Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #8

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Incoming: $125k salary a year


- $180k/year on car parts
- Extensive travel
- Paid for dining for groups and others on trips
- Renos

I dunno, if your expenses due to your lifestyle far exceed your income, wouldn't you call that a a cashflow problem?
Does DM still own the 33 Mill Street condo in the distillery to rent out?
I don't see how DM's cash flow is relevant. If he didn't have a cash flow problem, then he's just pure evil for killing Tim for his truck rather than buying or leasing one. If he did have cash flow problems, he's still evil for killing Tim for his truck. And stupid. If they had hatched a plan to steal a truck that didn't involve murder or assault, they'd be more likely to get away with it as LE typically doesn't put a lot of effort into finding stolen vehicles.

Many of us see it that way. But with two adversarial defense teams, optics are only one part of their strategy.

As for why murder, we both know that it had little to do with whether he could afford one .... or just steal one without murdering.

Investment properties don't "naturally carry a higher interest rate and require a higher downpayment ".

I own several properties. I just bought and mortgaged another one with almost no down payment. My interest rate is lower than other people I know who bought and mortgaged their principal residence because I have a better established and proven reliable credit and repayment history.

The bank looked carefully at all of my assets and liabilities and valued my net worth and projected future revenue streams in determining the rate that they were prepared to offer me, which is lower than the posted rates.

A relative recently remortgaged her house and could only get a rate several points higher than posted because of limited assets and credit history.

In summary, the rate that a lending institution offers you, relative to others in the market, is determined by your financial credibility.

Yep. This. In my experience rates are based on cash flow/assets/credit rating.....
I agree with Kip. IMO DM and MS are killers and truck thieves purely because they chose to be. Pure evil. Thrill killers. The financial situation is actually irrelevant, but it's being discussed in the court because the Crown expects it to be a major part of DM's defensive argument. IMO the Crown is presenting tidbits of info to suggest that DM had some financial issues, not to prove that this was a motivation for stealing the truck, but to preemptively counter what they anticipate from the defense. JMO.
I don't see how DM's cash flow is relevant. If he didn't have a cash flow problem, then he's just pure evil for killing Tim for his truck rather than buying or leasing one. If he did have cash flow problems, he's still evil for killing Tim for his truck. And stupid. If they had hatched a plan to steal a truck that didn't involve murder or assault, they'd be more likely to get away with it as LE typically doesn't put a lot of effort into finding stolen vehicles.

I think the motive or lack there of only becomes important if the defence can credibly explain the many things that make it appear that Millard indeed and with every intention stole the truck:

- burner phone, turned off at critical time
- fake name
- personal vehicle hidden for both test drives
- actions that suggest a planned VIN switch and intention to alter the truck's appearance prior to LE involvement

Similarly, any legitimate reason for purchasing a cremator is irrelevant unless the facts that support the elimination of Tim Bosma in it can somehow be countered.
In the last thread I heard a lot of mention of how hard it would be to make money cremating pets at $20 each. I'm not sure where some people are getting their pets cremated, but the last time I had to do it, it cost almost $500 by the time I got the little urn back. Perhaps I should have shopped around, but I just went with whoever my vet recommended.

I looked one company up to see if I could see their price list, and the price I paid wasn't that far off.

According to their price list it costs over $200 just for a budgie or hamster. And a private cremation with the family present (to make sure you get your own pets remains back?) starts at over $500. Each.

As an aside, there is an interesting Freakenomics podcast that discusses pet cremation at length, and one of the statistics that they mention is that most people who get their pets cremated, even when specifically paying for individual cremation, often end up with an assortment of ashes from different animals in their urn.

I could see this service being valuable to people whose pets died at home, and who may not have a property where they can bury their deceased pets.

All my opinion only.

This is from the Hamilton/Burlilngton SPCA:
[h=2]Cremation services[/h] The HBSPCA offers affordable pet cremation services. The remains of your much-loved companion will be returned to you in an urn within 10 days. Prices start at $130 for individual cremation and $24 for communal cremation.

