiction story to sell a book, as this New York book publisher suggests.

OJ's book publisher talks about interest in a Casey book and has already talked to Casey's attorney. Don't know when these "talks" took place?

Wonder if Mr. Kampmann is going to put his money where his mouth is ... and put in a bid of $ 20,000 or more, or a bid in the MILLIONS, in order for the Trustee to pay all of her creditors and then have money left over to pocket for herself?

— Mar. 18, 2013


One New York publisher said Monday that Anthony's story has the potential to be worth seven figures.

"If she had the goods, and she was really going to spill the beans of what happened, particularly if she's not guilty, that's pretty big," said Eric Kampmann, the owner of Beaufort Books. "If she knew who the murderer was for example, that would be huge. That would be the biggest news story of the year."

Kampmann, who said he has been in contact with a member of Anthony's legal team but has no deal in place, is no stranger to controversial books. His publishing house reissued OJ Simpson's book, originally scheduled for release by ReganBooks, an imprint of HarperCollins. But "If I Did It" was dropped in response to widespread outrage. ReganBooks founder Judith Regan was later fired and her imprint disbanded.

A federal bankruptcy judge then awarded rights to the book to the family of murder victim Ronald Goldman to help satisfy a $38 million wrongful death judgment against Simpson.

Beaufort Books, based in New York, published "If I Did It" with Simpson's original manuscript intact and commentary included. The Goldman family called the book Simpson's confession — the same description Regan offered in justifying the original publication. The Beaufort edition has sold more than 100,000 copies.

Kampmann said enough time has passed since Anthony's trial that her story could be marketable.

Red by me

I think the trustee's motion specifies that CA can never profit from her story if it is sold by the Bankruptcy court.

Originally Posted by ThinkTank
This is the original bankruptcy filing

All of the alleged creditors are listed here, beginning page 14 through 30
Some have an amount owed, but most say amount unknown.
The civil suits against her are listed on page 36 and 37

Only Zenaida's bankruptcy attorney has participated in the bankruptcy proceedings, to date. Roy Kronk's bankruptcy attorney filed a Notice of Appearance, but did not attend the Meeting of Creditors on March 4th, and has not filed any request for anything. Tim Miller's attorney did not attend the creditor meeting and has not filed a Notice of Appearance or any other documents.

They have until May 3, 2013 to dispute having their debts discharged and until June 24, 2013 to file a proof of claim stating that she owes them an amount.
Audio of WFTV "Central Florida Spotlight" with attorneys Greene and Shuker
Hosted by Greg Warmoth


Warmoth - how much do you think she owes?

Shuker - well, she lists $ 890,000 but there are a whole bunch that are disputed. I would assume at the end of the day it is somewhere between 2 and 3 million

Warmoth - that she owes?!

Shuker - yes, our claim hasn't been liquidated, Kronk's claim hasn't been liquidated a number of the claims they just listed as unknown or disputed
the known ones are around $ 900,000

Warmoth - how much do you think her story is worth?

Shuker - I have no idea. I was stunned that a couple of pictures were worth $ 200,000 so I would hope this story is worth 7 figures

Hopefully not too OT & MMB - I have always wondered if the 200K ABC/Disney paid OCA in Aug '08 was for an "exclusive" interview, and that their "paid for photos & videos" was a disingenuous claim - just so they could say they did not pay OCA for the interview.

OCA was in jail for most of August, was bailed out on 8/21 and then arrested again on 8/29, and never left jail till 2011. I can only hope the 2nd arrest put the kabash on the interview, and it ended up being a 200K burn for ABC.

200K back in 2008 I could believe -now in 2013, not so much. The civil trials will provide free footage and testimony - why would a network or publisher pay to her secure the rights to the the same type of subject matter? What else can she write about - a chili cook book?

