Bosma Murder Trial 05.24.16 - Day 54

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sorry if this has already been addressed as I am catching up.

In order for this plan to be work step 4 likely would have been to tell Mr. Bosma to drop them off at the Tim Hortons where Mr. Bosma thinks their friend has been waiting. However, that still means that DM and MS then have to wait until Mr. Bosma out of view and then walk back to the Yukon but from what I have read, it wasn't that far a walk. But they still risk being spotted by anyone driving by. To anyone with any intelligence, this plan makes no sense. That's why I believe the plan all along was to leave no witness.
taxi cab
Not trying to be a smart *advertiser censored** here, but when people pick one of these two over the other i wonder why. What more is there on DM, other than him driving the truck, to prove anything more than MS? I think the reasonable part has to rely on the plan.

I'm not picking one over the other, but to me there is much more evidence for DM then MS.
1. DM planned to steal this truck
2. DM planned all the previous missions and enlisted his minions to help out
3. DM has his minion buy an incinerator
4. DM bought a gun
5. DM wanted the truck and planned it for over a year
6. DM arranged the test drives
7. DM bought the burner phones to arrange said test drives
8. DM had SS show him how to "fix up cars"
9. DM was arrested with DNA on the gloves in his car of himself and Tim
10. DM had Tim's keys on his key ring
11. DM hid the truck at his Mom's
12. DM took care of getting rid of the gun with MH

So for me, DM was heavily invested in this, and MS was his minion like the others at this point.
There has been lots of discussion on the lack of evidence in the Yukon as proof that MS was not present when TB was shot. If MS was in the Ram when TB was shot he would gunshot residue and blood spatter on him. But both would be on his front and maybe his hands, if he was the shooter. So then when he got in the Yukon to drive it he wouldn't leave any evidence of gsr or blood on the seat because the was none on his backside. He would likely only leave evidence on what he touched, the door handle, steering wheel, gear shift, maybe the mirror. But then DM continued to drive the Yukon for 4 more days before he was arrested and would have touched all the same things as MS would have thereby destroying any evidence left by MS. IMO

I would sure like to take a look at those Red Ram license plates that were in the back of the Yukon then handled by the killer(s) and then installed on TB's truck at Bobcat

I presume those plates were put right back on the Red Ram to haul the trailer around .... the back of those plates could have a speck of something on them that may not have gotten washed off or whatever
The search for more evidence that MS could of been the shooter, or even present when the actual murder occurred is no longer a requirement as the crown is showing premeditation evidence that both were involved in planning.

For some time many of us were wondering what element of the first degree murder law the crown would be seeking to prove. After yesterday, it was clear it was the premeditation, and who the actual shooter was is no longer required.


Agreed. It was actually quite evident when the crown didn't press their experts as to where the shooter was sitting in that truck.
imo both culpable but I am guessing DM was arrested faster with "more" as he had had the truck at his hanger and was subsequently hiding it at his mommy's house

He was arrested faster because of his tattoo. At that point police had no idea where the truck was or that it had ever been at the hangar.
Just did a search through all SC's tweet's yesterday trying to find the sausages and fireside stuff to see it in more detail, but couldn't turn anything up. I did read all of AC's yesterday, and don't recall seeing it there either. I know I asked this previously on the thread, but was it actually covered yesterday? Sorry (again) if I've missed it! Perhaps it's been left for today?
Why not add another witness (taxi driver) and more video surveillance (Tim Hortons)?


I mean lets face it, Smich has woven this fairytale about what happened, which depends on Millard abandoning the plan they'd crafted for the better part of a year within seconds of Bosma getting in the car. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that there was any plan to steal the truck later that night. None.
Yeah, I see a lot of people doing this. This and thinking that "beyond a reasonable doubt" means "beyond all doubt" are the two most common misconceptions when viewing something like this trial.

MS coming up with a *possible* story, isn't enough. To believe his story you have to look beyond a LOT of things:

1. The long documented lead up to the murder with MS being involved with the gun, the incinerator, and a lot of planning with the 'missions'.
2. That he claims something like 4-6 witnesses were lying on the stand.
3. That he can remember every single detail that implicates DM or casts himself in a positive light but not a single other detail.
4. That he went along with the clean up long past the night of the murder, and long past DM's arrest.
5. That he's actively cleaned up any evidence related to him from the murder: his clothes, his SIM card, the gun. All things that if his story was true would do nothing but help prove his story.
6. That his story of this just being a scoping mission doesn't actually make a lot of sense. The guys that showed up to test drive a truck would obviously be prime suspects if the truck was stolen later that night. That they hid their car but not their faces. And so on.

That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting.

When taken together I don't see how anybody still has a reasonable doubt that MS was actively involved in the theft and murder.

Edit: The other thing that seems to happen here is that people dislike DM and NS (and especially NS's 'style') and let that influence how they view MS.