For cremation information please contact 905 574-7722 ext. 0

DM supposedly was interested in serving veterinarian clients, rather than the public; veterinarians provide the service of taking care of the remains of deceased pets for their clients, for a fee, and so whatever they would pay to the cremation service they currently use for that, they would tack on an amount and bill their customer, so that they too can make money in their business.

Therefore, DM's pricing would need to be lower than the public would pay, since he is in effect providing a wholesale service, and lower than what a veterinary service is already paying, in order to get the business over to him from whichever service the vets are presently using.

A few years ago I had my vet at the time take care of dealing with my dead cat, and I was charged $50. I would hazard a guess that the vet might double whatever the fee he himself is being charged by the cremation service, to look after that for me, and so I hazarded a guess at $25 his cost. Then i lowered it by $5 to allow an edge for DM's new swanky business, and it should probably be even lower, considering the veterinarians might have to send their staff outside to bring their dead out to the woods or something, to have them incinerated where their customers won't see 'the eliminator', and perhaps where the authorities won't charge DM for not having a permit to provide such a service on public lands. I mean, the authorities would likely be alerted by the public, even if in the woods, but there is less of chance in the woods than there might be in the back parking lot at night.

The more detail one considers in regard to this plan to provide mobile pet cremation to veterinarians, the more I find it is ludicrous and not even possible in the real world. As another member posted, such services already exist, however the actual incineration needs to happen on the business' own land, which is likely going to have to be in the country somewhere, and not in a city, and my guess is that a permit might be required even for that.

So really, what good is having the incinerator on a mobile trailer, if it can't be used anywhere except for at his own property? If he is providing a pickup service for the frozen bodies, he doesn't need to drag his incinerator with him to do that, however he *would* require a refrigerated cube van or something, which is yet an additional cost. I think we know enough about DM to know that he wouldn't be performing this service himself, so add in the cost of an employee or two. And then the fact that he is dealing in wholesale, as opposed to retail amounts. If a business plan had in fact been done, my guess is that it was a doomed venture, and that the $22K spent on it to date was a complete waste of money, unless of course he had other uses in mind as well.

Then I think about the different stories told to different people (going into business WITH the uncle, going into the pet cremation business to serve veterinarian clients, needing an incinerator for his MRO business), and why one would tell different stories, if there was nothing wrong with the true/real story. DM was likely intelligent enough to know that in reality, he could NOT go door to door with his incinerator, and that if he said such a thing to the salesman, the salesman would have undoubtedly set him straight and enlightened him about by-laws and such. Just a guess.

There is really only one service I can think of which could potentially bring in a respectable profit in the mobile animal incineration business, and that business is illegal. I get the feeling that Sachak hasn't quite caught on yet that his client can tend to tell fibs, and different stories to different folks, depending on who he is talking to at the time, and that even though Sachak may believe that he is laying *one* story to rest, he seems to forget there are other stories to deal with as well.

A pet cremation business dealing with the deceased pets of members of the public is a different story, and it is possible that *that* business *could* be profitable, but yet that business has not ever been mentioned out of the 3 stories that *have* been heard so far. And personally, I can't see DM providing such a service where he would need to be compassionate and deal with all kinds of pet owners in mourning on an individual basis. It seems from what JV has indicated, that he may not be able to rely on any of his friends to be employed in operating that business for him either.

Just my thoughts.
Anyone who who has multiple properties doesn't get the same low rates that people who are only buying their only property get. When you own more than one property, you can only claim one as your primary residence. The other residences are considered investment properties, which naturally carry a higher interest rate and require a higher downpayment. Perhaps if it had been his primary residence, he would have gotten the lower average rate at that time, but the bank likely already knew that it was on the market. Keep in mind, even if it was extremely high interest rates, it would have only been for a month or two until the condo's new owner took possession.

