Billie texts Clint about trading custody for house

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I wonder if she'll go. We'll then know if she and Clint are really a united front in finding Hailey. However, I would think she may be far too embarassed to attend.

Just my opinion.


She will be there with her attorney. :)
She will be there with her attorney. :)

OMG, surely not,lol.
OT...watching Dateline about a girl who was kidnapped at age 4 and found her parents like 37 years later...just sitting here bawling and what little kids have to live through if they even get to live. What a sad state of affairs:banghead:
Do they have a separation agreement?
I highly doubt if there is any kind of legal agreement about their separation.
This whole thing is so kattywompus, I doubt if anything has been done, boyfriends moving in, babies being born, child gone missing, child taken out of home, how in the heck would they have had time to take care of legal matters.

Texas does not offer legal marital separations. They're not recognized here, but you can get a no-fault divorce in Texas.
Clint should get moving and get a divorce attorney. jmo
I am SHOCKED that she is did this. I mean for god sakes her daughter is MISSING why in the sam hell would you want give custody of her once you got her back if she was brought safely home? I mean I think Hailey is dead but still I mean this makes her look soooo guilty. This whole text thing and the re-doing of Hailey's room makes her look sooo bad!
Thanks Jo! So it matters not whether the house is inherited.. Good deal Thanks!

Community Property vs. Separate Property

Generally speaking, the community property concept means that both spouses own an interest in all property acquired by either of them during the marriage. The “name on the title” is generally not significant.

The distinction between community property and separate property is important because the divorce court can only divide the parties’ community property. If a party can prove that a certain item is his/her separate property, the court must award it to that person.


If Clint owned this home prior to his marriage, or if he acquired it by gift or by inheritance, then I don't believe it's community property.
Separating Financial Affairs While Still Married

Probably the most common mechanism is a "partition and exchange agreement" whereby the parties' property is divided between the parties, the division is set forth in a written partition and exchange agreement, and the written partition and exchange agreement is recorded in the official real property records of the county where the parties live. This effectively separates some or all of the parties' financial affairs while they remain married.

This is probably what Billie's attorney is shooting for.
Does anyone know where we even got the notion that the house was inherited by Clint? I do not recall..
If this is true, BD is giving up her children for monetary gain to pay for her lifestyle or defense in court. Point blank> she is willing to trade two human beings to save herself.
If true that Billie sent this text message to Clint, he should file divorce papers-yesterday.
I don't know what the "separation" details are in Texas, but they have not been living together for a few years.

If the house was property Clint received from an inheritance, perhaps Billie isn't entitled to half??

Do we know with certainty whether there is a mortgage on the house?

I'd like to see Clint file for divorce. Whatever the circumstances of the house as marital property are, move forward. The court can decide, the attorneys can barter. Would love to see Clint get his life together. A home for all of his children to live in with him, or to visit him in--whichever, doesn't matter. IMO, he should try to save his house-for himself and for his children. If that means paying BJD something, give it to her (if he can come up with it). Billie Jean is not going anywhere. I don't believe that she will regain custody of DD any time soon. H's missing. Unlikely, IMO, that she's alive. Divorce her, and try to keep your home for yourself and your children.

I do not think it would be in Clints best interest to file for divorce right now.
I think he should contest it if she does just to take up time.

If he files for dirvorce then Billie dunn can get married and cannot testify in court in a case agisnt SA. Clint should no way should be considering freeing her up for that. Even if he thinks SA is innocent until he is 100 percent sure he should remain her legal husband. It also prevents Clint from doing the same agaisnt BD which may be a good thing given his feelings on BD and her not harming HD

The text message about the home and kids might not even be able to be used in court because that is something that happened within the confines of the married pair. Even if he can get on the stand that message and possible many other private conversation could be unadmissable.

Why would CD want SA's and BD's every private conversation protected with those rights?

I hope he thinks over this before a divorce.
I am not sure about the laws in TX, but thought that a crime against a child negated that? anyone?
Uh Billie, meet Terri Horman. She can tell you how bad texting is when you're under investigation for a missing child. OMG, I can't believe she did this!!!! *headdesk*

I agree, and hopefully we will get to see ALL of Billie's text messages ... that should be interesting !
I am not sure if I would want to see some of Billie's text messages, know what I mean ?

But there is one thing Terrie Horman could have taught Billie, and that is how to keep your mouth shut !