As far the comment "enough time has passed so her story could be marketable" - I call baloney on that. Here is OCA's own jury consultant Richard Gabriel: "I haven't seen any polls lately," he said. "But I sure know that she wasn't too popular before the verdict, and I don't think her popularity has improved since the verdict."
I havent read through all the posts here so excuse me if someone brought this up already but I read on twitter she now wants to sell her story told in her own words. So I'm thinking if she owes above and beyond $800,000 than the deal someone offered her has to be for way more. Which would mean the creditors would be paid off and she would have disposable cash, keep the difference and move on. They talked about how much they have offered other people for book deals, as much as 15 million! I personally know it will be the same garbage shes claimed all along except in her own words, she drowned etc.... What I'm wondering is did the lawyers know that they were going to do this at the last minute or did the 'A deal I cant refuse" happen to come along now. It seems theres always a hidden agenda but I dont know enough about bankruptcy to know why they waited this long.

There is no way in Hades that Casey Anthony would EVER be given 15 million dollars for "her story." She will never even get 1 million dollars. I would bet my hard earned money on that! The highest bid for "her story" is only at $10,000.00!!! No one cares enough about this..... <self-modslip> to even think about her anymore.

What Casey and her ---- <self-modslip> family and hanger-on-ers fail to realize is that all anyone cares about and will always care about is CAYLEE!! Caylee, unfortunately, will never get justice here on this Earth. She will get her justice though. However, there have been thousands of cases since June 2008. All you have to do is look at the "Crimes Against Children" section of this forum. The best thing we can do for Caylee is pay attention to them.

Casey's day will come. I am sure of that! All of their days will come. Trust me, I would love to see the courts stick it to her and see that she makes not ONE DIME off of "her story." But, we see what it looks to be worth and that is only $10,000.00. That feels good to me! It feels real good.
There is no way in Hades that Casey Anthony would EVER be given 15 million dollars for "her story." She will never even get 1 million dollars. I would bet my hard earned money on that! The highest bid for "her story" is only at $10,000.00!!! No one cares enough about this..... <self-modslip> to even think about her anymore.

What Casey and her ---- <self-modslip> family and hanger-on-ers fail to realize is that all anyone cares about and will always care about is CAYLEE!! Caylee, unfortunately, will never get justice here on this Earth. She will get her justice though. However, there have been thousands of cases since June 2008. All you have to do is look at the "Crimes Against Children" section of this forum. The best thing we can do for Caylee is pay attention to them.

Casey's day will come. I am sure of that! All of their days will come. Trust me, I would love to see the courts stick it to her and see that she makes not ONE DIME off of "her story." But, we see what it looks to be worth and that is only $10,000.00. That feels good to me! It feels real good.


Your are correct on that. Very few main stream papers have even carried this story, haven't seen it on any tv shows. The most it was covered was by 2nd/3rd rate papers and it looks like they took most of their info from TMZ, which had it wrong. Her birthday just passed and I did not hear a mention of that either.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Judge will approve this motion and also the one that asks for permission to question her.

Yes, I read OJ's fiction/non fiction. It disgusted me to read his coy words. And OJ's book definitely crossed my mind when thinking of CaA. She cant flat out confess-that would mean she would have to step out of her delusional world where she believes because she was acquitted, she is not guilty.

It never occurred to me that the rights to her story would cause her to be able to pay off her debts and then give her the means to live well.


I would think her debts could not be discharged then because she has the means to pay them.

She may not get any money at all. She would only get money if someone makes a bid over the total amount owed to all the creditors [who have proven they have a claim], including the Trustee's cut, and there is money left over.

