BP Oil Spill Approaching Gulf Coast

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This is great doesn't hurt the environment and I think with a little more technology they could adjust these to pick up a lot more oil.

Additional technologies for cleanup

BP has ordered 32 machines from Ocean Therapy Solutions following owner Kevin Costner's testimony before the United States Congress. The machines separate oil and water, and each machine can extract up to 2,000 barrels of oil per day from the Gulf. [188] [189] BP spokesman Bill Salvin confirmed the company has contracted with Costner and Ocean Therapy Solutions to use the machines.[188]

BP agreed to use the technology after testing machines during the past week. [190] "We are very pleased with the results and today we have placed a significant order with OTS (Costner's Ocean Therapy Solutions) and will be working with them to rapidly manufacture and deploy 32 of their machines," said Doug Suttles, BP's chief operating officer. [1

Obama and Vice President Joe Biden enjoyed a round of golf Saturday near Washington, something they've done on other weekends since the spill and a fact that wasn't lost on users of social networking sites. Twitter feeds compared Obama and Biden's golfing to Hayward's yachting, lumping them together as diversions of privileged people who should be paying more attention to the oil gushing into the Gulf.

"Our government, the executives at BP, it looks like they decide to worry about it later," said Capt. Dwayne Price, a charter fisherman in Grand Isle, La., who now spends his days shuttling media out to the oiled waters. "Things need to happen now. The longer this is strung out, the worse it's going to be."

Messages seeking comment were left for officials at the White House, who have struggled to counter criticism at home of how the administration has handled the disaster. An Associated Press-GfK poll released Tuesday showed 52 percent now disapprove of Obama's handling of the oil spill, up significantly from last month.

Here is an excellent blog by oil drillers talking about the well. Lots of good info.

Hi, Doc. I was just coming here to follow up on a post I made this morning when I was rushing off to work. The topic is nuking the spill, and the site is The Oil Drum. I've been reading there for awhile now, and imo, it is the best source to really understand the science of this mess. Interesting discussions among informed sources.
Nuking The Oil Slick?

Posted by Big Gav on May 31, 2010 - 8:31pm in The Oil Drum: Australia/New Zealand

A recent interview with Matthew Simmons on Bloomberg discussed the possibility of a nuclear explosion being used to seal the leaking Macondo oil well. This idea was floated a couple of weeks back by the Russian periodical Pravda, which noted the technique was used 5 times to seal leaking wells in the old Soviet Union (once unsuccessfully in attempt to stop a gas leak in the Ukraine - though the likely environmental damage might cause you to wonder what the definition of "success" is).

Hi, Doc. I was just coming here to follow up on a post I made this morning when I was rushing off to work. The topic is nuking the spill, and the site is The Oil Drum. I've been reading there for awhile now, and imo, it is the best source to really understand the science of this mess. Interesting discussions among informed sources.
Nuking The Oil Slick?

Posted by Big Gav on May 31, 2010 - 8:31pm in The Oil Drum: Australia/New Zealand

A recent interview with Matthew Simmons on Bloomberg discussed the possibility of a nuclear explosion being used to seal the leaking Macondo oil well. This idea was floated a couple of weeks back by the Russian periodical Pravda, which noted the technique was used 5 times to seal leaking wells in the old Soviet Union (once unsuccessfully in attempt to stop a gas leak in the Ukraine - though the likely environmental damage might cause you to wonder what the definition of "success" is).


This is the problem back, in 1946 the U.S. wanted to try and see if they could sink 100 ships with a nuclear blast. What ended up happening is a giant tsunami. Imagine if it triggers a tsunami and it wipes out the coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and parts of Florida. The rig is to close to the coast and if there is a tsunami it could wipe out every building along the Gulf Coast.

The idea of them nuking this thing scares the bejesus outta me!!!!!!!:eek:
The idea of them nuking this thing scares the bejesus outta me!!!!!!!:eek:

I don't like it either, when they did the one in outer space I was worried. I guess that's why they have the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty because it's dangerous., imagine with all the methane gas that would be one heck of a fireworks show.

Vast amounts of natural gas contained in crude escaping from the blown well could pose a serious threat to marine life by creating "dead zones" where oxygen is so depleted that nothing lives. The danger presented by the methane has been largely overlooked, with early efforts to monitor the oil spill focusing on the more toxic components of oil. But scientists are increasingly worried about the gas that can suffocate sea creatures in high concentrations. At least 4.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas — and possibly almost twice that amount — have leaked since April 20. That's based on estimates from the U.S. Geological Survey's "flow team" that 2,900 cubic feet of natural gas are escaping for every barrel of oil.

Their Stupidity and Arrogance has no bounds. After they kill 11 workers and destroy the gulf they tell the workers watch your back, like people are pissed at the workers. They want to make it an us against them thing.



