"Beautiful Life? - The CSI Behind the Casey Anthony Trial" by Robyn Walensky

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I don't think DS' is anywhere close to being a good, kind hearted person.

She jumped up and down like a 2 year old while celebrating over a baby killer being set free. I was embarrassed for her. Who acts like that...in any situation?

If anyone can stand to see it again, DS was also very excited about getting to stand at the podium with her little killer after the NG verdict. JBP had to say 'not all the DT, just a sampling'.

I think there is something wrong with DS but if she wants to play with fire she better expect to get burned. I have no sympathy for anyone from the DT.


Finally! I was beginning to think I was the only one with quite a few suspicions about DS. For instance, just in case you have a little time to spend on google, check out one of her 'officers' in that retreat (the license, btw was abandoned a few years ago). Read about (Robert)"Tobe" Terrell, with special attention to The Finders. I remember reading some not so flattering stuff about her husband too, but was unable to find it again this time around.

If nothing else,IMO she deserves to be stuck with FCA just because she sat beside her during the whole trial, stroking and patting her like she was a victimized child needing protection, and also because of her ridiculous actions after the sentencing. She may not have created this monster, but she sure helped free
her - now she can live with it (and her, if this is true) IMO.
I'm just wondering how long it will be before Casey steals DS's checkbook. We all know how DS was with her hair, so I bet she's not much better with her checkbook!

And honestly, I feel no pity for the defense or the A's. They are where they are today because of what they did for over three years. No pity. They are getting what they deserve, and part of me hopes Casey robs DS blind.

If DS is really living in a $50 million dollar estate there must be a guest house on the property. I don't think FCA is living with them in their home. She is probably in a guest house.

I feel no pity for the DT or the As either. As bad as it may sound, I'd rather FCA victimize them over an innocent person.

Finally! I was beginning to think I was the only one with quite a few suspicions about DS. For instance, just in case you have a little time to spend on google, check out one of her 'officers' in that retreat (the license, btw was abandoned a few years ago). Read about (Robert)"Tobe" Terrell, with special attention to The Finders. I remember reading some not so flattering stuff about her husband too, but was unable to find it again this time around.

If nothing else,IMO she deserves to be stuck with FCA just because she sat beside her during the whole trial, stroking and patting her like she was a victimized child needing protection, and also because of her ridiculous actions after the sentencing. She may not have created this monster, but she sure helped free
her - now she can live with it (and her, if this is true) IMO.

Thanks for the info. I'm with you and Jon-Burrows . DS was part of an act intended to mislead the jury.She knew darn well that her actions in court were over the line. JBP should have put a stop to it before the jury ever saw DS fawning over Casey.
If Casey had been found guilty ,JBP's decision to let the DT slide on certain actions ,would have been a moot point,but because she was acquitted they haunt me.
If DS is really living in a $50 million dollar estate there must be a guest house on the property. I don't think FCA is living with them in their home. She is probably in a guest house.

I feel no pity for the DT or the As either. As bad as it may sound, I'd rather FCA victimize them over an innocent person.


I'm not buying the "$50 Million Estate" part of it or even that she's there. It's not a $50 Million kind of area, IMO, it's not even an "estate" area.

McIntosh is in Marion Cty, IIRC she reports to St John Cty probation, so she either has more special treatment or she's up in St John Cty. If she's "hiding" at DCS's she can stop hiding because obviously nobody is looking too hard-the address is all over the internet.
Finally! I was beginning to think I was the only one with quite a few suspicions about DS. For instance, just in case you have a little time to spend on google, check out one of her 'officers' in that retreat (the license, btw was abandoned a few years ago). Read about (Robert)"Tobe" Terrell, with special attention to The Finders. I remember reading some not so flattering stuff about her husband too, but was unable to find it again this time around.

If nothing else,IMO she deserves to be stuck with FCA just because she sat beside her during the whole trial, stroking and patting her like she was a victimized child needing protection, and also because of her ridiculous actions after the sentencing. She may not have created this monster, but she sure helped free
her - now she can live with it (and her, if this is true) IMO.

Is her husband's name really Oregon? His last name sounds like it was made up too.

Strange, I can only find a P.O. Box for the Vision Farms Retreat Center...another non profit with a P.O. Box?

Am I way off base here?

I'm not buying the "$50 Million Estate" part of it or even that she's there. It's not a $50 Million kind of area, IMO, it's not even an "estate" area.

McIntosh is in Marion Cty, IIRC she reports to St John Cty probation, so she either has more special treatment or she's up in St John Cty. If she's "hiding" at DCS's she can stop hiding because obviously nobody is looking too hard-the address is all over the internet.

