Benjaman Kyle Statement from Owner of

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I have been going over some posts in the Resources Forum and found a post made by Roselvr that I find interesting. It shows a couple of RHPD Incident Reports and shows the 1)nature of the complaint: 10-37 Naked Vagrant 2) Nature of complaint naked man sleeping near dumpster and shows the subject was semi-conscious but would not respond to us.

I don't see any mention of scabies in this incident report. Is there another report on file somewhere?

Also, from the Resource Forum and originally posted by Roselvr it shows that an EMT was interviewed on the Dr. Phil Show and she describes BK as being unresponsive and remembers he had a lot of sores on him. Again, nothing was said about scabies.

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BBM. Note the incident report states that he WOULD NOT respond, not that he could not respond. Very interesting.

We can't let Dalles stand alone. Let's not forget Delia Cly who claimed she was abducted as a child.
Both Dalles and Delia were proven frauds by the wonderful sleuthing here at WS!
I wasn't questioning what you were pointing out RKnowley, I was simply pointing out something in addition to what you were pointing out. Sorry if it came across as I was singling out your post or comments.

It is my understanding the Burger King employee found Mr Kyle asleep next to the dumpster. Then when LE arrived they were able to awaken him. I interpret the the semi conscious statement to mean he was not yet fully awake.

I have been going over some posts in the Resources Forum and found a post made by Roselvr that I find interesting. It shows a couple of RHPD Incident Reports and shows the 1)nature of the complaint: 10-37 Naked Vagrant 2) Nature of complaint naked man sleeping near dumpster and shows the subject was semi-conscious but would not respond to us.

I don't see any mention of scabies in this incident report. Is there another report on file somewhere?

Also, from the Resource Forum and originally posted by Roselvr it shows that an EMT was interviewed on the Dr. Phil Show and she describes BK as being unresponsive and remembers he had a lot of sores on him. Again, nothing was said about scabies.

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In my experience police would not document "naked man sleeping next to dumpster with scabies" in their incident report as the scabies is unconsequencial to the report. If he had been beaten then for sure it would have been in there but a skin disorder or rash would not be part of the incident report....especially since it wasn't caused by him being there or had anything to do with him being asleep next to the dumpster.

I am guessing scabies came from someone who could actually diagnose it, not from the police or the EMT.

I believe someone else on this thread mentioned that "unresponsive" in this instance meant he was not able or willing to tell them his name or any information when he was asked.
I dont know if I believe the homeless part. Afterall, he was in "exceptionally"good health,no chronic illnesses, no meds, and didnt smoke or drink or take illegal drugs. If he was (homeless) it wasnt very long IMO. Also, I dont believe he was wanted because his fingerprints would have come up when run through NCIC. *snip*

If I am not mistaken the only reason we "know" he was in good health is because that is what he and Nurse Betty have told us. Have we heard from any one who actually examined him? Also how do we know his fingerprints were run through NCIC? Did he tell us or did an official tell us.
Forgive me if I've overlooked something, but has it been confirmed for a fact that the users who posted on this forum as Benjaman and benjamankyle were actually BK and/or NB? If so, how? Are we completely certain that this isn't just some random person who stumbled across this site and has too much free time?

Also, it seems to me that if BK was homeless before his discovery, it probably wasn't for longer than a few years. Maybe a decade at the very most. He is way too intelligent, well spoken, and knowledgeable about so many things to have been a vagrant or hobo his entire adult life. I have been around people who have been homeless most of their lives and they have a much different demeanor about them than BK. By himself, he was able to become a manager at the Union Mission, which shows that he is completely capable and willing to take on the responsibilities required to hold a job. He has talked in depth about restaurant equipment and the food service industry, and he knows quite a bit about the cities of Denver and Boulder which are over 1500 miles from Savannah. And if it was truly him posting on this forum, he was able to navigate the internet and appeared to have a large vocabulary, as well as correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation while typing. All of these facts put together do not match the profile of someone who has been living on the streets for a long period of time.

