Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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garryb, I was wondering why my questions received no reply...

RE: I answered that thread stating the BSL wasn't related to McDuff, and was told that I must not believe in Adam and Eve..

Please reread the comment. It was not meant that you did not believe in Adam and Eve, nor was the intent to offend. Sorry if you took it that way...That is one of my favorite sayings, meaning that if you believe in Adam & Eve, then we are all related...

garryb, you don't have to go to Switzerland to find a City that has a law where it is required to own a gun: I raised my children in Kennesaw, GA

Gun Ownership - It's The
Law In Kennesaw
By Jonathan Hamilton and David Burch
Marietta Daily Journal Staff Writers Page

KENNESAW, Ga - Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house.

In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition.

The ordinance states the gun law is needed to "protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants."

Don't worry, I hold no grudge and my faith is stronger than that. The reason I didn't answer was not due to the comment, it was because I got a warning from the Mods that I was making inside statements without being verified.
I may have been overly sensitive because I was trying very hard to convince people that they were wasting their time with the connection between BSL and McDuff. I really wanted you sleuthing resources to return to a more productive path.

No grudge here, it obviously didn't turn me away

I read about the Georgia ordinance a few months ago, and that gave me hope for America, but alas, I don't think it will come to pass, as we are too divided on that issue.
It is always amazing to me how we are each drawn to the details, which details makes us all so different. I will never understand the shark people. (that's how bsl and others like him rest in my head, as though they were sharks who instead of swim in the ocean walk amongst us. Same predatory disregard for what they destroy to satisfy their need.)

For me it is difficult to remain sane while examining the insane. It screams a world of 'what ifs' and 'whys' that can become deafening so there is a need to detach. And I do, I step away for a year at a time, swearing I will never do this again.

And you see another angelic face, Mickey Shunick's perfect, angelic face and it begins again. Then you uncover the truth that this young woman fought hard for her life and left scars on the shark for the world to see...and it begins again.

My hat is off to the Foxfires, Chicken Frieds and the Bessie's of this world. You are strong, relentless, filled with heart, a much stronger heart than I harbor. Thank you to the people who face this battle daily and still take time to comfort others even when you know humanity leaves much to be desired. The MamaRoux's who remind us there is a greater Power and to pray instead of throw the stones.

In truth, WS provides us a place to remember there are wonderful people on this Earth who donate their wisdom and efforts for those who have lost their voice. God bless you all, to name each of you would make this babble even longer.

And to the Mickey Shunicks of this world, thank you for your courage. Rest in the arms of the angels. God's blessings to your family and to all those who will never stop loving you. And in your name, here is to many of your followers staying here and helping to bring justice to those who have no voice...

What a passionate message. Thank you.
I don't think there is any relevance between the bio mothers age and BSLs atrocities. Young mothers have been having babies for thousands of years!
I agree.
My point was... did the married biological father impregnate
an underage girl...
Thank-you for shedding so much light on this case, Garry.

I wondered if BSL's bio sister might better remember April 26, 2010 and whether BSL was around, since the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Explosion and Disaster happened on April 20, 2010?

That might give her a reference point. I wondered if BSL might have been around, since he would likely have been off work after that oil spill?


That's a really great point. I'll ask and if anything comes up, LE will be notified.
I am just still in awe that a woman as small as Mickey put a hurtin' on that slack jawed yokel like she did.

She had to have been terrified, but she fought with everything in her and nearly did him in.

Maybe some nice fella in Angola will finish what brave Mickey started.....

