Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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I just wanted to say that I understand. By the age of 18 I had been raped four different times, sexually abused for years,and physically abused. The pattern of physical abuse did not stop until about 8 years ago, when I met a wonderful man to whom I'm now married. In most of those instances I did not fight back either. And in the sexual abuse, I blocked it out completely , only to remember after the first rape. Because we didn't fight does not make us cowards. It's called self preservation . And I only shared this to let you know that you are not alone in this. I'm sure many women on this site have similar stories. But we are alive, that is the most important thing.

Wow! Thank you daichab - Self preservation is right! You and I chose to preserve our lives (like many other women). Like me, you met a wonderful man because he is exactly who you deserve to be with. Good will always prevail, even in the worst of cases. Love and happiness outshine all the darkest incidents of the past - in the same way that the loving (and fighting) spirit of Mickey Shunick outshines the evil that was done to her that night. We preserved our lives by acquiescing. Mickey fought to preserve hers by fighting back, and although she died, she succeeded in preserving the lives of many more women. What a true heroine - I doubt Acadiana will ever forget her - and I'm hoping a memorial statue will be placed in Lafayette to honor her memory :rose:
HouDat, did you post the comment or the reply?

Bumping from prior thread-Archives

Island hopper said:
I want to say one last thing before I start wrapping up my discussions in this forum. A very close family member of mine was a serial killer. I have very rarely discussed it with anyone in my personal life and never in public. Even my closest friends have no idea. It is what led me to an interest in helping to 'investigate' abduction/murder cases and to seek closure for the families. And what has led me into my career which is within the Federal side of law enforcement...primarily the protection of high level celebrities but other things also.

I, more than just about anyone, know how a predator thinks. I was lucky enough to be that one person they had to tell, to hear the 'confessions', details, the pretty stuff because I was a child and thought not to tell. And I didn't, still haven't, probably never will. I was never abused or threatened. It was a different kind of life but not necessarily a bad one.

I have spent a lot of sleepless nights going through the details in my head and thinking about the victims and their families and if they ever had closure.

I remember how detailed it would be, where the weapon was buried, where the body was placed, why it was their fault this happened to them. All matter of factly. Then there were the police investigations and the searches. The neighborhood gossip.

And family members. It ripped their hearts out that someone they brought into is world could be capable of such horrible things. There were days of denial, days of crying and days of praying. I don't think you stop loving the person but you can hate the things they did more.

Unless you have been in the mind of a predator, you can guess and speculate all you want but you will never know why they do the things they do. And trust me, the truth IS actually stranger than fiction. Nothing is impossible. Nothing.

It's the hunt, the thrill of the chase, the impulse that cannot be controlled, the high of the moment. During this time anything is possible. Thinking isn't clear or logical. It all happens very quickly. Then it's like letting the air out of the balloon. Then it is backtracking and trying to peice together what just happened and did you make any mistakes. Then it's covering your tracks, being invisible. This is the phase when they can live in the moment a little, maybe fantasize about it. There is not regret or remorse. But maybe a little excitement again and they just have to tell someone. This is not my opinion, it is fact.

Houdat said:
What an incredible, harrowing recount. And thank you for sharing it here. I'm sure it's presented some challenges at times (or at least I would think it would...I know it would, for me) with nightmares, etc. But kudos for using those experiences as motivation for career pursuits. Have you ever considered writing a book? Even a loose fiction recounting of it all?

Island hopper said:
You cannot close your mind to something because it doesn't make sense to you. Much of reality does not make sense.

And you can't turn the 'maybe's, 'what ifs', 'we think's, into a fact. A fact is a clear cut statement determined by the process of evaluation, direct testimony or observation, in which there is no question into it's validity. It is not open to interpretation.

Case closed? I don't think so.

Houdat said:
I used "case closed" earlier to address the recurring notion that there was an incident, critical to this case, captured in the two stills of the LCG/Circle K scene which was released by LE.

I think we have to close the case on this notion that the stills which we were presented by LE depict MS being involved in a truck-bike (non-)accident in front of the Circle K. Don't you?
That was originally posted by IslandHopper 7/8/12 at 2:23am, HouDat responded:
[ame=""]LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #33 - Page 68 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
FYI- Just thought the origin & purpose interesting-

Penitentiary History
[ame=""]Eastern State Penitentiary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Designed by John Haviland and opened on October 25, 1829, Eastern State(PA) is considered to be the world's first true penitentiary, despite the fact that the Walnut Street Jail, which opened in 1776, was called a "penitentiary" as early as 1790 . The word "penitentiary" derives from the word "penitence."

give me a minute- I will add quote tags.
But this is a good time to point out it is really critical that everyone use quote tags when quoting and/or also repair their own broken quotes when they happen and/or not carry a broken quote when they occur so that there is no confusion as to who said what to whom.

I have to admire her for trying to help find missing people, but I wish she would get her facts straight, <mod snip> I think we all agree that Brandon Scott Lavergne is still being investigated in other cases and is not immune from further prosecution.

