BP Oil Spill Approaching Gulf Coast

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Hi Sandangel (((hugs))) to you! I have not been able to watch the video today, I am afraid it may push me over the edge...at this point I would almost prefer a nuclear bomb on the leak, just to quickly put all of these beautiful suffering animals out of their misery. When I lay down at night my thoughts go directly to the Gulf, it's become a sickness in my conscience...I cry for the birds, the dolphins and whales that have their blow holes covered in oil sludge, for all the innocent creatures of the ocean.
Anderson Cooper is on now, so I will go have a cry with him now...I just sent him a message thanking him for continuing on this story and begging for him to not let it go!

Peace to all of you, please say a prayer for our Gulf.
Anderson Cooper seems to be the only one who is telling us the truth, he really acts like he cares! I hope he stays in the Gulf and keeps fighting the good fight, I watch him every night.
This whole thing feels like a nightmare of the worst kind.
Are we going to NUKE the oil leak?? Some are saying it's the only way to stop the gusher in the gulf!!:banghead:

Nuke the oil spill?
How would a nuclear explosion stop the oil from gushing?
The bomb would be detonated deep underground, in a separate well beneath the sea floor. In theory, the extreme heat generated by the explosion would collapse the well bore, melting surrounding rock into a "glassy plug" that would seal the shaft "much like a huge stopper in a leaky bottle." Nuclear expert Christopher Brownfield tells The Takeaway: "When you're looking at this geological formation with a 15,000 foot narrow 'straw' going through it, it doesn't really take that much to break that 'straw' and seal it off."

This is all so surreal-I can't believe I'm typing this!! :banghead:
I don't think any of those nukes in Russia were a mile down in an ocean. That's what is scaring me. Plus this "reserve" is HUGE - I think I saw it was the 2nd largest ever. That's a whole lotta "black gold" and its just not gonna "disappear" even if nuked.

I just don't feel comfortable with thowing a nuclear bomb more than a mile underwater and so close to land.
Feds: BP OKs $20 billion escrow fund for spill
Account to be led by Kenneth Feinberg, who handled 9/11 compensation


The independent fund will be directed by lawyer Kenneth Feinberg, who oversaw payments to families of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. At present, Feinberg is known as Obama's "pay czar," setting salary limits for companies getting the most aid from a $700 billion government bailout fund.

The $20 billion is not a cap &#8212; if legitimate claims outstrip that amount, then BP will required to pay more, one administration official told The Associated Press.

OOPS-I see Legalmania just posted the story!
Well if it were me I would contact OSHA they are in charge of safety in the work place. This is American soil and we are under American law.


ITA-The problem is they have desparate people down there who have had their world turned upside down. If it's the only way to provide for their family, then they are going to take the risk. It is said that BP is using Wackenhut Security to protect the workers from the media. The clip I posted (to me) shows people who are intimidated and in fear of losing the only chance of a paycheck available!!
BP faces some of the same challenges PTT Exploration & Production Pcl encountered last year in trying to stop a leak 2,600 meters (8,500 feet) below the seabed off northwest Australia.


BP forecasts it will finish the first of two relief wells it has started drilling in early August, according to Doug Suttles, the executive in charge of the spill response. The first well has reached a depth of 12,090 feet, London-based BP said today in a statement, two-thirds of the way to completion. A second has reached 8,576 feet.<snipped>

Although BP claims the 2 relief wells will be done in August, T.Boone
Pickens said it would be more likely completed in mid- Sept on Larry King Live last night.
ITA-The problem is they have desparate people down there who have had their world turned upside down. If it's the only way to provide for their family, then they are going to take the risk. It is said that BP is using Wackenhut Security to protect the workers from the media. The clip I posted (to me) shows people who are intimidated and in fear of losing the only chance of a paycheck available!!

They should all ban together, and carry those digital recorders, and record everything that is being said and then sell it to the media. Once it's out in the open it will be to late.
ITA-The problem is they have desparate people down there who have had their world turned upside down. If it's the only way to provide for their family, then they are going to take the risk. It is said that BP is using Wackenhut Security to protect the workers from the media. The clip I posted (to me) shows people who are intimidated and in fear of losing the only chance of a paycheck available!!

I'm starting to think the media blackouts are partly to try to hide the prisoners and other criminals BP has hired to clean up. I read that the LA locals are very scared of the rapists, child molesters, murderers, and other convicts infiltrating their communities.
I still cannot seem to get past the fact that the Dutch and 18 other countries reached out to us and offered a helping hand (countries with experience) and we flat out denied them!!!!!!! This is not a time for 'American Pride'!!!!
They should all ban together, and carry those digital recorders, and record everything that is being said and then sell it to the media. Once it's out in the open it will be to late.
The hour's growing later every minute. This info is out there. More and more people are seeing it. I truly feel for the people that are living it.

IMO its a horrible move to NOT ALLOW the "displaced local turned newly BP clean-up employee" to wear their own (or distributed) safety equipment. That IMHO is going to come back and REALLY BITE BP IN THE AZZ!!!!!

So we now have a $20Billion fund - how long is it going to take for someone to get a claim paid? These people need money to pay rent/mortgage, buy groceries, pay car insurance, utilities (we all know how your local electric company is about YOU not paying on time), etc. Plus I could just see the "corruptioneers" "scammers" eyes light up hearing THAT number.

All I keep hearing is BP liable, BP remains liable........ YEA SO? We have people that are hungry - sick - let's get on the ball here!!!!!!!!
And it just get crazier by the minute-I feel like I'm caught in a bad scifi movie!!:banghead:


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