
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
<laughs> Of course WE don't Trac. That's my point: as I already mentioned, the Anthony family is never going to say anything publically (unless someone caves at trial OR already told the truth to the Grand Jury) to contradict their daughter's story about the sitter - but it's pretty clear to me, after reading everything released and everyone's opinions on this forum since general discussion thread 30 or so, that the Anthony family knows there was never a sitter. ;)

I'm sorry don't believe it - we will never know if they 'knew' that there was no babysitter - in all the documents, interviews and whatever they always thought there was a sitter, they weren't sure if it was Zanny, Jesse, Amy or whoever - they have said to LE they had thoughts there might not be a sitter, but Casey loved Caylee too much to not have a sitter - so no I do not believe in any way that they absolutely knew there was no sitter - nor do I believe that they 'knew' that Casey had not job - they have repeatedly said that they had ideas and thoughts but always believed that Casey had a job and had a sitter.
I'm sorry don't believe it - we will never know if they 'knew' that there was no babysitter - in all the documents, interviews and whatever they always thought there was a sitter, they weren't sure if it was Zanny, Jesse, Amy or whoever - they have said to LE they had thoughts there might not be a sitter, but Casey loved Caylee too much to not have a sitter - so no I do not believe in any way that they absolutely knew there was no sitter - nor do I believe that they 'knew' that Casey had not job - they have repeatedly said that they had ideas and thoughts but always believed that Casey had a job and had a sitter.

If you believe that the Anthonys really are being truthful when they say there was a nanny named Zenaida and/or that they had heard Casey speak of a nanny named Zenaida - that's the beauty of agreeing to disagree at WS.
I have oft thought about that - would be nice for the PROSECUTION to have this information. How on earth could Cindy still claim that she believes Caylee to be alive if she allowed the health coverage to lapse?

VERY VERY VERY RELEVANT. I'd LOVE to be the prosecutor asking Cindy about that on the witness stand - it would make a serious impact upon jurors who would likely have already heard Cindy testify that she believes Caylee is alive. If you really believe your granddaughter is alive, why on earth would you allow her insurance coverage to lapse, especially if you really believe she was taken by kidnappers? There's no real way to weasel out of allowing Caylee's health insurance to lapse, if that is what happened.
It would be equally as telling to find out if there was a life insurance policy taken out on Caylee. Feel free to correct me, but I don't believe there has been any information regarding that matter.
On the other hand, I'll also say that I do believe that Casey's FRIENDS and ACQUAINTANCES may have been naive enough about who really took care of Caylee when she wasn't with Casey to believe that Caylee was with "a nanny."
Evidence of how Casey was spreading this line of BS is in the latest doc dump, for one:
go here:
click on part 1, then go to page 37 of 50 - where Casey is messaging with Anthony Rusciano ("nyitaliano3.") Casey continues to talk about the "nanny" to him.
It would be equally as telling to find out if there was a life insurance policy taken out on Caylee. Feel free to correct me, but I don't believe there has been any information regarding that matter.

Of course - I didn't mean to diminish it's relevance by failing to mention it. I've been wondering about that, along with many WSers, since July. Depending upon how a premium was paid makes this harder to find out about if the family is lying about it. LE can easily get Cindy's employment records reflecting payment of her insurance premiums, but unless LE can show that a particular insurance company was paid a premium (eg, they'd have to get honest answers from the ANthony family OR evidence of premium payment going through some paper trail like a bank account, etc.) it's very difficult to obtain said information, if it even exists.
I'm sorry don't believe it - we will never know if they 'knew' that there was no babysitter - in all the documents, interviews and whatever they always thought there was a sitter, they weren't sure if it was Zanny, Jesse, Amy or whoever - they have said to LE they had thoughts there might not be a sitter, but Casey loved Caylee too much to not have a sitter - so no I do not believe in any way that they absolutely knew there was no sitter - nor do I believe that they 'knew' that Casey had not job - they have repeatedly said that they had ideas and thoughts but always believed that Casey had a job and had a sitter.

Bold and color by me...

Oh, for crying out loud. If they did not know that there was no sitter they'd have to be exactly what they are...the most neglectful and irresponsible grandparents that ever walked the face of the earth.

As far as I'm concerned they should be charged along with KC for neglect and endangerment of a child and for all the reasons I posted several pages back.
If you believe that the Anthonys really are being truthful when they say there was a nanny named Zenaida and/or that they had heard Casey speak of a nanny named Zenaida - that's the beauty of agreeing to disagree at WS.

That's why WS rocks!! I go back and forth sometimes in what I believe and that's OK cause you need alittle open mind here with all the twists and turns the A's take us on. And another pair of eyes sees things when your brain is fried! Sometimes I think they knew and sometimes I'm not so sure-usually depends on how digusted I am with them that day! One thing I do know is that they sure tip-toed around her and treated her like the "belle of the ball." And she knew she ruled-she only let CA think she ran the show! That's why I'm sure she was shocked out of her shoes when CA and her got into it and she got grabbed by the neck!! Sweet little Caylee will always be the innocent angel we see in the video-but, I wonder had she lived what she would have been like at KC's age!!
If you believe that the Anthonys really are being truthful when they say there was a nanny named Zenaida and/or that they had heard Casey speak of a nanny named Zenaida - that's the beauty of agreeing to disagree at WS.

