Beds & Bedrooms Revisited-Cummings MH

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Aug 20, 2008
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Looking to clarify the # of beds/sizes, etc & bedrooms in the MH Ron, H, Jr & Misty lived in at the time of Hailey's disappearance.

I am remembering one of the "confirmed" locals, Player, I believe stating that Ron had recently moved from one MH to another, due to each child needing their own bedroom, per Child Services. Possibly Player can confirm if I am remembering this correctly.

My question is this...How many beds were there on the floor for all the adults and children? One double mattress, and one toddler mattress/ or daybed? All matresses were on the floor, in the master bedroom. So when everyone was home asleep, who slept where? What was the normal sleeping routine?

Also noted in one of the walk-through videos, the one with TeresaN, there was another bedroom, with a bed frame, but no mattress.
(**if anyone has the video of that walk-thru, please post)

Are we missing a mattress, by any chance?
Looking to clarify the # of beds/sizes, etc & bedrooms in the MH Ron, H, Jr & Misty lived in at the time of Hailey's disappearance.

I am remembering one of the "confirmed" locals, Player, I believe stating that Ron had recently moved from one MH to another, due to each child needing their own bedroom, per Child Services. Possibly Player can confirm if I am remembering this correctly.

My question is this...How many beds were there on the floor for all the adults and children? One double mattress, and one toddler mattress/ or daybed? All matresses were on the floor, in the master bedroom. So when everyone was home asleep, who slept where? What was the normal sleeping routine?

Also noted in one of the walk-through videos, the one with TeresaN, there was another bedroom, with a bed frame, but no mattress.
(**if anyone has the video of that walk-thru, please post)

Are we missing a mattress, by any chance?

Great thread Capri!

I remember the walk through, and the photos. You are right there was a king size bed in the master bedroom and a toddler mattress in the master bedroom. There was a frame to a bed in HC's room, with no mattress on it.

I do not recall seeing anything about JR room. Of course he is not the one missing and it was probably irrelevent. I would assume that other room was JR's.

IMO, i think it would have been beneficial to show JR's room, i think this b/c what if there was no bed in JR's room? Then there would only be two mattresses for four people to sleep on, and that would have defeated the purpose of moving into that MH in the first place.
I would think that LE took Haleighs mattress to process immediately, and that the mattress that was on the floor in the master bedroom was probably JRs bed and was just put there to show placement for the walk thru so people could get an idea of where Haleigh was sleeping.
I would think that LE took Haleighs mattress to process immediately, and that the mattress that was on the floor in the master bedroom was probably JRs bed and was just put there to show placement for the walk thru so people could get an idea of where Haleigh was sleeping.

Busy- So you are thinking there is a 3rd mattress? Not sure I'm understanding
If anyone can locate the link to that walk-thru video it would be greatly appreciated :)
I would think that LE took Haleighs mattress to process immediately, and that the mattress that was on the floor in the master bedroom was probably JRs bed and was just put there to show placement for the walk thru so people could get an idea of where Haleigh was sleeping.

Since the first story Misty told was that Haleigh was in the big would have thought they would have taken that mattress if they were going to take one.........actually they should have taken both. But since they didn't, I don't know that we can just assume they took the little one.
I would think that LE took Haleighs mattress to process immediately, and that the mattress that was on the floor in the master bedroom was probably JRs bed and was just put there to show placement for the walk thru so people could get an idea of where Haleigh was sleeping.

Could be. Except that toddler mattresses are usually covered with plastic so would they be able to get any viable evidence from it? And didn't TN confirm that was Haleigh's mattress on the floor? I could be wrong about that.
Interesting. I've always been curious as to why they would move to a 3-b/r MH and then have the kids sleeping in the master b/r.
<<Croslin has told different stories to police and the media about what happened, according to

Investigators say Croslin told them she was sleeping in the same bed with Haleigh and her little brother Junior. She told media a slightly different version of events.

"I put her to bed around 8 o'clock and I woke up and she was gone and the back door was wide open," Croslin said. "The last time I seen her was when I put her to bed. She was in her bed in front of the TV, and me and Junior was in, were in, my bed."
If anyone can locate the link to that walk-thru video it would be greatly appreciated :)


I can't find the video, i would litterally have to go through each and every link in the media thread, but i will keep looking and when i come across it, i will post it.

Maybe one of the mods could help out? I wonder if PattyG has it.
could 1 mattress of been removed through door that was open with a cinder block and put into the garbage dumpster and then removed before LE came around searching?
We are lead to believe that Haleigh went missing in the dark around 911 call.......but
maybe she went missing earlier. Something is wrong with 1st persons at the scene stories and GGS ..........did something happen that MC would or could not use cell phone
at the time it was turned off after fight at 8:30pm???? MOO
Interesting thoughts.

OT but who's the woman with Misty in the video, the one in white t-shirt?
If you can't find it, use search term: Nancy Grace _ March 6, 2009 and it will pop up. I used google.
Here is something that I found interesting about the walk thru, If you look at where the couch in the living room is located, and where Haleigh's small bed on the floor is located, that If and I say IF MC was having sex with someone on that couch there is no doubt that if HC was awake or if she woke up she would certainly be able to tell her Dad what was going on...I have heard people say that may be the reason that MC may have decided to get rid of HC and I can say I agree with that theory..