Not to sound like a broken record, but all that was also explained in court that day, but not tweeted about. It's weird how they only print the stuff that looks bad, but never the explanation for it that makes it look normal. It's almost like its being sensationalized.
That is very incorrect. The Royal Bank and the Toronto Dominion Bank are two of the most progressive business/investment Banks that we have. Many people/investors have multiple mortgages with these institutions at extremely competitive rates. I'm most familiar with the Royal- they have a 5 property cap before it switches from residential rates to commercial. i.e.) residential 2.5% commercial 3.2%. Hardly considered high interest, but higher non the less. It doesn't mean you can't own more than 5 properties, it just means that they will not put mortgages on more than 5 properties without it being considered "a business" where the commercial rates will apply.

The key to mortgage lending is to qualify. The borrower must prove that they can make the payments. The payment(s) on their mortgage(s) must not exceed 30-32% of their "Gross" income. For investment properties, RBC will take 50% of the income coming in off the rental properties (sometimes as high as 80%) but it's usually 50%. This is important and there are laws preventing the Banks from swaying.

With DM's salary from Millardair, he would have qualified for mortgages that would have totalled $37,500/year in payments. A general rule of thumb is $5000 per year for every 100K when rates are 2.5%. DM would have qualified for $750,000 in mortgages on his salary alone. If the 6-plex was kicking out an average of 30K per unit after property taxes, maintenance and utilities, DM would have had another 90K of income to leverage. (30K x 6/2) meaning he could have qualified for an additional $540,000 in mortgages at the 2.5% interest rate. DM may have had the Woodbridge condo rented as well.

When DM went to the bank to get the mortgage "to close" (meaning he had to pay the builder all of the money he owed him) he owned Maple Gate, Roseville Farm, Riverside 6 plex and the Woodbridge Condo. The Hangar would not be considered because it's not real estate and the Hangar and airport lease were liabilities/assets of Millardair.
A quick evaluation of DM's properties- would be Maple Gate- 1.2 M, Roseville 800K, Riverside 3M and Condo 500K. Total of 5.5 Million in real estate. So to recap, the RBC would take on 5 properties and provide residential rates.

The condo was the 5th property and regardless of what Bank he was dealing at, he would still have to qualify based on all of his debts and assets. DM had the personal ability to obtain 750K in mortgages and Riverside would provide another 540K, meaning DM could have a total of 1.29M in mortgages.

In concern to the new condo purchase. DM would have HAD to put down at least 20% of his own money and cover closing costs to purchase the condo. A 650K purchase would require min. 130K down and another 30-50K for builder cost/land transfer etc on closing. That would mean he was looking for approx 500K in mortgage money to get the deal closed. The "A" lenders (Banks) do not care about how much equity you have in a property. They are only concerned with how you're going to make your mortgage payments.

The one exception is "bridging". Best example of this is when you purchase a new home and take possession of it prior to moving out of your old. Even if you can't qualify for owning the 2 homes, the Bank will extend the financing as long as you have a firm agreement of purchase and sale on your old home. IMO, this is why DM was trying to sell the Condo prior to owning it. He was attempting to secure a firm offer on it so the Bank would give him his much needed financing.

Complicating the matters are the fact that he really did not have a job. All he was doing was draining whatever funds Millardair had access to by approximately 500K a year, 125K of that in the form of a T-4'd salary, the rest as expenses to Millardair.

This isn't a case of DM having to go the commercial lending route- this is DM having to go to a specific type of high risk "B" lender known as an "equity lender". Interest rates would be in the neighbourhood of 6-10 percent.

