Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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Long time lurker, first time poster -- I found out about WS because of Mickey; I've been following this case since almost the beginning, as a Dallas native who is a big part of the horse show scene. Just like the Cajun community, in those first couple of weeks, many of our own "stable community" shared Mickey's photo with anyone who would listen.

I was heartbroken when I read the result of the hearing yesterday. And reading the plea agreement was almost nauseating. I have a thousand thoughts running through my mind, and they're all over the place. Details about the crime, like how big was the knife? Details about the aftermath of the crime, how much did BSL find out about Mickey after he stole her life? Etc.

I did want to chime in though, and just share my own thoughts on his story. I'm not sure if he's lying or not, but even so -- the version he provided gives enough closure for me to move forward. Sorry it's a little "behind" in the thread, I had to wait to be approved to post.

It seems to me that he hit Mickey thinking that no one would notice her missing. Someone wrote he may have had an idea that he was somehow better than those who make their livings on the street or behind a bar. I don't think that's too far off, he probably assumed she was leaving a late night shift, rather than heading home from a friends to visit her family the next day. I think he thought she was an easy target.

I also think Mickey got into the car willingly. I think of what I would have done in her situation. (I'm in my mid-20s. Born and raised in Texas. Ride horses. From what I've read, similar personality traits, etc.) She was out at 2 AM in a dark, desolate area. I don't think she was injured badly (broken skin, knocked out, etc) -- I feel like there would have been evidence of that on the road. But I don't doubt she was sore.

At that point, my thought process (especially if BSL was being charming, as I suspect) would have been - I'm too far from a residence or major road to outrun this man who is bigger than me and has a truck, my bike is damaged and I can't get on it and ride away, and I'm too far from anyone to start screaming. Against my ideal options, maybe I can just get in and call someone to pick me up from the hospital or let someone know I was just hit.

I don't think he pulled a knife initially; if she had known he had a knife, I don't think she would have whipped out her phone to make a call while she was sitting 3' or so from him.

I think she got in, the bike got loaded, and when she pulled out a phone, a fight ensued. *Side note - I keep finding myself wondering where she was stabbed and how bad her wounds were. For him to think he killed her, they had to have been major and in the torso (not cuts and nicks on her arms and legs). And again, how big was this knife?

Once he thought she was dead, he started the drive. I'm not sure whether or not she passed out initially and then gradually came to, but kept quiet, or if she "played possum" the entire time.

If I understand correctly, he tore up his hand nicely in the initial fight. My thought is that once he got to his destination, he stopped the truck, and honestly just kind of sat there for a moment. I don't believe he was in the midst of something when the second attack happened. In my mind, he's sitting there behind his steering wheel, holding his hand - thinking to himself that he screwed up and screwed up big and how is he going to get out of this situation, and Mickey grabbed the knife off the seat - "jumping up suddenly" on the attack and catching him off guard.

Unfortunately, I don't think she ever knew he had a gun. I just can't see going after someone who you know is trying to harm you, with a knife - twice - if you know they have a gun. I think in the midst of everything, he pulled the gun from under his seat/his back holster and then it was all over.

I don't think he ever raped her. I think he was too concerned with how to cover up this attack that Mighty Mick foiled to try to satisfy those needs. I think he was injured. And I think the reason LE keeps using "life threatening" wounds is because I think BSL truly thought things were grim after the second attack.

He won the battle, and in doing so, we lost a very special and brave soul. But she won the war. And in doing so possibly saved countless lives and brought justice to at least one other.
Sorry, I misunderstood & my quick-to-temper Latina blood kicked it.
Hiding under table....

Haha! When I saw your post, I said oooooohhhhhh, we've got a mad Latina on our hands!

So, FOUR hospitals? Oschners, Opelousas General, Austin Regional and Lourdes? He even uses the "rule of three" with these visits, four hospitals in four different jurisdictions.
John Gardner, who killed Chelsea King and 14-yr old Amber DuBois in manners equally as brutal as Mickey's murder, entered his guilty plea just 6 weeks after Chelsea's murder, to receive his two life without parole terms. One thing that was different was that both families were allowed to make statements at the plea hearing. Also, he later agreed to meet with Amber's mother, who wanted to hear from him exactly what happened. His history is very similar to BL's, in that he had previously taken a plea in an attempted rape of a young girl. As vile as he is, at least he admitted to Amber's mother what he done, not just sign a plea and grunt a few times.