Don't get me wrong, I do think he must have been homeless prior to being found by the dumpster. My point is that sometime in the past, he had a "normal life" with a job, residence, friends and family, etc. There are many people out there who knew him and it's possible that some of them have heard the BK amnesia story and come forward with information, only to be turned away or brushed off. I suggest we should start going back over some of the stronger leads that came up, such as the preacher in Texas who believes he met him, the people in Colorado who think he was a restaurant manager, and whatever else there may be. I will also be contacting individuals who are related to Robert Holden Davidson, in hopes that someone will recognize him... perhaps a cousin or sibling who was out of contact for quite some time before BK's discovery in 2004.
I have been going over some posts in the Resources Forum and found a post made by Roselvr that I find interesting. It shows a couple of RHPD Incident Reports and shows the 1)nature of the complaint: 10-37 Naked Vagrant 2) Nature of complaint naked man sleeping near dumpster and shows the subject was semi-conscious but would not respond to us.

I don't see any mention of scabies in this incident report. Is there another report on file somewhere?

Also, from the Resource Forum and originally posted by Roselvr it shows that an EMT was interviewed on the Dr. Phil Show and she describes BK as being unresponsive and remembers he had a lot of sores on him. Again, nothing was said about scabies.

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The police are not qualified to diagnose scabies. Therefore it would not be in the incident report.
OK Closing Down the thread for the night.

My apologies to KentjbKent and to Voice4thesilent since they posted before I did about the fingerprinting and scabies. I didn't read the whole thread before I responded to those posts.

Moderators if you are up and want to open the thread at any time feel free.

Forgive me if I've overlooked something, but has it been confirmed for a fact that the users who posted on this forum as Benjaman and benjamankyle were actually BK and/or NB? If so, how? Are we completely certain that this isn't just some random person who stumbled across this site and has too much free time?

respectfully snipped. Earlier in this thread believe09 posted that WS users benjaman and benjamankyle were both confirmed to be the authentic people posting... BK's nurse may have also had a different WS user name Nurse Betty at one time too.... I don't know if she had one user name closed out or?
but their identities were in fact confirmed.

If I am not mistaken the only reason we "know" he was in good health is because that is what he and Nurse Betty have told us. Have we heard from any one who actually examined him? Also how do we know his fingerprints were run through NCIC? Did he tell us or did an official tell us.

FBI Bill K confirmed BK's fingerprints were in fact entered. Believe09 can correct me if I am wrong that it was FBI who did in fact arrange to and have the finger prints and DNA for Codis done.

As for the medical information. Outside of what was posted at the mission hospital link above, and the reports from the first responders we have NO independent verification of the statements NB has made about BK's medical condition.

I would like to have confirmed information on ANY and ALL statements made by NB regarding BK's medical condition made by an unbiased independent source. There are too many contradictions and false statements put out by both NB and BK and I no longer trust their word.

Personally, I would not believe anything put out by BK and NB unless and until it is independantly verified by someone in the medical profession who can confirm their statements are true and factual.

I'm up so opened this thread for a little bit until I go to sleep...
10-15 minutes more for this thread to be open guys. I am pretty tired. I will close it again in 15 min.
FBI Bill K confirmed BK's fingerprints were in fact entered. Believe09 can correct me if I am wrong that it was FBI who did in fact arrange to and have the finger prints and DNA for Codis done.

As for the medical information. Outside of what was posted at the mission hospital link above, and the reports from the first responders we have NO independent verification of the statements NB has made about BK's medical condition.

I would like to have confirmed information on ANY and ALL statements made by NB regarding BK's medical condition made by an unbiased independent source. There are too many contradictions and false statements put out by both NB and BK and I no longer trust their word.

Personally, I would not believe anything put out by BK and NB unless and until it is independantly verified by someone in the medical profession who can confirm their statements are true and factual.

