Body Language Analysis of Irwin Case Players

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Thanks for starting this thread. I finally must be getting better at catching these micro expressions. I noticed JI's expression at the word "pray" too. It's captured at about the 10:45 mark. IMO, JI has discomfort trying to be (or appear) hopeful when he already knows what happened.

Lisa Irwin Parents New Interview - My Body Language Analysis. MUST SEE. GMA. CJB - YouTube

Or maybe he made that expression because he is not religious or feels that the statement was hypocritical. My very religious sister in law was very angry with God after my brother passed away very young and suddenly. She refused to step foot in a church for over a year. When people told her to pray she would roll her eyes. She didn't kill my brother but she certainly didn't really want to hear about praying or any of that. She was left a young widow with 2 little kids. This woman has a heart of gold and is actually very strong faith-but I would be willing to bet that if she had a cMera in her face at the time she would appear a very different person than she actually was.

Oh-and I never once saw her cry even though I know that she was devastated and still has not and never will recover from his death.

I'm sorry but this is a bunch of hogwash as my dad used to say. How can you possibly tell what a person is thinking by expressions? You have no way of knowing their baseline which would tell lots more IMO. But still, MW could have been very nervous or even cold! Oh my gosh. Put a camera in front of someone's face and you will guarantee they will behave differently. Why is reality tv so popular? IMOmthe is no way to tell what a particular person is thinking when they are in front of a camera and are discussing such a horrible situation??? This is precisely why these analises and LDTs are not admissible in court. While interesting, I find none of this mans analises to be helpful in finding the truth about what happened to BL. JMO

Thank you! I've searched the man from these videos and I can't find anything more than some youtube videos he made and a facebook page. Hopefully the OP will provide some of the links she found that convinced her of his credibility.
Or maybe he made that expression because he is not religious or feels that the statement was hypocritical. My very religious sister in law was very angry with God after my brother passed away very young and suddenly. She refused to step foot in a church for over a year. When people told her to pray she would roll her eyes. She didn't kill my brother but she certainly didn't really want to hear about praying or any of that. She was left a young widow with 2 little kids. This woman has a heart of gold and is actually very strong faith-but I would be willing to bet that if she had a cMera in her face at the time she would appear a very different person than she actually was.

Oh-and I never once saw her cry even though I know that she was devastated and still has not and never will recover from his death.JMO

(above BBM)
I didn't cry at my dad's wake, either. Not because my heart wasn't broken into a million pieces (I was 15, he was my hero), but because I thought he'd want me to be "strong" and I was trying my best. I'm sure there were those in attendance who thought I was a kook, or otherwise mal-adjusted.
thank you for the information. However, i cannot even get through the first video. I forgot about this one, have seen so many. I cant watch DB making "leaving the lights on" jokes while baby Lisa is either deceased or in the arms of a very bad person. Thank you, though.
JMO, JI's body language and stance say he was totally disgusted with DB, and yet he says they are closer than before which is basically a lie. He could've been mad that DB was drinking, but I remember he defended her drinking. JMOHO, JI is screaming inside behind that stoic posture because he knows something.
i had watched the JI and DB ones a week or so ago,but hadn't seen the MW one.
i dont understand tells etc so these have been very informative,especially with JI he just seems to be dead behind the eyes IMO
JMO, JI's body language and stance say he was totally disgusted with DB, and yet he says they are closer than before which is basically a lie. He could've been mad that DB was drinking, but I remember he defended her drinking. JMOHO, JI is screaming inside behind that stoic posture because he knows something.

i read an article a few days ago (i think it may have been my lillian glass) that you notice JI is pulling further away from DB as time goes on.

it showed a photo of DB hugging JI and his arms were by his side (i think this was in the first day or so) then they were on the deck (i think) and DB is sitting at the table and JI is standing away from her and finally they were going back into the house (on walton i think) and JI is walking ahead with his hands in his pockets.

i think he may suspect her but doesn't want to believe that she could do something to BL.

i still cant get over how unemotional he is about the whole situation.
thank you for the information. However, i cannot even get through the first video. I forgot about this one, have seen so many. I cant watch DB making "leaving the lights on" jokes while baby Lisa is either deceased or in the arms of a very bad person. Thank you, though.
I know how you feel.
i had watched the JI and DB ones a week or so ago,but hadn't seen the MW one.
i dont understand tells etc so these have been very informative,especially with JI he just seems to be dead behind the eyes IMO

