Blonde girl in two piece yellow swim suit

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I think I see more faint reddish blotches going in a vertical line up and down from the lampshade and also on the wall slightly left of her head. I think it's probably a defect in the negative but I guess it could be caused by something that reflects light outside the photo.
I see what looks like it could be an under-bite, but could also be an angry facial expression. Almost like she was grinding her teeth. And I agree that it looks like she was being made to dance.
Could this girl be the same girl we see lying on a carpet? Can't decide.
Ok, this is more than likely not important at all but the aluminum foil in this photo is making me nuts. What is the purpose for it? There is foil on the table in the background, as well as in the lower right side of the photo.
Ok, this is more than likely not important at all but the aluminum foil in this photo is making me nuts. What is the purpose for it? There is foil on the table in the background, as well as in the lower right side of the photo.
On the table in the backround, it's wrapped around the base of a lamp or candle holder. On the right, I'm not so sure it's aluminum foil. I've been looking at that for a while. Overall, I'm more interested in where this photograph was taken as the backround scenery is quiite different from many of the other photographs. The japanese figures and the indian lamp don't appear in the other backrounds. Also here, he seems to have set up "black-out" photography curtains (with a few holes in them)...Different location from most of the others we've seen.

I was looking at the xxl photo of her on the nancy grace site, and noticed this:


Click on the cnn link and look at her photo.. I wonder if thats a scar? It obviously slants downward so it seemingly could be called an abdominal scar? In the photo you can see the bruises more clearly, her right arm looks a little swollen and bruised around the elbow, both hands seem bruises, and directly above and below and above her knees.

Am I looking too hard or some someone else see it too?

PL, I see a bruise running horizontal on the side of her left knee. It's much like the one in the posed photograph of the helmet girls leg in that horrid position.

Not so sure about that being a scar that you outlined, but maybe a bruise.

I see what looks like rope burn around her torso. It's real red. Fresh. It's above her navel and then another below it as if she was tied that way.

I also see on the inside of her left wrist what I think is a huge black and blue. That maybe I am imagining or it's a shadow?

Pink Panther brought up a good point about those curtains. You can see a small rip where light comes through. Now I am thinking this is the location he took the woman's picture outside between the two funky trees. The woman withthe wild print shirt. Who I still think is a guy actually.

This looks to be a chick's place. It's decorated like a woman's I think. Maybe a rental?

On the lower right hand I see exactly what you mean, but I think it looks more like plastic. I also see something plasticy on the left hand sideof the picture. Lord only know what that is.

The foil? On the table? Did people smoke heroin back then? Or maybe cooked up on tin foil? Maybe hash? Then again you'd have a hash pipe I guess. From this photo I don't see any tracks onn this poor lady. From all his other pictures everyone has HUGE PUPILS so that'd rule out the heroin.

That note in the background though I think is key. I'm looking at it through a magnifying glass like a nutter. I can't read it. If anyone can zero in on that maybe we'd have a clue. I want this poor girl to be alive. Alive and well.
Could that be a hash pipe or houka on the table behind her. The apartment is feminine but I am wondering if it is his. The bookcase behind her has absolutely no books or nic nacks as if someone just moved in. Alcala must have had several apartments since he was in and out of prison several times. Are those red panties beside the figurine? The aluminum foil could be related to hashish, you think?
The aluminium foil could be related to hashish, but to my eyes it looks an awful lot of foil for that, unless he was seriously entertaining huge numpers of people. Back before little ziploc bags became so common, it was ordinary to buy marijuana as a "stick", which was basically one or two dried branches or twigs with their leaves and buds, wrapped up tight in foil.
I see what looks like it could be an under-bite, but could also be an angry facial expression. Almost like she was grinding her teeth. And I agree that it looks like she was being made to dance.

Definitely doesn't look like the expression of someone who is having a great time.
PL, I see a bruise running horizontal on the side of her left knee.

The area the arrow is pointing to?

I noticed that area was darker than the surrounding areas but couldn't decide if it was a bruise or the shadow of her arm. Not entirely sure her arm would cast a shadow there though.
I've been looking at her waist and I do see some sort of discoloration/redness.

