Bosma Murder Trial 02.25.16 - Day 15

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Her husband does computer networking and surveillance work, she says. Williams also has done bookkeeping for other companies under the name AGM Inc.
by Adam Carter 2:33 PM

One of her clients was MillardAir.
by Adam Carter 2:33 PM

Sorry if I'm behind (again), hard to keep up. Regarding Lisa Williams testimony and her husband's work. I wonder if DM was contacting 'dubien' on May 9th to ask him about UNinstalling the security cameras? Or wait, was it to ask Williams to fetch the incinerator receipt? Argh, can't keep up with the players and their connections!

She still works for what remains of the company and her husband did work for Millard installing security cameras.
Seems like a deliberately misleading, hostile witness to me. And she contacted LE first back on May 14, 2013. I wonder what changed? ;)


Perhaps the person signing her paycheque? Just Can't see her lining up and signing in to see DM to get a minimal of cheques to be signed. Wasn't MB now the authority figure by this time? Did he even still have signing authority? Did he feel he wasn't being kept up to speed on the company and its financials? Did he have her charmed to keep him appraised of everything?
As I have sat through the trial to date, I have become more and more impressed with the lead prosecutor Tony Leitch. It would be a mistake to underestimate him.

This case has been meticulously prepared and -- until it got somewhat sidetracked with legal wrangling this week -- it was humming along.

I think everyone in the courtroom wants to get back to hearing from witnesses.

I totally agree! Leitch is pretty impressive, indeed!
Riverside is sold, and one can assume the bank charge of $3.8M against it was related to the loan for the hangar. They must have had to sell it to clear the debt...too bad, it was a good income-generating property.

Apologies in advance if I'm behind again and this has already been answered. Yes there was a mortgage taken out on the Riverside property for 3.8M. Yes the Riverside property came off of the market. This could mean that the Riverside property was sold to another party and that party took out a mortgage on said property. It could mean the property was simply taken off the market, and the current owners put a mortgage on said property. Do we know whether Riverside is still in the Millard/Burns name?

Further, if a property sells, it is standard for any liens/mortgages against said property to be paid to the mortgagor. I would not call that 'calling in a loan'. MOO
I don't think she was pretending to know any more than she knew. What she in her statement to police was "If you're going by the money that's in the bank account, I'd say things are getting tight. Very tight."

She was only commenting on the bank account balance.

I suppose they (the people at MA) could always have sold off some of their equipment on a quicksale, to pay for the ... whatever.. truck.. baha trip.. etc. IIRC, RP made issue about LW not taking into consideration the value of the equipment, etc. Okayyyyyy. There is the bank account(s).. where the cash is.. then... there is the company's worth.. which is a nice lease at the airport, an expensive building, and lots of equipment. The bank account is paying out all of the costs and expenses and salaries, even though no revenue is being generated.. so.. what does that leave? I suppose that he is in fact suggesting that DM could have sold off a wood chipper or three, to pay for a used 2007 truck? That makes sense! He did have the money afterall, and h didn't have to steal it!
She was probably preparing the monthly submission.

I'm trying to make some sense out of her testimony. My guess is that she prepared payroll tax submissions and employer health tax (EHT) but there was an accountant that prepared the income tax.

I agree. It was noted earlier (I believe by Adam Carter) that she had contradicted herself by first saying that she does the taxes for MA, and then changing it to say that the taxes are done by an accountant. I believe, same as you, that she was referring to the many other types of day-to-day/month-to-month/quarterly taxes that she takes care of, while the accountant does the year end and income tax returns. Being a bookkeeper, she really could have clarified that a little better instead of making herself look like she doesn't know what she is talking about. MOO
As she testified, she was responsible for recording the payroll and related (WSIB) expenses. DM would still need to sign cheques, etc. as she did not have authority to do so. Her questions to DM about WSIB would be to find out whether he had actually paid it or not.

I think at the time when those emails were being presented to the jury/court, something went wonky with the projector. So unless something changed and they were later shown and discussed, I don't think we actually know what the message was about. Could have been about anything, ie a change in premium, how to get online to the account in case DM had perhaps changed something, if an error had been correct, refund had been received, underpayment was subsequently paid, the list could go on forever actually. Whatever it was, RP sure didn't want the jury knowing about it, imho.

Feb 25 2016 11:09 AM
Court now seeing text messages between Millard and Williams about payroll on screens.

Feb 25 2016 11:10 AM

These texts are from Feb 28, 2013. I'd like to tell you more about them, but the screen in front of reporters in the courtroom isn't working now for some reason.

Feb 25 2016 11:12 AM
Milard's lawyer Ravin Pillay says he "needs a moment" about the next message the court will be shown. The jury is being sent out.

Feb 25 2016 11:13 AM
Court now on a 15 minute recess.

Feb 25 2016 11:30 AM
We're now back. Jury being recalled.

Feb 25 2016 11:34 AM
Court now seeing another set of text messages between Millard and Williams. They were sent on May 10. The first message reads is about tax filings and WSIB.
I am curious how making it seem DM could afford the truck helps defense? To me it makes him seem MORE depraved IF he had the funds but simply chose to steal the truck.

To me, it seems like RP has a belief that the jury and general public are *that* naive and perhaps simple, that if he shows that DM HAD the money to buy the truck, then it would therefore mean that he couldn't have stolen the truck; if the various evidentiary pieces were out in the open, then it would therefore mean that DM had no nefarious plans; he's just an all-round good ole guy who happened to have all this circumstantial evidence piling up against him. Have to defend him SOMEhow. Perhaps that is the only way he can think of. MOO
This is one of the few portions of her testimony that appears to have been quite lucid unlike many other things that she presented in manner difficult to difficult to comprehend for the people listening.
I am reminded of DM's letter to CN that was confiscated by police when they searched her bedroom. If you recall, DM wanted his girlfriend to influence someone who was to be a witness for the Crown and he said to CN "you know what to tell him to say". It appears that he wanted CN to coach a witness to muddle his testimony.
So that leads me to ponder on the 6 visits of LW to DM....did he personally coach her to do something similar when she got on the stand. LW recalled that she had visited DM in detention 5 or 6 times without explaining the reason for her visit.