I have always been accused of seeing only the best in people. At 43 years old, I'm still that way. But in regards to the MW video with the body language, I can tell you, my gut says, MW is totally innocent and has been dragged into something she never dreamed possible. And...when I watched the video of her body language, it reminded me so much of myself when I am trying to speak in public and I am ready to go into a full blown panic attack. I don't think there were any tells in her body language except for a young girl who has been thrown a curve ball that might change her life forever. MOO and :twocents:
i read an article a few days ago (i think it may have been my lillian glass) that you notice JI is pulling further away from DB as time goes on.

it showed a photo of DB hugging JI and his arms were by his side (i think this was in the first day or so) then they were on the deck (i think) and DB is sitting at the table and JI is standing away from her and finally they were going back into the house (on walton i think) and JI is walking ahead with his hands in his pockets.

i think he may suspect her but doesn't want to believe that she could do something to BL.

i still cant get over how unemotional he is about the whole situation.

An embrace when you know you're being filmed and you know you're under suspicion is not going to look very natural.

If he really is withdrawing from her (a big IF in my opinion, since a few minutes of video can't show us what they're really like when there are no cameras around) it may have nothing to do with his feelings about DB, and could be related more to his state of mind; depression causes people to withdraw from loved ones.

He doesn't seem unemotional to me. He seems devastated and depressed.
An embrace when you know you're being filmed and you know you're under suspicion is not going to look very natural.

If he really is withdrawing from her (a big IF in my opinion, since a few minutes of video can't show us what they're really like when there are no cameras around) it may have nothing to do with his feelings about DB, and could be related more to his state of mind; depression causes people to withdraw from loved ones.

He doesn't seem unemotional to me. He seems devastated and depressed.

After reading and watching and learning all this time, and now reviewing that first video again where DB is joking about how JI gets upset w her for leaving all the lights on, i am completely and totally OFF THE FENCE. :fencefall:
And i tried to be HOPEFUL and open minded, DB. Shame on me....
(sorry, mods, will re-post in approp thread)
I share your perception of JI, Twelve of One. He appears to be underneath a bleak depression, the kind you don't come home from. Absolutely sick with grief. I think those who analyse body language have done a very good job with him and with MW but I would like to read or view more on DB, the central figure. The Niagara of tears from her initially took me in but the lapses of her tongue since, which I have posted about, jarred my credulity. Maybe I will go on the hunt for some fresh body language material on her right now.
I'm sorry but this is a bunch of hogwash as my dad used to say. How can you possibly tell what a person is thinking by expressions? You have no way of knowing their baseline which would tell lots more IMO. But still, MW could have been very nervous or even cold! Oh my gosh. Put a camera in front of someone's face and you will guarantee they will behave differently. Why is reality tv so popular? IMOmthe is no way to tell what a particular person is thinking when they are in front of a camera and are discussing such a horrible situation??? This is precisely why these analises and LDTs are not admissible in court. While interesting, I find none of this mans analises to be helpful in finding the truth about what happened to BL. JMO

He says the embrace doesn't show happiness? WHAAAT? This is a parent's worst nightmare. Also he keeps showing JI's mouth expression, to me it's total shock and sadness but this guy interprets it as deception.

Imagine being married to one of these so called experts? Honey, what's for dinner? Meatloaf? Now honey, you must be lying because you're looking to the left. Why do you keep touching your nose? I bet it's pizza.
This is very intesting from Dr. Lillian Glass:

Similar Patterns Seen in Missing Baby Cases Where The Outcome Is Tragic

First and foremost, after weighing in and analyzing the body language of so many of these “missing baby” type cases throughout the years from Susan Smith to Andrea Yates to Casey Anthony, I discovered that there are certain patterns or tells when a parent is up to no good. Debbie Bradley, Baby Lisa’s mother shows many of these patterns.

First there are the crocodile tears and the ability to quickly turn the waterworks on and off. I noticed this with Debbie Bradley.r Look at this photo above. Who wipes their eyes at their temples? Someone who isn;t really crying!

