Bosma Murder Trial 03.23.16 - Day 26

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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JV has been around the Millard family, DM and WM, for a lot of years. It has been beneficial for him and for them IMO. DM basically gives him free room and board, plus a vechicle for him to use to work for DM doing anything he asks for very little pay, just perks. Everything is a give and take, one says you owe me x amount of dollars for my work and the other says well you owe me x amount of dollars for rent...or truck rental...or a loan to go home to Colombia. And DM fudges over everything, confuses JV, throws a few bucks his way so he can pay his other family members, eat, drink and buy cigars and everything continues on.

Seems like it was that way for years and DM had a guy to do all kinds of hard physical labour for him, as well as manage and renovate his six plex for next to nothing. Nothing was done legally with regards to the "business" interactions although DM sure strung him along with the line about using him for a business partner in the home renovation biz. I bet SH was taking in this testimony with a feeling of relief that he didn't put up his $5000 bucks but with complete understanding of how JV got sucked into all this.

JV has not mentioned if he's married with a family has he? Not sure if WM was part of the arrangement as well while he was alive but it appears that DM has been the one JV has dealt with for most of the time JV has been "working" for the Millard family. DM likely has a lot of less than legal behaviours on him as well, all of which is going to come out in the cross examination (remember he is also listed on the court case we saw with DM as another defendent. Looks like he was really willing to do just about anything for DM to stay in his good graces and keep his home and job).

JV has painted a picture of how he's been used by DM today. The defense will attempt to paint a picture of how he used DM. He is likely going to lose his composure after 2 hours of angry cross examination and get very angry at the things that are going to be implied about him. Every thing he's done since meeting the Millard family that is less than legal is going to be questioned and put out there for the world to hear. It's all a strategy to make him look less than trustworthy and someone whom the jury should be very wary of. All to pave the way for the defense argument about people around DM who were "shady" and using him for his money. People that would "set him up and frame him" in a heartbeat. For no other reason than to throw some shade on things and create what they hope will be reasonable doubt that DM actually did this.


BBM - Nope, no deals for V IMO. Seemed DM got the better end of the stick keeping V on. Sounds like the guy worked his hiney off for DM. Just my opinion of course.

And thank you MH for another day of posted tweets, chalked full of details. :)

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 11h11 hours ago
Villata worked for Millard everyday. Saturdays and sometimes even Sundays. Was available 7 days a week.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 11h11 hours ago
"I thought we were going to have a very solid company," he says. Brothers worked Mon-Sat. They made less than he did. $16-22/hr.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 11h11 hours ago
When his wage dropped, so did theirs. Between 5 and 7 dollars.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 11h11 hours ago
Crown now asking some Qs about vehicles Millard owned. First was a big white van. Villata leased it from him. $250/month.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 11h11 hours ago
Eventually started to pay Millard monthly (a $450 pay deduction) for the red pickup truck.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 7h7 hours ago
V had a 2bdrm apt at Riverside. Sachak says he paid $1k-1.2k for that. He says sometimes he paid $1.7k. Lower amount for 1st 3 months

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 7h7 hours ago
He lived in a 1bdrm apt there in 2010 and 2011. Paid about $900 rent for that. He can't remember.
False, a good defense attorney's job is to show an alternative 'truth' that creates reasonable doubt. That's why criminal defense attorney's are typically disliked.
The big problem for DM and MS is going to be CN and MM. I guess it's a noble attempt at trying to create "reasonable doubt", almost like trying to throw a football 50 feet thru a little window. But so many things went wrong for DM while he was executing his grand scheme. Igor spotted the tattoo, TB had a wife and friend who saw the two come for the test drive. Multiple video's. Dirt biker in the field spotting the incinerator, rapid response by HPS, retrieval of TB's cell phone, careful mapping of cell phones. It all merges together beautifully to show the Jury what really happened. Sachak can try to discredit JV- he can try to insinuate JV, but at the end of the day, the totality of the evidence points in one direction- and it's not to the guy in the witness box. MOO
When did DM buy the yukon? I thought it was Millard Air vehicle even when they had the Pearson I am confused by this statement.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 7h7 hours ago
V says they did it at the airport just recently after buying it. They painted the rims black. Either Mark or Dellen did it, he says #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 7h7 hours ago
Crown asks when hub caps were taken off Millard's Yukon (jumping back a bit here). #Bosma

Oh yeah...I meant to mention that also. Yesterday I posted the discrepancy between when a mechanic witness testified that he heard DM purchased the red truck in 2009 and the LE officer on the stand who stated that the red truck was purchased in May of 2011.