I feel the need to share with you all the reason for my choice of name - I am a mama of course - but the cat part has nothing to do with my love of cats - and everything to do with the idea of cats having nine lives. I feel truly lucky to be alive, having survived two car accidents, a stalker who tried to coax me into his car, after following me home (I was only 17, had no car and was on foot), and the worst thing of all: being raped at knife-point by a man I was on a second date with, when I was 18. I am ashamed to say that I never went to the police about it or told my parents or friends. I went through a very introverted couple of years after that, and then I slowly gained confidence and trust and was able to fall in love and get married and raise a family. I did not put up a brave fight like Mighty Mickey for fear that I would be horribly wounded or scarred or even murdered by my rapist. I was a coward and God knows if this man went on to victimize more women. I don't know because I moved far away and blotted out the past so well, that to this day I cannot even remember his name, but will never forget that night of total fear. I believe I survived because of prayer, but also because I pretended to really like him and even made plans to see him again, which of course, never materialized. I'd just like to make it clear that back in the days when this happened to me, many women were fearful of going to the police because they were treated very insensitively. Times have changed but the sense of shame still remains often with the victim and that is, of course, wrong. The only shame I feel at this point is that I didn't prevent others from being his victims. I wish I'd had Mickey's courage, but I survived the only way I knew how. I'm sure that if I'd grabbed the knife, I would not be contributing to this website right now. :twocents:
I just wanted to say that I understand. By the age of 18 I had been raped four different times, sexually abused for years,and physically abused. The pattern of physical abuse did not stop until about 8 years ago, when I met a wonderful man to whom I'm now married. In most of those instances I did not fight back either. And in the sexual abuse, I blocked it out completely , only to remember after the first rape. Because we didn't fight does not make us cowards. It's called self preservation . And I only shared this to let you know that you are not alone in this. I'm sure many women on this site have similar stories. But we are alive, that is the most important thing.
I believe he added the second knife attack, as well. I think that he did assault her, or attempted to.

He said he wanted to come clean after he saw Charlene on television...Bull. He wanted to be in jail because there are more victims, they will find them and he will say "But I was in jail!". Jailtime is nothing more than a calculated move on his part. Not only does he not get the death penalty, but also if he's found guilty in other crimes, he stays here.

And he also wrote a statement to the Shunick family and "welcomed" them to talk with him? He may only want to admit to Charlene his crimes just to see her squirm.

I wouldn't be surprised at this point.

If there was a second attack, I think that it would be because he tried to sexually assault her.

I am not certain what made him confess but one thing for sure Charlene's messages were so POWERFUL through all of this and I can understand why someone would want to ease her pain. What a class act she is! Zack as well in his quietness is quite a man, being there for his parents to lean on and keep the calm going. There always needs to be someone to just keep it calm and obviously as his Mom said he was there to catch her. I have so much admiration for this family. God bless them!
She may have been afraid of him or she may have believed his story.
I am sure she was in a difficult spot.
Still....filing a false police report is illegal for a reason.

Could you please provide a link to the statement that she filed a false police report? I am unaware of this happening.
I agree with you, she helped with the prosecution and that had to be difficult.
The story just bothers me. She knows his past, he was just mugged and needs to burn his truck because someone he loaned it to used it in gun running. Bsl must be very persuasive. She absolutely did the right thing when she knew what had happened. I just believe that it is wrong to give him a ride after he burns his truck.

I really hope with your zero tolerance policy that if something happens to someone that you care about there are enough witnesses available without sin and not wishing to exercise their 5th amendment rights to offer enough evidence that they may also receive justice.
I also wonder if she might have been a bit afraid of him. Here comes your half brother, into your life, and he ends up being a felon and kind of a scary guy. So maybe you try and be there for him as best you can, to avoid getting on his bad side, especially if you have kids at home. [ I have a scary relative that I used to be nice to out of fear.]

BSL had interactions with his bio family from his teens. There was a long relationship with the family. He did not treat any of them like he did Mighty Mick or Lisa Pate.
He had a VERY large family spanning 3 states with many cousins, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, etc.
The only one in his family that I am aware of, both bio and adoptive, that shunned him was his bio mom.
It was only a little over a year ago that I found out he was a RSO. I made him mad by telling him he could no longer visit my house. I have young adoptive children myself, and it would not have been acceptable according to the law.
Not only does Angola do the rodeos...they also have an Angola prison band. When I was younger and lived in la, we use to go to the fair and there was always one night where the Angola band played. It was always a huge event. They were very good. It was always strange listening to beautiful music and seeing tons of guards everywhere. Anyway, you can look on youtube. There are a few videos posted.

