Belgium - machete terror attack on police officers 6 August 2016

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Thomas Gadisseux @tgadisseux
Journaliste politique #RTBF


#Charleroi Investigation focuses on Farciennes, home and mosque. Police attemps to gather information via brother of the aggressor and ex sister in law


The man allegedly lived with his brother in Faciennes, a village with 11.000 inhabitants near Charleroi.
The Police has searched a house on the Rue Ry de la Glacière for a second time.
This street is located in a neighborhood with social housing.

The resemblance is uncanny between a son of Shayh Alami, the radical imam from Dison who has been issued a deportation order, and the young man in the video who wanders the streets of Verviers calling for murder. In this video we see him making remarks with no ambiguity: "Oh Allah destroyed them hateful Christians. Oh Allah, kill them all. Do not spare a single one "...

Less than two weeks after a priest was murdered during mass in France, a video calling for the annihilation of Christians appeared on the Internet on Sunday. The site has published it. This is the Middle East observatory and research institute of Middle East media, a Washington-based center that has offices around the world.

This short video (see it here on the site Memri) of a little over a minute shows a young man of about fifteen years wandering through the city center of Verviers. In both the main shopping streets, the background of the video shows this clearly. It is night and the young man walks by reciting a kind of prayer in Arabic, which attacks specifically Christians. Memri made a translation, a translation we have confirmed with an Arabic speaker.

"Oh Allah, support Islam and the Muslims.

"Oh Allah, humiliate and destroy the polytheists.

"Oh Allah, annihilate the hateful Christians.

"Oh Allah, kill them all. Do not leave a single one of them.

"Oh Allah, make their weapons and ammunition booty for our brothers.

"Oh Allah, support Islam and the Muslims.

"Oh Allah, support the mujahideen everywhere.

"Oh Allah, support them against their enemies.

"Oh Allah, send against their enemies wind, like the one that destroyed the people of 'Aad, and like the one that you send in the Battle of the Confederates.

"Oh Allah, send against them wind that will destroy everything, as commanded by the Lord."

According to several sources, this could be a son of the imam Dison Shayh Alami, known for his extremist views and receiver of repeated orders to leave the country. The imam and his family still reside in Dison as of now.


The Belgian Minister of the Interior, Jan Jambon doubts if the man who attacked two police officer in Charleroi was indeed a member of ISIS. Discussions erupt, but really, this should be one of Belgium minor worries. They have got enough home-grown extremists on their hands as it is. Who needs ISIS if you cannot remove hate preachers and their families from your own soil?

There exists of course a double standard.
If I were to go through the streets chanting:

Kill all the hatefull muslims
Kill them all. Do not leave a single one of them

I'd be arrested for inciting hate and racism. Or islamophobia as they call it.


This Saturday, the Charleroi Police was hit by a terrorist attack claimed by the Islamic State. It was precisely 3:58 p.m. when an individual carrying a sports bag walked towards the checkpoint in front the police station, where Hakima Dhamna and Corinne Raymond were on duty.

After shouting "Allahu Akbar", Khaled Babouri immediately pulled out a machete and struck violently at Hakima Dhamna the intention of cutting her throat. Hakima tried to dodge the blow, but her face was split in two at the height of the nose. The terrorist then went after Corinne Raymond and hit her from behind, in the jaw and neck, aiming to cut her throat.

It was then that Hakima, despite her injuries, shot the assailant. And a third policewoman standing further along the esplanade fired at the man as well. Hit in the chest and leg, Babouri succumbed later in hospital.

"Many police then arrived as reinforcements and held the terrorist at gunpoint when he tried to stand up," says Jocelyne, a neighbor who saw part of the assault.