It's been confirmed Millardair did not have any income. Whatever plan WM had, died when WM died. In Feb/13, DM sent JV down to New Mexico with WM's credit card showing that at least 1 bank was not aware that WM had died. DM's financial world was crashing in around him. 5.5 million dollars in R/E holdings and a 6M dollar hangar- 11.5 million dollars tied up. 3.7M owing to the Bank still leaves 7.8M. Even if the Hangar sold for 50% of value, MB's would be looking after 4.5M in assets. Take off a couple million for legal/accounting fee's, perhaps a CRA audit, Capital Gains from WM's death, and there should still plenty there for her to live off of for the rest of her days plus toss a bit in DM's canteen account. Of course, that all really depends on the outcome of the WM murder trial. If found guilty of murdering WM all bets of having left overs from WM's estate are off. All of the above is MOO.
I don't see how DM's cash flow is relevant. If he didn't have a cash flow problem, then he's just pure evil for killing Tim for his truck rather than buying or leasing one. If he did have cash flow problems, he's still evil for killing Tim for his truck. And stupid. If they had hatched a plan to steal a truck that didn't involve murder or assault, they'd be more likely to get away with it as LE typically doesn't put a lot of effort into finding stolen vehicles.
IMO, DM's cash situation is extremely relevant. It shows that DM was an absolute crazy lunatic mess. He was living in his delusional world spending 500K a year, while being faced with a very real world where lies and deceit don't work- aka the Bank and CRA. His delusions of grandeur shed light on his psychopathic behaviour and without a doubt, it would take an absolute psychopath to toss a body into an incinerator one day and continue with business meetings the next. IMO, the Crown is proving that DM lived in this delusional world. MOO
I have absolutely zero knowledge of real estate, rates, etc. so I have zero to add to that particular angle but I was wondering if anyone else wonders about the sack of cell phones as much as I do? If they had 100% nothing to do with this case, they wouldn't have been brought up, would they?
IMO, DM's cash situation is extremely relevant. It shows that DM was an absolute crazy lunatic mess. He was living in his delusional world spending 500K a year, while being faced with a very real world where lies and deceit don't work- aka the Bank and CRA. His delusions of grandeur shed light on his psychopathic behaviour and without a doubt, it would take an absolute psychopath to toss a body into an incinerator one day and continue with business meetings the next. IMO, the Crown is proving that DM lived in this delusional world. MOO

Could have worked at being a successful CEO of a multi-million-dollar, multi-employee corporation.

More fascinated with becoming a labourer that picks up dead animals for a living.

Because: "he likes to make money".
Re: supposed pet cremation nonsense...

Lets not forget the incinerator was supposedly charged to Millard Air under the 'garbage' account and earlier witnesses testified he may be using it for garbage disposal. Lest we also forget about the green rocket looking thing that SS had built before purchasing the incinerator.

I am hoping TD rips open SS testimony and gets to the truth. The truth about the incinerator will help MS case IMO. I look forward to that and the crown re-crossing. The need for an incinerator came up long before the alleged pet nonsense. JMO
I don't see how DM's cash flow is relevant. If he didn't have a cash flow problem, then he's just pure evil for killing Tim for his truck rather than buying or leasing one. If he did have cash flow problems, he's still evil for killing Tim for his truck. And stupid. If they had hatched a plan to steal a truck that didn't involve murder or assault, they'd be more likely to get away with it as LE typically doesn't put a lot of effort into finding stolen vehicles.

Motive seems to be playing a big part in this case, even though the Crown doesn't really have to prove one. But it's the theme that was started with his first attorney and has been carried through to the trial. DM was rich and therefore he didn't need to steal a truck was the message that was projected loud and clear from the first day of his arrest and has been brought into the trial repeatedly by his defense. So he had no motive to kill someone during the commission of the theft of a truck because he had no reason to steal a truck in the first place.

Because there is a co-accused in this trial (hard to believe I know), DM's defense is trying to put all the blame for the killing of TB, during what DM thought was just an innocent test drive, on MS. Because DM had no motive to steal the truck and they want the jury to believe that MS did. Or that MS was just a sketchy guy who carried around a gun and liked to shoot people at random? And the aftermath was just DM's reaction to the situation because he was "scared".

The Crown is trying to show that DM did have motive to steal a truck rather than purchase one, and perhaps did have an evil plan in place to take care of the truck owner with a gun and an incinerator. Whether MS was also involved in this plan is yet to be seen but I certainly expect that he was judging by their other charges. However this jury is not to take those other charges into account when deciding that.

What is important for the Crown to prove in this case, is that DM didn't just call up some people to buy a truck like people do all the time under normal circumstances. He plotted and planned to steal that truck. And judging by his texts to SS it appears he may have also been plotting and planning to use the "barbeque" for some reason.