I totally disagree with this quote from Missing Persons of America:

"Any bargaining chips the police had left, disappeared when Lavergne signed that deposition, so there is no motivation left for Lavergne to ever say another word his entire life. And a conscience that would make an ordinary man talk, we already know Lavergne doesn't possess. And while he sleeps soundly in jail, knowing that he never has to face capital judgement, the family of the missing pine for their lost loved ones. Just doesn't seem fair."

If anyone can change BSL for the better through the Lord I believe it will be Warden Burl Cain! God definitely works through this man.

ITA. There's an excellent online article about Angola Prison and the warden, Burl Cain. He sounds like an amazing person! It was stated by an inmate that Cain rules with a Bible in one hand and a sword in the other. If you misbehave, he drops the Bible. An excerpt from the article is below ..

Cain's first execution, he told the Baptist Press, was done strictly by the book. "There was a psshpssh from the machine, and then he was gone," Cain recalled. "I felt him go to hell as I held his hand. Then the thought came over me: I just killed that man. I said nothing to him about his soul. I didn't give him a chance to get right with God. What does God think of me? I decided that night I would never again put someone to death without telling him about his soul and about Jesus."
Especially since BSL, was scaming her with the weapons running ruse. Which, although a lie/ruse/con, the weapons trafficking is also a very serious felony to involve her in...


It is all about 'Narcissist Brandon'...
The Christian ruse that BS Lavergne, used is reminiscent of the scene in the Longest Yard movie where Burt Reynolds attempted suicide by swimming out to the middle of a lake with intentions of drowning. Once there, he changed his mind & began swimming back. Exhausted, he began making deal$ with God, and promised him the moon. The closer he got to shore, he would lower the amount. Once his feet touched the bottom, he said, "God, you should have accepted my offer when you had the chance"..

By Mayo Clinic staff

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings.

But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

True all of that, but has he been officially diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder? I mean, if we're not going to take it as gospel that Mickey was raped because there is no proof of that, then why are we taking it as gospel that BL has narcissistic personality disorder? All of that is as much speculation as anything else. Until we see a psychiatric report, we need not put out all of these diagnoses as fact. MOO
True all of that, but has he been officially diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder? I mean, if we're not going to take it as gospel that Mickey was raped because there is no proof of that, then why are we taking it as gospel that BL has narcissistic personality disorder? All of that is as much speculation as anything else. Until we see a psychiatric report, we need not put out all of these diagnoses as fact. MOO

Based on known info, BSL's personality traits seem obvious to me, MamaRoux. This is a forum, not a court of law; a platform for respectful discussion, debate, theories, opinions, etc..
The linked article on narcissistic personality disorder was multifaceted; to provide info as to how I came to this conclusion, and a fyi for others to agree or disagree.
I really hope with your zero tolerance policy that if something happens to someone that you care about there are enough witnesses available without sin and not wishing to exercise their 5th amendment rights to offer enough evidence that they may also receive justice.

Amen sir! Like I always say, THERE, BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I.
Based on known info, BSL's personality traits seem obvious to me, MamaRoux. This is a forum, not a court of law; a platform for respectful discussion, debate, theories, opinions, etc..
The linked article on narcissistic personality disorder was multifaceted; to provide info as to how I came to this conclusion, and a fyi for others to agree or disagree.

Take it easy Ff. No harm no foul. I was just stating a fact. I have the utmost respect for you, and your opinions:seeya:.
Serial killer Caroll Edward Cole told the jury, "I've been killing her through them"..referring to his Mother and his innocent victims..
I do have some compassion for him when I think about how he must feel inside about when it comes to his birth mother and maybe even his birth father. But I don't feel sorry his way of dealing with his pent up anger. I think Brandon has some serious emotional issues that he may have always felt to macho to want to face in a constructive way. I think a lot of
of his actions stems from him feeling unloved,not wanted from his birth Mom and in turn he hates himself. JMO...
Amen sir! Like I always say, THERE, BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I.

Thanx for the kind words, MamaRoux. Your quote reminded me of NYFD Chaplan/1st recorded victim of 09/11/2001; Father Mychal Judge's quote/prayer:

Lord, take me where You want me to go, let me meet who You want me to meet,
tell me what You want me to say, and...Keep me out of Your way.
~ Father Mychal Judge ~ was a Franciscan Friar - St Franci of Assisi

PHOTO From GROUND ZERO 09/11/2001
Try searching Amazon videos, or movies ... I don't know what one (discovery channel or nat geo) but I know there is a large selection there. I'll go find link and post.

I read a great book some years ago called "God Of The Rodeo," about Angola. Enjoyed it a lot.

Publication Date: October 5, 1999
Never before had Daniel Bergner seen a spectacle as bizarre as the one he had come to watch that Sunday in October. Murderers, rapists, and armed robbers were competing in the annual rodeo at Angola, the grim maximum-security penitentiary in Louisiana. The convicts, sentenced to life without parole, were thrown, trampled, and gored by bucking bulls and broncos before thousands of cheering spectators. But amid the brutality of this gladiatorial spectacle Bergner caught surprising glimpses of exaltation, hints of triumphant skill.

