Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #7

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There certainly is a cast of characters in DM's circle.

I was thinking about my circle of friends, and work associates and I can't come close to the complexity of the relationships that DM's crew has. This one is a friend of that one, this one is a FIL to this one, this guy's family work's for DM, lives in his residence, girlfriends that keep popping up, this guy is a friend of this one and that one and at one time lived with these people. The list is endless. It's hard to keep up. I'd love to see this all mapped out on a wall. I have found some other friendships that exist to this day that surprise me somewhat.

Just an observation.
I must be following a different trial. I don't get the impression at all that they are trying to pin this on JV.
IMO, at this point it hasn't been made clear, and I'm just speculating due to the fact that Sachak has stated he is going to need 2 more hours with JV. At his point they have JV with some point of ownership in the red truck . He's the first person who owed DM money and the first that DM apparently owed money to (in way of back pay)

So the question is why in heavens name would Sachak need to cross examine JV for another 2 hours? He's already stated that he didn't really know MS. He's given his accounting of what he was doing during the week. He gave a statement to LE on May 13th, so he's been co-operating right from the start. IMO, DM's defence is going to make a run on the "framing aspect" with JV. MOO
Not gonna lie but I've been wondering about that trip. But you'd think that if it was to bring drugs back or for anything else shady, he wouldn't be loaning him money to do it...he'd be fully funding the trip. As Staceys said, maybe it was more than just JV going. A quick search on Air Canada shows you can get a round trip flight to Bogota for just over $600 return so who knows. I am surprised though that it hasn't been asked. If it was for a funeral or something of the sort, wouldn't the Defense bring that up right away to show how generous and thoughtful DM is? The way it has been presented so far it seems like a very routine, mundane trip. MOO
It would really depend on how long JV went for. Could he have wanted to take some money for his family or his wife's family? Did he need to cover expenses here while he was away- like his rent and truck lease payments? Appears that he was getting paid by the hour, so if he wasn't working, he wasn't making any money. Guess we need to know how long he was gone for. Certainly, during sometime in the next 2 hours of cross examination we'll find out? MOO
I don't think JV was getting a very sweet deal from DM if he was paying to use vehicles owned by the company/person he worked for to do work for that company/person.

Schools aren't closed in Hamilton today so I don't think the jury would have had a snow day.
I don't think JV was getting a very sweet deal from DM if he was paying to use vehicles owned by the company/person he worked for to do work for that company/person.

Schools aren't closed in Hamilton today so I don't think the jury would have had a snow day.

The judge seems more compassionate than the HWDSB. :D
I don't think JV was getting a very sweet deal from DM if he was paying to use vehicles owned by the company/person he worked for to do work for that company/person....

Yeah this deal really sucked if you think about it. What other employer charges you money to use their vehicles for WORK. It really is a strange controlling relationship indeed.

ETA: Its all so cash poor DM does not have to pay out as much. IMO
Thursday and Monday no jurors present in the courtroom. These days are for legal arguments. They must have a lot to cover to take two days. :waiting:

I wonder if today is still on in court for legal arguments???
Lots of ice in southwestern Ontario. Many school boards have closed schools
One thing that stood out to me is that neither JV nor Sachack came up with any numbers for the current balance of debt between DM and JV. I don't think either knows, accurately. They were in a close, financially slushy relationship, trusted each other, and kept just a "rough" accounting of where things were in their heads.

Now, I suppose, DM wants to assert that he's been "used" and "taken advantage of".

I think once LE was on to DM, DM's mind started ticking and he started thinking who he could throw the blame on. JV has keys to all of DM's properties and access to all of his vehicles. Plus, he's an "other" - from Columbia, not a good English speaker, and without the financial resources to put up a fight.

I wonder why DM didn't throw JV to LE right away if that's who did this. Obviously, JV would withstand a police investigation and so DM has to hold everything back until trial and make allegations against JV then instead. There's a right time and a wrong time and DM missed the right time to bring this all up.

If JV was some sort of Columbian drug lord, would he really be quaking in his boots, headachy, and begging the judge for an early break?

The poor guy got ripped off for his last paycheque, lost his job, lost his apartments, lost the vehicle he was "leasing", and faces a lawsuit along with DM

Now DM is trying to finger his as a murderer.

If the jury ends up seeing JV's side of the story more clearly than DM's, I think they would be horrified that this long-time trusted employee of WM and DM, who invested so much of his time to teach DM Spanish, who worked hard and without breaks through the week, is being used an manipulated in order to cover up DM's crime.