Also something that has always bothered me with this case, is MC stating that the kitchen light is why she decided to go out of the bedroom, well if you are living with someone that comes home from work in the middle of the night, It would not be out of the ordinary for a light to be turned on by that person....So I find it very hard to believe that the light would have been much of a problem...I just find the whole story a bunch of BS...And I still think that LE is waiting for Dec for MC to turn 18 and then they will no longer be looking at arresting someone under age..
Capri;4146468]Looking to clarify the # of beds/sizes, etc & bedrooms in the MH Ron, H, Jr & Misty lived in at the time of Hailey's disappearance.

I am remembering one of the "confirmed" locals, Player, I believe stating that Ron had recently moved from one MH to another, due to each child needing their own bedroom, per Child Services. Possibly Player can confirm if I am remembering this correctly.

My question is this...How many beds were there on the floor for all the adults and children? One double mattress, and one toddler mattress/ or daybed? All mattresses were on the floor, in the master bedroom. So when everyone was home asleep, who slept where? What was the normal sleeping routine?

Also noted in one of the walk-through videos, the one with TeresaN, there was another bedroom, with a bed frame, but no mattress.
(**if anyone has the video of that walk-thru, please post)

Are we missing a mattress, by any chance?[/

Capri, I have always questioned the sleeping arrangement. The police report states that the children were both sleeping with Misty, then later on is when the story change a couple of times and ended up with the mattress being on the floor in the same room.

It does not make sense, especially if the reason they moved into the 3 bedroom was due to DFC telling Ron he needed a separate room for each of the children which is required by law if you have a male and female, they can not share a room with the parent or each other. Unless the laws have changed, I could be wrong. But if they have not, then DFC would of done a home study to see where the children were sleeping and I am pretty sure they would of had Jr.'s room set up as well as Haleigh's even if later on they allowed the children to sleep with them they would all still have their own bed, which would mean 3 mattress.

On another note: Jr. was questioned by LE/Physiologist right after Haleigh went missing from what I understood and I am pretty sure they asked him that night what his sleeping arrangements were. I don't buy that these young adults (Ron and Misty), would have the kids in the same room with them if ya know what I mean. If they had a two bedroom before then Jr.and Haleigh were sharing a room, so I would buy that after the move the children were used to sleeping in the same room, but not the same room as the father and girlfriend. Do we know for sure if Ron had 1 or 2 bedroom before the move and has anyone came forward and said where the children were sleeping before?
A good question for NG to ask next time to either side is if the children had their own beds and if not why? LE already knows who slept where I assume and I think that is another one of Misty's inconsistencies. All just theory and opinion from what I have read.

I NEVER thought of when Misty turns! WOW, could be true.
IMO, Misty is the key and covered up for someone, an accessory, a liar!
I don't know why but I believe a male did the killing or kidnapping.......JMOO
Here is something that I found interesting about the walk thru, If you look at where the couch in the living room is located, and where Haleigh's small bed on the floor is located, that If and I say IF MC was having sex with someone on that couch there is no doubt that if HC was awake or if she woke up she would certainly be able to tell her Dad what was going on...I have heard people say that may be the reason that MC may have decided to get rid of HC and I can say I agree with that theory..

Also something that has always bothered me with this case, is MC stating that the kitchen light is why she decided to go out of the bedroom, well if you are living with someone that comes home from work in the middle of the night, It would not be out of the ordinary for a light to be turned on by that person....So I find it very hard to believe that the light would have been much of a problem...I just find the whole story a bunch of BS...And I still think that LE is waiting for Dec for MC to turn 18 and then they will no longer be looking at arresting someone under age..

Hi Kimmer:

ITA! I also thought it was odd that she chose to go to the bathroom outside of the masterbed room, when there was a bathroom staring her in the face. (in the same room)
Here is something that I found interesting about the walk thru, If you look at where the couch in the living room is located, and where Haleigh's small bed on the floor is located, that If and I say IF MC was having sex with someone on that couch there is no doubt that if HC was awake or if she woke up she would certainly be able to tell her Dad what was going on...I have heard people say that may be the reason that MC may have decided to get rid of HC and I can say I agree with that theory..
Even Ron expressed that suspicion, to Tim Miller.

Also something that has always bothered me with this case, is MC stating that the kitchen light is why she decided to go out of the bedroom, well if you are living with someone that comes home from work in the middle of the night, It would not be out of the ordinary for a light to be turned on by that person....So I find it very hard to believe that the light would have been much of a problem...I just find the whole story a bunch of BS...And I still think that LE is waiting for Dec for MC to turn 18 and then they will no longer be looking at arresting someone under age..
ITA She keeps saying that all she noticed was the 3... It could be that she wasn't suspicious of the light, but I got the impression she was - need to go back over old interviews. Nevertheless, she definitely said she freaked out and went right to her room to call Ron after she saw the door open... why do that if it so easily could have been him?

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