Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Well, that would be pretty awesome because then KC and her team would be in all kinds of trouble for lying to a Federal Court. Plus, she would probably lose her rights to profit from her story AND get sued by that entity for Breach Of Contract. Good times!

So it is permitted that they all lie in State Court (about a dead child) but frowned upon when they lie (about money) at the Federal level? Do I have this straight?
I think, to me, it makes more sense that she has already received money and all the people that surround her are there for the money, then it does to imagine some nameless, faceless benefactors are so generous as to let her live free however she would like, no strings attached. People just don't work that way.
And its not a stretch of the imagination after what we witnessed at trial to imagine that lawyers are willing to lie for her.
So it is permitted that they all lie in State Court (about a dead child) but frowned upon when they lie (about money) at the Federal level? Do I have this straight?

Well, they should have all been in big trouble after that debacle, but unforunately, they were given a free pass on that one. :furious:
So it is permitted that they all lie in State Court (about a dead child) but frowned upon when they lie (about money) at the Federal level? Do I have this straight?

Technically, CA didn't lie in State Court. She never took the stand. She let others do the lying. I guess since the lawyers weren't under oath to tell the truth, they could get away with it.

Doen't seem fair, tho. Seems like there should be a code of conduct that would prohibit that. Also, the powers that be didn't want to prosecute the witnesses that told falsehoods under oath.

Thanks ThinkTank !!! :rocker:

March 20, 2013

Entry on Bankruptcy Court docket

The Trustee hereby gives notice of recovery of assets in the instant bankruptcy case. The Trustee respectfully requests that the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court set a claims bar date and give notice of need to file proofs of claims to all creditors and parties in interest.
Filed by Stephen L Meininger. (Meininger, Stephen) (Entered: 03/20/2013)


Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Legal Questions for our Verified Lawyers #4


March 20, 2013

The creditors will not be paid unless they can prove their claims. This goes for Baez, ZG, whomever. In the case of ZG, she would have to prove her claim by having a trial (either in BK court or in state court, depending on what the BK judge decides).

The $$ would go to administrative expenses first (trustee fee etc.), then to creditors. As I noted above, the creditors will have to prove their claims. The creditors will be divided into classes--e.g., I believe the IRS and court cost claims would be given priority--and paid different %ages depending upon the class of the claim.

Well dang it!!! I like this!

That list is going to SHRINK
Wonder if Baez will submit a claim? :floorlaugh: I hope the Trustee and the Judge have her motion for Indigent status and her Affidavit of Attorney Cost where it is sworn no more money is owed to Baez after his $89,000
HMMMM will Cindy and George submit a claim?
Thanks ThinkTank !!! :rocker:

Well dang it!!! I like this!

That list is going to SHRINK
Wonder if Baez will submit a claim? :floorlaugh:
HMMMM will Cindy and George submit a claim?

All JB has to do is hand her an invoice though....?
Thanks ThinkTank !!! :rocker:

Well dang it!!! I like this!

That list is going to SHRINK
Wonder if Baez will submit a claim? :floorlaugh:
HMMMM will Cindy and George submit a claim?

Didn't CA say that she got some/all the names from her credit report? I don't think all the people she has listed checked her credit.

Question for Think Tank. Where did you find the document filed by the bankruptcy court filed today? I went to their site and it said one could join Pacer? and buy documents. I'm nosy, but not nosy enough to waste money on the likes of CA!

All JB has to do is hand her an invoice though....?

IF he submitted an Invoice I wonder if he alone or both of them would get in trouble because of the Affidavit she signed saying Baez was owed no further funds, monies, value...when they filed their motion to have her declared indigent?
Didn't CA say that she got some/all the names from her credit report? I don't think all the people she has listed checked her credit.


Mark NeJame checked her credit? (his name just quickly came to mind)
Looking over many of the names on that list I strongly doubt they checked her credit report.
If that were true then they would have listed the money owing to the Credit Card company in the initial BK filing.
Mark NeJame checked her credit? (his name just quickly came to mind)
Looking over many of the names on that list I strongly doubt they checked her credit report.
If that were true then they would have listed the money owing to the Credit Card company in the initial BK filing.

With as many names as she had listed, it seems seems like she went thru the phone book instead of the credit bureau!!

With as many names as she had listed, it seems seems like she went thru the phone book instead of the credit bureau!!



A google search for Key Players in her murder trial case and most of those people would have been listed
Thanks ThinkTank !!! :rocker:

Well dang it!!! I like this!

That list is going to SHRINK
Wonder if Baez will submit a claim? :floorlaugh: I hope the Trustee and the Judge have her motion for Indigent status and her Affidavit of Attorney Cost where it is sworn no more money is owed to Baez after his $89,000
HMMMM will Cindy and George submit a claim?

Isn't it wonderful that every day is a happy day here in the Bankruptcy thread?? :great:
How are they going to get out of the corner they painted themselves into? Lets see. They want her to appear to have a huge amount of debt. Easy, just list Biaz with a $500,000 amount owed. Oops, forgot about that pesky indigency hearing stating she owes nothing more. They want it to look like everybody is after her, just throw on the list names of everybody connected to the case, no matter how insignificant. Oops, court wants proof of claim.

I am loving this.
Isn't it wonderful that every day is a happy day here in the Bankruptcy thread?? :great:

We're all giddy with excitement at the thought that just maybe CA will not walk away from this one with the results she expected. I really, really, hope the Judge approves the Trustee's motion. This is the first hope since the "not guilty" verdict that there will be at least one thing that doesn't go the way she planned. Everytime I think of what she looked like when she learned of the motion from the trustee, the vision of her and her little fisty thing comes to mind.

How are they going to get out of the corner they painted themselves into? Lets see. They want her to appear to have a huge amount of debt. Easy, just list Biaz with a $500,000 amount owed. Oops, forgot about that pesky indigency hearing dating she outers nothing more. They washer it to look like everybody is after her, just throw on the list names of everybody connected to the case, no matter how insignificant. Oops, court wants proof of claim.

I am loving this.

It's amazing that before she went to jail, she had very little responsibilty for living costs and the few that she had, she stole the money to pay for them. How did she accumulate all those debts since she was released from jail? As she said others are still taking care of her needs since then. I think one of the few truths she has ever told is the statement that she just wanted to get rid of the lawsuits. That is really the reason for the BK filing.

Can you imagine being the one chosen to tell her about this motion? I wonder if they drew straws to decide who was going to tell her.
Can you imagine being the one chosen to tell her about this motion? I weiner if they drew straws to decide who was going to tell her.

I wonder if they wore a bullet proof vest! Maybe they all went in hiding behind each other!

Filed March 20, 2013

"... a dividend [Law definition - a sum out of an insolvent estate paid to creditors. ] now appears possible in this case.
Therefore, the "Deadline to File a Proof of Claim" in this case is June 24, 2013."

"A proof of claim is a signed statement describing a creditor's claim...."
"eProofs of Claims" - to file online

"... supporting documents, such as statements of account, invoices, ledger cards, etc. should be attached to the proof of claim..."


DEADLINE to file a complaint objecting to discharge of the Debtor or to Challenge dischargeability of certain debts: MAY 3, 2013
paperwork to dispute must be received by bankruptcy court by this date.
I think so, but there has not been a trial AFAIK. I guess it is her plan to have it go away with the bankruptcy filing. I think her goal is two fold for filing BK. One is not having to testify, the other being able to sell her story for money and not have to worry about it being used to pay off any judgement that might be won by the people who have pending cases against her.

Please, please Mr. Judge approve the sale of her story. Do not let her profit off the death of a beautiful little girl named Caylee.

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