He (DM) should have had additional charges brought against him for attempting to tamper with a Crown witness testimony. MOO
Based on the Crown's questions my suspicion is at least a couple of things. First, they wanted her provide testimony supporting the idea that DM's finances were strained. Second, they wanted her to talk about the incinerator invoice and whether she questioned DM's reason for buying it. Her answers were vague at best and not very useful.

Then, when the defense questioned her, she agreed with just about everything they asked. Mainly that she wasn't really qualified to say anything about the finances and that just about everything she previously told to the police was just a "guess" based on a poor memory.

So I guess the defence did the Crown a favour by letting the jury know that the witness was not bright enough to question a $15000 animal incinerator purchase for a company with no revenue.

I think LW didn't do herself or her business any favours. I'm not really sure who would hire someone to do their books if they came across with such inadequate skills. MOO
Except I think we saw the opposite today. This witness seems to have claimed on the stand that she remembers now, 3 years later, that the information she gave LE 3 years ago was incorrect due to lack of memory back then, 4 days after the arrest.

IOW...she wasn't there to support her own testimony, given 4 days after the arrest when her memory should have been clear, and help out the Crown's case at all...which seems to have been a surprise to them.


That makes me wonder if LW is not yet finished on the stand. I do not recall TD getting a turn at cross, or even saying 'no cross'.. and.. if LW's testimony is in fact different from her police statement, the Crown needs to re-cross.. is that possible? I think that was done one time so far, wasn't it? Or does the crown do any recrossing later on in the trial, and any witness subject to a potential recall would be informed that she may need to come back?

ETA: I just wanted to remind about the reaction that DM's defence had when the neighbour, Bullman, said something different on the stand than what he had said in his statement. The poor man was so shaky to begin with, and here the lawyer was being quite hard on him. Surely the Crown would do the same with this LW if her testimony was also different from her statement. Plus.. it was said earlier this week that the Crown had a meeting with witnesses.. I am assuming that may mean 'all witnesses' before they get to the stand, to kind of give them a 'what to expect' session. ? MOO
Just wanted to clarify this. She said she "knew of" DM in 2001. Then she went on to say that she had met him a handful of times prior to her starting as the MA bookkeeper in Jan 2012.

DM was 14 or 15 in 2001. She may have "known of him" because of his accomplishments in flight. But I don't think she met him until much later. I also don't think she indicated that her husband was working for MA in 2001 either as that would have been when CM was very much alive and in control of things.


Wasn't it WM who first contracted with LW to provide bookkeeping services in 2012? And back in 2001, although CM may have officially been on the roster as the guy in charge, he would have been approx 88 years old (according to his obit in 2006 where it states he died at age 93). It is possible that WM could have had dealings with the security camera/IT guy back in 2001... especially when one of our members described the approximate age of LW, (and presumably her husband would also fall within that range). MOO
Interesting questions.
If DM' mother took control of the MA after DM's arrest, can SS be still be an employee and not violate the court orders. After all he has the right to work.
I'm not sure if SS is testifying for the crown or the defense.
A lot of people here have the consensus that SS had to know what was going on at MA.
IMO, May be he simply wanted to work and at the end of the day he didn't really care how DM was going around his business.
I hope he's smart enough to testify for the crown.

Kind of like the Gestapo? Just doing their jobs?
Riverside sold for 2.8 million in November/14- more than a year after it was listed. Up until 2007, Riverside was registered to CM & WM. After CM died, WM owned it in his name and then a few months later he transferred title to DM for 1.085 million, however, WM registered a 1 million dollar mortgage against it- wiped out when WM died. It's currently owned by an Ontario #'d company.

Hmm interesting that the property sold for basically 1 million dollars less than the bank's mortgage. Haven't property values in Toronto been going up, as opposed to down over the past few years?

ETA: This means that that newer 3.7 million dollar mortgage that was placed on the property, would have had to have been paid off upon sale of the property, meaning that Millard/Burns would have had to reach into their coffers to produce the additional million dollars. I am curious who is behind the Ontario numbered company. I recall there was a bit of an uproard in the news when DM transferred his properties to MB for $1 each. Thinking apart from that, that the Riverside property could have been sold to a non-arms-length party, at a fraction of its value, which would mean the net worth of whichever individual/corporation now owns it, would be 1 million less than if they had paid what the bank had been willing to mortgage it for. Sorry, I know I am way too wordy, and I still probably fail to get my point across ;/
I'm curious about the 'unknown' numbers. I would assume LE had a way to track them all down to at least a fake name like Juicy, so what is with the unknown calls, anyone have any ideas?

Most of the unknowns come with a phone number, so I'm sure the police have info on those ones. That could simply mean that the caller wasn't someone named in the phone. There are a few however, that say 'unknown #', which looks like there is not only an unknown name, but also an unknown number. There are only a few for DM. If someone blocks their info before making a call, I believe it will come up like that on the other end. MOO
Thank you, that is what I thought I had read.. no idea how it became that MA had made $125K even with no revenue stream.

If not revenue, then that money was transferred in from somewhere.

In earlier threads it was mentioned that DM had a special interest in accounting, so it's very possible he had more knowledge than his bookkeeper in that area.
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