I'd like to introduce Clint Dunn to Kaine Horman...

Kaine wasted no time filing for divorce when he was told by LE that his wife had tried to put out a MFH hire on him before Kyron went missing.

I just cannot understand WHY Clint will not divorce Billie. Clint should have filed a divorce immediately and disassociated himself from Billie -- not only after she failed a poly, but due to her association with SA, the child *advertiser censored*, the drugs ...

It makes me wonder if Clint and Billie have "something" on each other.


Sorry to be off topic here but a hearing is scheduled for March 31 as part of the restraining order and the divorce proceedings between Kaine and Terri Horman.
I do not think it would be in Clints best interest to file for divorce right now.
I think he should contest it if she does just to take up time.

If he files for dirvorce then Billie dunn can get married and cannot testify in court in a case agisnt SA. Clint should no way should be considering freeing her up for that. Even if he thinks SA is innocent until he is 100 percent sure he should remain her legal husband. It also prevents Clint from doing the same agaisnt BD which may be a good thing given his feelings on BD and her not harming HD

The text message about the home and kids might not even be able to be used in court because that is something that happened within the confines of the married pair. Even if he can get on the stand that message and possible many other private conversation could be unadmissable.

Why would CD want SA's and BD's every private conversation protected with those rights?

I hope he thinks over this before a divorce.


I wouldn't worry about the marriage thang. I almost hope she does, as it will really prove what a monster the both of them are.

Courts recognize marriages, but do not recognize any conversations or actions that took place outside the marriage (ie, anything that was said or happened before the marriage took place).

It's also up to the court and their discrestion to determine if the marriage clause can be used in the event of a murder. While it can be used in regards to the child *advertiser censored*, anything that was said or done before the marriage is admissable.

So if they were to get married after the marriage to Clint was dissolved, it wouldn't help with their case as far as what's happened to date. They would both have to sing like canary's ;)


I do not think it would be in Clints best interest to file for divorce right now.
I think he should contest it if she does just to take up time.

If he files for dirvorce then Billie dunn can get married and cannot testify in court in a case agisnt SA. Clint should no way should be considering freeing her up for that. Even if he thinks SA is innocent until he is 100 percent sure he should remain her legal husband. It also prevents Clint from doing the same agaisnt BD which may be a good thing given his feelings on BD and her not harming HD

The text message about the home and kids might not even be able to be used in court because that is something that happened within the confines of the married pair. Even if he can get on the stand that message and possible many other private conversation could be unadmissable.

Why would CD want SA's and BD's every private conversation protected with those rights?

I hope he thinks over this before a divorce.

Absolutely not true about him divorcing Billie..He needs to and should have done this already.. She can run and marry her man..Shawn Adkins and marital privilege #1 doesn't cover circumstances that took place before the marriage{i.e Hailey disappeared Dec 27 when she was still married to Clint}..and #2 none of it matters because when it comes to the well being of a child the entire marital privilege goes straight out the window..
In Texas, there are two marital privileges: the confidential communication privilege, TRE 504(a), and the privilege not to testify in a criminal case, TRE 504(b).

The State of Texas, in Tex. R. Crim. Evid. 504(a)(1), defines the husband-wife privilege as a “communication” that “is confidential if it is made privately by any person to the person’s spouse and it is not intended for disclosure to any other person.” The privilege “may be claimed by the person or the person’s guardian or representative, or by the spouse on the person’s behalf.” § 504(a)(3). The following are exceptions to the privilege under § 504(a)(4):

•(A) The privilege may not be claimed, in whole or part, if the communication was made to enable or aid anyone to commit or plan to commit a crime or fraud.

- if BJD helped SA commit a crime (ie, telling police he wasn't there), she wouldn't be able to use the marriage clause. MOO.

•(C) The privilege may not be claimed in a proceeding in which the party is accused of conduct which, if proved, is a crime against the person of the spouse, any minor child, or any member of the household of either spouse, or, in a criminal proceeding when the offense charged is bigamy.

- this can be reflective on the child *advertiser censored* charges, or if it's determined that SA (or BJD) are responsible for Hailey's disappearance.

Go on you two - get married. It's not gonna help ya much!


eta: link -
What happens if say for instance no taxes get paid on this house? How long can they keep it before it is taken away or whatever Texas law is?
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