Thanks for the great post, Baaasil. Every explanation that MS provided is possible (as it should be since he had the benefit of hearing all of the evidence before giving his story), but how probable is it that all of those explanations are true? In addition, how probable is it that:

  • "Fireworks" literally meant fireworks, that "BBQ" referred to an actual barbecue, and "search and destroy" was a reference to a video game, despite all of these terms being used in conversations around running missions; and
  • Photos of sausages and fireside furniture were sent innocently during a conversation about running a mission, just a few days before a person was incinerated during a mission; and
  • MS innocently wrote rap lyrics about killing people and using a 380 gun, and he would later be unwittingly included in a murder where a 380 was used; and
  • He innocently researched guns, ammo, and incinerators for his "boss" without ever wondering what these things might be used for?

As the list goes on and on, the overall probability that MS is being truthful diminishes to the point that it's non-existent IMO. IMHO the collective evidence tips the scale way over toward a guilty charge in this case. Others will arrive at a different conclusion because they give different weight to different pieces of evidence. For example, some people will give a lot of weight to MS's story, which makes it harder to conclude that he is guilty, whereas I give his story virtually no weight because I find it improbable and lacking any credibility. I simply cannot look at all of this evidence and conclude anything other than MS was a willing co-participant in a theft and a murder.
Just did a search through all SC's tweet's yesterday trying to find the sausages and fireside stuff to see it in more detail, but couldn't turn anything up. I did read all of AC's yesterday, and don't recall seeing it there either. I know I asked this previously on the thread, but was it actually covered yesterday? Sorry (again) if I've missed it! Perhaps it's been left for today?

I don't recall either and I was following AC all day. I remember the fireworks text being asked about but not the wood furniture or sausages.
I am really interested to see what the Crown's closing questions to MS will be this morning.

I am guessing we will also find out today if Dungey is calling more witnesses or not.
I don't recall either and I was following AC all day. I remember the fireworks text being asked about but not the wood furniture or sausages.

I don't believe it was mentioned yesterday but there was mention of the orange guys which MS claimed to be oxys
This texts from a year ago angle is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. The texts don't link to this "mission" and the year timeline between them and the murder don't make sense. I have a theory that came to me last week while driving down Oak Park Rd. in Brantford and by the Bobcat dealership where TB and DM's trucks turned around.

I was heading south (the same direction as the trucks before they turned around) with a full coffee in my hand from the Tim Horton's nearby. There is a set of train tracks about 200 meters before the Bobcat dealership. They are rough tracks, and I hit them a little too fast, spilling coffee on my hand. As I'm trying to clean my hand while driving I pass the Bobcat dealership and think to myself that if DM or MS had a gun trained on TB at those tracks with a finger on the trigger, the jolt from those tracks would be enough to accidentally discharge the firearm. It's also possible that there was some sort of struggle and that the train tracks didn't come into play, however they are within 200 meters of the spot that DM is alleged to have "pulled over suddenly".

The crown suggests that this murder was planned and carried out with precision, but the evidence suggests a botched job. If they planned to use the Eliminator at the hangar, why was it at the farm? Who plans to shoot someone while driving in the very truck you intend to steal, blowing out the passenger window in the process? Every minute they are on the road from that point on they are in danger of being witnessed with a shot out window and a dead body in the truck. And finally I can't imagine a plan made in advance involved turning around on Oak Park Rd, and throwing TB's cell phone, complete with battery out the window onto the lawn of a local business. Throwing the cell phone out the window instead of removing the battery is a panic move in my opinion, it certainly wouldn't fall under the category of being planned with "precision".

So they were headed south on Oak Park Rd. with the intention of heading somewhere. By then Bosma is half an hour away from home, so it's possible they were headed back to the 403 and I guess it's also possible they were headed further south down Oak Park Rd. to the trail near the Grand River with the intent of leaving TB there. Either way, something must have changed just before they reached the Bobcat dealership, because why else would they turn around? They then allegedly head back to the farm to get the Eliminator.

I don't know if this theory would change the charge in any way and maybe that's why the crown is going in this direction. However I can't imagine that the jury won't see the disconnect between the crown's theory and the evidence, especially the Bobcat footage and dumped cell phone at Oak Park Road.

Anyway, regardless of whether my theory is close, it's clear to me that the crown is neglecting crucial evidence and I don't know enough about the law to understand if they are doing it to prosecute a 1st degree vs. a lesser charge.

Perhaps the turn around was to go back for the Yukon. Someone mentioned it the other day, I think it was Hellkat, that it doesn't make sense to have parked so close to Tim's house if they were planning on a murder. Why would they have wanted to go all the way back to almost his own driveway with his dead body and his truck? If it was a plan, MS would have stayed in the Yukon to follow and would never have been seen at all.
Court now in session. Jury being called in.
by Adam Carter 10:25 AM

Closing up now.
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