I wonder if Mickey and Lisa's families were given the option to speak yesterday? Seems probably not, as surely they would have wanted to. Will they ever have a chance, in court?
John Gardner, who killed Chelsea King and 14-yr old Amber DuBois in manners equally as brutal as Mickey's murder, entered his guilty plea just 6 weeks after Chelsea's murder, to receive his two life without parole terms. One thing that was different was that both families were allowed to make statements at the plea hearing. Also, he later agreed to meet with Amber's mother, who wanted to hear from him exactly what happened. His history is very similar to BL's, in that he had previously taken a plea in an attempted rape of a young girl. As vile as he is, at least he admitted to Amber's mother what he done, not just sign a plea and grunt a few times.

I wonder if Mickey and Lisa's families were given the option to speak yesterday? Seems probably not, as surely they would have wanted to. Will they ever have a chance, in court?

I think the families chose not to make a victim impact statement.
Interesting info dating back to Ali Lowitzer's abduction/disappearance on Monday April 26, 2010, from a July 1st, 2010 article here, note the part about another girl biting him on the hand.

Ali’s father says a few months ago, another neighborhood teenager was nearly abducted. In that case, a car pulled up next to a girl and a man lunged at her, grabbing her around the neck. “She bit him," John Lowitzer said, "so the man backed off and tried to get her around the waist, and she was able to get away."

As the weeks and the agony drag on, both of the Lowitzers continue to send their daughter nightly text messages, hoping somehow Ali will be able to access them, although her cell phone charger, along with nearly all her belongings, including her purse and money, were left in her bedroom.

Wow! A few months ago? I wonder if the description of the rental car is a match? Wow...
ETA Sorry should have read the post slower, the year this article was written was 2010 not this year. Thank you cluciano63.
Thanks to GarryB it is what I suspected his confession is based on a lot of lies! The only truth in his confession is cause of death, and MS fought back. All the rest is spun to take any heat off of him for his prison stay.

GarryB, I would consider helping the bio half sister move to another area. While the letter he sent her is no threat outwardly..I did pick up he was threatening her. My gut...the part where he said "I forgive you" really hit me. Edit to add: His anger pattern also gives me this gut feeling. Just something to think about! Another lesson to all WS and guest who have been following this case. Never assume any story is "Fact" based on words alone. Verify, ask more questions.

Yes.... encourage her to move and also to take steps to erase online identity as she is now attatched by name to him online.
IMPondering: I don't know of anyone that went to the hearing

Backwoods: We have no knowledge of any hospital or doctors visits in Texas. I saw that rumor too, not sure where it came from.

Lera213: BSL wouldn't dare threaten any of my family. He has seen my gun cabinet and knows I am not afraid to use it.
Other question initials = BN

Whatsthatnoise: I am related to the Bio 1/2 sister. I am not easily offended, and you didn't do that this time either. The only time I was offended here was way back when people were insinuating the BSL was the product of McDuff and his bio mother being one of the rape victims, or even was a girlfriend that had conjugal visits. I answered that thread stating the BSL wasn't related to McDuff, and was told that I must not believe in Adam and Eve. On that statement alone, I was a little offended as it was both crude and unnecessary. Most of those posts I made there were deleted because I was not yet verified, but the info was just as true as everything else I have said.

OT: Gun laws are for law abiding citizens, they don't affect criminals. If I had my way, everyone would be required to own a weapon like in Switzerland. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

garryb, I was wondering why my questions received no reply...

RE: I answered that thread stating the BSL wasn't related to McDuff, and was told that I must not believe in Adam and Eve..

Please reread the comment. It was not meant that you did not believe in Adam and Eve, nor was the intent to offend. Sorry if you took it that way...That is one of my favorite sayings, meaning that if you believe in Adam & Eve, then we are all related...

garryb, you don't have to go to Switzerland to find a City that has a law where it is required to own a gun: I raised my children in Kennesaw, GA

Gun Ownership - It's The
Law In Kennesaw
By Jonathan Hamilton and David Burch
Marietta Daily Journal Staff Writers Page

KENNESAW, Ga - Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house.

In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition.

