Bosma Murder Trial 05.04.16 - Day 45

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Sorry, but with DM's band of half-wits, there's no way this went down with multiple people and none of them spilled. Besides which, DM would have rolled on the rest of them, and/or the truth would have been apparent in his little fiction letters, and/or his behind-the-scenes supporters would have been here posting rumors about DM's group of friends getting out of control at a simple test drive.

Also there would have been physical/blood evidence of the scuffle you're envisioning.


Didn't say DM's half wits, this time might have been MS's half wits. I don't think the half wits knew what was the full mission. My opinion is there was a Yukon driver who maybe is the one who went to police DM mentioned a new name, and a few of MS friends names were thrown out there. If LE agreed to protect that Yukon witness it wouldn't surprise me because they sure went from 3rd person to no 3rd person quickly. IMO if the others had vehicles, he jumped into their car when he heard shots. This is why I fell so strongly about this. I clipped this from the Bobcat video and enhanced the lighting. I see a fight and other figures.

Four people.jpg
I suppose I'm one of the few, but I just remain unconvinced CN knew as much (ahead of time) as some here believe she did.

I don't believe she knew they were planning a murder. However, I do believe she knew they were planning to steal the truck and I believe she knew it was in the trailer. I also believe she helped move/hide/clean the incinerator.
Didn't say DM's half wits, this time might have been MS's half wits. I don't think the half wits knew what was the full mission. My opinion is there was a Yukon driver who maybe is the one who went to police DM mentioned a new name, and a few of MS friends names were thrown out there. If LE agreed to protect that Yukon witness it wouldn't surprise me because they sure went from 3rd person to no 3rd person quickly. IMO if the others had vehicles, he jumped into their car when he heard shots. This is why I fell so strongly about this. I clipped this from the Bobcat video and enhanced the lighting. I see a fight and other figures.

View attachment 93829
Can you link the video please?
IMO, we keep thinking that this was CN's first trip to the crime rodeo. IMHO, she was playing from DM's crime handbook. Mess up the evidence enough and with any luck at all, none of it can be used. We don't know who loaded the truck in the trailer- for as much as we know, the text between DM and SS may have been all planned. SS may have helped him load it for all we know. Wiping the lock off seemed to be something she thought of. CN gives me major KH goosebumps and I maintain that her and DM have a silent agreement. She doesn't implicate him and he'll do the same. Problem is that at the time the agreement was made, DM figured he'd be acquitted and that's not looking too good right now. IMHO, he'll have absolutely no reason to save her butt from jail if he's found guilty of this crime. MOO

IMO and according to the timeline (Thank you Billandrew!) it appears MS may have helped DM load TB's truck into his trailer, or was just present. Could one person not do this job alone with a winch? It seems they went to the hangar first, then to the farmland and then back to the hangar again. DM goes to MS's approximately 12:15pm. Around 4:47pm and 5:49 their phones are pinging near the farmland (Picking up seat frames, cleaning out incinerator?) Then they drive to the hangar to load TB's truck into the trailer. At 9:38pm DM dropped MS off in Oakville and at 9:49pm DM picked up CN for the drive to Kleinberg. Perhaps SS was at the hangar also, but I don't think so if we are to believe AJ texting SS asking him to come to his house after work to talk and SS complied.

May 9, 2013
Millard messages Smich ETA 12:15pm
Smich messages Millard OK
Approximately 2:30pm DM and MS are en route to the hangar or farmland
3:14 pm Smich phone pings near Millardair hangar
4:47 pm Smich phone pings near Roseville farm
5:49 pm Millard calls Schlatman at Millard Air #. Ping near Roseville farm
8:21 pm Smich phone pings near Millardair hangar
8:21 pm Millard phone pings near Millardair hangar
9:38 pm Millard phone pings in Oakville.
9:49 pm Millard phone pings in Etobicoke.

I don't believe SS stated where he was when AJ text him. He might have been at the hangar or elsewhere.
6:49 pm Jennings texts Schlatman: "Will you pls come to my home b 4 you go home".
I'm surprised CN and MB didn't get charged with destroying evidence. There seems to be so many people in this case who IMO should have been charged with something and weren't.

