BD said vs. SA said

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And that he has most probably done this so much and for so long and NOT been called on the carpet for it that he feels perfectly comfortable telling such a huge, easily disproven bald-faced lie even to law enforcement officers that are questioning him.

I wonder how many people have known, and for how long, that he lies so brazenly. He surely must have had enablers along the way.

I think you've hit the nail on the head here, OneLove. It's not just the lying, it's the utter brazenness of it.

Regarding the 911 calls, Billie said that DD was home, and that's why she didn't want Shawn there. Her body language, tone of voice, etc, when she explained this on NG showed angry emotion.

Along came Shawn in his interview, and what does he say? That DD wasn't even there. And here's the thing - his sneering smirk when he said it.

Both showed some emotion when they said these things, yet - one of them is lying. And neither hesitated about, but acted out that emotion, without a care in the world.

And still, Billie is with him, Billie loves him, after he, in essence, called her a liar right on TV and smirked about it.

But one more thing about that smirk. What did it indicate? That he thought it was cute for Billie to say DD was there when he wasn't? That he thought the situation of calling out 911 multiple times in a day was funny? That Billie's concern for DD, if she was telling the truth, was funny? To be dismissed?

Mind boggling.
I think you've hit the nail on the head here, OneLove. It's not just the lying, it's the utter brazenness of it.

Regarding the 911 calls, Billie said that DD was home, and that's why she didn't want Shawn there. Her body language, tone of voice, etc, when she explained this on NG showed angry emotion.

Along came Shawn in his interview, and what does he say? That DD wasn't even there. And here's the thing - his sneering smirk when he said it.

Both showed some emotion when they said these things, yet - one of them is lying. And neither hesitated about, but acted out that emotion, without a care in the world.

And still, Billie is with him, Billie loves him, after he, in essence, called her a liar right on TV and smirked about it.

But one more thing about that smirk. What did it indicate? That he thought it was cute for Billie to say DD was there when he wasn't? That he thought the situation of calling out 911 multiple times in a day was funny? That Billie's concern for DD, if she was telling the truth, was funny? To be dismissed?

Mind boggling.

Reporter: Billie didn’t trust you to be in her house… has to be reason she’s not trusting… why didn’t she want you there when she’s not there?

Shawn: No, David wasn’t there. She didn’t want me going over there to get my stuff without her there. I was just wanting to pick up some of my belongings, so that’s why she didn’t want me over there, ’cause she was afraid I would take something that I wasn’t supposed to, so…

And why did he even mention DD at all? That wasn't even in the question. He also says he was going to pick up some of his belongings but BD had said it was just maybe a t-shirt.
Reporter: Billie didn’t trust you to be in her house… has to be reason she’s not trusting… why didn’t she want you there when she’s not there?

Shawn: No, David wasn’t there. She didn’t want me going over there to get my stuff without her there. I was just wanting to pick up some of my belongings, so that’s why she didn’t want me over there, ’cause she was afraid I would take something that I wasn’t supposed to, so…

And why did he even mention DD at all? That wasn't even in the question. He also says he was going to pick up some of his belongings but BD had said it was just maybe a t-shirt.

And how would he even KNOW if DD was there or not. Billie had the cell phone
with her at work. I don't think SA could have known if DD was home unless he had been there inside himself.
Excellent idea for a thread, I'll point out one for now where the story is changing. That has to do with SA getting fired that morning he went in for 10 minutes.

Shawn in his interview has stated he told BD he was fired but he told LE he quit. ( I did hear that right didn't I?)

Of course he lied to her but he states he told LE he quit. Maybe after they investigated his claim he admitted it but the affidavit clearly states he told LE he was fired. Only after they checked with his work it was learned he had quit. He originally told LE he was fired. This just tells me he has the propensity to morph the truth into a different version.

I agree, Peliman. SA has told so many versions of the *job story* that it's apparent he's lost track of what he said to whom. That's the problem with lies - they're hard to keep straight.

From the SW Affidavit:

According to ADKINS, he was fired from his job at WSI in Snyder on Monday, 12-27-20l0. ADKINS later informed investigators he quit his job after an altercation with his supervisor. Investigators were informed by ADKINS employer that ADKINS was a good employee and had not been fired. Investigators were also informed that ADKINS did not have any altercation with supervisors on Monday, 12-27-2010, and further stated ADKINS arrived on the premises according to their records at 6:00am on Monday, 12-27-2010; went into the break room and purchased a Dr. Pepper out of the vending machine, looked at the supervisor without saying a word, and then left the premises at 6:10am.