The surprise attack with a stabbing weapon is one of the most feared by police, and it left little chance to the two policewomen. "At the police academy, they tell us that the safety distance facing an individual armed with a knife is 10 meters. If an individual armed with a knife attacks the policeman this is the distance needed to have time to react. In this case, the terrorist pulled out the machete of a backpack at the checkpoint. The policewomen had no chance to escape the blows of the machete," according to a former officer of the local police of Charleroi.
The emergency services arrived quickly on the spot and took the two victims to the hospital Our Lady of Charleroi for emergency surgery.


The Belgian Police has raided the houses where Babouri was staying. They took with them computers and phones.

I would not be surprised if they find out that Babouri was coached by someone unknown from say, Saudi Arabia, similar to the coaching of the attackers from Ansbach and Würzburg in Germany.

This crime is becoming more cruel with every detail that emerges. I suppose Corinna is still alive because he failed to grab her hair and pull her head backwards. Her injuries seem consistent with bending her head down, chin covering her throat. :(

Algerian media visited the family of Khaled Babouri, who was shot dead Saturday after hitting two policewomen with machetes.

A team of the Algerian daily Echorouk went to the family of Khaled Babouri, the young man killed Saturday in Charleroi after assaulting two policewomen with machetes.

The tone of the report, published by the site, appears very far removed from what one could read in the Belgian press and even suggests that their countryman was the victim of a police blunder!

The article explains that "the wilaya (province) of Annaba is still in shock after the death of the young man, Khaled Babouri killed by the Belgian police in Charleroi. (The team) visited Tuesday his family home located the town of 400 dwellings in Barrahal, west of Annaba. "

The journalist said that "the father - unable to contain his tears on hearing the news - feared for his second son who has also been living for years in Belgium."

"The father is saddened by this tragic death. He said he never imagined his son, Khaled, join a terrorist group, he is known, according to him, for his morality, his humor and his quest to improve his life and achieve better social conditions, adding that it was precisely this reason that prompted him in 2008 to an illegal immigration to join his brother installed there (Belgium). "We expected that he would regulate his situation so that he could visit us.... But now we do not know what to do to recover his body and bury it in Algeria," the father said with grief.

A very close friend of Khaled literally says that "this version of Daech is impossible ... I know Khaled very well, he is a childhood friend. Khaled never thought about extremism or joining some terrorist group. He is a smiling young, dynamic person ... his first concern was to raise money and improve his social situation. "

"The young man attempted a crossing and risked his life to join his brother in Belgium and he tried by all means to regularize his situation."

But then, why woud this peaceful young man have attacked police with machetes? Again, the explanation may surprise you. "Khaled would have turned against Belgian law enforcement after hearing that his brother, who had raised him, was dying and that he wanted to see him one last time ..."

Finally, the report tells us that: "Locals have called on the country's authorities to investigate this matter because it concerns not only Babouri Khaled, but all young Algerians and Arabs who go abroad in search of a better life and who end up being branded as terrorists."

Hence it might happen that the Charleroi police will soon be facing a complaint for killing an innocent without reason ...



The man who attacked two policewomen with a machete last August, probably did not act alone. The Belgian prosecutor has arrested two suspects on suspicion of involvement in attempted murder with a terrorist motive.

Yesterday the Belgian Prosecutor arrested six people in their investigation into the attack on the two policewomen in Charleroi, on 6 August. During the attack, a policewoman was gravely wounded her face, a colleague was taken to hospital with minor injuries. (*) The 33-year-old Algerian perpetrator, who allegedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is greatest) during the attack, was shot dead.

Of the six suspects three were released, one of them must remain 24 hours in custody and the last two, Sabrina Z. (36) and Farid L. (37), have been indicted.

Police searched eight homes in the Charleroi region and confiscated stabbing weapons, some of which resembled the cleaver used during the attack. What kind of relationship exists between the suspects and the offender was not disclosed. Following the attack on the two policewomen Belgian policemen were given additional security, on orders of Prime Minister Charles Michel.


* Both women were gravely wounded and had to be kept in an artificial coma.
I have not found any update about their health or how they are doing now. If the Würzburg-axe-attack is an indication, they may still be in hospital.

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