In other words, Sachak's 2-hour interrogation may backfire on DM big time, if the jury identifies with and is compassionate towards JV's position.
Ann Brocklehurst ‏@AnnB03 40m40 minutes ago
#Ghomeshi watchers should have seen witness Javier Villada grilled during cross y'day at #Bosma trial. He was dripping with sweat

Poor guy.
Latest on the Spec:

Hamilton SpectatorVerified account ‏@TheSpec
#BOSMA: Accused killer Millard’s employee said paycheques often late #HamOnt
IIRC SS has had this Camaro up for sale at least once before. Anyone recall seeing it for sale in the past? The date on this ad states it was posted January 04, 2016.

SS should hire IT for when someone wants to test drive his Camaro. MOO. ;)

Yes this exactly same conversation has come around a couple of times over the past few years.
I remember seeing this exact same car for sale back when (after DM was arrested) all of the other vehicles appeared online for sale.
I feel badly for JV. He's not the first guy to not pay taxes or get paid under the table,and he's not going to be the last. He did not kill TB and I don't think he had any knowledge of it or perhaps even knowledge of a lot of what DM's personal life was like. He worked for WM initially and I'm sure it was a decent job. I wholeheartedly believe that he saw DM as his boss and his business partner. The man brought his whole family into the business. The problem became when he trusted DM with all the details of the business and we know that's never a good thing. Unfortunately, with the "loan", his family involvement, the "leased" vehicles it put JV in a tough spot. Essentially, DM owned him and by that point JV was in a real tight spot.

I know that we have picked apart JV's integrity and that's what the Defence is banking on.

I just feel sorry for him. MOO
Not gonna lie but I've been wondering about that trip. But you'd think that if it was to bring drugs back or for anything else shady, he wouldn't be loaning him money to do it...he'd be fully funding the trip. As Staceys said, maybe it was more than just JV going. A quick search on Air Canada shows you can get a round trip flight to Bogota for just over $600 return so who knows. I am surprised though that it hasn't been asked. If it was for a funeral or something of the sort, wouldn't the Defense bring that up right away to show how generous and thoughtful DM is? The way it has been presented so far it seems like a very routine, mundane trip. MOO

$600 per person is about what I'd expect someone on a budget to pay. He could have taken 15 people for $9.5K. The other thing that makes me scratch my head is that tax bill that Millard was supposed to cover. JV said he eventually had to take care of it himself, but how? This guy seems to have a lot of money going out but very little coming in.
$600 per person is about what I'd expect someone on a budget to pay. He could have taken 15 people for $9.5K. The other thing that makes me scratch my head is that tax bill that Millard was supposed to cover. JV said he eventually had to take care of it himself, but how? This guy seems to have a lot of money going out but very little coming in.
iirc it was disclosed he was paying tax installments of $250/mth to repay the back taxes.

ALSO we have no idea of what his wife or other family members are making in other jobs. JV is NOT the one on trial here DM is. DM treated this poor like dirt and now has his defense dumping on him. Shameful. IMO
Just heard while listening to the Gomeshi trial found NOT GUILTY BTW...but the reporter said that the crown has to disclose evidence to the defense but that the defense does not have to disclose witnesses and evidence to the crown...

I started to read this article on it
and it's very interesting and goes on to talk about Bernardo and Homolka and how the 2 defense teams acted (mainly Bernardo's Lawyer getting the tapes and holding on to them) got me thinking..why if Smich did nothing and was only a participant after the fact did he not become a witness for the crown? Could he still be called as a witness against DM? Is Smich only charged because they have no evidence to prove who did what? and so have to charge them both?
$600 per person is about what I'd expect someone on a budget to pay. He could have taken 15 people for $9.5K. The other thing that makes me scratch my head is that tax bill that Millard was supposed to cover. JV said he eventually had to take care of it himself, but how? This guy seems to have a lot of money going out but very little coming in.

You can't cover land travel to your final accommodations, accommodations, food, gifts for $600 per person. That only covers the flight.

If JV was working 6-7 days a week, he could have been pulling in $60k from DM, and if that money was in large part under the table, JV would have lots of coin. Probably the rent and truck came off wages first, so there was little real "pay" to be taxed, by their accounting.
I wonder about CN realizing that she may be going to jail, and the lover got a $10,000 bonus.
Will CN know what has been testified to by Whidden?

She's free to read the papers, and I have a hard time believing that if LE was aware of LW, that they did not pass the story on to CN in an effort to gain her cooperation.

It's ultimately up to CN if she cooperates or not.
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