I agree - I can only say that I'm going by actual facts according to the LE interviews - I'm not assuming what they think - if I could really read minds to see if they believe this or not Caylee would have been found a long time ago

As much as I appreciate everyones thoughts opinions, etc. We can't assume what people think or not - we have NO idea what the A's really thought - unless we have been in the inner circle, we can only go by what the A's actually said - and basically we are all going by heresay, we are the third person and there is sooooooooo much more we don't know

When the trial starts, I'm sure it will be televised - I know I will have the trial on all day, I'll even forgo my soap! <gasp! but watch it later - heck the fantasy of the soap won't be much different!> to take notes for those who aren't able to get the trial or at work

We should be the jury and ONLY go by what is said at trial - forget all the document dumps and what the A's have said UNLESS it is in the trial

Then we can take a vote, talk it out, come up with our own verdict

It will be interesting to see how many read between the lines and make their own conjecture as to what a person meant

I'm assuming the trial will be on TruTV - we should get maybe 5 people (and I will volunteer to be one) that can watch all day and do notes for the board - then those who can't watch will come in at the end of the day and ask questions

I think it will be a very interesting experiment
Bold and color by me...

Oh, for crying out loud. If they did not know that there was no sitter they'd have to be exactly what they are...the most neglectful and irresponsible grandparents that ever walked the face of the earth.

As far as I'm concerned they should be charged along with KC for neglect and endangerment of a child and for all the reasons I posted several pages back.

I TOTALLY agree with you - I'd be the first to press charges! I've been saying from the very beginning - WHY on earth didn't the grandparents question and look and find this babysitter - what grandparent who has the child living in their home, and they claim to be the caretaker, not know who this sitter is? Why didn't Cindy or George ever call, etc. Neglectful? Heck Yeah! Especially with everything they say about them caring for Caylee
Bold and color by me...

Oh, for crying out loud. If they did not know that there was no sitter they'd have to be exactly what they are...the most neglectful and irresponsible grandparents that ever walked the face of the earth.

As far as I'm concerned they should be charged along with KC for neglect and endangerment of a child and for all the reasons I posted several pages back.

JusticeorJustUs - good to know I'm not alone in my thoughts that they knew there was no sitter. Cheers!
SNIPPED: "...I can only say that I'm going by actual facts according to the LE interviews - I'm not assuming what they think - if I could really read minds to see if they believe this or not Caylee would have been found a long time ago..."

I have read them, too, and my powers of logic and deduction re: the many,many,many inconsistencies in Cindy's and George's and Casey's interviews and statements, together with other relevant, scientific tidbits, are what lead me to my conclusion that they knew there was no babysitter or nanny and that when they weren't watching Caylee, Casey was. It's those same powers of logic and deduction that I hope the jurors in Casey's trial will use.

Either way, the Anthony family members will never tell anyone publically the whole truth and nothing but, unless this actually goes to trial, and then it will be like watching the "memory olympics" when they testify.
Re the *advertiser censored* industry...not everyone who watches *advertiser censored* would want the world to know it! Some of the pics she deleted definitely were suggestive of her possibly being an escort or something of that nature. I do think it's a possibility.

Where do you think she got her money from? Any better guesses?

Phone Sex. She could have even taken Caylee along to the work
place. Of course when Caylee began talking and repeating things,
who knows. Being as Casey loved to talk this would've been a
perfect job for her.
"The Memory Olympics":floorlaugh:Good One!! When we get to trial (please God-let it televised!!) I'm gonna have to empty my DVR, buy economy size Tylenol, Have crockpot meals ready to go, make sure my family uses the dry erase board if they want me to remember anything, and pray I don't hurt the TV by accidentally throwing something at it!:spinner:
In the 2 years that KC was not working. Who was paying her Car Insurance??
Who paid for Christmas gifts? Birthday Parties? GAS ?Clothes for Caylee, Toys? Formula? I cant understand how CA could put Caylee on her insurance if she was not a guardian.
Now who is Paying for her Defense, evn with all Money OJ Simpson had, his defense drained his bank account..

Living in Florida, I can say Caylee most likely has Medicaid (KC too). Being a single, unwed Mother is all you need to qualifiy. (well, and not having a million dollars in the bank). When a child is born at a Florida hospital, that is one of the first things they do. The hospital knows the State will pay for the child's hospital stay, so they somewhat push it. That's my guess, but who knows:)
"The Memory Olympics":floorlaugh:Good One!! When we get to trial (please God-let it televised!!) I'm gonna have to empty my DVR, buy economy size Tylenol, Have crockpot meals ready to go, make sure my family uses the dry erase board if they want me to remember anything, and pray I don't hurt the TV by accidentally throwing something at it!:spinner:

I just spit out some water! LOLOLOL buy a package of small sponges - keep them by you during the trial and when your ticked you throw a small dry sponge at the TV
I just spit out some water! LOLOLOL buy a package of small sponges - keep them by you during the trial and when your ticked you throw a small dry sponge at the TV

Great idea! I've got a couple of "rubber bricks" that I'll have to
locate. I'd hate to put the remote through the screen.
I ran over a squirrel this summer and low and behold it didnt stick to the frame of my car no matter how many times I went back over it !!! It layed in the street for several days and I didnt bother picking it up because i wanted to see how bad it smelled. After a week it was obvious that it wasnt going to smell so I buried it. Geez

:floorlaugh: OMG!! That is hilarious -- you need to add that one to the 'You Know You're Addicted...' thread. Poor wittle skwirrel :nuts:
Living in Florida, I can say Caylee most likely has Medicaid (KC too). Being a single, unwed Mother is all you need to qualifiy. (well, and not having a million dollars in the bank). When a child is born at a Florida hospital, that is one of the first things they do. The hospital knows the State will pay for the child's hospital stay, so they somewhat push it. That's my guess, but who knows:)

But you still have to do things like report income changes and show proof of residency to keep your medicaid, right? We all know this is too much work casey. She would have let everything lapse after about 3 months, if that.

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