Book Written About What Happened To Haleigh

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I could say LE shared information about the case with me, but my saying it won't make it so. I could publish a book claiming information was shared with me by those in the know, but such claims would not make it so.

It goes without saying that many of us would like Haleigh's name to stay on the tip of everyone's tongue, but not for the wrong reasons.
:truce: I guess I am the under dog here. I have heard many many interviews that he has done with several people that I found to be of interest IMO. I am one that feels that maybe he wrote the book because everyone has tried to shut him up for so long? I don't buy the theory of Haleigh being with CS, however if that were true at least Haleigh would be alive. Maybe that is what he was told as well...Who knows what all was told to this guy. This guy may know some of the facts surrounding the case and added his two cents kind of like most do. As for this book being made off of blood money, well many books are written for many reasons and everyone will get a profit regardless. Maybe he will make a few dollars, IMO he will need it to protect himself against anyone he spoke of that he shouldn't of. I always said something was not right in PC - with some of the LE in PC, but that is JMO. I never heard of PC until Haleigh went missing, I am just glad that her name is out in the media again even if it took this guy writing a book. Seems like most have forgotten about her... :truce:

Have you read the book?? I always have an open mind if someone has new information that can be back up as credible, it seems odd that it isn't all over the news though, I am ALSO glad, Haleighs name is back in the news.
I'd rather read about this case from a true crime author and I'm sure someone will eventually write one about this case.
I have not read the book, will not be buying it BUT I do believe that what this book will bring to life for so many of us that can't understand the case is this:


TH has the taped interviews, phone calls of who knows what kind of people & some to be professionals & to think that these are the same people that LE had to deal with!!!!! Every person that has played & screwed around with this child's investigation should be held accountable in some way or another!!! This is a child's LIFE!!!! People surrounding this case CONTACTED TH where else did he get the info from.

I also agree Madj I think he wrote it to show people like us exactly WHO & WHAT the players in this case is all about!
I don't know, i am not crazy about TH nor him writing a book based on nothing but his own opinion. (jmo) But at the same time i am also so curious about what is being said in that book about that terrible night. I will admit, i go to his website and look around every now and then.

i kinda view it as another persons opinion, and it has to be, right? i think so, b/c why would LE share information with someone in another state, when they are trying so hard to keep things quiet in Florida? Why would LE share any information with this guy who is a writer, or a journlist?

I don't know if i will buy the book, i may just b/c curiousity will get to me.


Hi Momma, FYI, Barnes and Noble will order a book for you if they don't have it in stock, and you can look through it when it comes in, and if you decide you don't want it, you don't have to buy it. I have done that before, but I have always bought the book anyway. I usually only order the ones I really want anyway...:seeya:
Hi Momma, FYI, Barnes and Noble will order a book for you if they don't have it in stock, and you can look through it when it comes in, and if you decide you don't want it, you don't have to buy it. I have done that before, but I have always bought the book anyway. I usually only order the ones I really want anyway...:seeya:

Thanks Nonni!
I've never heard of this guy, or if I have, I've forgotten...but, I'll probably buy & read the book. I don't buy into his theory, at all, but like somebody else said, some of those interviews, should be interesting. I wish a really good investigative journalist, would get a hold of this story...start from day 1, or before, & lay the facts out for us. It might not answer the question of what happened, but it might shed some light, on that night. what I'd really like to read, is a book, seperated into sections, on each player, & the evidence that points to him/her, & away from him/her. It would be enlightening to see who can explain away what. We all have our theories, but really, they're based on very little information. & I'm interested to read what he considers, to be a frame against Misty. After thinking about it, I don't put much stock into that LVA test, & wonder if that is brought up.
Does anybody know the name of the book? Think I'll call Barnes and Noble to see if they have it before driving to Kennesaw. If they do, I may go down and look it over.
Don't expect it to be on store shelves, given that it is self-published...
Don't expect it to be on store shelves, given that it is self-published...

You probably will recall the writer of this book if we were allowed to post his name. We were banned from talking about him. I was actually surprised to see there was a thread opened up on the book he wrote. (way back in the beginning)
You probably will recall the writer of this book if we were allowed to post his name. We were banned from talking about him. I was actually surprised to see there was a thread opened up on the book he wrote.(way back in the beginning)

Oh, I know exactly who he is... he's one of those players I keep a quiet eye on, online, because of the horrible circus he likes to create. How Florida media got duped into giving him exposure is beyond me.
Haven't read the rest of the thread.. stopped after about the 10th post, just because I agree with most of you.

But tell me... how does one go about investigating a case when they live on the other side of the country? Seems to me he would have had to actually travel to FL to do a proper investigation... doncha think?

His theories are nothing more than what he has gleaned from the internet... just like you and me and everybody else.

JMO, of course, and probably not worth a whole lot.
Just to add, his book is not going to shed any light on what happened that night, because he was not there. The only ones who can do that are the ones who were there, and all their stories have changed a dozen times.
Haven't read the rest of the thread.. stopped after about the 10th post, just because I agree with most of you.

But tell me... how does one go about investigating a case when they live on the other side of the country? Seems to me he would have had to actually travel to FL to do a proper investigation... doncha think?

His theories are nothing more than what he has gleaned from the internet... just like you and me and everybody else.

JMO, of course, and probably not worth a whole lot.

Must be that coordinate mental thang.

In his MySpace bio, this guy claims to be a "hybrid" writer from East Grand Forks, Minnesota. "Channeling and toggling all five senses during the writing process", he claims to be "capable of witnessing the process from a coordinate mental position."

You can't make this stuff up.
You probably will recall the writer of this book if we were allowed to post his name. We were banned from talking about him. I was actually surprised to see there was a thread opened up on the book he wrote. (way back in the beginning)

Believe me, we are watching. :eye: :eye:

Must be that coordinate mental thang.

In his MySpace bio, this guy claims to be a "hybrid" writer from East Grand Forks, Minnesota. "Channeling and toggling all five senses during the writing process", he claims to be "capable of witnessing the process from a coordinate mental position."

You can't make this stuff up.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Thanks Papa!
Query: can we nominate this thread for Parking Lot status? That way we can talk more openly about it, while not publicly promoting the "book". The "book" isn't even being published by a legitimate publishing house, nor a legitimate self-publishing/vanity publishing venue... he is his own publishing "agency" and only selling it through Amazon and his website. Anybody can sell almost anything on Amazon... while it is a merchant of its own accord, it is also like a virtual flea market and that is where this "author" falls in at. (The reason it says "temporarily out of stock" on the Amazon site, is because he is printing it on demand... I know this all too well, given that my dad's own self-published book is on there and it has always said, and still says "temporarily out of stock".)

Believe me, we are watching. :eye: :eye:


lmao....i am sure you are :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: (that is why i am limiting myself on this thread, just so i don't get zapped by your laser :)
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