The ordinance states the gun law is needed to "protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants."
Wow! A few months ago? I wonder if the description of the rental car is a match? Wow...

I am not sure but I believe the quote from Ali's father could have been back when this happened, around the time Ali was taken, not a few months from now.
Yes.... encourage her to move and also to take steps to erase online identity as she is now attatched by name to him online.

I think she'll be alright. Brandon is the only one who has a beef with her. To the rest of the world, she's a bonafide hero. I don't see any need to pick up stakes if she likes where she's living,

I found myself thinking, "do I want vengeance? Do I want harm to come to Lavergne?"

The older I get the less clear the answers seem. "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." He has already lost the rest of his life as a free being. He is now out of society, never to return.

What I would lean toward is that they should put a TV in his cell for the first month playing a non-stop loop of the public outpouring - of the families' pleas - of interviews - to show the real harm he did. Then a psychologist should go over every second of the footage with him, and record his responses. Next year do the same thing. And the year after - a solid month - until he drops his facade and starts dealing with it honestly. He needs to be psychologically broken and then helped to pick up the pieces.

Angola Prison is a self-sustaining farm city of 5,000. Has cattle, crops, etc. The vegetables are sold all over. Most inmates' first job, until they prove good behavior in a year or two, is working in the cotton fields.

Very likely today or tomorrow, Brandon will be picking cotton. He will be working hard for life; no slacking allowed.

It is extremely interesting to read all about Angola Prison.

Here's the wikipedia page.
i'm no expert, but i believe since the first felony, the kidnapping, occurred in texas, they would have jurisdiction, regardless of where any additional felonies might have occurred following the kidnapping. moo

I don't know about that... are you familiar with Elizabeth Johnson in AZ? She faces charges of kidnapping etc. In AZ but since she (possibly) killed her baby in TX it is up to TX to prosecute that crime. It is a really odd case.
I found thinking, "do I want vengeance? Do I want harm to come to Lavergne?"

The older I get the less clear the answers seem. "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." He has already lost the rest of his life as a free being. He is now out of society, never to return.

What I would lean toward is that they should put a TV in his cell for the first month playing a non-stop loop of the public outpouring - of the families' pleas - of interviews - to show the real harm he did. Then a psychologist should go over every second of the footage with him, and record his responses. Next year do the same thing. And the year after - a solid month - until he drops his facade and starts dealing with it honestly. He need to be psychologically broken and then helped to pick up the pieces.

Angola Prison is a self-sustaining farm city of 5,000. Has cattle, crops, etc. The vegetables are sold all over. Most inmates' first job, until they prove good behavior in a year or two, is working in the cotton fields.

Very likely today or tomorrow, Brandon will be picking cotton. He will be working hard for life; no slacking allowed.

It is extremely interesting to read all about Angola Prison.

Here's the wikipedia page.

[ame=""]Creedence Clearwater Revisited - Cotton Fields - Live Festival de Viña del Mar Chile 1999 - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know about that... are you familiar with Elizabeth Johnson in AZ? She faces charges of kidnapping etc. In AZ but since she (possibly) killed her baby in TX it is up to TX to prosecute that crime. It is a really odd case.

Maybe I read Simon's post improperly but I think that is what he was saying, e.g., Texas is in charge of handling any murders, kidnappings, etc. that BSL would have committed in Texas.
Backwoods, I can tell you he visited Austin Regional Clinic on 6/18/12. Also, on 6/8/12, he visited OLOL. I can only speculate that these visits were for his cut tendon(s).

so that was OLOL in Lafayette? that got my attention because I was making a delivery to OLOL a good while back, I work for a medical delivery lab not far from there, can get there in 5 mins, don't remember the date, and was driving through the parking lot in front of the hospital and saw a white new looking model Z71 truck ahead of me and kind of followed to see where it was going to park to see who got out of the truck. I had to get around to the back of the hospital anyway to get to the emergency entrance on ground level to the left of OLOL. He/she parked kind of far out in the parking lot from the entrance, I drove slowly behind it and around, he/she never got out of the truck and I was wondering why take so long to get out of the truck, unless he/she noticed me lurking and looking lol. I even looked out the window on the 2nd floor to see if I could see the truck still and someone getting out of it. Couldn't see it. I left to go back to the lab wondering. I wish I would have written down the license plate. But I figured like everyone else, my imagination running wild, everyone of those trucks looked suspicious lol. Maybe nothing, but thought it interesting that he actually went there.
:grouphug: A GHB incident here! (well I REALLY don't even know THAT for sure!)
I know I woke up on top of a made up bed nude with a blanket over me...