BBM - I think you're right.

...sounds like they sold off some land or something - my guess the estate is titled in a trust or some such vehicle.
...sounds like they sold off some land or something - my guess the estate is titled in a trust or some such vehicle.

What - you mean they as persons sold the land to the non-profit Buddhist retreat or something like that? In other words they sold their land to themselves?:great:
What - you mean they as persons sold the land to the non-profit Buddhist retreat or something like that? In other words they sold their land to themselves?:great:

Shocked! Shocked I tell you!

Question for the mods please - are we welcome on WS to sleuth/post for the DT attys/this subject as to DS/her hubby............?????????? TIA
So you are saying they sold "the old place" this July for $675.000 and bought a 50 million dollar estate....whew - they must be carrying some mortgage...:innocent:

So easy to sleuth for us!!!!!........asking Mods - can we post responses to this if public record - or is that off limits?
So easy to sleuth for us!!!!!........asking Mods - can we post responses to this if public record - or is that off limits?

as long as you have the property id (or pins) should be varrrrry easy. LOVE the SUNSHINE in FL
Property is cheap in Florida. 56 acres for $675k, wow.

I took a look using Google Earth, if FCA is really there then :floorlaugh:.


Property is not cheap in all of FL, but it sure is in that area. Not too many "estates". Lots of pretty horse farms, not much else. There is one of those stripper pole places on I75 :great:

IMO, if you are pretentious enough to refer to a imaginary babysitter as a "nanny", then I guess farm property would be an "estate."
I have no doubt that DS probably thinks she can "save" KC again since they saved her from the DP. She has spent much of her practice helping people and causes that she really believed in. I also agree that KC will be running the show at their home. She gets pretty ugly when she's not. But when it comes to the stealing, I believe that even if she hasn't yet, she will eventually. They may be giving her everything she needs right now. So did CA. Roof over her head, food, car, everything for the baby. But thay wasn't enough for KC. She needed to shop at Target. I think she gets a rush from the stealing and spending of other peoples money. DS can't just give her that. And, if DS is smart, she better be keeping a very close eye on her husband, if she is married, as well as her money. I would bet there is a piece of paper somewhere that reads "KC Sims! Mrs. KC Sims, ESQ! Mr. and Mrs. Sims!" Lol![/QUOTE]

Oh, Oh! DS's husband is a very wealthy man. I can totally picture KC dreaming up how to break up their marriage and marry this rich man. Take all his money and then......terrible.
I did find a couple of links to this retreat, one has photos of some of the interior rooms. Nice, but not exactly ulta fancy millionares row. There is a guest house or caretakers home on site and the large home is like a home within a home with 2 separate kitchens, horse stables, etc. way out in the toolies it seems.

Imo, DS was placed during trial because of all the touchy feely going on with FCA's male attorneys and they somehow 'connected'. I have no clue as to the bhuddist(sp?) faith, but I think in DS case, she tries to see the good in everyone and sees herself as FCA's 'savior', that's fine, but I hope her brain isn't so clouded over that she can't see what might be going on in the near future. Who knows, hate to say it, but FCA could act like she has been re-born. We already saw that road show with her parents. Still, it doesn't take away what happened to Caylee and it never will.
"I am donating a portion of the proceeds to the OCSO Children's Safety Village...for fingerprinting & DNA collections kits. I am the only Casey Book author with a charity! Would so appreciate as I will be in FLA for Safety Week in 2012 and would like to purchase as many kits as possible. Reminder - Caylee Anthony was a missing child - at 1st - not a murdered child."

snipped and bolded by me

Who is this woman kidding? Caylee was never missing, but murdered from day one! Lies from Casey and the Anthonys don't make the murder any less a reality. Casey always knew where Caylee was, dead, in the woods after being driven in the trunk.

That Robyn woman needs a reality check.

It's fine that she wants to donate proceeds to worthy causes, I'm all for it.
I hear ya, 2goldfish! But, I have to add, being a terminally nice person doesn't mean you have to be terminally ignorant. It was the DT's job to get the best possible sentence for KC. And they did. It was not their job to buy into or believe the BS that they were using in order to do that. They were privy to all of the same information everyone else was. If they are keeping her now, IMO, it is because they view her as a cash cow. It is possible that DS genuinly likes her and wants to protect her. I just can't fathom how. They all know about her thefts and lying. Heck. The whole world now knows that she is a liar and a thief extraordinaire. If any of the DT thinks that she will not stoop to stealing from them after she stole from her mother, father, brother, grandmother, elderly grandfather's nursing home account, "best friend", and who knows who else, then they shouldn't be surprised when she steals from them. I don't wish DS harm, but I also don't understand what she is thinking if this is true. JMO.


