Body language of CA & GA during this trial

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ty for the link to the March 25, 2011 letter from GA to ICA. I too had completely missed this when it was released.

That was painful to read. It doesn't look like his writing though - too feminine. Do you think CA wrote it? The writing on the envelope looks to be GA's, while the letter looks to be CA's.

Just a MOO

That was painful to read. It doesn't look like his writing though - too feminine. Do you think CA wrote it? The writing on the envelope looks to be GA's, while the letter looks to be CA's.

Just a MOO


Perhaps he dictated and CA wrote? The line "why, why also destroy mom . . ." would seem to be coming from him, despite the flowery, feminine appearing script. More signs of a united front forming . . ?
If you compare the new video of Cindy at Caylee's 2nd birthday party with how she looks now, there is a huge difference, and it has only been just under 4 years. She has really aged alot (and poor George too)...I looked at that video and thought to myself, how happy Cindy was holding Caylee in her lap, chasing her down and gently turning her around and sending her back to the singing man...all the while KC sat on the right, next to a cooler, leaning up against a wall or the pool, probably drinking a beer and doing nothing, like she always dare KC get angry and jealous of Cindy's care of Caylee. :banghead:

ETA: And you all know I have not been a fan of either GA or CA in the past, but I do feel for them now as their daughter destroys the only 2 people who really stood up for her.

If you look at the video real close, ICA is holding what appears to be a video camera. And I have to admit, if I were in the A's shoes, I'd probably look like I was 100 by now. However, it was very obvious who the caretaker was at that point in time (of the video).

My heart goes out to them.


I'm with you on this. I saw nothing in their body language to suggest a united front. I don't see them sitting very close to each other, the leg or shoulder rubbing or sympathetic expressions of hearings past. As they came back from the lunch break yesterday, Cindy's purse hung on the shoulder of the side George was walking creating an unspoken distance. Later in the afternoon, George had his arm around the back of Cindy's seat and she was quite a gap away from him. George said on day one of his testimony on Tuesday that this is still hard on them which I took to mean on their relationship. And let's not forget the letter Cindy sent Casey in jail stating that when she gets out, they will find Caylee together. No mention of George in that plan. Hoping I'm wrong, but Cindy remains very much a wild card to me.

Bolded by Moi.

My husband, a cop, will change sides to putting my bag between him and I without even realizing it.
I also remember writing a story about safety in malls during Christmas shopping. First thing police mentioned was this - second was put wallet in front pocket not back. Since then I always make sure my shoulder bag is between me and the person I am walking with .... just an idea rather than everything we do being body language :)

Body language readers have come a long way and many original ideas are no longer. I just wish the entertainment news shows would move to the next generation of body language readers instead of getting people that have had "30 years of experience" - I just hope they have kept up to take and to me it seems they haven't.

I prefer my gut feelings :)
If you compare the new video of Cindy at Caylee's 2nd birthday party with how she looks now, there is a huge difference, and it has only been just under 4 years. She has really aged alot (and poor George too)...I looked at that video and thought to myself, how happy Cindy was holding Caylee in her lap, chasing her down and gently turning her around and sending her back to the singing man...all the while KC sat on the right, next to a cooler, leaning up against a wall or the pool, probably drinking a beer and doing nothing, like she always dare KC get angry and jealous of Cindy's care of Caylee. :banghead:

ETA: And you all know I have not been a fan of either GA or CA in the past, but I do feel for them now as their daughter destroys the only 2 people who really stood up for her.

My reaction to the Caylee party video was completely different. I saw CA try several times to bring Caylee back to the man singing the song and holding on to her alhtough it was clear Caylee wanted to get away from that singer/guest. Caylee tried a few times to get down fron CA's lap but it showed CA not letting her go.She kept heading to the right, where I think(but it's not shown) ICA was. Personally I found the man singing "You'll be a woman soon" to a 2-year-old to be creepy.
Bolded by Moi.

My husband, a cop, will change sides to putting my bag between him and I without even realizing it.
I also remember writing a story about safety in malls during Christmas shopping. First thing police mentioned was this - second was put wallet in front pocket not back. Since then I always make sure my shoulder bag is between me and the person I am walking with .... just an idea rather than everything we do being body language :)

Respectively snipped. I never thought of doing this, but it's a great suggestion.

I agree with your post, to a certain extent. I don't think GA and CA should have begun to hold their daughter responsible at 18 they should have been doing it all along. It's apparent they never held her accountable even well before she turned 18.

I disagree with the bolded line. I am LIVING proof that the bolded line is incorrect. My grandparents did and WERE successful in obtaining custody of me when I was a child. My circumstances are slightly different in this case in that my father was known and my parents were married and had divorced when I was an infant. I was temporarily given to my grandparents as an infant for a time willingly by my parents. When it became dangerous for me to be given back to my parents my grandparents FOUGHT for me. They won. There is a LOT of case law and legal precedence for grandparents to obtain custody. You have no idea just how many children were like me, and are STILL like me even today.

The big difference though is that your parents voluntarily gave you up, although it was only supposed to be temproary. That alone makes a huge difference. Her parents would have had no grounds to gain custody(from what was apparent then.) Had they thrown her out, they may have been able to make a case if ICA failed to provide food, shelter ect.
My reaction to the Caylee party video was completely different. I saw CA try several times to bring Caylee back to the man singing the song and holding on to her alhtough it was clear Caylee wanted to get away from that singer/guest. Caylee tried a few times to get down fron CA's lap but it showed CA not letting her go.She kept heading to the right, where I think(but it's not shown) ICA was. Personally I found the man singing "You'll be a woman soon" to a 2-year-old to be creepy.

ME TOO!!! The creepy part! And, would he just GIVE the birthday girl her new toy already!!!! Sheeesh....
I am still troubled by the parents belief that rules don't apply to them. Bringing the teddy bear to court, wearing the caylee bracelets, the pin on GA's collar. I would have much more sympathy for them if they didn't constantly try to get away with things, even small things. It just shows a pattern of behavior to me. JMO
Morning everyone!!!

I don't see a thread for the trial today, am I missing something? :(
Heartbreaking I feel so bad for them

Two pictures from yesterday, May 25, 2011. Both show stress.


That was painful to read. It doesn't look like his writing though - too feminine. Do you think CA wrote it? The writing on the envelope looks to be GA's, while the letter looks to be CA's.

Just a MOO


That's the same writing that he (GA) put on JB's poster board yesterday. :)

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