The Trustee owns the rights to her story now. He is intending to sell those rights to the highest bidder. Then there would be copyright issues if FCA or anyone else tries to publish "her story" without the buyer's permission. FCA has no control over rights to "her story" now that she has filed bankruptcy. "Her story" has become an asset to sell to pay creditors.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix[/ame]

3. Among the assets of the Estate are the exclusive worldwide rights in perpetuity to the commercialization of Anthony's life story including
her version of the facts,
her thoughts and impressions of whatever nature, in so far as these pertain to
her childhood,
the disappearance and death of her daughter, Caylee Anthony,
her subsequent arrest,
acquittal and
withdrawal from society,
including the rights to


Filed 3/15/2013

4. ... written offer from James M. Schober - $ 10,000 for the Property
... intention is to acquire the Property in order to prevent Ms Anthony or others from publishing or profiting from her story in the future, and therefore his offer is not subject to any contingency based upon the cooperation or promise of cooperation from Ms. Anthony.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Legal Questions for our Verified Lawyers #4[/ame]


Well, no one is going to pay 2 million IMO for a story that Casey may (and probably will if someone else owns the rights) choose not to tell.

Whatever $$ is obtained would be distributed first to Trustee's fees and fees for the Trustee's attorneys, then to GENUINE creditors, which would include ZG and anyone else who has sued her, assuming they can prove their claims.

If the $$ obtained is in excess of the creditors' claims and all costs, fees, etc., then Casey would get the excess funds (assuming that the BK doesn't get dismissed on the ground that Casey isn't really bankrupt at that point).

The $$ would go to administrative expenses first (trustee fee etc.), then to creditors. As I noted above, the creditors will have to prove their claims. The creditors will be divided into classes--e.g., I believe the IRS and court cost claims would be given priority--and paid different %ages depending upon the class of the claim.

"The Trustee hereby gives notice of recovery of assets in the instant bankruptcy case"
It just means that the Trustee is announcing "all your stuff belongs to me."

You can't list future debts in a bankruptcy. However, you do have to list alleged CURRENT debts, which would include any lawsuits seeking damages. ZG is not saying "Casey will owe me money in the future"--she is saying "Casey owes me money NOW." Her claim will be tried (or settled, or decided by motion) just as it would have been without the BK filing, and if she's right that Casey owes her money then her claim will be accepted.
The current offer is at only $ 10,000 - won't even make a dent in the money she owes her true creditors.

4. ... written offer from James M. Schober - $ 10,000 for the Property
... intention is to acquire the Property in order to prevent Ms Anthony or others from publishing or profiting from her story in the future, and therefore his offer is not subject to any contingency based upon the cooperation or promise of cooperation from Ms. Anthony.

CREDITORS who are owed a specific amount [not "unknown amount"]
Casey Anthony Bankruptcy Filing January 25 2013 60 pages

DEADLINE of May 3, 2013 paperwork to dispute must be received by bankruptcy court by this date.

Creditors who may dispute discharge of Casey Anthony debts:
addresses are on the bankruptcy filing [60 pages] - pages 49 - 52

- Trustee administrative fees and fees for Trustee's attorney get paid FIRST

IRS and court cost claims would be given priority--and paid different %ages depending upon the class of the claim
- Adventist Florida Hospital - $ 200 [from Nov 2007 to present]
- Alliance One Collection Agency for STATE debt of $ 4,153.91
- AT&T Mobility - Collection Agency - $ 1,403.32
- Baez - $ 500,000 [though she said she really does not owe this]
- Florida Dept Law Enforcement - $ 61,505.12
- Internal Revenue Service - $ 68,540
- Metropolitan Bureau of Inv - $ 10,283.90
- Orange County Florida Clerk of Court - $ 495.00
- Orange County Sheriff's Office - $ 145,660.21
- State of Florida - $ 50.00
- Roy Kronk - civil suit
- Tim Miller/Texas EquuSearch - civil suit
- Tribute MasterCard - $ 1,250
- Zenaida - civil suit
It will surprise me if there are any other offers. If the Judge approves the motion, then that one offer will prevent CA from ever benefiting. Why would any one else bid on it? They could write a story about her, it just wouldn't be her story. I think the person that did the bid has his heart in the right place trying to prevent her from profiting from little Caylee's death. If he ever comes forward (there are a lot of people that comes up on a search with the name that is in the motion), he might receive a benefit from the publicity. He could even write a book or do interviews. Heck, people might be so happy that he did this, they might send him donations!!!