And don't forget she stole from her very own 2 year old daughter's piggy bank.

I agree. DS might be nice but I don't peg her for being ignorant. I have no doubt that someone in the defense is housing OCA. And they only do so because they view OCA as their pay day.

I wish no one harm, however if this DT knew they had a guilty client and worked harder at her defense to get her to go free because it would benefit them more financially then I do hope that someday they get a big ole heaping dose of Karma coming their way. Not to say that even a guilty client doesn't deserve representation but the key to what I said has more to do with what was in each of the DT's heart. If they didn't care if a child killer went free as long as it benefited them then I think they have a lot to answer to and not to the public but certainly their higher power.

And I still can't lie and say it doesn't bug me and eat at me that OCA is getting the life she craved and desired and the life that half of the people in this country can't afford to have all because she killed her 2 year old daughter. There just doesn't seem to be anything fair about that.

But then again no one said life was fair ....

And don't forget she stole from her very own 2 year old daughter's piggy bank.

I agree. DS might be nice but I don't peg her for being ignorant. I have no doubt that someone in the defense is housing OCA. And they only do so because they view OCA as their pay day.

I wish no one harm, however if this DT knew they had a guilty client and worked harder at her defense to get her to go free because it would benefit them more financially then I do hope that someday they get a big ole heaping dose of Karma coming their way. Not to say that even a guilty client doesn't deserve representation but the key to what I said has more to do with what was in each of the DT's heart. If they didn't care if a child killer went free as long as it benefited them then I think they have a lot to answer to and not to the public but certainly their higher power.

And I still can't lie and say it doesn't bug me and eat at me that OCA is getting the life she craved and desired and the life that half of the people in this country can't afford to have all because she killed her 2 year old daughter. There just doesn't seem to be anything fair about that.

But then again no one said life was fair ....

Uh no - hiding in a hidey hole out of the public view as the most hated woman in America with a whopping pile of debts - No - I don't think this is anything close to the life she wanted...

I know how much we all hate that she wasn't found guilty and jailed for 50 years or so...but I think maybe ...could your imagination be running away from you?:waitasec: All IMO of course...
Uh no - hiding in a hidey hole out of the public view as the most hated woman in America with a whopping pile of debts - No - I don't think this is anything close to the life she wanted...

I know how much we all hate that she wasn't found guilty and jailed for 50 years or so...but I think maybe ...could your imagination be running away from you?:waitasec: All IMO of course...

In Casey's mind, that hidey hole is a fabulous retreat where she is surrounded by her sycophants and she is adored and admired, pampered and petted. Cindy is not breathing down her neck everyday, micromanaging her life and demeaning her. Those people that hate her? They don't exist in her mind. Any animosity that she may detect isn't a result of her actions, but the result of her family's interference in her life. As to the mountain of debt? What of it? Someone else will take care of that for her, like things have always been taken care of in the past. Besides, all this Caylee trouble is Cindy's fault and she is the one who should pay...
So, yeah... for the price of murdering her child..she is living out part of her fantasy and the life she craved.
The reason why most of us can't afford to live a life of self indulgence, as Casey is now, is that none of us are willing to pay the ultimate price like Casey did.
In Casey's mind, that hidey hole is a fabulous retreat where she is surrounded by her sycophants and she is adored and admired, pampered and petted. Cindy is not breathing down her neck everyday, micromanaging her life and demeaning her. Those people that hate her? They don't exist in her mind. Any animosity that she may detect isn't a result of her actions, but the result of her family's interference in her life. As to the mountain of debt? What of it? Someone else will take care of that for her, like things have always been taken care of in the past. Besides, all this Caylee trouble is Cindy's fault and she is the one who should pay...
So, yeah... for the price of murdering her child..she is living out part of her fantasy and the life she craved.
The reason why most of us can't afford to live a life of self indulgence, as Casey is now, is that none of us are willing to pay the ultimate price like Casey did.

Well we actually don't know if her keepers even like her! She's been there for a few months now and I don't think she can keep up a "sweet" personality for more than a few hours, wouldn't you think?

What OCA would like is to be able to strut down the street, the centre of attention, be able to go to a club and have everyone admire her, and have big media outlets clambering for an interview. I don't think no matter how much she is being pampered that she will be enjoying it - that's hardly freedom. And I disagree that she doesn't know people hate her! She didn't even feel safe doing a depo without a disguise - pathetic - but do I care? No!

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