Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

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I am being civil.

Who said they were part of a terrorist group? I missed that one.

I guess I should rephrase things:

IMO, and with all the indications of paperwork linked to in the above post, it is quite clear, though not proven in a court of law, and beyond all shadow of a doubt by a jury of their peers, that BB and MB were attempting (or had previously attempted) to make "sovereign" maneuvers, consistent with, and related to, the "Sovereign Citizen Movement" in America, (as described here: ), but not necessarily an Official nor integral PART of the active movement, per se.

That's just what I think... And you can take THAT ONE to the bank!

I am thinking if he went through the trouble to do this he felt that it would benefit him in some way? I still don't understand what those benefits would be.:banghead::banghead:
I don't want this thread to turn into a debate on this particular issue but here's Fight Back's page.

Yes, now it is time to fight back. "We do not simply want to defend pregnancy help centers," Strobhar said. "We want to put Planned Parenthood on the defensive. We want to open the eyes of the public to the horror that is Planned Parenthood. And we want to make the Planned Parenthood hierarchy regret the day they first began the campaign of disinformation against pregnancy help centers."

Does that mean violence or imply violence? You be the judge. IMO, it doesn't imply peaceful methods.

Wrong Project Fight Back.

Here is the only working link I can find atm, it's to a biz profile site.

Ah Ha! Finally found the MS link again where LPPG Jr mentions the organization.
I think someone needs a self-imposed TO if only for the sake of their blood pressure

Truth is is that people can have many faucets. Remember this -even if it is eventually uncovereed that the Billings did have some shady business dealings it won't change the fact that they were loving, giving, generous with their hearts, selfless parents who obviously loved and adored each and everyone of those children, were respected by their friends as well as strangers in the community, and who didn't deserve to be murdered. I think people need to remember that. Whatever is uncovered, these people had goodness in their hearts.

I could not agree with you more. :clap:

And I think there are many here that feel this way. We are only trying to piece this thing together. Whether that is the popular vote or not.
I am thinking if he went through the trouble to do this he felt that it would benefit him in some way? I still don't understand what those benefits would be.:banghead::banghead:

IMO, There is a strong belief by people in this movement that they can somehow thwart and/or circumvent the "normal" policies and procedures governing them.

i.e. The I.R.S.; Stop Foreclosures by the placement of "Bogus" Liens against real property; etc....

This would only lead one to wonder: If there is that much distaste for the "Powers that Be," what other aspect and dealings of one's business life would this bleed over into?

I believe that THIS is what is being examined by most on this board that subscribe to this theory.

NOT questioning BB/MB's INTEGRITY or CHARACTER, but simply examining their business dealings, in hopes of shedding light onto the motives behind this seemingly senseless murder, hopefully leading to the Arrest and Prosecution of ALL involved, regardless of how extensive this network may be!
Asked this before, but I will ask again because I am curious. Are BFausti and LPGjr still friends? And was TG once married to BF? Are those BF and TG's kids on LPG'jrs myspace and facebook pages? Am I the only one who thinks it's wierd if they are still such buddy, buddy? I can understand being civil to one another, but friends? Wierd.

Yes, yes, four of them, no. and finally yes it is wierd.
I think someone needs a self-imposed TO if only for the sake of their blood pressure


Already had MY "time out"

Blood pressure is good here! :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:

The people that do this in general look for these benefits (ignore the claims about founding fathers, rights, etc):

1) Not paying debts

2) Not paying income taxes

They feel that, after incurring liability for these things (and enjoying the benefits of them) under one set of laws, they can unilaterally say the same laws no longer apply to them and they are free and clear based on a different set of laws they themselves define.

It's nonsense.

Exactly what I tried to say right below yours....LOL...

You beat me to it!:clap::clap::clap:
I am thinking if he went through the trouble to do this he felt that it would benefit him in some way? I still don't understand what those benefits would be.:banghead::banghead:

Hi Sharlie,

Sometimes people do this sort of thing to avoid paying taxes to the GOV...honestly, if you read some of the links on it, I think it is pretty interesting. We are all slaves to our GOV is their thinking. Not a bad thing just a different thing for some people.
Truth is is that people can have many faucets.