From the transcript of SA's KTAB interview February 7, part 1:

REPORTER: Now, you just said right now that you quit your job but originally, you had said that you got into a fight with a boss, and was fired from your job.

SHAWN ADKINS: Ah, now that was, uh, that was untrue too. I told investigators I quit my job, but I told Billie that I got fired, because I didn’t, I didn’t want her knowing that I quit my job.

In the above quote, SA again tried to claim the information in the Affidavit was wrong.

And then he rambled on, attempting to rationalize why he outright lied to police (and claimed to have also lied to BD) during the investigation of a missing little girl who he claims to "love with all his heart".

TBHonest, I really have had to distance myself from this case because of all the lies and discrepencies. IMHO, SA knows a lot about oil fields, and who knows where he dumped Hailey (yes, I do think he killed her). He could have very well found a hiding place with his job connections, and Hailey will never be found.

I'm truly hoping that's not the case, but it makes me wonder.

Just my opinion only.

BD and SA failed to come up with a foolproof plan. They thought that they could baffle LE with b---s..., and by the time LE figured out what/who to believe, they could then accuse LE of negligence. They also did not take into account the media. They failed to realize that crime blogger sites like WS would be interested in finding HD. They learned too late how good WS is at spotting the inaccuracies and contradictory "stories".
Billie vs. Shawn: About Hailey
-Billie said that Hailey would rather kick a boy than kiss a boy on Nancy Grace (later repeated verbatim by Clint on BTH radio show) and a good kid who wasn't allowed to walk the streets at night; never worried about Hailey getting in trouble...
-Shawn said that Hailey was promiscuous and into drugs (affidavit).
-Billie's reversal to support Shawn's statement: Billie then said on a later NG appearance that she talked to Hailey about birth control (with Clint) a couple of times. I just don't see Billie and Clint having a responsible birth control sit-down with Hailey out of nowhere, based on what we know of the family dynamic. But, it supports Shawn's contention that he didn't say Hailey was promiscuous, just that Billie had to talk to her about birth control...

Billie vs. Shawn: About NYE Party
-Billie said on Nancy Grace that there was no New Years Eve party. Just family and no one was thinking of drinking or partying. No alcohol was served.
-Shawn said they just had a few friends over for drinks on New Year's Eve (affidavit).
-Billie's reversal to support Shawn's statement: Billie then said no one was drinking, but Shawn maybe had a couple drinks (then changed to one beer)
03:00PM Shawn arrives at Hailey’s home in Colorado City. Hailey is in the living room watching TV, and tells him she is going to her father’s, then to her friend’s, Mary Beth Garcia.
Billie originally reported the time of this event to LE as 1:00pm, then she and Shawn changed it to 3:00pm on December 29. Time changed again by Shawn 2/7 to 3:00pm to 3:30pm.


Billie can no longer use the 'lunchtime' excuse, where she says she assumed Shawn was
home for lunch. Because now we have her giving us a new tidbit, in her revised Timeline, she tells us that Shawn CALLED HER at work Monday afternoon to tell her about Hailey's sleepover. THAT CALL HAD TO BE MADE BETWEEN 3;!5 and 4 PM because Shawn tells her that Hailey left and DD is not home. SO WHAT DID SHAWN TELL BILLIE ABOUT HIM BEING HOME SO EARLY THAT MONDAY?
And why would she think he was home for lunch if he actually called her between 3:15 and 4 ?

And, if he worked a half hour away, why would come home for lunch in the first place? How long was his lunch break anyway? Why would he even want to come home for lunch since BD isn't there?
And, why wouldn't Hailey just call her mom and tell her where she was going?
And, if he worked a half hour away, why would come home for lunch in the first place? How long was his lunch break anyway? Why would he even want to come home for lunch since BD isn't there?
And, why wouldn't Hailey just call her mom and tell her where she was going?

I know that in any medical field, Charting is very important, and TIME stamped Charting even more so.
That being said I would think that someone in the medical field while at work would know the exact time of day pretty much all the time.
In addition, I would think when someone was reporting their child missing they would be absolute on the time they were last seen.
I wonder what was told to BD by SA as to the time HD left? It was made to sound like it was never discussed and only guessed about even when filling out the Missing persons report.
BD--Police were at the house when SA arrived there at 4:00pm Tuesday Dec 28th

SA--Police showed up later that night after he was already home on Tueday Dec 28th
One of the most glaring discrepancies is their different stories about WHEN Billie was told that Hailey went to Clints and MB's. There are 3 DIFFERENT stories floating around. Actually, if you count CZ, four I think.