It appears that DM was planning to go to Baja 500 in May 2013. He had a discussion about the costs of the previous trip at the beginning of May with SS and LW1 who was at the hangar that day. They discussed fuel costs and the previous race had cost him $11,000 just in fuel alone. He had always considered "trading" his truck for a diesel because he had been told that's what he should do, but according to him, they're hard to get. And used ones are, I tried looking them up myself. And if nothing else, his defense has certainly proven that DM was pretty disorganized and flighty when it came to...well just about anything, so it wasn't until the first of May that he must have realized that he really needed to get his hands on a diesel truck right away to make the Baja trip.

It also appears to me that he was having serious cash flow problems at this time. Putting out another $25,000 for a used diesel truck (or around $80,000+ for a new one) to save money on fuel costs just wasn't in the budget IMO. Especially when he was already having trouble coming up with bridge financing for the condo. So he came up with another plan. DM was always coming up with ideas, schemes and bad plans according to what we've been hearing from his defense. This one was not just was evil.

Could have worked at being a successful CEO of a multi-million-dollar, multi-employee corporation.

More fascinated with becoming a labourer that picks up dead animals for a living.

Because: "he likes to make money".

Bad luck DM:

Liked to make money
Never actually made any money
I agree with Kip. IMO DM and MS are killers and truck thieves purely because they chose to be. Pure evil. Thrill killers. The financial situation is actually irrelevant, but it's being discussed in the court because the Crown expects it to be a major part of DM's defensive argument. IMO the Crown is presenting tidbits of info to suggest that DM had some financial issues, not to prove that this was a motivation for stealing the truck, but to preemptively counter what they anticipate from the defense. JMO.

Bingo...totally agree. The evidence is overwhelming that these two killed TB. Motive, like I mentioned before, does not have to be proved in this case. Its irrelevant. So the Crown has, like mentioned above, provided tidbits of evidence to show the DM was not cash rich like the Defense team is now trying to show and thus portraying DM as a person that did not need to steal and kill for a truck. Even though this appears to be conjecture by the defense as no proof at all has been entered into evidence that DM actually had the finances to carry out all these purchases and had a positive cash position. Appears to be hearsay IMO. NS seams to be leading all witnesses to get to the answer he wants the jury to hear. All smoke and mirrors, IMO. I have seen nothing in the defense camp to dispel any hard evidence that the Crown has presented so far. It will be very interesting to see want CN and MM have to say when they take the stand. I truly believe this will be the "nail in the coffin" for both of them (DM and MS). All this of course is just my observation and opinion.
Need some clarification on the surveillance video captured from Super Sucker on the night of May 6th. IIRC there was a couple different video clips with both vehicles in question, at slightly different time intervals? Trying to visualize what happened, and routes traveled on Trinity Rd in the 9:00ish time frame.
Bad luck DM:

Liked to make money
View attachment 91347
Never actually made any money

I really wonder if the commercial bank account(s) for Millardair were in overdraught nearly to their limit, and the bank wouldn't increase it, or transfer the debit to a line of credit. DM did withdraw the $3,000 just before his arrest, and maybe thats all he could get out of the bank. Also the bookkeeper may not have been allowed to talk about overdrafts on the accounts in her testimony. She likely would see the monthly bank statements, as she would/should have been reconciling them, if DM could provide her with a record of what he was taking out of the accounts (doubtful). The bookkeeper knew things were a mess, and I think she was gagged from stating certain things in her testimony. MOO
IMO, DM's cash situation is extremely relevant. It shows that DM was an absolute crazy lunatic mess. He was living in his delusional world spending 500K a year, while being faced with a very real world where lies and deceit don't work- aka the Bank and CRA. His delusions of grandeur shed light on his psychopathic behaviour and without a doubt, it would take an absolute psychopath to toss a body into an incinerator one day and continue with business meetings the next. IMO, the Crown is proving that DM lived in this delusional world. MOO

The funny thing is that even DM's own defense is painting him as crazy. Sachak put the words right into Schlatman's mouth regarding the excavator in the swamp: "You knew Dellen and his habits."
DM was in Criminal Court today in Toronto. case CR-16-50000176-0000 at 361 University Avenue.

R v Millard. Trial Scheduling, assignment court.
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