We have several. There's one in each of the bathrooms, one in the kitchen, and I think there's even a spigot outside that we can connect the garden hose to!

As far as "Facets", I personally have several of those, as well. My wife likes to call it "Multiple Personality Disorder," but I refer to it is "CHARACTER!"

:Banane04::Banane07::not_ripe::Banane06::Banane30:FO' SHIZZLE!:Banane27::Banane57::bananapowerslide:
I am being civil.

Who said they were part of a terrorist group? I missed that one.

I guess I should rephrase things:

IMO, and with all the indications of paperwork linked to in the above post, it is quite clear, though not proven in a court of law, and beyond all shadow of a doubt by a jury of their peers, that BB and MB were attempting (or had previously attempted) to make "sovereign" maneuvers, consistent with, and related to, the "Sovereign Citizen Movement" in America, (as described here: ), but not necessarily an Official nor integral PART of the active movement, per se.

That's just what I think... And you can take THAT ONE to the bank!


I was the one who said that the sovereign citizens had connections to terrorists like Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh. The tactics used by the Billings such as the paper terrorism is known to the sovereign citizens group and therefore, IMO, there is some sort of connection there. I don't think they were terrorists other than paper terrorists but the link to that group is interesting. That group has some violent wackos in it.

Wrong Project Fight Back.

Here is the only working link I can find atm, it's to a biz profile site.

Ah Ha! Finally found the MS link again where LPPG Jr mentions the organization.

OOps! :slap: me, sorry. I looked on google and that came up.
I have so so SO many questions for my sister-in-law. But now just isn't the time to ask. They are drained, tired and mentally exhausted. She said she would fill me in when she returned home but I aint running to her house for her to do it. Just isn't the time.
They are trying to get back to some sort of normal life. The reporters were pretty ruthless.Even at the funeral home which I find absolutely sick. I understand the need for a story and wanting to be the first to get it but have some respect.
We have several. There's one in each of the bathrooms, one in the kitchen, and I think there's even a spigot outside that we can connect the garden hose to!

As far as "Facets", I personally have several of those, as well. My wife likes to call it "Multiple Personality Disorder," but I refer to it is "CHARACTER!"

:Banane04::Banane07::not_ripe::Banane06::Banane30:FO' SHIZZLE!:Banane27::Banane57::bananapowerslide:

I saw that too but let it pass, you naughty girl!! :crazy:
I have so so SO many questions for my sister-in-law. But now just isn't the time to ask. They are drained, tired and mentally exhausted. She said she would fill me in when she returned home but I aint running to her house for her to do it. Just isn't the time.
They are trying to get back to some sort of normal life. The reporters were pretty ruthless.Even at the funeral home which I find absolutely sick. I understand the need for a story and wanting to be the first to get it but have some respect.

I agree. They are focused on getting the "scoop" not the respect of human beings.
We have several. There's one in each of the bathrooms, one in the kitchen, and I think there's even a spigot outside that we can connect the garden hose to!

As far as "Facets", I personally have several of those, as well. My wife likes to call it "Multiple Personality Disorder," but I refer to it is "CHARACTER!"

:Banane04::Banane07::not_ripe::Banane06::Banane30:FO' SHIZZLE!:Banane27::Banane57::bananapowerslide:

:laugh: I'm DYING! I am the QUEEN of typos! I'm leaving it...should I? I mean...I can't edit your post so it's there -like forever!:crazy:

I speakith the Typonese!
JVM Transcript --

[url="]July 20[/URL]


SHERIFF DAVID MORGAN, ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA: We are very sure as to the additional motives. But right now we just can`t release and the state attorney`s office is not prepared to speak to those issues. We are in a game of high stakes poker at this point with the defense lawyers are coming onboard and the evidence is being processed.

And as I tell folks it`s pretty critical at this phase that we say as close-mouthed at possible.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Cops arrested eight people in connection with the murders and they plan to make another arrest later this week.

Plus, new reports that the wealthy victims, business owner Byrd Billings had a history of cooking up somewhat bizarre legal schemes. New court documents claims Billings tried to make billions copyrighting his own children`s names allegedly requesting large sums of money when those names we`re used by others. But what, if anything, does that have to do with his tragic murder?