Just as long as this is not some scheme by another pro bono lawyer wanting some free advertising/notoriety by helping Casey. I couldn't care less what he does with the rights if his statement about his intentions is truthful.
She may not get any money at all. She would only get money if someone makes a bid over the total amount owed to all the creditors [who have proven they have a claim], including the Trustee's cut, and there is money left over.

The Trustee owns the rights to her story now. He is intending to sell those rights to the highest bidder. Then there would be copyright issues if FCA or anyone else tries to publish "her story" without the buyer's permission. FCA has no control over rights to "her story" now that she has filed bankruptcy. "Her story" has become an asset to sell to pay creditors.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

3. Among the assets of the Estate are the exclusive worldwide rights in perpetuity to the commercialization of Anthony's life story including
her version of the facts,
her thoughts and impressions of whatever nature, in so far as these pertain to
her childhood,
the disappearance and death of her daughter, Caylee Anthony,
her subsequent arrest,
acquittal and
withdrawal from society,
including the rights to


Filed 3/15/2013

4. ... written offer from James M. Schober - $ 10,000 for the Property
... intention is to acquire the Property in order to prevent Ms Anthony or others from publishing or profiting from her story in the future, and therefore his offer is not subject to any contingency based upon the cooperation or promise of cooperation from Ms. Anthony.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Legal Questions for our Verified Lawyers #4


Well, no one is going to pay 2 million IMO for a story that Casey may (and probably will if someone else owns the rights) choose not to tell.

Whatever $$ is obtained would be distributed first to Trustee's fees and fees for the Trustee's attorneys, then to GENUINE creditors, which would include ZG and anyone else who has sued her, assuming they can prove their claims.

If the $$ obtained is in excess of the creditors' claims and all costs, fees, etc., then Casey would get the excess funds (assuming that the BK doesn't get dismissed on the ground that Casey isn't really bankrupt at that point).

The $$ would go to administrative expenses first (trustee fee etc.), then to creditors. As I noted above, the creditors will have to prove their claims. The creditors will be divided into classes--e.g., I believe the IRS and court cost claims would be given priority--and paid different %ages depending upon the class of the claim.

"The Trustee hereby gives notice of recovery of assets in the instant bankruptcy case"
It just means that the Trustee is announcing "all your stuff belongs to me."

You can't list future debts in a bankruptcy. However, you do have to list alleged CURRENT debts, which would include any lawsuits seeking damages. ZG is not saying "Casey will owe me money in the future"--she is saying "Casey owes me money NOW." Her claim will be tried (or settled, or decided by motion) just as it would have been without the BK filing, and if she's right that Casey owes her money then her claim will be accepted.

That's an awful lot of money to owe because you can't stop lying. JMO
It will surprise me if there are any other offers. If the Judge approves the motion, then that one offer will prevent CA from ever benefiting. Why would any one else bid on it? They could write a story about her, it just wouldn't be her story. I think the person that did the bid has his heart in the right place trying to prevent her from profiting from little Caylee's death. If he ever comes forward (there are a lot of people that comes up on a search with the name that is in the motion), he might receive a benefit from the publicity. He could even write a book or do interviews. Heck, people might be so happy that he did this, they might send him donations!!!

Bartlett & Schober, P.C.
Jim Schober


Office: 512.474.7678


Trustee seeks auction for Casey Anthony's story
Boynton Beach makes offer to bankruptcy court
Published 9:23 PM EDT Mar 16, 2013

ORLANDO, Fla. —Could there be a bidding war for the rights to sell Casey Anthony's story?

That's the latest development in Anthony's bankruptcy case.

Stephen Meininger, the trustee appointed by the court to determine Casey's available assets, has asked the court to hold an auction.

