Book: Media Tried, Justice Denied

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sharkeyes said:
....and I see a copy on Ebay for $36.95! That's what I get for being lazy and not checking ebay first!!! I also ordered Flesh and Blood, Hush Little Babies, and Precious Angels through amazon...(all used and quite reasonable - from about $3.99 to $13).

Anyway, I found the info to order MTJD on a media-tried website that popped up during a search - the order form included a phone number so I called to make sure the address was still valid - and I spoke with CWB directly for a few moments - he keeps in touch with Darin but has not been in contact with Darlie "for years". He seemed nice enough - and as everyone here is well aware, is an avid D&D supporter. I'm sure part of the $ goes toward Darlie's defense - I really don't care and doubt that any amount of money will make a difference or help her get a new trial - I really want that book! (knowing full well it is full of spelling and grammatical errors).

I am starting to lean toward Darin being the one who inflicted Darlie's wounds....or at the very least he watched (encouraged) her to self-inflict them...maybe not...I don't know,
I'm starting to think about this case way too much! I figured I'd get the books and see if my opinion stays the same after reading everything I can find. I'm in the process of reading the transcripts.....I will say this, the court reporter deserved to lose her license/certification/privilege to practice, the errors made were grossly unacceptable.

The above is my opinion only.
I want that book so bad. I have Hush little babies and precious angels...I need to get that one you have though, where did you get it??
michelle said:
I want that book so bad. I have Hush little babies and precious angels...I need to get that one you have though, where did you get it??
I ordered mine from Christopher Wayne Brown - there's a printable order form at - but the address listed on the website is WRONG, so, if you decide to order it from CWB, call the number listed on that site and get the correct address (it's still in TX), you have to mail him a check (I did not ask if he took credit/debit cards over the phone) it cannot be ordered via that website.

There is also a copy on ebay listed for $36.95. (It was still there as of today with no bids).

I also found a thread in the archives here at WS where a copy was being loaned at one time - although it is not a real recent thread - a search for "MTJD" will bring it up.

Note - the copies of MTJD available through CWB are not "new", they are not the copies that end up in bookstores, etc. (I cannot remember the term used - but it is explained on the website).

Oh, the Borders bookstore out here was also able to get me a used copy for $91 or $93 (which is why I went with CWB).
I got mine on Ebay sometime last year. I want to say it was somewhere around $40 - $50, including shipping. It's the most I've ever paid for a book! (not counting textbooks for college)
Just be aware guys that there is pretty much no reason to buy the book for anything other than the photos.

The bulk of the book is just reprinted newspaper articles with CWB's comments interjected into them. Not only is it riddled with spelling and grammatical mistakes but a lot of the comments are really juvenile and misinformed.

The book is good because of the photos (though some will argue that they are either very poor quality or that some of them have been manipulated to make them look worse than they are). Beware though that there are a number of graphic photos of the boys. I covered mine up right away with post it notes because I couldn't bear to look at them. I remember when I got my copy (from Darlie Kee) I sat there with the book in my hand for about 5 minutes before I could bring myself to open it... because I knew exactly what some of those photos were going to show me.
I got mine from barnes and noble book store they special ordered it a couple years ago.
IrishMist said:
And it's kind of funny, because the woman I bought it from was very sure that it would convince me of Darlie's innocence... :doh:
I guess innocence is in the eye of beholder. I think people who do not know much about the legal process are much more easily swayed by the spin defendant's put out there, but you grow as you learn. The more you understand the process and how evidence is weighed and processed, the lights seem to get a little brighter and guilt bcomes more obvious.
sharkeyes said:
I did - and the one result that came up does not match the address where I sent the check - for all I know it was a Mail Boxes Etc. LOL!
Has it come yet? We'll see how trust-worthy ol' Chris is, eh? You'e the lab rat!
beesy said:
Has it come yet? We'll see how trust-worthy ol' Chris is, eh? You're the lab rat!
Not yet, and it's too early for today's mail so maybe later today.....I'm sure it was sent the least expensive way (fourth class parcel post) and TX to CA is probably a good 4 days at least....I'll post when it arrives - I am very interested in seeing the photos - gruesome as I know they are.