Earlier, I stated that I was puzzled, why LE did not openly state that Byrd made a loan to LPG Jr. Here is the answer, the loan is disputed by family members. Billings family is saying that there was no such loan:

Ok, now why would LPG Jr say that Byrd had loaned him money if he didn't? I know...everyone will say LPG Jr is a pathological liar, but even from a liar, this does not make any sense. Why would victim's killer say, "I owe the victim money" if he didn't?????

IMO, this supports Rick Outzen's (from Rick's blog) statement that this was a contract hit. LPG Jr maybe supplying LE with a possible motive (outstanding loan) in order to cover for the people above who gave him the contract. Thoughts?
Way back in one of the early threads, there are links to "legal" documents in which Melanie Billings declares herself a sovereign citizen. Then, Byrd did copyright the children's names, which is a complete sovereign citizen tactic.
I don't see the sovereign citizen thing having anything to do with this murder -- except that the perps might have gotten the idea that people who'd declare themselves sovereign citizens might hoard gold and guns.

Okay so I just said something about him doing this and was told
that you can't copyright a name!
So if you can't then how did he?
I'm not asking you steadfast ... I'm asking the poster that told me you can't!
I am being civil.

Who said they were part of a terrorist group? I missed that one.

I guess I should rephrase things:

IMO, and with all the indications of paperwork linked to in the above post, it is quite clear, though not proven in a court of law, and beyond all shadow of a doubt by a jury of their peers, that BB and MB were attempting (or had previously attempted) to make "sovereign" maneuvers, consistent with, and related to, the "Sovereign Citizen Movement" in America, (as described here: ), but not necessarily an Official nor integral PART of the active movement, per se.

That's just what I think... And you can take THAT ONE to the bank!

I think we all get that!
But how and why does this tie into them being killed?

That kind of un-informed sensational post is not helping anyone.

1. Maybe they wanted the son the live up to his financial responsiblity of having a child.

2. A 50,000 dollar life insurance policy is peanuts and not at all strange for parents to take out on kids or grandkids. It's the best time to buy life insurance because they are young and it's cheap and will guarantee they will have a policy that they can increase the coverage amount at certain intervals as they age and need more. If that child develops a medical condition like, diabities, heart disease, or any number of conditions down the road they would not be able to buy life insurance at any price. What if they have a family and want to provide financial protection in the event they die. Good thing the parents bought that insurance policy way back when. It's actually a very smart thing to do and shows how much they cared for the well being of their family members. Very common practice among people who plan for the future.

Sorry but that post just seems like piling on and is attacking the victims. That's national enquirer type stuff imo. You can turn off the "hinky" alarm off...nothing to see here.

Buying life insurance on young kids is not unusual but cashing 3 in, is.
JVM Transcript --

[url="]July 20[/URL]


SHERIFF DAVID MORGAN, ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA: We are very sure as to the additional motives. But right now we just can`t release and the state attorney`s office is not prepared to speak to those issues. We are in a game of high stakes poker at this point with the defense lawyers are coming onboard and the evidence is being processed.

And as I tell folks it`s pretty critical at this phase that we say as close-mouthed at possible.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Cops arrested eight people in connection with the murders and they plan to make another arrest later this week.

Plus, new reports that the wealthy victims, business owner Byrd Billings had a history of cooking up somewhat bizarre legal schemes. New court documents claims Billings tried to make billions copyrighting his own children`s names allegedly requesting large sums of money when those names we`re used by others. But what, if anything, does that have to do with his tragic murder?


It is hard to explain what is going on the person that understands the most is a special needs(PDD with leg braces) lady that has PTSD. She has been trying to get every ones attention. Now she has it http://www.judgdancamp is still hard for most people to understand because one it is very complex like the sheriff said "a hum dinger" and two she has the social and emotional IQ of only 13-14. one can figure it out if they take the time to weed through her website but it is linformation over load and who has time to to weed through it all then try to figure it out. I heard She was going to have a show this Wednesday at 9pm EST call "A talk with the REAL parents of those special needs" I heard they will be 3 REAL parents and one grandmother there to give their side of the story.
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