I used the "negative" function on my software and it convinced me there really is something to see there.
The aluminium foil could be related to hashish, but to my eyes it looks an awful lot of foil for that, unless he was seriously entertaining huge numpers of people. Back before little ziploc bags became so common, it was ordinary to buy marijuana as a "stick", which was basically one or two dried branches or twigs with their leaves and buds, wrapped up tight in foil.

Thai stick. I haven't heard of that in a billion years.

Maybe it's not even tinfoil we're seeing, but a candle holder or something? If he was smoking heroin it'd be flat. If it was hash he'd make a lil pipe? In all honesty I never smoked so I'm guessing.

Jess, that's it. I meant the right leg. I'm sorry.

Redbird was asking about the panites. I thought it was another doll. That wouldn't go with the decor.

Jess, you're right she doesn't look none too happy. She's probably terrorized. I'm a little younger than all the people in these photographs. I recall Goldie Hawn having pigtails pre pixie haircut. Did people put the hair that close to their face?
I've been looking at her waist and I do see some sort of discoloration/redness.

I used the "negative" function on my software and it convinced me there really is something to see there.

Great idea about the negative function. Maybe it can help with some other photos too.

As an eternal optimist I'm wondering if reddish discoloration in the waist area mightn't possibly be innocently explained if she's just gotten out of clothes that had a waistband that was a bit too tight. I get that a lot (but I'm a bit more rounded than she is). It doesn't look like a waistband the way it seems to go up in the back though. It's like a rope tied twice around
Great idea about the negative function. Maybe it can help with some other photos too.

As an eternal optimist I'm wondering if reddish discoloration in the waist area mightn't possibly be innocently explained if she's just gotten out of clothes that had a waistband that was a bit too tight. I get that a lot (but I'm a bit more rounded than she is). It doesn't look like a waistband the way it seems to go up in the back though. It's like a rope tied twice around

I wondered about the waistband thing too.
(happens to me as well)

Since she is in a bikini, maybe she had a towel wrapped tightly around her midsection prior to having her photo taken? Or some kind of jewelry chain/belt/type thingy?
The marks on her body seem like the same type of marks someone gets when they are bound to a chair and struggle to get free.


The way the girl is bound above would show marks where the blonde girl has them, including the rope going higher up towards the back.


The entire photo in negative, does it look like shes bruised on her lower legs?
Her expression makes me wonder if perhaps she has just woken up and is still a bit groggy. That would also explain why the room is so dark except for the flash or whatever light source was used for the picture, it's night time and the room lights are off and the curtains are drawn/shades down. Perhaps the red marks are from sleeping on something that was putting pressure on her. I've gotten similar marks from having my weight laying on a fold in my sheet or blanket.

Regarding the aluminum foil on the table. Perhaps it held a sandwich. I've gotten deli sandwiches that were wrapped in foil.
Her expression makes me wonder if perhaps she has just woken up and is still a bit groggy. That would also explain why the room is so dark except for the flash or whatever light source was used for the picture, it's night time and the room lights are off and the curtains are drawn/shades down. Perhaps the red marks are from sleeping on something that was putting pressure on her. I've gotten similar marks from having my weight laying on a fold in my sheet or blanket.

Regarding the aluminum foil on the table. Perhaps it held a sandwich. I've gotten deli sandwiches that were wrapped in foil.

I could be mistaken but I think I recall reading a story where the police said that he would get the victims high with weed so she could just be stoned.
Re: bound to a chair: That could mean she's an exotic dancer, like the two topless or naked women in the red club photos. A number of Greenwich clubs used to be (still are, for that matter) famous for that style of bondage dance. If she just got off shift, she might still be scuffed and bruised from the dancing. Or she might have done a private show for him.
I could be mistaken but I think I recall reading a story where the police said that he would get the victims high with weed so she could just be stoned.

Also a possibility. That's why I try to not be too dogmatic about anything in the pictures. Too many possibilities.
However she got the mark, it looks like a scratch. Think it is too light to be from being mishandled by him. The bruise on her leg looks more serious to me.

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