Just finished Hush Little Babies....the talk about the "black car" cruising and being in the alley got me thinking...why wouldn't Darlie or Darin (or Basia or the wife of the guy that worked nights and who seemed to be very "security conscious") have reported that? If I saw a strange vehicle out here on our street more than once (I'll give you the benefit of the doubt one time...maybe you're lost, looking for a house number, etc.) but if I see you slowly cruising again or parked in the alley I'm going to make a note of the make/model/color and the plate number if I can get it - actually I'd probably walk up and ask you what you're looking for (or at).
beesy said:
Has it come yet?
NOT YET!!! :furious:

I called Chris Brown yesterday after we got home (went away for the weekend). He told me he also had been away but that he was notified that my "check had cleared" and that the book will be on it's way this week....apparently, the book is forwarded to him to sign and send after the recipient of the payment verifies the funds are in the bank....I told him I'll be looking for it this week - I'll post as soon as I get it.

The book is in the mail......:doh:
I know that this has probably already been explained, but does Chris Brown have exclusive rights to the crime scene pics or did Darlie's family give them to him? I wonder if other authors could write a new, more inexpensive book and use the same pics? Thanks
I wish someone who is objective would publish a book with the photos. I would like to see ALL of them, preferably without commentary.
txsvicki said:
I know that this has probably already been explained, but does Chris Brown have exclusive rights to the crime scene pics or did Darlie's family give them to him? I wonder if other authors could write a new, more inexpensive book and use the same pics? Thanks
No, Darlie's family does not own those pictures, they are evidence. Chris got hold of the pictures through someone who had copies of copies. Then Chris took pictures of the copies, reprinted them in his book and there you are. So for people to say they think they see an impression of a boot print is way off base
Spywhere said:
I'll always believe that Darin helped Darlie in the staging and coverup. But for the life of me I can't imagine WHY?
I've tried to come up with plausible explanations/theories as to why he would cover for her....

(1) the possibility that D&D had come up with a plan for an "intruder" to come in, rob some items, and only "injure" the kids and Darlie and things got out of control...but why would they do that? What would they have gained - nothing unless a robbery occurred and they could file an insurance claim - too far-fetched (IMO).

(2) Darin was overwhelmed by the situation and realized too late that Darlie did it and could not bring himself to backpeddle and implicate her (look at his face during the graveside/silly string interview...looks like he wants to throw up as Darlie says "we tried...[to save our babies] but we just couldn't..."

(3) Darin has no self esteem, is (was) so controlled by and enamored of Darlie he would do anything for her - i.e. 'why would anyone so beautiful go with a schmuck like me' mentality - I can hear her "you'll NEVER find anyone like me again Darin! You're lucky I even gave you the time of day! I could have ANYONE do you hear me, ANYONE! You think you're such a big shot - you are NOTHING without me!" Think about it - I can hear that harpy going at him a mile a minute in the same nasty/annoyed tone of voice she uses on the 911 call "someone came in here and INTENTIONALLY did this Darin!"

(4) He is afraid of what she will say that will show he was an accomplice or at the very least had knowledge of the fact that the "intruder" does not exist - she would take him down with her.

There's my :twocents:, I would be interested in reading a psych profile on Darlie just to see if 'sociopath' was listed as one of her diagnoses.
Spywhere said:
I'll always believe that Darin helped Darlie in the staging and coverup. But for the life of me I can't imagine WHY?

Maybe it was something like Darlie carrying on and screaming to Darrin about "already touching the knife, Who could have done this, this was intentional DARRIN, they're going to think I did it, maybe you did it or had it done by those insurance crooks" I can see Darlie saying all that and manipulating Darrin in that short space of time. Darrin wouldn't necessarily have to believe that Darlie had killed the boys but only that they might be blamed.
txsvicki said:
Maybe it was something like Darlie carrying on and screaming to Darrin about "already touching the knife, Who could have done this, this was intentional DARRIN, they're going to think I did it, maybe you did it or had it done by those insurance crooks" I can see Darlie saying all that and manipulating Darrin in that short space of time. Darrin wouldn't necessarily have to believe that Darlie had killed the boys but only that they might be blamed.
O, there are no insurance scams. That is just a bunch of smoke created to cast doubt for Darlie. The first question I would ask Darin is show me proof that you collected on the insurance when your car was stolen? Then I would want to know if the thief was arrested and convicted. My bet is that the answer to both is NO or none.
Goody said:
O, let us know. He might be a front man for the family.
I got my copy of MTJD yesterday (along with my cancelled check coincidentally). Chris Brown endorsed the check. The return address on the package is the one I sent the check to, not the one on the website...that's fine, just glad I got the book.