Far from the spill in the Gulf of Mexico and their bosses' frantic attempts at damage control, BP workers for the oil giant are dodging awkward glances and tactfully avoiding any mention that they work for what may be America's public enemy No. 1. In interviews with The Associated Press, more than a dozen BP employees from Alaska to North Carolina say they still love the company that has paid and treated them well for years. Now, they are just careful whom they share it with. In BP's case, the public scorn is so great that a corporate security official felt compelled to send employees a memo warning them to keep a low profile and stay aware of their surroundings.

I'm glad Costner has ideas about how to get large amounts of oil out of the ocean.

Does anyone have any idea how to get the massive amounts of toxic dispersants out of the ocean?

BP? Anyone? Thought not.

This is great doesn't hurt the environment and I think with a little more technology they could adjust these to pick up a lot more oil.

Additional technologies for cleanup

BP has ordered 32 machines from Ocean Therapy Solutions following owner Kevin Costner's testimony before the United States Congress. The machines separate oil and water, and each machine can extract up to 2,000 barrels of oil per day from the Gulf. [188] [189] BP spokesman Bill Salvin confirmed the company has contracted with Costner and Ocean Therapy Solutions to use the machines.[188]

BP agreed to use the technology after testing machines during the past week. [190] "We are very pleased with the results and today we have placed a significant order with OTS (Costner's Ocean Therapy Solutions) and will be working with them to rapidly manufacture and deploy 32 of their machines," said Doug Suttles, BP's chief operating officer. [1

I'm glad Costner has ideas about how to get large amounts of oil out of the ocean.

Does anyone have any idea how to get the massive amounts of toxic dispersants out of the ocean?

BP? Anyone? Thought not.

ITA Not just out of the ocean -but out of the wildlife, the workers, and the atmosphere that will spread everywhere, espescially if there is a hurricane or tropical depression!! This is criminal!! IMO:furious:
At least Obama has his priorities in order.

Well? What Well.


And Tuesday night's White House celebration of gay and lesbian pride month should be an upbeat event for Obama. That constituency -- which has been angry about the slow pace of some changes -- is likely to be happier at this year's version of the annual event, as Congress is on the verge of ending the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Man claims to find oil in oyster at Cornelius restaurant
CORNELIUS, NC (WBTV) - A man says he found oil inside his oysters while eating at a restaurant located north of Charlotte this weekend.
"I rubbed it on my napkin and I said 'Hey, Dad look, there's oil on my oysters,'" said Robertson.

He was so surprised at what he found, he kept one of the oysters to show our cameras.

WBTV reporter Sarah Batista noticed there was a black substance stuck to the inside of the oyster

video report and pictures at link
Hello Sleuthers,

I thought I would give you an update of what I saw concerning the oil spill. I flew from Cancun to Dallas over the Gulf of Mexico yesterday. To say the least, it was quite disturbing. From what I saw from the airplane window and through binoculars caught me off guard. I did not expect to see the amounts of oil that I saw smack in the middle of the Gulf.

After 55 minutes being in the air after leaving Cancun is when I first saw oil - in many globs and some in long somewhat curvy lines of how the current/tide has placed the oil. After being in flight for 1 hour, 15 minutes is where I saw most of the oil. It was so devastating to me!! After being in flight for about 1 hour, 30 minutes the sight of oil became less and less. By the time I could see the shoreline of Texas/Louisiana ahead I did not see any oil.

So besides all of the oil that has washed up to the shorelines of the lower States, there is a good amount of oil in the middle of the gulf and beyond.

I am tremendously sickened about this oil spill. I feel for the families that lost their loved ones when the rig exploded. I feel for each and every person, each and every species of the ocean, each and every species of wildlife above ground that this tragedy has affected!
Hello Sleuthers,

I thought I would give you an update of what I saw concerning the oil spill. I flew from Cancun to Dallas over the Gulf of Mexico yesterday. To say the least, it was quite disturbing. From what I saw from the airplane window and through binoculars caught me off guard. I did not expect to see the amounts of oil that I saw smack in the middle of the Gulf.

After 55 minutes being in the air after leaving Cancun is when I first saw oil - in many globs and some in long somewhat curvy lines of how the current/tide has placed the oil. After being in flight for 1 hour, 15 minutes is where I saw most of the oil. It was so devastating to me!! After being in flight for about 1 hour, 30 minutes the sight of oil became less and less. By the time I could see the shoreline of Texas/Louisiana ahead I did not see any oil.

So besides all of the oil that has washed up to the shorelines of the lower States, there is a good amount of oil in the middle of the gulf and beyond.

I am tremendously sickened about this oil spill. I feel for the families that lost their loved ones when the rig exploded. I feel for each and every person, each and every species of the ocean, each and every species of wildlife above ground that this tragedy has affected!

Thank you for that report.:)
We aren't getting to see the real picture and it makes me worry about how this is all going to end.

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