"Due to the intense public interest in the debtor and the property, the trustee believes that there will be interest from others in purchasing the property," Meininger said in a motion filed Friday.

The motion was prompted by an offer from James Schober, who appears to live in Boynton Beach.



Trustee’s Motion to Sell Property of the Estate and Approve Auction Procedures


Mia, WOO HOO!! They’ve snatched her story rights away from her! KARMA KARMA KARMA!! James M. Schober whoever you are, you are my HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her six lawyer/handlers will drop her like a hot potato. The baby daddy better pull out his check book, he will be stuck with the sole care and feeding of this murdering, thieving, lying, lazy, blooding sucking leech. I hope he’s married and she’s ruining his life..
They can all go suck eggs.
Reply Posted by: MaryPoppins | Friday, March 15, 2013 at 9:01 PM


Please, please Stephen Meininger, don’t let someone in collusion with Notmom obtain these rights. Mr. Schober is buying them for the right reasons..
No Bella Vita for the babykiller.
Reply Posted by: MaryPoppins | Friday, March 15, 2013 at 9:51 PM


I just sent the following email to Jim Schober:.
Please reassure those of us in the public that your true intention in bidding on the rights to Casey Anthony’s story is to keep her from profiting off of the death of her child, and that you are not in collusion with her in any way
. As citizens we are very concerned about this travesty of justice..
I will post your response on Hal Bodecker’s blog in the Orlando Sentinel, or feel free to post there personally. Those who are still seeking justice for Caylee would like very much to hear from you. If you are successful in obtaining the rights, we would find no fault if this is a profitable investment for you as long as she doesn’t make any money off of it.
Reply Posted by: MaryPoppins | Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 12:00 AM


I received a prompt and lovely response from Jim Schober:
“Thank you. And nice detective work, you’re the first to find me. I will have a statement soon, but rest assured that I have no intention of profit and I am not in collusion with her (or anyone else). Regards, Jim”
What a fine gentleman, I hope no one out bids him. Surely Cheney Mason and Cindy are not eligible to bid since there would be obvious conflict of interest/collusion there? I know the Trustee cares mainly about finding money for the creditors, but that would be defrauding the court to sell the rights to someone who would funnel money right back to her.
Reply Posted by: MaryPoppins | Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 2:05 AM


More digging required but here is the law firm:
Reply Posted by: FSA | Friday, March 15, 2013 at 11:23 PM


I think this is him-

He appears regularly in federal bankruptcy court, where he represents creditors, corporate debtors, and other parties in connection with business reorganizations under chapter 11 and, occasionally, chapter 7. Jim's practice has benefited greatly from the diversity of his training. His fifteen-year legal career is divided almost evenly between large international firms, where he was involved in highly sophisticated bankruptcy acquisitions and reorganizations, and "boutique" firms catering to medium-sized, privately held Texas businesses
I don't think WESH has that right - about him living in Boynton Beach?
His law firm is in Austin Texas. That's a long commute. I hope he will show himself soon. The suspense is killing me :blushing:
I don't think WESH has that right - about him living in Boynton Beach?
His law firm is in Austin Texas. That's a long commute. I hope he will show himself soon. The suspense is killing me :blushing:

Maybe just maybe this is a sincere and authentic guy with intentions that are exactly as he states them.

If so - he may not be the type to immediately stand up and begin pontificating like we have seen everyone on FCA's side of the fence do.

Remember, on our side of the fence - there is a real aversion to the "15 minutes of fame".

I think we sometimes forget there are millions of people out there who are as disappointed and disgusted as we are that the legal processes didn't bring Caylee justice.

Maybe we could give this guy the benefit of the doubt until we find out otherwise. Because if I had the money and could make FCA pay in the only thing she cares about - money - I'd do it in a heartbeat. Wouldn't you? Just because we can't read "karma cometh" on his forehead doesn't mean it isn't true!! :great:
Maybe just maybe this is a sincere and authentic guy with intentions that are exactly as he states them.