Those are some horrific photos, but they do tell a story, there is no way those wounds could have been inflicted without injury to the person doing the stabbing (i.e. Darlie's bruises on her arms). The human body is not soft and it takes a great deal of force to plunge a knife that deeply, pull it out, and plunge again (those kids would have been kicking at their attacker like crazy and trying to get away). When I look at the photos of Darlie's injuries (cuts, bruises on her arms, hands), she looks exactly like someone who has been on her knees slamming her arms down on top of something (someone), trying to hold someone down by force, a face to face struggle does not produce those types of bruises.

The book itself is a joke, CWB's sarcasm is incredibly unprofessional, but I do find the articles interesting. We will see what he publishes next...
sharkeyes said:
I got my copy of MTJD yesterday (along with my cancelled check coincidentally). Chris Brown endorsed the check. The return address on the package is the one I sent the check to, not the one on the website...that's fine, just glad I got the book.

Those are some horrific photos, but they do tell a story, there is no way those wounds could have been inflicted without injury to the person doing the stabbing (i.e. Darlie's bruises on her arms). The human body is not soft and it takes a great deal of force to plunge a knife that deeply, pull it out, and plunge again (those kids would have been kicking at their attacker like crazy and trying to get away). When I look at the photos of Darlie's injuries (cuts, bruises on her arms, hands), she looks exactly like someone who has been on her knees slamming her arms down on top of something (someone), trying to hold someone down by force, a face to face struggle does not produce those types of bruises.

The book itself is a joke, CWB's sarcasm is incredibly unprofessional, but I do find the articles interesting. We will see what he publishes next...
Thanks for the update, shark. Find anything intersesting let us know. My book has been lost for a couple of years, I think. LOL! Couldn't read that red ink if I tried.
I agree with you, Sharkeyes. Her "wounds" are not consistent with her account. I believe part of them were received during her killing the boys and then the rest were self-injury to back up her story. I never could "make" the bruises, etc that Darlie had match with struggling with another adult in an attack. I don't care what she says now, that 911 tape does say fighting and I do think that is what she meant to imply had happened. Why would she have bruises? If she had been beating on the person, then she would have had wounds from the knife. It doesn't make sense that the person would waste time beating on her either, since the knife would have been more effective. Not to mention, why would someone who had been so determinedly stabbing the children,suddenly switch methods and lightly slice her throat?

I also don't believe she received her wounds in an attack because she places herself initially as being on the couch when she sees the "attacker". Had there been that severe of an attack where she struggled enough to receive the bruises (an let's not forget those stabs through the nightshirt that didn't penetrate skin), she would have at least been askew on the couch. Yet she always says she was on the couch.
Did anyone here read her hypnosis report? That was interesting. It places her as having fallen on Damon at some point. I always thought of this as another version of Darlie's story.
Puppymom said:
What is that?
MTJD is the book Media Tried, Justice Denied, by Christopher Wayne Brown. It's not really a "book" but rather a compilation of all the newspaper articles about Darlie's case interspersed with sarcastic comments from the "author". On the up side, the photos are interesting, albeit morbid (Devon and Damon on medical examiner's table), and, IMO, the book does absolutely nothing to help Darlie's defense. I've read all the books, nothing has changed my mind, Darlie killed Devon and Damon.
beesy said:
Mama Darlie has a copy of MTJD for sale on eBay. There is a reserve on it though. No telling the amount she's put on it.
Well, with the exception of the photos, it's not worth the paper it's printed on...I don't know how CWB came up with some of the things he states in it - i.e., the bootprints - there's no flipping bootprint there - it's a distorted photo; what seems quite obvious to me is the fact that Devon fought his attacker, the blood that runs down the front of him leads me to believe he sat up after she slammed that butcher knife into his chest the first time - but CWB makes no mention of anything to that effect. Not to mention how he harps on whether the stereo is "on" or "off" in certain photos....don't get me started. I wonder how often (if at all) Mrs. Kee looks at the photos of those kids in that book.

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