Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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OMG! Is there anyone here who can explain to me why, oh why, our country is offering yet another relief for this leech on society?

Is there no law that says, "You can murder, you can lie and that's okay ~ but please, at least, pay your taxes and fines?"

The state of Florida might just as well send her a huge shipment of Magic Erasers because our judicial system has certainly done everything possible to clean up her life for her. And this newest declaration of bankruptcy, if granted, will legally wipe her slate clean.

I am so offended by the accidental protection she has received from our legal system that the only thing I am left to think is that she is Satan's poster child . . . and he certainly picked a successful one.

Puffing smoke from my ears here and hating that I quit the cigs in Sep ~ because that smoking would be a heckofalot more satisfying!

Puff, puff, puff!!!​

i will certainly go smoke a cig for YOU! and me too, before i get a TOS

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
Casey shopped a deal with networks last month! The offer was numerous off camera interviews, pics, videos to be released over several days.

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
Join with me in BOYCOTTING NBC! THis is not right. #Casey Anthony should not be rewarded for murdering her child! Morally wrong!

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
@nbcnightlynews Advertisers being contacted and advised how their advertising dollars is helping to reward a BABY KILLER.... #CASEY ANTHONY.

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
The asking price for the package was $500,000 to be paid in installments! 1st installment small but subsequent installments much larger.

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
@Tammybaby65 yes.....NBC!!!!!

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
Unsure what the final negotiations were but do know that NBC is .......PAYING THE BABY KILLER! BOYCOTT NBC. LET THEM KNOW ADVERTISERS CONT.

Is it NBC or CBS?

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
Casey shopped a deal with networks last month! The offer was numerous off camera interviews, pics, videos to be released over several days.

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
Join with me in BOYCOTTING NBC! THis is not right. #Casey Anthony should not be rewarded for murdering her child! Morally wrong!

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
@nbcnightlynews Advertisers being contacted and advised how their advertising dollars is helping to reward a BABY KILLER.... #CASEY ANTHONY.

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
The asking price for the package was $500,000 to be paid in installments! 1st installment small but subsequent installments much larger.

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
@Tammybaby65 yes.....NBC!!!!!

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
Unsure what the final negotiations were but do know that NBC is .......PAYING THE BABY KILLER! BOYCOTT NBC. LET THEM KNOW ADVERTISERS CONT.

Um...where are people on Twitter getting that Casey is doing an NBC interview? Who is Blaiss? I can't keep up with which network is the most ~evil in this case. Anyway, I doubt anyone's boycott of any network will last that long. Eventually, there will be something you want to watch, such as the Super Bowl which rotates among the big four. Even the old shows (in syndication) on other networks still make money for the original channel. And some networks are connected to other huge corporations. (ABC is owned by Disney, which also owns ESPN, for example). The network that pays Casey for an interview is going to be thinking about how high the ratings for her interview will be; They aren't worried about a boycott.
Also, she has no food, clothing, laundry, medical or transportation expenses.
She has never had to take any responsibility whatsoever.
And not even a tv or radio!
What is an off-camera interview? So they can only write about it? She won't actually talk on camera? (going by whoever that is Blaiss's tweets)
Wouldnt it be a tough sell to a bankruptcy court if she filed and then pulled down some money because she sold more pictures and videos?

I think the time has come to let her fade away. Her 15 minutes are long over...people only cared about her in relationship to Caylee anyway. She is going to spend the rest of her life chasing fame or infamy. She will land in jail again. She will steal and cheat again or plan another murder....I still think she was going to off Cindy, btw. She is forever broken and people are going to leave eateries or spit on her when ever she shows up anywhere. Just imagine knowing that every single person who gets close to you from here on out is going to be selling a story or a picture. JMVHO.
I hope all those people at the Team Casey party kept a close eye on their purses, wallets, checkbooks, etc. I hope her legal team constantly keeps an eye around these things when they're around Casey.
Is it NBC or CBS?

Adam Longo at CBS5 in AZ did the phone interview with her and posted the photos of her with her legal team in August 2012. Atty Greene probably gave him the photos, so Greene would be paid, not FCA.

NBC has apparently made a deal with FCA for big bucks.
Here's the rule on listing the debt as priority:

She's showing the debt for 2008. The return was due 4/15/2009 and the last extension possible would have given her until 10/15/2009 to file it. There are terms in there that most people don't use on a regular basis in this context, including "assessment date" and "tolling", that have specific meanings and can make things complicated.

In plain terms, if you have a tax debt that's just sitting there for more than 3 years and nothing has happened - you have not made any payments or agreements with the IRS, you just ignore the nasty certified letters they send and the IRS doesn't garnish your wages, empty your back account, etc. - then the debt CAN be considered unsecured and included in your bankruptcy.

So if she filed her return on on before 4/15/2009 showing the money was owed and then did NOTHING to pay it and the IRS did NOTHING to collect it, by 4/16/2012 the debt COULD be considered unsecured. But a lot of things could change that. None the less, I can see based on this where she could make the argument that the 3 years had passed without being totally disingenuous.

