Belgium - Victims of clergy abuse to sue Vatican

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Jul 19, 2009
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Two articles back to back:

Belgian church to pay victims for abuse [Not an appropriate headline, IMO]
May 31, 2011

"The Belgian church says it is willing to pay compensation to victims of sexual abuse by clergy to help those abused restore their dignity.
Belgium's bishops and religious leaders said in a statement Monday they are "deeply touched and distraught" by revelations over the past year, when over 500 witnesses have come forward with harrowing accounts of molestation in the country by Catholic clergy spanning decades. But the leader of a group of survivors said she would put her faith only in actions, not in anything the bishops said...."

more at link

And, the following day:

Belgian abuse victims to file suit against Vatican
June 1, 2011

"Belgians molested by Catholic priests will go ahead with their legal proceedings against the Vatican for damages despite an offer by local bishops to compensate them, their lawyers said on Wednesday. Pope Benedict enjoys diplomatic immunity but other Vatican officials and Belgian bishops will be summoned to testify in the case, lawyer Walter van Steenbrugge said.
Christine Mussche, another lawyer for about 70 victims, said the Vatican failed to intervene even when it learned about the scandals in the Belgian Church. Over 500 cases of alleged abuse have been registered in the past year.

"There were instructions from the pope that said those things had to be kept secret and silent," she said, adding the Church could be guilty of harmful neglect under Belgian law...."

more at link

Still not a single clue as to where Roger Vangheluwe (the priest who said it was all a "little game") is hiding out.
Two articles back to back:

Belgian church to pay victims for abuse [Not an appropriate headline, IMO]
May 31, 2011

"The Belgian church says it is willing to pay compensation to victims of sexual abuse by clergy to help those abused restore their dignity.
Belgium's bishops and religious leaders said in a statement Monday they are "deeply touched and distraught" by revelations over the past year, when over 500 witnesses have come forward with harrowing accounts of molestation in the country by Catholic clergy spanning decades. But the leader of a group of survivors said she would put her faith only in actions, not in anything the bishops said...."

more at link QUOTE]

But in the same breath they are saying they have no savings and that the faithful should carry the cost. :banghead:
i have to say this, and it may make yall hate me but:

where the heck are the parents of these victims when they leave their children in the hands of these men? with all the reports of molestation dont they think twice about it when its their child ALONE with a preist?
i know its not all of them (preists) but wouldnt you worry?

makes me wonder if its just a money thing, as the catholic church is supposedly richer than god...

ok, hate on...
But in the same breath they are saying they have no savings and that the faithful should carry the cost. :banghead:

The Belgian Catholic Church.

Has no savings.

That has got to be the funniest thing I have heard in my lifetime.
Mira--No one's going to "hate" you but we can surely debate the issue. First off, I'm not Catholic so I'm just guessing.

Where were the parents? Very likely many of the children were in Catholic schools or religion classes. I've read hundreds of stories where men say that they were called into a private office to speak with a priest who molested them. Most children in the US go to school without their parents by their side. Priests also helped out at summer camps. Many who were abused at Catholic boarding schools were woken from their beds.

Pedophiles of any gender, religion, sexual orientation, race, creed, or color are tremendously crafty at what they do. They not only groom the children; they groom the community and the parents in order to gain trust. Look at Dr. Earl Bradley who raped over 100 tiny children, some with their parents in the very same room (he blocked his actions with his body)!! Look at all the threads we have on trusted coaches, teachers, doctors, therapists. Pedophiles often choose jobs which put them in direct contact with children and they often spend years building a glowing reputation for themselves. They are also quite selective in who they abuse. They look for any tiny vulnerability. So some children might have a wonderful experience with a priest and another might be raped. Pedophiles do not wear T-shirts identifying themselves. Rather, they are often the friendly, helpful, kind, welcoming sort--always ready to step in and volunteer with the young ones. They often have an excellent reputation for their many good deeds. They present themselves well. After all, they are practicing predation.

Just an aside. My eight youngest children were raped and the rapist caught and convicted of 12 counts. He targeted our children with disabilities and left alone the brighter more self-assured children. My husband and I consider ourselves extremely experienced and protective parents. So how and where did he rape? In our back yard while I was making the school restroom as our child could hear his teacher speaking on the other side of the the park restroom as my husband sat 50 feet away. My point is that pedophiles of all ages get a huge thrill out of the risk of being caught. They are very very good at what they do as they wish to continue their vile and revolting crimes. I've come to believe that there are no more highly motivated humans on earth.

I highly suggest the book, "Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, And Other Sex Offenders by Anna C. Salter". Most libraries have a copy. It will open your eyes as to how they "hide" in plain sight.

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