I have a phobia of sleeping in the nude! ALWAYS have can't sleep unless I am clothed!
(scared the house will catch on fire and all the neighbors will "see" me!)
Don't remember anything! Not even sure I was raped! I was not injured...
I lost like 18 hours...

I did drink that night but only 3 mixed drinks.
I was too stupid to realize it until months later! And it was too late to prove anything.

Don't beat yourself up! You survived for a reason.

A similar incident happened to me when I was that age and at the age of 58 I still wonder. I had too much to drink and only vaguely remember anything. My clothing was torn and he had left his evidence but to this date I have never said anything to anyone about it. In my curiosity I have wondered if hypnosis would bring out what happened to me. If there is anyone who knows if I would please let me know. I would love to know what happened.
Respectfully Lera, I got the impression that he was actually forgiving her for "ratting him out". I think he meant he didn't blame her, and I would like to think, although I know many others think otherwise, that a part of him regretted what his baser instincts led him to commit. That said, I'm glad Mighty Mick's bravery put him permanently behind bars to prevent him from ever again committing any other heinous acts.

Yah, NewYork, I'm thinking along the same lines as you are... I do think he regretted and wished he could've suppressed his urges, evidenced by his actions of trying to blend, trying to come across as a good christian, and trying to convince those around him of his innocence in the crimes he committed... I think these are actions of someone with a guilty conscience... Therefore, it seems to me, there must be some form of a conscience within him. At the very least, I hope there's enough there that he is tormented by his actions, every day, and every night, for the rest of his life...

I also agree his purpose was to forgive her for rafting him out, but in a manipulative way, rather than a threatening way... It seems like he was trying to put the blame on her for the position he's in, rather then put it where it belongs.

OT... I have followed lots of cases here, and for the first timers... This case is truly rare... finding the perp, locating the victim, seeing justice prevail, finding out how it all unfolded, learning inside scoop from the insiders, etc... Most cases have so many more questions than answers. This is an extremely fascinating, touching, unusual case... Haven't seen one like it before and probably won't ever again... I'm so glad I chose to follow it, and I think you all are a really cool, determined, selfless, somewhat crazy :smile:, bunch...

All jmo.
Yah, NewYork, I'm thinking along the same lines as you are... I do think he regretted and wished he could've suppressed his urges, evidenced by his actions of trying to blend, trying to come across as a good christian, and trying to convince those around him of his innocence in the crimes he committed... I think these are actions of someone with a guilty conscience... Therefore, it seems to me, there must be some form of a conscience within him. At the very least, I hope there's enough there that he is tormented by his actions, every day, and every night, for the rest of his life...

I also agree his purpose was to forgive her for rafting him out, but in a manipulative way, rather than a threatening way... It seems like he was trying to put the blame on her for the position he's in, rather then put it where it belongs.

OT... I have followed lots of cases here, and for the first timers... This case is truly rare... finding the perp, locating the victim, seeing justice prevail, finding out how it all unfolded, learning inside scoop from the insiders, etc... Most cases have so many more questions than answers. This is an extremely fascinating, touching, unusual case... Haven't seen one like it before and probably won't ever again... I'm so glad I chose to follow it, and I think you all are a really cool, determined, selfless, somewhat crazy :smile:, bunch...

All jmo.
I denies the allegation & I denies the alligator too,
Nah, love ya crazy. Oh, that's us. Louisiana frá my late mother-in-law used to say. Or farouche,as in femme farouche..that would be me..Latina, French.etc. {-)
Maybe I read Simon's post improperly but I think that is what he was saying, e.g., Texas is in charge of handling any murders, kidnappings, etc. that BSL would have committed in Texas.

Or I read it wrong. I thought Simon says that if Ali was kidnapped from tx but murdered in La then it would be tx's jurisdiction because first felony happened there. And this is exactly what is speculated in the other case... but az is only prosecuting for the kidnap charges and it is left up to tx to prosecute murder.

But now that I think it through, both scenarios would be considered federal.
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