After five days on the stand listening to CN's testimony, my heart breaks for the Bosmas. AGAIN another person who could have done the right thing and didn't. I know the Bosmas realize this bunch are not "the norm" in our society. Not everyone is as sickening and disgusting as this bunch of liars and thieves, some worse than others, but they are all in the same capsizing boat together. I hope each and every one of them feels totally ashamed of themselves, including those who were not called as witnesses by the Crown, but are somehow tied in and involved in illegal activities, lying and cover ups. What a corrupt and heartless bunch. No doubt CM and WM are turning over in their graves knowing such evil tarnished their good name.

I won't go into detail saying what I really feel about this young "lady" but what I do want to say is, what goes around, comes around and she will get exactly what she deserves all in good time. They all will.
So I've been trying to put all anger aside, and try to come up with what new evidence we've learned from CN s testimony. The trailer was wiped down. She helped move the incinerator, move the truck which all puts DM. At the clean up. And DM.broke the non-contact order. What else??
Ahead of time? Well DM told everyone who would listen he's stealing a truck. So I'm betting she knew either from him or one of their groupies. She was with him 6 days a week. Surely she's not blind or deaf. And after she just knew she needed to wipe some prints away. But really. There was no murder charges when she did that. So why this panic mode clean up his mess? He just stole a truck. What's the big deal? He's got money. Theft isn't a long jail term.

I totally agree that she at least knew of the plans to steal the truck.

And I don't believe that she never asked him questions and he never gave her answers. Looking back through their texts in the days leading to Tim's murder, she asked questions and he seemed to give truthful answers. e.g. April 30th - CN asks him how a meeting went and he talks about accountants and a deadline. On May 1st, she asked him what was the matter and he told her the condo people want payment immediately. On May 4th, she asks him if he wants to spend the day together. He responds that he has some "mission prep" to do but she is welcome to tag along. She ends up going with him to switch vehicles with JV.
All those drugs he gave her must have wiped her mental hard drive clean. IMO

I know that this place seems to condone people taking pot shots at the accused and that some may feel that's therapeutic, but I'll have to disagree with those questioning CNs mental capacity. In fact I'd go so far as to say that she is likely the smartest person that has taken the stand to date. She has stated her position, that she did not know about the crime, thus she can't be guilty of covering up the crime. Yes her testimony was heavily clouded by a lack of memory and a seemingly unbelievable naivety, but it will be up to the crown to prove that she knew what she was doing when she accompanied Millard that night. Her testimony in this trial never strayed from the idea that she was oblivious to what was going on around her. She has explained away all the physical evidence against her, like her DNA on the gloves and suspicious text messages, so now it's up to the crown to prove their case against her, and from what we've seen this week that is going to be very difficult unless the are holding on to evidence not presented here. IMO it was a big mistake not to strike a deal with her because the charges against her look to be unprovable, and because of them, Smich may actually have a chance of beating his charges.

So don't be fooled, everything we saw from CN was an act. She is playing the system like a fiddle and people like you are falling for it hook line and sinker.
CN claims that she didn't know about missions or other nefarious activities organized by DM. They never talked about those type of things. They just did normal stuff, like going over to Matthew Ward Jackson's house to watch videos.

Not sure if she is a liar, or a very big liar?
CN claims that she didn't know about missions or other nefarious activities organized by DM. They never talked about those type of things. They just did normal stuff, like going over to Matthew Ward Jackson's house to watch videos.

Not sure if she a liar, or a very big liar?

She's a very big liar. Her bf sends a picture of His gun and she doesn't remember it?
I'm sure there will be more evidence against her at her own trial, however based on the evidence produced in this trial, in totality or otherwise, I don't see they have any kind of strong case against her. That's my humble take.
Agree. I don't expect she will see any jail time. A year or two of probation and she'll be permitted to return to the old country.
So I've been trying to put all anger aside, and try to come up with what new evidence we've learned from CN s testimony. The trailer was wiped down. She helped move the incinerator, move the truck which all puts DM. At the clean up. And DM.broke the non-contact order. What else??