If so - he may not be the type to immediately stand up and begin pontificating like we have seen everyone on FCA's side of the fence do.

Remember, on our side of the fence - there is a real aversion to the "15 minutes of fame".

I think we sometimes forget there are millions of people out there who are as disappointed and disgusted as we are that the legal processes didn't bring Caylee justice.

Maybe we could give this guy the benefit of the doubt until we find out otherwise. Because if I had the money and could make FCA pay in the only thing she cares about - money - I'd do it in a heartbeat. Wouldn't you? Just because we can't read "karma cometh" on his forehead doesn't mean it isn't true!! :great:

The fact that he has not been out front and center garnering attention gives him creditability in my book.

Course, don't know where all the other "players" are in this saga. Can't believe they don't have their face out there. They never missed an opportunity in the past!

Maybe just maybe this is a sincere and authentic guy with intentions that are exactly as he states them.

If so - he may not be the type to immediately stand up and begin pontificating like we have seen everyone on FCA's side of the fence do.

Remember, on our side of the fence - there is a real aversion to the "15 minutes of fame".

I think we sometimes forget there are millions of people out there who are as disappointed and disgusted as we are that the legal processes didn't bring Caylee justice.

Maybe we could give this guy the benefit of the doubt until we find out otherwise. Because if I had the money and could make FCA pay in the only thing she cares about - money - I'd do it in a heartbeat. Wouldn't you? Just because we can't read "karma cometh" on his forehead doesn't mean it isn't true!! :great:
LG, I'm saying BRAVO to this post. What a breath of fresh air if this guy turn's out to be someone with moral's and value's like us.
Yes. I'd absolutely bid on taking her cash cow away from her if I had the money to do so.
I don't think WESH has that right - about him living in Boynton Beach?
His law firm is in Austin Texas. That's a long commute. I hope he will show himself soon. The suspense is killing me :blushing:

I thought the same thing when I couldn't find a lawyer named James Schober who practices law in Florida .... but this man does not have to practice in Florida to make the bid in FCA's bankruptcy case.

On the property records there is a James M. Schober in Boynton Beach.
Maybe he just owns this property in Florida, but does not live there full time?

"Mary Poppins" on the Orlando Sentinel site emailed the attorney Jim Schober in Texas and he replied, so this must be the right guy.

"Mary Poppins" sent the email here, to the attorney in Austin, Texas:
Bartlett & Schober, P.C.
Jim Schober

Office: 512.474.7678
He seems to be a high powered attorney who is in federal bankruptcy court often.

March 15, 2013

I received a prompt and lovely response from Jim Schober:
&#8220;Thank you. And nice detective work, you&#8217;re the first to find me. I will have a statement soon, but rest assured that I have no intention of profit and I am not in collusion with her (or anyone else). Regards, Jim&#8221;
Reply Posted by: MaryPoppins
I thought the same thing when I couldn't find a lawyer named James Schober who practices law in Florida .... but this man does not have to practice in Florida to make the bid in FCA's bankruptcy case.

On the property records there is a James M. Schober in Boynton Beach.
Maybe he just owns this property in Florida, but does not live there full time?

"Mary Poppins" on the Orlando Sentinel site emailed the attorney Jim Schober in Texas and he replied, so this must be the right guy.

"Mary Poppins" sent the email here, to the attorney in Austin, Texas:
Bartlett & Schober, P.C.
Jim Schober

Office: 512.474.7678
He seems to be a high powered attorney who is in federal bankruptcy court often.

