Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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So, is this a diamond ring on her finger? Did she list her Caylee ashes necklace? :banghead: Done posting, feel my charming disposition slipping away.

You're obviously forgetting her jobs as event coordinator at Universal, Sports Authority (where there was even a robbery - how can we forget), and as a nanny. And her job as paralegal for Baez, Mason, & company. :rolleyes:

I busted out laughing out loud at that one! Thanks for the endorphins! :)
I did not have that luxury. :( My parents did (and still do) own my bedroom furniture. I had four younger siblings and my folks would have been appalled if I thought I "owned" my bedroom furniture or had any intentions of removing it from their home.

My daughter asked for her bedroom furniture after she got settled and working. We allowed it. we also had no other children here but she left the bed.
You're obviously forgetting her jobs as event coordinator at Universal, Sports Authority (where there was even a robbery - how can we forget), and as a nanny. And her job as paralegal for Baez, Mason, & company. :rolleyes:

And the shot girl at a bar..the party girl @ fusion -iirc Cindy said Casey got paid for those pictures right?? :floorlaugh: we cant forget that!!
I know that many forums have their own. But, for expediency...just ask. We're a friendly bunch here.

Thanks! I have actually been here for quite awhile - but never found an acronym definition list. I finally vented about it tonight. Sorry!
ICA = I_________ Casey Anthony?

What does the I stand for?

I should have used FCA (felon) or OCA (offender) because she's not an inmate in county jail anymore but she is in her new residency
in the public's eye :floorlaugh:

From the KPHO article: The bankruptcy documents list nearly 100 names and organizations that could potentially pursue claims against Anthony.

Nearly 100 names and organizations of people who could potentially file a claim against her. Can you imagine? I can't even name 2 people in the world whom I've wronged to this point of excess in my lifetime of 50 years. And she has 100 of them. And I'm sure if I pay you, you can come up with another list of 20 people she's not included here. Honest to goodness, what does this say about a person? Horrible. HORRIBLE!!

Also from that article? "The public doesn't know all the people who have come out of the crawl spaces attempting to make claims against Casey," said Greene. "There are other lawsuits, other potential claims and her freedom is restricted."

Well, if these people could potentially file suits against, her .. WHAT ...DOES..THAT ...TELL. .. YOU.. MISSY?? hmmmm? That maybe YOU restricted THEIR freedoms in the first place? Geez louIZE this gets my fur up.
Green says she listed Hopespring as her address because it was her last permanent address. Bullhockey. What is the definition of permanent? Her last longest address was jail. She should have listed that.

When on page 40 of BK filing it asks "15. Prior address of debtor
If the debtor has moved within three years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, list all premises which the debtor
occupied during that period and vacated prior to the commencement of this case. If a joint petition is filed, report also any separate
address of either spouse."

Casey states NONE to other addresses is the lasts 3 years. She claims no gifts! My understand standing is the BK courts don't like being lied to. There is a lot of falsehoods in this filing. AZ, do you believe the BK court will play Casey games as the other courts or will they make her responsible for her lies?
When on page 40 of BK filing it asks "15. Prior address of debtor
If the debtor has moved within three years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, list all premises which the debtor
occupied during that period and vacated prior to the commencement of this case. If a joint petition is filed, report also any separate
address of either spouse."

Casey states NONE to other addresses is the lasts 3 years. She claims no gifts! My understand standing is the BK courts don't like being lied to. There is a lot of falsehoods in this filing. AZ, do you believe the BK court will play Casey games as the other courts or will they make her responsible for her lies?

I doubt they will care at all about the address. It's just not the point.

As for gifts, she did claim (in an extremely vague manner) that she received gifts--she just said she didn't give any gifts. I have no doubt that's true.
I wonder if that is a legit photo of Casey Anthony. I do not notice any of the unusual eyes I have seen in other photos of her. I would picture her looking very stressed out. Interesting she is interviewed in Arizona where Jodi Arias is being tried.

I would think Anthony would visit and befriends the likes of her kind; Diane Downs, Lori Drew, Jennifer Petkov, Susan Smith, Jerry Sandusky, James Holmes, etc. :crazy:

OCA is a chameleon, remember? She fits in for the scene!! also the interview was done over the phone where a FL news reporter moved to AZ recently but in IMO it is a legit photo. Those 2 cases are very comparable too aren't they?!?.

Thanks much!

That is as simple and straight forward a bankruptcy petition as I have ever seen.

The only issue I see (other than the obvious civil claims by ZG, TES and RK) is her Statement of Financial Affairs (pdf pg. 36). I just can't fathom that the wording "non-monetary gifts and gift cards from various unrelated third parties - value unknown" (BBM) is gonna cut it. Makes no sense. Gift cards ARE money and they have a specific value. Period. And there are 3 years of those listed. And I don't believe for a minute that all those "parties" are unrelated. Stinks to high heaven. I just don't see that "value unknown" flying with a judge, but what do I know. I've been proven wrong more times than I care to think about when it comes to anything involving Casey Anthony.

Also, I have never in my life heard of criminal fines being dischargable. Never.

Also, the spelling is atrocious in this filing and the Matrix (the last pages listing all the unsecured creditors) is a flipping mess as far as formatting. What an embarrassment. Good grief.

Very curious that everyone involved in this mess was listed as a debtor except Cheney Mason. Or maybe I missed him. I know he wasn't in alphabetical order and I tried to keep an eye open for his name. Things that make ya go hmmmm :innocent:
I doubt they will care at all about the address. It's just not the point.

As for gifts, she did claim (in an extremely vague manner) that she received gifts--she just said she didn't give any gifts. I have no doubt that's true.

Sorry, I read through too quickly but still her claiming "Non-monitary gifts and gift cards from various unrelated third parties. Value unknown" I don't believe is in detail as the court would like. CM has contradicted her on this in the news I believe.

Sorry, sorry, came into this thread late. But, have to laugh at the

"Debts are primarily consumer debts, defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(8) incurred by an individual primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose."


And also, how in the world did she rack up almost 70k in debt to the IRS being 'destitute'??
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