Nothing else, and actually a lot of the things you mentioned we already knew. I still wonder why the crown called her? Sure the letters are the last nails in Millards coffin, but at the same time they open the door to Smich's being framed. I thought the case was stronger against the two of them before she testified. My guess is the crown used her for fear that she would become a witness for the defence?
Agree. I don't expect she will see any jail time. A year or two of probation and she'll be permitted to return to the old country.

She ain't going back to the "old country". I suspect that at some point before the end of the year charges against her will be quietly withdrawn.
I'm surprised CN and MB didn't get charged with destroying evidence.

Again, it comes down to proving that they both knew that there was a truck in that trailer. Logic tells us they knew, proving it is a different story.
We never heard. I think people are possibly overestimated the ability of a prison plumbing not to get backed up with paper.

I've said all along I felt MB brought CN's letters, maybe in the guise of other paperwork, and let him read them (even if up against glass), and then destroyed them.

Mother of the year and all that.
So why has mother of the year not been charged?

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The best way to look at CN is through the eyes of the jury and what proof of involvement there is against her. It is actually fairly slender , and much of it comes from letters and notes between DM & CN ..... whom everyone has labeled as complete liars .... cant have it both ways.

Anyway , the point is too many people judge using emotion , the jury can only use proof. So far we know CN went on a couple of rides while DM moved equipment , and she admits to that , and that is about it
I know that this place seems to condone people taking pot shots at the accused and that some may feel that's therapeutic, but I'll have to disagree with those questioning CNs mental capacity. In fact I'd go so far as to say that she is likely the smartest person that has taken the stand to date. She has stated her position, that she did not know about the crime, thus she can't be guilty of covering up the crime. Yes her testimony was heavily clouded by a lack of memory and a seemingly unbelievable naivety, but it will be up to the crown to prove that she knew what she was doing when she accompanied Millard that night. Her testimony in this trial never strayed from the idea that she was oblivious to what was going on around her. She has explained away all the physical evidence against her, like her DNA on the gloves and suspicious text messages, so now it's up to the crown to prove their case against her, and from what we've seen this week that is going to be very difficult unless the are holding on to evidence not presented here. IMO it was a big mistake not to strike a deal with her because the charges against her look to be unprovable, and because of them, Smich may actually have a chance of beating his charges.

So don't be fooled, everything we saw from CN was an act. She is playing the system like a fiddle and people like you are falling for it hook line and sinker.
I agree with you. She was smart in terms of protecting herself. She played only the cards she wanted to but not the hand that she was dealt. She was there to tell the whole truth (is that actually in the oath people swear to or is that a tv thing?) and I refused to credit her for cheating at cards. IMO.

If I'm not mistaken, her testimony has nothing to do with MS. Her testimony can only be used against DM and MMs against MS.
I know that this place seems to condone people taking pot shots at the accused and that some may feel that's therapeutic, but I'll have to disagree with those questioning CNs mental capacity. In fact I'd go so far as to say that she is likely the smartest person that has taken the stand to date. She has stated her position, that she did not know about the crime, thus she can't be guilty of covering up the crime. Yes her testimony was heavily clouded by a lack of memory and a seemingly unbelievable naivety, but it will be up to the crown to prove that she knew what she was doing when she accompanied Millard that night. Her testimony in this trial never strayed from the idea that she was oblivious to what was going on around her. She has explained away all the physical evidence against her, like her DNA on the gloves and suspicious text messages, so now it's up to the crown to prove their case against her, and from what we've seen this week that is going to be very difficult unless the are holding on to evidence not presented here. IMO it was a big mistake not to strike a deal with her because the charges against her look to be unprovable, and because of them, Smich may actually have a chance of beating his charges.

So don't be fooled, everything we saw from CN was an act. She is playing the system like a fiddle and people like you are falling for it hook line and sinker.
From her notes I glean that she was considering a deal; her notes re:immunity but also noted that she is not a rat. I'm sure the crown would have gone for a deal and often these things come after testifying at trial, but she did them no favours here and her charges will stand.
Please forgive my lack of knowledge about legal proceedings - can the same piece of evidence be used in more than one trial? In this case, can the letters written by DM be used in CN's trial now that they have been used in this trial? If not, is it possible that the Crown is holding onto CN's replies to be used in her own trial? Just something I thought of, and without knowing the way trials work I have no idea if it is off-base. TIA to those that can clarify.
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