Here is more of the fake boo hooing. She rubs her eyes with both hands like someone does when they are over tired. She is not wiping away tears. When she removed her hands from this position, there were no tears which could be seen which indicates she was faking it in my view.

2.The lack of cooperation with law enforcement or the on and off cooperation with law enforcement is another signal. When someone has nothing to hide, they tell ALL and they do EVERYTHING to help law enforcement help them. No matter .how tough the police get with them, they always cooperate if they have nothing to hide.

3.Another pattern is when a story ill. She changed. Debbie Bradley changed her story and that is a huge sign something foul must have happened.


Needless to say, body language and communication wise something is very very wrong. I am not accusing Debbie or her boys of killing the baby accidently or on purpose. I will however say that just as Debbie marked to the press, I too would not be surprised if she eventually ends up behind bars.

Dr. Glass did a great job putting focus back to that strange feeling many of us have concerning the non verbal interaction between the parents from the beginning. They are hanging together by a frayed thread now. JMO, JI has more he could and might say away from DB.
I'm sorry but this is a bunch of hogwash as my dad used to say. How can you possibly tell what a person is thinking by expressions? You have no way of knowing their baseline which would tell lots more IMO. But still, MW could have been very nervous or even cold! Oh my gosh. Put a camera in front of someone's face and you will guarantee they will behave differently. Why is reality tv so popular? IMOmthe is no way to tell what a particular person is thinking when they are in front of a camera and are discussing such a horrible situation??? This is precisely why these analises and LDTs are not admissible in court. While interesting, I find none of this mans analises to be helpful in finding the truth about what happened to BL. JMO

I've been researching and learning body language for quite awhile now and the one thing that is true for all of us, is that our actions and reactions are learned behavior. For those of us who were abused as children in some way, will be much more aware of expressions because it was those expressions that we needed to look for, so that we could prepare ourselves for what sort of abuse was to come.

We are the sum total of whoever took on the role of lover or abuser when we were children. Debbie's background screams of alcoholism and how the tragedies of alcoholism wove through the family, causing pain and dysfunction. So of course Deb is going to show signs of stress and guilt because she knows that deep inside herself, she has just allowed that cycle of alcohol abuse to seep into her own immediate family, and may have lost her baby daughter because of it.

Also, if you closely watch her reactions where Jeremy and she are pleading for Lisa to just be dropped off somewhere, anywhere as long as it's safe, she says to do this, but shakes her head no. Her words say one thing and yet her negative shaking head says another. To me, this would indicate that she doesn't really want Lisa to be dropped off just anywhere, she wants her to be dropped off at home.

Jeremy is almost always a flat line expression, very few times does he show any emotions, and even though we don't know what base line expression is for him, I think that it's still probably flat line because NOW, when he SHOULD be showing more expression, he is still mostly flat line. I don't think that he's optimistic of finding Lisa alive and if you really watch him, he also is distrustful of Deb on some level.

I thought that was Peter Hyatt? Confused.
Sounds like an MIT guy trying to do a British accent.
Regarding the MW video, at the point where she changes words in mid sentence, self editing. If you notice right after that when Lisa's name is said she has a bit of a smirk on her face. I think she is not telling all she knows or has an idea about.

If you have ever seen the movie Taken, it shows how easy it is to abduct somone and how difficult it is to find them.

It is well known that child *advertiser censored* is rampant and a lucrative 'business'. :( To pay some low level street criminal even 5k to steal a baby is a possibility. jersey is in a good place right now; in jail he can talk to others and someone will trade info for less time.
i read an article a few days ago (i think it may have been my lillian glass) that you notice JI is pulling further away from DB as time goes on.

it showed a photo of DB hugging JI and his arms were by his side (i think this was in the first day or so) then they were on the deck (i think) and DB is sitting at the table and JI is standing away from her and finally they were going back into the house (on walton i think) and JI is walking ahead with his hands in his pockets.

i think he may suspect her but doesn't want to believe that she could do something to BL.

i still cant get over how unemotional he is about the whole situation.

But to be fair, during the day that he let her lean on him, or even hugged her- he most probably also walked without being glued to her side. You're only seeing snippets, and you could gather snippets that say the exact same thing about me and my husband- or any one of us.
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