What about physical descriptions of BK, such as the surgical scars on his elbow, the screws in his elbow, and anterior neck scar indicating surgery? If I recall correctly, there were even photos of the elbow scars and they definitely appeared to be from surgery. These are still relevant clues to his identity if they are true.... it would seem as I suggested above that he probably wasn't homeless his entire adult life.
We have no independent verification to date the scars. How do we know they were from BK's 20's? Medical professionals can date scars. That is one of the things ME's use to rule in or out John and Jane does. I submitted a tip on a possible Jane who was ruled out as a matched based on the age of the scars on the Jane which did not match up with the known dates of the surgical procedures of the missing person. (just an aside for explaination purposes.)

BK's scars could be dated for an estimated time he had surgeries. We have never seen evidence that was ever done.

5 min guys, then I am locking this. It is already passed the 15 min I was going to leave it open.
Ok yall got 10 min. Because I am gonna be up a little longer. :)
Just to clarify for anyone who might be wondering... there is a photo of the elbow scars on BK's Facebook profile. So we at least know that they exist.
Ok, here is the first post from the thread "Benjaman Kyle"- Unidentified Amnesia Victim, found 2004 that was posted on 10-16-2007.

Link: "Benjaman Kyle"- Unidentified Amnesia Victim, found 2004 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Take a good look at the medical and dentals part of BK’s Doe Network case file.

The Doe Network:
Case File 1007UMGA

Unidentified White Male
Amnesia Victim
• The Amnesia victim was discovered on August 31, 2004 in Richmond Hill, Georgia

Vital Statistics
• Estimated age: 50-60's
• Approximate Height and Weight: 5'11"; 240 lbs.
• Distinguishing Characteristics: Graying hair with receding hairline. Blue-green eyes. Above-average intelligence. Well-spoken. Professional demeanor.
• Marks, Scars: Two parallel surgical scars on left elbow (from reparative surgery for broken elbow that may involve pins/plates implantation). Surgical scar on front of neck appears to be from cervical discotomy. Small round scar on left side of face near chin appears to be a puncture-type wound but believes it may be related to former tooth abscess. No tattoos. No body piercings.
• Medical: Blinding cataracts in both eyes may have resulted from prolonged exposure to sun while unconscious prior to being found and brought to hospital. • Fingerprints: On file with the FBI in Savannah, Georgia.
• Dentals: Three teeth missing from upper front and one tooth missing from upper right side of mouth. Not known whether dental problems occurred after or as result of mugging in August of 2004.

Case History
The victim was located naked, beaten and covered in fire ant bites beside a dumpster behind a Burger King in Richmond Hill, GA on August 31, 2004. No identification was recovered from his person.
To date, he has been unable to remember his name and where he comes from.
The Burger King where he was found is located on Highway 17 directly across from U.S. Interstate 95 (exit 87). May have been traveling on I-95 or in Georgia on business.
Skill sets seem to be intact with loss of factual data. Cannot remember his name, where he comes from, or other pertinent factual data. Believes he may come from Indiana or Colorado. In exceptionally good health, has no chronic illnesses and requires no medications for the maintenance of good health. Has regional accent. He is willing to undergo hypnosis, submit DNA, undergo x-rays for dental or other purposes.
He has since adopted the pseudonym "Benjaman Kyle" until he can learn his true name and identity.

If you have any information about this case please contact:
FBI - Savannah, GA
Bill Kirkconnell
You may remain anonymous when submitting information. Source Information:
Katherine Slater

Link: "Benjaman Kyle"- Unidentified Amnesia Victim, found 2004 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

BK’s Doe Network case file under medicals said that blinding cataracts may have been the result of prolonged exposure to the sun while he was unconscious.

So does that mean that his eyes were open when he was unconscious?

And under dentals, it said that he had a total of four teeths missing from the upper part of his mouth.

Then there’s the RHPD Police report. The police report states that there was a complaint of a subject sleeping naked near a dumpster. The police report also stated that when officers arrived, the subject was semi conscious but would not respond to us.

The police report didn’t say anything about any bleeding from the mouth or if any teeth were found on the ground.

So when was BK’s case file created on the Doe Network?
We know the scars exist. We just don't know if they are in fact 5 years old or 25 years old. NB and/or BK put a statement out that he thinks he got the scars falling off a loading dock in his early 20's.
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