March 15, 2013

I received a prompt and lovely response from Jim Schober:
“Thank you. And nice detective work, you’re the first to find me. I will have a statement soon, but rest assured that I have no intention of profit and I am not in collusion with her (or anyone else). Regards, Jim”
Reply Posted by: MaryPoppins

Problem I see is MaryPoppins and her investigation/response was in the comment section of the article. I understood that comments were not to be taken as fact because there is no telling who may have written them. It could have been someone like FCA who likes to muddy the water with her lies. That MaryPoppins was the first to even contact this JSchober, get his response that she was the first to contact him and then report it in a comment to the Orlando paper makes me question the validity of it. Heck, quite a few of us WSers found that same info as soon as the motion came out. Could not any reporter have tracked this same person down? I think our original cautious attitude of him being from Texas and Ohio is well warranted until we hear otherwise.
Does anyone know the real MaryPoppins and can verify this to be true?
Problem I see is MaryPoppins and her investigation/response was in the comment section of the article. I understood that comments were not to be taken as fact because there is no telling who may have written them. It could have been someone like FCA who likes to muddy the water with her lies. That MaryPoppins was the first to even contact this JSchober, get his response that she was the first to contact him and then report it in a comment to the Orlando paper makes me question the validity of it. Heck, quite a few of us WSers found that same info as soon as the motion came out. Could not any reporter have tracked this same person down? I think our original cautious attitude of him being from Texas and Ohio is well warranted until we hear otherwise.
Does anyone know the real MaryPoppins and can verify this to be true?

I believe anyone can do what "Mary Poppins" did, and email this Jim Schober and ask him if he is the same man mentioned in the Trustee's Motion to sell property, then they will know for themselves that this is the same man who made a bid of $ 10,000 to the Trustee, and that he genuinely wants to try to help prevent FCA and others from making money off of her "story". I believe all of this is totally legitimate, and I believe that he has nothing to do with FCA or her handlers.

I would completely believe any correspondence received directly from the attorney Jim Schober in Austin, Texas. I think he is a very courageous person to take such action which goes against a very powerful "Casey Anthony machine" trying to make money for her!

The WESH report never stated that the property owner in Boynton Beach named "James M. Schober" is the same "James M. Schober" who made the bid and is written in the official Bankruptcy Court document. Could be two totally different people.
I believe anyone can do what "Mary Poppins" did, and email this Jim Schober and ask him if he is the same man mentioned in the Trustee's Motion to sell property, then they will know for themselves that this is the same man who made a bid of $ 10,000 to the Trustee, and that he genuinely wants to try to help prevent FCA and others from making money off of her "story". I believe all of this is totally legitimate, and I believe that he has nothing to do with FCA or her handlers.

I would completely believe any correspondence received directly from the attorney Jim Schober in Austin, Texas. I think he is a very courageous person to take such action which goes against a very powerful "Casey Anthony machine" trying to make money for her!

The WESH report never stated that the property owner in Boynton Beach named "James M. Schober" is the same "James M. Schober" who made the bid and is written in the official Bankruptcy Court document. Could be two totally different people.


IIRC, WESH did not supply an initial (I can't find the article) and if they did I don't think it was "M". If one does a search there are quite a few James Schobers that result. Could be neither one is the right one.

What puzzles me is that none of the main stream media, especially the local ones in FL haven't had very much to say about the trustee's motion. One would think they would have been trying to get an interview with the bidder. Hopefully, no one cares anymore about anything to do with CA.

Just did a search on James Schober and a LinkedIn profile came up. It showed that people who viewed his profile also viewed Casey Anthony.
Doesn't look like the Casey Anthony who was charged with murder. It is amazing how many people have the same name.

Found the WESH article "James Schober, who appears to live in Boynton Beach."

I like that the bidder, Mr. Schober, is not out running his mouth to the media, BEFORE the bankruptcy judge makes a ruling on the Trustee's Motion to sell her property. It is a more dignified way to handle an official federal court proceeding.

Totally unlike the crew of attorneys supporting FCA who go on any media outlet that will have them and talk and talk and talk about the case. They might wish they hadn't been so verbose, in hindsight -- as in very public documentation of their statements.
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