Benjaman Kyle Statement from Owner of

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I first came across BK's story a few months ago, and the more I learned about it, the less sense it made. As I read more and more of BK's responses on this forum, it really started to click that something wasn't right. He seemed so dismissive in his answers, and completely ignored some of the bigger questions which seemed potentially helpful. He was also very vague about the events of the day he was found, never going into detail about his physical condition, facial hair growth, and other important bits of information.

I absolutely agree! (There were several of us who felt the same way!)
Same here... I've been following this case for months and read everything there is to read, and to me it isn't as settled as many here have made it seem. While it is obvious that BK & NB haven't been completely honest, I see no reason to call the ENTIRE case a fraud. It can be easy to draw conclusions when one part of the story doesn't check out, but I think it's important to remain completely objective when there is still so much we do not know. For this reason, I feel that it was very harsh for Tricia to call BK a "lying *advertiser censored*" on her twitter account and completely close down this forum.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful, after all it was Tricia who so thoughtfully created this whole forum and made this all possible.... but I see no reason to close everything down and stop, when now more than ever so much remains unclear. I know that whatever happens, I will continue to follow this case until the whole truth comes out.

I just quickly went back over the post.. who said the word fraud? I just reread posts Tricia made and am not seeing it. I agree about what was said on Twitter; I'm having a hard time processing that comment after what I passed on.

Information that was posted about no head trauma is nothing new - heck, I compiled the facts from posts within the last year or so..

I have to get back to income taxes. Hopefully this post will stay open for a while.
I just quickly went back over the post.. who said the word fraud? I just reread posts Tricia made and am not seeing it.
When the forum was first closed a few days ago, the message Tricia put up specifically used the word fraud to describe BK. It's gone now.
When the forum was first closed a few days ago, the message Tricia put up specifically used the word fraud to describe BK. It's gone now.

Thanks. I thought I saw it too but didn't today. I'm pretty sure I saved the original post.

I'm glad the word was removed

I haven't posted here in a while but a friend sent me a link to this thread and I feel compelled to write a post.

I, too, have followed this case for a while now, and would be interested in seeing the proof that this man does not have amnesia. Internet slander/libel lawsuits are being litigated far and wide these days and I'd hate to see anyone at WS become the target of such a lawsuit. This site has done so much good, it would be a shame if legal problems got in the way of the good works being carried out here.

On a more personal note, I also think it is always important to remember that this man has been examined by doctors who state he has amnesia. How that happened may be up for grabs, but the end result is that he seems to not know who he is.

That much said, bring on the proof.
Can this post stay opened a little longer please? I lost a post or 2 trying to submit when it was locked and will need time to rebuild it. Had we been able to click subscribe to this post when Tricia made it, I would have know it was open yesterday & am really frustrated with WS right now that here I spent more time reading today to have it locked while I was replying.

Giving us one day to let out how we feel is not enough time when we've worked so hard. I've been extremely upset since the forum was locked; to know all of my time was spent doing stuff & now I can't even vent or have my say.

I will leave this thread open for as long as you guys need it but I won't hesitate to close it if it looks like we are starting to go in circles.

One of the biggest problems we have at Websleuths is keeping a forum that has angry and hurt posters from exploding.

I myself have lost my cool on the forum before and I am the one who is suppose to always set the example. It happens.

When I first closed the thread it looked like it was starting to go 'round and 'round. That is what I am trying to avoid.

Cubby pointed out to me that it did need to stay open so you all could still vent and BK could answer us if he wants to.

I'm sorry for your frustration. I really am. One of my goals on WS is to keep you all happy. Really it is. Because when you all feel good about what we are doing you participate more and accomplish more. So when I have to do something that upsets people I hate it but I have to do it.

Again, my apologies.