'And you don't wanna mess around with the Mighty Mick'!
'Cause she don't take no BS and she carries a big stick'..

[ame=""]ANGOLA PRISON BAND PART 3 FINAL SONG.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
I wonder if they were able to determine that he called escort services from his cell phone records, or if he volunteered that information? Again, a small detail that has little bearing in the grand scheme of things. I guess I just wonder if it was phone records and if that report also had his pings. I hope they had pings, call details, and onstar report that would validate his confession. Surely LE would be armed with this info before allowing a plea deal?

It said phone records showed that he had been calling escort services that entire night before seeing Mickey.
Could you please provide a link to the statement that she filed a false police report? I am unaware of this happening.

Garry, I'm so sorry what you woke up seeing this morning and reading on here. I think some let their thoughts about new info in this case get out of hand.

I for one,try to put myself in others shoes...and I can only imagine how hard it must be for anyone that has ties with Brandon. He hurt his family too.
Yes, Her testimony was key. I am greatfull to her for that. And I am sorry that she has had to go thru this. I never implied that she filed a false report. If you read back over my posts I think you will see that I think she made some bad choices and probably had good reason to make those choices.

Actually you did. I just quoted it a few minutes ago and asked you to provide a link for where you got your information from. I am still anxiously awaiting your response.
Garry, I'm so sorry what you woke up seeing this morning and reading on here. I think some let their thoughts about new info in this case get out of hand.

I for one,try to put myself in others shoes...and I can only imagine how hard it must be for anyone that has ties with Brandon. He hurt his family too.

I apologize too Garryb. Please do not think that all of Websleuths thinks this way. Only one or 2 people were talking about your relative in this manner. And it's rather ridiculous.
Unfortunately, it seems apparent that she had far more love for him than he did for her. She was just someone else he could use, imo. It really does make one wonder if he was capable of loving anyone. JMO

And that is exactly what we have been telling her. If he loved her like she loved him, he would never have brought this to her and her families doorstep. She is still working through it...
I believe he added the second knife attack, as well. I think that he did assault her, or attempted to.

He said he wanted to come clean after he saw Charlene on television...Bull. He wanted to be in jail because there are more victims, they will find them and he will say "But I was in jail!". Jailtime is nothing more than a calculated move on his part. Not only does he not get the death penalty, but also if he's found guilty in other crimes, he stays here.

And he also wrote a statement to the Shunick family and "welcomed" them to talk with him? He may only want to admit to Charlene his crimes just to see her squirm.

I wouldn't be surprised at this point.

If there was a second attack, I think that it would be because he tried to sexually assault her.

I agree with you, she helped with the prosecution and that had to be difficult.
The story just bothers me. She knows his past, he was just mugged and needs to burn his truck because someone he loaned it to used it in gun running. Bsl must be very persuasive. She absolutely did the right thing when she knew what had happened. I just believe that it is wrong to give him a ride after he burns his truck.

I really hope with your zero tolerance policy that if something happens to someone that you care about there are enough witnesses available without sin and not wishing to exercise their 5th amendment rights to offer enough evidence that they may also receive justice.

Garry I am SO VERY SORRY that you are having to deal with this issue of charges being brought in. All I see is a sister who loved her brother very much and the only thing she was SCARED of was seeing her brother going back to jail for something he didn't do. I also can she where she may have believed that he was telling the truth about the previous charge being consentual. I have three living brothers and I would in most cases believe their stories IMO it is human nature to not want to believe they are capable of wrong doing. Poor baby she has so much more to deal with than this. I pray that she isn't aware that this was even brought up. Again I so appreciate all of your input.
Next time you see her please give her a big HUG and tell her thank you.
Lera, I think you are right about us sort of being catapulted through a whole range of emotions by the (relatively speaking) rapid movement of this case. And when you think of it, first we had that long "dry" spell, when LE was saying little, Mickey had not been found, there was little to do but speculate and talk about the DWT, etc. -- then, wham, so much happened so quickly. And such sadness, relief, anger, near-disbelief -- all mingling. No wonder a lot of us have been maybe a wee bit "touchy" (or so it seems to me), me included.