Today we've got a 2000 Yukon that was supposedly purchased and altered sometime after DM had started hanging with MS so was it a fairly recent purchase?

This is what I meant about DM buying old used cars for cheap and then having his own personal mechanic fix them up for him. Rather than the idea that there was a chop shop in the hangar, I think we found out yesterday there were close to 30 cars that actually belonged to DM and/or WM/MillardAir?

Thankfully DM's lawyers had the decency not to cross-examine SB the way they cross-examined most of the other witnesses.
I wonder if MS is sitting there thinking he should have plead guilty, got the best deal possible and spilled the beans about what went down that night.
There's been so much testimony about DM and very little about MS so far and from what I've read in tweets, DM hasn't exactly been painted in the best possible light. It's clear he's a user of people to suit his wants and needs and is quite able to manipulate those around him.
Because he was probably scared beyond belief. This isn't the kind of thing that happens every day. I bet he had absolutely no clue how to react ... probably in a state of shock and we all know the types of decisions we make when in a stake of shock (hint: not good ones). MOO

If he was scared, does it make sense to keep following the guy with the gun around in the dark? Going with him to a secluded farm property to pick up an incinerator and then helping him stuff a body in it? DM could have killed his witness and stuffed him in there too at that point.

Makes no sense. If you're scared and in shock, you get away from the scene of the crime as quickly as possible and go to the police to protect you.

I don't think it's at all clear what the defense strategy is, and therefore WS'ers have begun to speculate.

I'm speculating, can't speak for anyone else. There's a LOT of speculation on here in general, including the flight of fancy DM was framed, so I hope I'm not being singled out for speculating..?

Anyway, to answer Ariane, DM had texted the lady realtor/lover "someone is setting me up" -- no one could really figure out who might have set him up (SS? MS?)

Today we heard how a labourer DM employed, initials JV, got a supposedly "sweet deal" from DM (according to the defense) by getting paid under the table and having a slightly cheaper apartment from him... on the flipside, the crown seemed to demonstrate that JV took a paycut, seemed he worked overtime w/o pay, paid subcontractors out of his own pocket, and got dinged bigtime by Canada Revenue for not having paid taxes (which it appeared DM said he would handle). Which he later paid. So I don't know how good a deal it was for him.

I would say they both benefited from working together under the table. BUT. One of them is accused of three murders...

And now DM can now say JV was mad about this or another real or perceived grievance -- DM paid him late, charged him varying rent, etc AND that JV touched just about all of his things since 2008, had keys etc.

Hope this helps--of course it's MOO

I don't know if DM framed JV outright, but it definitely seemed he considered how to suggest "resonable doubt"
I don't. But if MS was there only to help him steal a truck and DM just shot and killed the owner without MS realizing that was even a possibility, from all accounts MS was not in a vehicle with DM for most of the crime so why didn't he drive straight to the nearest police station to tell them what happened and absolve himself of participation in a murder and accessory after the fact? Same with DM. Neither did this because either that was the plan all along, or neither of them had a problem with it after it happened and just carried on cleaning it up. Considering their other charges, I'd say this was not a new experience for either of them.

Wasn't MS the star of that bloody slasher Youtube video and he was billed as "The Killer"? That video has since been taken down from youtube apparently.

I can't imagine it would be too much of a stretch that MS might be enticed by the real thing?
MOO that you need a few loose screws for either role.
So if DM did go to the Riverside address to wash TB's truck, when would he have done it?

*May 6th, at 10:01pm, DM's phone pinged in Brantford and surveillance from the Bobcat dealership puts him there.
*From Brantford to Riverside is a good hour drive one way.
*DM's phone pings in Cambridge between hangar and farm at 11:48pm.

That certainly would not give him enough time to drive from Brantford to Riverside, wash TB's truck and then go to the hangar, hitch up the incinerator all in 1 hour, 47 minutes. Was it the Yukon DM had washed at Riverside? Doesn't make sense to me when he could have just drove the Yukon through a car wash or washed it at the hangar if it had any evidence on it that could link to TB's murder. Timing for TB's truck doesn't add up. MOO.

What other reason would DM want V to leave the outside water running for 10 hours? I could see if the perps had cleaned themselves up in an apartment and showered, leaving the water from the shower running to flush evidence away, but outside? Would DM take TB's truck in the trailer there and remove it to wash it?

*9:40pm Noudga phone pings in Etobicoke.
*9:49pm Millard phone pings in Etobicoke.
*10:51pm A Dark pickup, towing large dark trailer, drives past 112 Westridge Dr, Kleinburg.