With all due respect...why all the secrecy?? People are elluding to information they had but didn't want to post it, other people have conversations with people who have information on the case but they can't post them....(???) Those of us who were doubting BK's story from the beginning due to inconsistencies in his story, his unwillingness to answer any questions of substance, the way he was perceived by the first responders, his over the top insistance that he was NOT homeless prior to Burger King, lies about his medical records, unwillingness to travel to areas he was sure he was from, etc. were sharply put in our place for doubting that those people have now changed their minds to what we felt was the truth for awhile we are now being put in our place for questioning why all of a sudden there was a collective change of heart by so many of his die hard supporters (especially since a lot of us brought up the same points over a year ago!) Ugh! (Just my opinion...had to get it off my chest!)

Oh yeah....and I would also LOVE to hear from BK! C'mon BK....anything to add?????
Tricia + mods,

I am hoping if this thread is closed, that a new thread will be opened strictly for sleuthing the real identity of BK. Despite what we've learned, I still want to know who he is, and I think those who put so much time into this case deserve any answers that may lead to justice being served. After all, that is one of the things we are here for.

I, for one, would like to go back and investigate the possibility that BK is Spike K.
For background on that, there is a discussion of that person on Dr. Phil's message board. Carolwood found a death date for a possible Spike in Illinois, but I find no listing for a person on SSDI using any variation of the man's actual name or spelling. Last night I discovered this man's aunt and uncle ran a family restaurant for many years in Texas. His last name has, in general, some association with both Powells and Davidsons. The family at one time lived in NC, then moved to TX. I am asking your permission to open a thread so that those of us who want to delve into this further, can. I still want to know who BK is, perhaps now, more than ever. I do not take lightly that sleuthers spent, out of the goodness of their hearts so much time in trying to help someone who only professed to need help.
I didn't put that much time into it myself, because I was helping with another case, and was totally involved with that for awhile, but I do know the sleuthers here who did work their hearts out for BK, and they are among WS's finest!
I haven't posted here in a while but a friend sent me a link to this thread and I feel compelled to write a post.

I, too, have followed this case for a while now, and would be interested in seeing the proof that this man does not have amnesia. Internet slander lawsuits are being litigated far and wide these days and I'd hate to see anyone at WS become the target of such a lawsuit. This site has done so much good, it would be a shame if legal problems got in the way of the good works being carried out here.

On a more personal note, I also think it is always important to remember that this man has been examined by doctors who state he has amnesia. How that happened may be up for grabs, but the end result is that he seems to not know who he is.

That much said, bring on the proof.

There is no one to prove yes or no on the amnesia.
he has consistently said to many reporters/media that
same story about his condition when found at the dumpster.
He has a copy of his medical records from the hospital and
knows there was no physical or organic reason for
He has continued to report what is not true.
As far as I know, there is no docmented medical
report that says amnesia.

Whatever the case,
for me,
he has lost my trust.

I hope he comes to WS and tells his side of things.
All I can say is NB and BK were all too willing to say they did not have BK's medical records, and then to tell sleuthers they would need $800 to pay the hospital for those records which turned out to be a bald faced lie.

believe09, called the hospital and/or wrote them to verify the statement, and got back a somewhat curt letter from the hospital telling her that they had already provided BK free copies of his medical records.

Sure sounds like attempted fraud to me. Like others, I believe BK knows who he is, and has probably had some good laughs at the expense of some very sincere people willing to help someone they/we thought was in need.

This makes me shake my head. Didn't they know someone might check up on them?

This begs the question why lie? WHY? What would be accomplished by lying about this.

What this lie would accomplish ( they hoped anyway) was that this would end the discussion about his medical records. He didn't want anyone to see them. WHY??
Tricia + mods,

I am hoping if this thread is closed, that a new thread will be opened strictly for sleuthing the real identity of BK. Despite what we've learned, I still want to know who he is, and I think those who put so much time into this case deserve any answers that may lead to justice being served. After all, that is one of the things we are here for.