I was thinking just last night as I went to sleep about how the Shunicks might feel, with the resolution, if you want to call it that, coming quickly. I know they must be reeling -- it must still seem almost surreal that Mickey is gone, and yet here is her confessed killer already in prison for life.

Brandon's family has also been plunged through a rapid-speed nightmare, I feel. I can't imagine how they are coping, either.

For the Pate family -- well, it's different. Sure can't say it all came quickly -- but the events of recent weeks have. I'm sure some part-healed wounds were opened for them -- but now maybe any future healing can be more real and complete.

I don't necessarily feel the "we've not gotten the real truth" thing -- but I do find myself with lots of questions. The answers to some of them are probably not a bit of my business -- but sometimes, when I have become so emotionally invested in a case, I feel an intense desire to know.

This is only the second case I've followed really tightly on WS (my 2006 join date is deceptive -- I've really only been active on WS for a little more than a year); the other is still pending trial. But I have less intensely followed a couple of others that "resolved" quickly, with some real shockers -- and they, too, were jarring.

RE: Lera, I think you are right about us sort of being catapulted through a whole range of emotions by the (relatively speaking) rapid movement of this case. And when you think of it, first we had that long "dry" spell, when LE was saying little,

'Mickey had not been found, there was little to do but speculate and talk about the DWT', etc.

"And who would have thought that the DWT would have held many of the answers that helped Investigators mend the shattered vase?

Ironically, another DWT may be the missing char to mend another shattered vase hundreds of miles away in Spring, TX; Alexandria Joy Lowitzer "Ali" ...

'The average life on earth is short, very, very short compared to eternity'
I am so sorry to hear what your family is going through. I don't know if anyone has asked but how is his other sister doing? Just wondering if you would mind telling what story was given to your family by Brandon as to how he got his injuries? And also, at some point it was said on here that he attempted to build a relationship with his mother but he was rejected. If you don't feel comfortable about answering these questions I will totally understand. I just want to thank you and Garry for providing so much information to us as I believe we won't receive much more information on the other facts. Thanks again and tell her to hold her head up high and stand proud she did do the right thing for Mickey. I know her heart is torn. Well wishes to all.

To the overwhelming majority of you expressing your warm and kind thoughts for my family, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am thankful every day for the entire WS community for their support for bringing the Mighty Mick home and finally some justice for Lisa.
I don't have first hand knowledge of his contact with his mother, but he said he wanted to meet her and she refused. He WAS terribly upset. Having said that, I refuse to acknowledge that she is any way responsible for his actions.
The story we got was that he was mugged on Bourbon Street. He sent pictures to my daughter. He was pretty cut up and had scratches all over his arms. Some of the descriptions I have read her stated "blood smeared" and I think that paints a false picture. He did have some blood dried blood, etc, but it wasn't some sadistic type of thing where he had smeared blood all over himself....
The other 1/2 sister had actually lived over there for awhile and saw him daily. Actually one of the vehicles in his yard is hers. He was supposed to fix it for her when he came back, but we know how that ended. She is now scared to death and has gone into hiding. Not sure what she is going to do about the vehicle now...
Both of the girls are very strong women. In time I'm sure they will be fine. Thank you very much for your concern.
The only one in his family that I am aware of, both bio and adoptive, that shunned him was his bio mom.
I'm neither excusing nor laying blame. I simply couldn't scroll on by without noting the power of that statement.
I was somewhat aware of the situation, but reading it now jolted me like the thunder roaring above my house.
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