- respectfully snipped

is exactly right. I worked as a BK paralegal for the first 5 years of my career. The threshold determining the eligibility of an IRS debt being dischargable in a Chapter 7 is the filing date. As long as she filed a return and the IRS did not collect within 3 years, the money owed is able to be discharged. Where most people get in trouble is they don't file a return at all - in that case, the debt is not dischargeable

I don't know...maybe there's some way to get her "story" listed as an intangible asset in BK and then assigned to creditors.

ZG/Tim/Roy K will need to deal with their claims in BK court now, unless they can get the stay lifted to proceed in state court. ZG might have a shot at that since they are pretty far along toward trial. But if ZG wins, her claim would still be processed through the BK--meaning she would probably get nothing.

- respectfully snipped

Yeah, this will be interesting to watch how it is handled. I know when you file you are required to list ANY anticipated income. In most cases, that refers to things like outstanding lawsuits where the debtor may be awarded a sum, or e.g., an expected inheritance from a terminally ill parent, things like that. I can't help but think ZG's lawyers will file something to be able to collect any monies from interviews, books, etc... at the very least for a set amount of time (5 years? I dunno...just a wild guess.) Don't ask me what they're gonna file to do this because I've never seen anything like this before and have no idea how they can protect their client.

That said, Federal laws have authority re. Bankruptcy, however, each state has different exemptions, etc... Think of O.J. Simpson. Even though he had been a lifelong resident of California, he bought an expensive home in Florida. At the time (may still be, not sure), a home (ANY home, no matter what the value) was exempt and protected. (Most states have a home exemption cap - they vary greatly but usually somewhere between $175,000 - $300,000, depending upon the area of the country.) That is reason he moved to Florida - to keep the Goldman's from forcing him to sell his assets so they could collect on their civil suit award. And it worked.

Good God. This thread even drew me out of my rabbit hole to break out the laptop and sign in. Just when you think you can't get surprised anymore in this case.... Blows. My. Mind.

The only good thing I can think of is THIS kind of crap is gonna only serve to make the public hate her even more. I mean...come on... really though... She might as well be standing next to CM and giving the middle finger to the public that hates her so much. This ain't gonna help her image, that is for sure. And trying to spin a bit more positive here - this kind of stuff points out flaws and shortcomings in the legal process. Maybe it will lead to some changes. Of course, not in time to affect the teflon princess who lives on air and gift cards.

Unreal. :sigh:
She wants to do off camera interviews so no one knows what she looks like best guess. She must not feel good about her selfish self to be seen.
Until it's confirmed by a legitimate source, I'll wait before believing that a network has signed a deal with her. We've heard this rumor many times in the past almost two years.
Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
I HAVE ERRED! Correction CBS MADE DEAL!!! I was sooo frustrated I made a grave mistake! MY APOLOGIES TO NBC!
Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
I HAVE ERRED! Correction CBS MADE DEAL!!! I was sooo frustrated I made a grave mistake! MY APOLOGIES TO NBC!

How does this person know this...yet not one media outlet is reporting it?
I found one false statement in her list of assets. She claims she has clothing worth $100. The only people that would have that low of an amount are homeless living on the streets with just the clothes on their backs. Just bras and underwear would be more than that.

That struck me too! $100 would be one or two complete outfit including shoes. She has a dress on in that pic, another outfit on in the restaurant pic. That's more than $100 right there.
Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
I HAVE ERRED! Correction CBS MADE DEAL!!! I was sooo frustrated I made a grave mistake! MY APOLOGIES TO NBC!

Info Seeker ‏@Inquizzativ
@Blaiss explains his tweet - Adam Longo ‏@adamlongoCBS5 @KPRCmboyle Yes sir. More on that coming soon. It wasn't just one conversation.

$500,000 to be pd in installments, 1st installment low, following installments increasing. 4 interviews, pics, videos

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
Casey shopped a deal with networks last month! The offer was numerous off camera interviews,

to be released over several days.

This is exactly what CBS5 Adam Longo is doing .... off camera interview [phone] and new photos of her ... and he promises more to come ....
The only good thing I can think of is THIS kind of crap is gonna only serve to make the public hate her even more. I mean...come on... really though... She might as well be standing next to CM and giving the middle finger to the public that hates her so much. This ain't gonna help her image, that is for sure. And trying to spin a bit more positive here - this kind of stuff points out flaws and shortcomings in the legal process. Maybe it will lead to some changes. Of course, not in time to affect the teflon princess who lives on air and gift cards.

Unreal. :sigh:
*respectfully snipped* & BBM

That was the very first thing I thought.

This whole saga is really unbelievable, isn't it? :furious: :banghead: :sigh:
Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
I HAVE ERRED! Correction CBS MADE DEAL!!! I was sooo frustrated I made a grave mistake! MY APOLOGIES TO NBC!

TT, who is this Blaiss?

I'm all for the info and grateful for it, believe me! I'm just thinking the absolute STUPIDEST thing she could do (legally speaking) is grant an interview that we all know she will be compensated for right before she files a bankruptcy.

There is no way on earth she would be doing this for free. No way.

Why does the term "money laundering" keep ringing in my head while reading all this thread? I am so sick of all these leaches who skirt the law to help this girl.
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