Originally she said she found out when she arrived home Monday night. Then it was changed to hearing it from Shawn when he picked her up from work.
But in Billies PR conference she claims that Shawn called her at work right after Hailey left and told her of her dauhgters plans,and said DD wasn't home yet.

But in Shawns 'sunglasses' interview he says Billie CALLED him around 5;30 fior an early ride home. SO WHICH ONE OF THE FOUR STORIES OF THIS CRUCIAL EVENT IS REAL?
And I know I read it in the first few days of the case... When they were still saying it was 1:15, That
BD knew it was that time because SA was home for lunch and she was on break.

But SA says it was when she called him at 5:30.....!!!!!
And how would he even KNOW if DD was there or not. Billie had the cell phone
with her at work. I don't think SA could have known if DD was home unless he had been there inside himself.

Maybe I am confused (this case has SO many twists and turns not to mention downright misinformation!)

But I thought DD had the cellphone which is why BD told her to call CD????
I used to go into work at 4 am, would have lunch at 11 am, then leave for the day at 12:30 pm. That was when I was allotted time for lunch, and when I had to take it.

His situation may have been similar. Especially since his job wasn't in the professional sphere and more labor oriented.

But did you live 30 minutes from your job? Even if he drives like a bat-outta-hades, it's still 40- 45 minutes of drive time? Correct me if I have this wrong guys ... The house is in C City and he works in Snyder, yes?
Originally Posted by katydid23
03:00PM Shawn arrives at Hailey’s home in Colorado City. Hailey is in the living room watching TV, and tells him she is going to her father’s, then to her friend’s, Mary Beth Garcia.
Billie originally reported the time of this event to LE as 1:00pm, then she and Shawn changed it to 3:00pm on December 29. Time changed again by Shawn 2/7 to 3:00pm to 3:30pm.
================================================== ============


Billie can no longer use the 'lunchtime' excuse, where she says she assumed Shawn was
home for lunch. Because now we have her giving us a new tidbit, in her revised Timeline, she tells us that Shawn CALLED HER at work Monday afternoon to tell her about Hailey's sleepover. THAT CALL HAD TO BE MADE BETWEEN 3;!5 and 4 PM because Shawn tells her that Hailey left and DD is not home. SO WHAT DID SHAWN TELL BILLIE ABOUT HIM BEING HOME SO EARLY THAT MONDAY?
And why would she think he was home for lunch if he actually called her between 3:15 and 4 ?

Tugela's Response to above post:

I doubt they remember the times accurately, who would? It would just be approximate.

As to why she didn't ask him why he was home early, remember on that day he had gone to work earlier than usual (which is why she got a ride in from a friend), so getting home at around 2.30 to 3 would be more or less the right time.

If he called her there would be phone records. Unfortunately we don't know if he did or not since the cell records reported in the affidavit didn't go that far. It would be interesting if the 2.40PM phone call was the one she is talking about though, that would be difficult to explain since he was in another town at the time.

Above BBM..
Going back to katydid's original question in her above post asks why would they have changed this time from 1:00pm to 3:00pm and changed once again to 3-3:30pm?{which I believe that the "story" from them both now goes that Shawn last saw Hailey at/around 3:15pm when she told him she was briefly going to dad's and then to spend the night with MB..and then supposedly left the house literally to vanish into thin air somewhere between the door and yard of 1804 Chestnut}..

So Above BBM the last portion of Tugela's post is IMO the answer to your original question katydid..of why change the time from 1pm to 3pm to 3:30pm of the time that Shawn last saw Hailey... I believe that it is because they knew that there would be calls that placed him in Big Spring way after 1pm..and then even when changed to 3pm it still needed to be extended to 3:30pm due to allowing enough time to lapse to make up for the drive time from Big Spring back to CCity.. According to affidavit at 2:40pm a call on Shawn's cell phone still showed him being at the Apache Drive residence in Big Spring..given the amt of drive time to get to CCity 3pm would have still had Shawn en route from mom's back to City..because the true time would have been at/around 3:18pm as his ETA at the Chestnut residence and that's with him leaving IMMEDIATELY after the call tracked to Apache address at 2:40pm..

So.. IMO they had to make this change in order for their "timeline" of their events that day to even begin to attempt to add up/make sense..Does that make sense?
I can't understand the logic of going in at 7, having lunch at 1, and then leaving for the day at 3. ???

I go in at 6:30, take lunch from 12:45-1:15 everyday and leave at 3. Some people eat at later times, not saying I believe anybody but maybe to help understand why someone eats that late

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