I, for one, would like to go back and investigate the possibility that BK is Spike K.
For background on that, there is a discussion of that person on Dr. Phil's message board. Carolwood found a death date for a possible Spike in Illinois, but I find no listing for a person on SSDI using any variation of the man's actual name or spelling. Last night I discovered this man's aunt and uncle ran a family restaurant for many years in Texas. His last name has, in general, some association with both Powells and Davidsons. The family at one time lived in NC, then moved to TX. I am asking your permission to open a thread so that those of us who want to delve into this further, can. I still want to know who BK is, perhaps now, more than ever. I do not take lightly that sleuthers spent, out of the goodness of their hearts so much time in trying to help someone who only professed to need help.
I didn't put that much time into it myself, because I was helping with another case, and was totally involved with that for awhile, but I do know the sleuthers here who did work their hearts out for BK, and they are among WS's finest!

That is an idea.
Oh yeah....I must have missed it but where did the scabies come in? For years it was "fire ant bites"....I guess I need to go back and read what I missed in the past few months....
I haven't posted here in a while but a friend sent me a link to this thread and I feel compelled to write a post.

I, too, have followed this case for a while now, and would be interested in seeing the proof that this man does not have amnesia. Internet slander lawsuits are being litigated far and wide these days and I'd hate to see anyone at WS become the target of such a lawsuit. This site has done so much good, it would be a shame if legal problems got in the way of the good works being carried out here.

On a more personal note, I also think it is always important to remember that this man has been examined by doctors who state he has amnesia. How that happened may be up for grabs, but the end result is that he seems to not know who he is.

That much said, bring on the proof.

My bold-have you seen this documentation?
With all due respect...why all the secrecy?? People are elluding to information they had but didn't want to post it, other people have conversations with people who have information on the case but they can't post them....(???) Those of us who were doubting BK's story from the beginning due to inconsistencies in his story, his unwillingness to answer any questions of substance, the way he was perceived by the first responders, his over the top insistance that he was NOT homeless prior to Burger King, lies about his medical records, unwillingness to travel to areas he was sure he was from, etc. were sharply put in our place for doubting that those people have now changed their minds to what we felt was the truth for awhile we are now being put in our place for questioning why all of a sudden there was a collective change of heart by so many of his die hard supporters (especially since a lot of us brought up the same points over a year ago!) Ugh! (Just my opinion...had to get it off my chest!)

Oh yeah....and I would also LOVE to hear from BK! C'mon BK....anything to add?????

I loved how you posted your frustration about all this.
I was one of those doubters who posted and then was sharply taken to task.
But I kept on keeping on, thought I might make a difference.

Personally, IMO, I think those who are in the know, should
and go from there.
and go from there.
and go from there.
and go from there.

Otherwise, all of this leaves a weird bittersweet taste in the mouth.
I haven't posted here in a while but a friend sent me a link to this thread and I feel compelled to write a post.

I, too, have followed this case for a while now, and would be interested in seeing the proof that this man does not have amnesia. Internet slander lawsuits are being litigated far and wide these days and I'd hate to see anyone at WS become the target of such a lawsuit. This site has done so much good, it would be a shame if legal problems got in the way of the good works being carried out here.

On a more personal note, I also think it is always important to remember that this man has been examined by doctors who state he has amnesia. How that happened may be up for grabs, but the end result is that he seems to not know who he is.

That much said, bring on the proof.

If BK wants to show me what I have posted is libel then that would be great. You know why? He would have to open up all of medical records, all of his communications, all of it. His life would be an open book to us. All the questions he refused to answer, all the documents with his name on them would become available.

Believe me, every day I face the possibility of lawsuits. Two things I have on my side are

1- The Truth
2- My opinion is protected.

Everything I have posted is based on the truth. My opinions are based on the truth.

The truth will always set you free.
Tricia + mods,

I am hoping if this thread is closed, that a new thread will be opened strictly for sleuthing the real identity of BK. Despite what we've learned, I still want to know who he is, and I think those who put so much time into this case deserve any answers that may lead to justice being served. After all, that is one of the things we are here for.