It's a half hour drive to Kleinburg from Riverside, Etobicoke. The timing works but...IMO it doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't DM have washed it at the hangar? Did SS end up bringing in his power washer? Did DM realized the blood would flow into the drain in the floor and leave evidence? MOO.
If he was scared, does it make sense to keep following the guy with the gun around in the dark? Going with him to a secluded farm property to pick up an incinerator and then helping him stuff a body in it? DM could have killed his witness and stuffed him in there too at that point.

Makes no sense. If you're scared and in shock, you get away from the scene of the crime as quickly as possible and go to the police to protect you.


I don't think anything about this crime or any of the alleged murders make much sense (except perhaps WM's if it was a crime of passion after an argument say), but for the sake of argument, I think it is possible that DM had MS feeling fearful of what may happen to him or even perhaps his loved ones if MS didn't go along in helping DM at the very least cover up his crimes, IMO.

I could see DM implicating MS in a number of ways (planting evidence etc.) and convincing MS he would be charged if ever he reported what had happened. Also, not to mention IF MS saw or participated as charged, in LB's murder, he would have a lot of incentive to be fearful of DM, IMO.

I agree, that this theory is less likely than what you propose, but I do think something along those lines is possible, IMO.

All MOO.
Wasn't MS the star of that bloody slasher Youtube video and he was billed as "The Killer"? That video has since been taken down from youtube apparently.

I can't imagine it would be too much of a stretch that MS might be enticed by the real thing?
MOO that you need a few loose screws for either role.

I honestly would not put any stock into that music video. People are doing stuff like that all the time and uploading it online. From what I understand, his friend wanted to make this music video and he agreed to be in it, as well as other people. I certainly don't think his friend, wants to go out and murder someone because he had the idea for and made the music video.


"The media is trying to blow it (the video) up as if it's connected to the Tim Bosma case. I have been posting this video every week for a year as I do with all my music — Mark is innocent until proven guilty," the user wrote.
"The GHOZTED video was not real. It was all acting, I directed it and it was my vision and idea, I am the one he has tied up and I also have others acting in the video too, I made him only an actor in the video … and it was from 2012."
Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm just so fascinated by this crime/trial. It is way beyond my comprehension how you can just walk a man to his death. If MS had nothing to do with it he would have not stayed in the hangar while mr Bosma's body was being incenerated. However, from the surveillance photos of MS, you can tell that it's eating him away. He must have been freaking out because of all the media coverage and the realization that the walls were closing in. DM seemed a little tired but totally self assured in his mugshot. He is a psychopath and Somehow brainwashed MS into believing what they were going to do was ok. They are both guilty of ruining an entire family and no respect for human life. Sick!
I honestly would not put any stock into that music video. People are doing stuff like that all the time and uploading it online. From what I understand, his friend wanted to make this music video and he agreed to be in it, as well as other people. I certainly don't think his friend, wants to go out and murder someone because he had the idea for and made the music video.


I would agree that the video having been done for Hallowe'en would not generally be a big issue in terms of what lots of people do in that context, but when we consider that it was done after July 2012 when LB was missing and LE say she's been murdered by both MS and DM, then it becomes rather more sinister if MS did in fact participate in her murder, IMO.

Then there's the DM "eye makeup" AFTER his own father was shot that way which is also really disturbing, IMO. So if these guys were just innocent people play acting for Hallowe'en I would not be so alarmed, but for me, it's more the timing of these things that are troubling.

All MOO.
However, from the surveillance photos of MS, you can tell that it's eating him away. He must have been freaking out because of all the media coverage and the realization that the walls were closing in. DM seemed a little tired but totally self assured in his mugshot. He is a psychopath and Somehow brainwashed MS into believing what they were going to do was ok

rsbm BBM

I agree with your observations of DM and MS, and I think their demeanour in court bear this out as well. IMO, I think MS does have a conscience and likely a very guilty one, as opposed to DM who I perceive as a person who has never made any acquaintance with conscience, IMO.

All MOO.
:cheers: Enjoy the holiday break everyone! See you all back here next Wednesday. :)
Then there's the DM "eye makeup" AFTER his own father was shot that way which is also really disturbing, IMO. So if these guys were just innocent people play acting for Hallowe'en I would not be so alarmed, but for me, it's more the timing of these things that are troubling.

All MOO.

If you read The "Eye" Picture thread (starting around post #40), the consensus seems to be that the pic was uploaded November 13,2012 which is prior to WM's death on November 29, 2012.
Thanks for that info, SillyBilly! That's interesting and perhaps even more disturbing, IMO, as it kind of shows some kind of forethought re WM's death. Just plain creepy, IMO.

G'nite. :)

All MOO.
Okay folks, going to close up the daily trial discussion thread, so let's move on over to the new weekend discussion thread found here.

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