I, for one, would like to go back and investigate the possibility that BK is Spike K.
For background on that, there is a discussion of that person on Dr. Phil's message board. Carolwood found a death date for a possible Spike in Illinois, but I find no listing for a person on SSDI using any variation of the man's actual name or spelling. Last night I discovered this man's aunt and uncle ran a family restaurant for many years in Texas. His last name has, in general, some association with both Powells and Davidsons. The family at one time lived in NC, then moved to TX. I am asking your permission to open a thread so that those of us who want to delve into this further, can. I still want to know who BK is, perhaps now, more than ever. I do not take lightly that sleuthers spent, out of the goodness of their hearts so much time in trying to help someone who only professed to need help.
I didn't put that much time into it myself, because I was helping with another case, and was totally involved with that for awhile, but I do know the sleuthers here who did work their hearts out for BK, and they are among WS's finest!

You bring up a very interesting idea. If we can find out who he is we can really put this to rest.

I would like to know how everyone else feels about this. Would anyone like to continue to sleuth this situation?
I have always been a lurker in the BK thread. You all certainly had everything under control and I was endlessly impressed at the amount of dedication I saw from posters involved in this case. If someone who was not familiar with WS and had questions about the abilities or caliber of the people posting here, the BK thread would be one I would direct them too so they could see firsthand the great ideas, the time and dedication, the generous and compassionate people who are apart of WS.

One question I have which I don't think has been addressed is since BK has gotten so much national attention do you guys expect this news to break nationally? There are enough Journalists, Bloggers, TV hosts who have reported on BK I would think they would be interested in this turn of events.
I loved how you posted your frustration about all this.
I was one of those doubters who posted and then was sharply taken to task.
But I kept on keeping on, thought I might make a difference.

Personally, IMO, I think those who are in the know, should
and go from there.
and go from there.
and go from there.
and go from there.

Otherwise, all of this leaves a weird bittersweet taste in the mouth.

Yes, I remember! :blowkiss: You are a much better person than I....I got frustrated and stopped posting since I really felt there was NO room for a different opinion.

I would really like to see the people in the know post what they know....I think ALL of us deserve to have ALL the info....not just a handful of people. (Kind of difficult for a group of people who live for all the small details of a case to be told they won't be given all the details that others may have.)
There is no one to prove yes or no on the amnesia.

Amnesia is an actual medical diagnosis. I have a degree/background in the behavioral sciences and there are different types and specific criteria for diagnosing it. Since BK apparently spent some time in hospitals, it was my understanding that he was assigned an amnesia diagnosis by doctors. It is very hard to fake amnesia- many try unsuccessfully to do that actually- but genuine amnesia is actually quite rare.

The only way to know would be to see his medical records, and to obtain/disclose medical information without a person's consent is illegal.... so unless he wanted to provide that information, we can only guess.
The 90/10 rule:

I find it interesting that a half dozen or so sleuths closely investigated and researched this case for the last 3 years or so. Now that this core group who spent 90 percent of the time on any and all research on this case have collectively come to the conclusion based on numerous inconsistencies which seemed to have been very recently pieced together no longer have confidence, trust or faith in this case those who spent little if any time on this case, are here demanding proof.

Why is that? Where was the interest when there was full faith in the case and Mr. Kyle had not lost his integrity after so many false statements were continously repeated throughout media interviews?

If anyone should clear this up, it should be Mr. Kyle himself. He is the one who has the facts, his medical records and any true reasons why Dr. Phil, GBI, RHPD and some of the first responders either no longer ( or never did) believe his story or their statement of events contradict the information BK and NB continue to put out there.

We have provided as much information as we were able to uncover......

Mr Kyles choice. He can either clear this up or not..... His story....
but personally, I no longer have enough faith in his story for his case to warrant any more of my time.

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