The incongruity of seeing hope where one would expect only hopelessness, self-control in men who were there because they'd had none, sparked an urgent quest in him. Having gained unlimited and unmonitored access, Bergner spent an unflinching year inside the harsh world of Angola. He forged relationships with seven prisoners who left an indelible impression on him. There's Johnny Brooks, seemingly a latter-day Stepin Fetchit, who, while washing the warden's car, longs to be a cowboy and to marry a woman he meets on the rodeo grounds. Then there's Danny Fabre, locked up for viciously beating a woman to death, now struggling to bring his reading skills up to a sixth-grade level. And Terry Hawkins, haunted nightly by the ghost of his victim, a ghost he tries in vain to exorcise in a prison church that echoes with the cries of convicts talking in tongues.

Looming front and center is Warden Burl Cain, the larger-than-life ruler of Angola who quotes both Jesus and Attila the Hun, declares himself a prophet, and declaims that redemption is possible for even the most depraved criminal. Cain welcomes Bergner in, and so begins a journey that takes the author deep into a forgotten world and forces him to question his most closely held beliefs. The climax of his story is as unexpected as it is wrenching.
True all of that, but has he been officially diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder? I mean, if we're not going to take it as gospel that Mickey was raped because there is no proof of that, then why are we taking it as gospel that BL has narcissistic personality disorder? All of that is as much speculation as anything else. Until we see a psychiatric report, we need not put out all of these diagnoses as fact. MOO

Not making a diagnosis but stating my opinion- to me BSL has many antisocial traits.
Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be callous, cynical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They may have an inflated and arrogant self-appraisal (e.g., feel that ordinary work is beneath them or lack a realistic concern about their current problems or their future) and may be excessively opinionated, self-assured, or cocky. They may display a glib, superficial charm and can be quite voluble and verbally facile (e.g., using technical terms or jargon that might impress someone who is unfamiliar with the topic). Lack of empathy, inflated self-appraisal, and superficial charm are features that have been commonly included in traditional conceptions of psychopathy and may be particularly distinguishing of Antisocial Personality Disorder in prison or forensic settings where criminal, delinquent, or aggressive acts are likely to be nonspecific. These individuals may also be irresponsible and exploitative in Sexual relationships.

The man obviously has something wrong with him. Normal people
don't go around killing people! I don't think anyone is trying to diagnose him but they are pointing out obvious traits that he has. Speculating like much of this thread has been.
This of course is my opinion only and may differ from everyone else's. :)

Some of you posters are being really hard on me. I don't think I came down on the sister that hard. I never implied that I have a zero tolerance policy. I gave her the credit she deserves, several times I said I was grateful for her help. I just said she made a bad choice and trusted the wrong guy. Then I said she did the right thing in the end. I also said that I am sure she had reasons to help him.
How is that so harsh?
I am sorry for upsetting Garryb's and his wife. They have been thru a lot and don't need any more stress. I should have not posted my reaction but I do not think I was overly hard on her.
I do have some compassion for him when I think about how he must feel inside about when it comes to his birth mother and maybe even his birth father. But I don't feel sorry his way of dealing with his pent up anger. I think Brandon has some serious emotional issues that he may have always felt to macho to want to face in a constructive way. I think a lot of
of his actions stems from him feeling unloved,not wanted from his birth Mom and in turn he hates himself. JMO...

You and my wife think a lot alike. I hold BSL responsible for his actions and we have discussed allot about whether the rejection has a major part in what he did. I don't want to give him the luxury of laying off any part of blame to anyone other than himself. There are lots of people that are rejected, adopted or otherwise, and they don't kill people and dig graves.
Having said all that, Foxfire asked if I remembered the date of when BSL blew up, she told me it came to a head between them Feb. this year. He was trying to add one of his FB profiles to her FB page and she turned it down telling him, among other things, his RSO status was a problem. I thought RSO's weren't even supposed to have a FB page, he had several...
He has been involved with his bio family over 16 years. He was welcomed into the family with open arms, and he had a problem with just one. His bio mother refused all those years to have anything at all to do with him and then finally requested to add him to her friends on FB on Feb 18th of this year. After she added him she barely had any conversation with him.
I thought one of his messages to her was kind of telling, and I will post it verbatim.

"I have some love for my mom only because she is my mom but I know she is a snake and I don't trust her at all."

So it did bother him, but I will not allow him to use that for an excuse for murder. Pity, maybe...
Do you know if Brandon was really familiar with computers? I know you said he had several facebook pages, so he must have been on the computer quite a bit
BSL had interactions with his bio family from his teens. There was a long relationship with the family. He did not treat any of them like he did Mighty Mick or Lisa Pate.
He had a VERY large family spanning 3 states with many cousins, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, etc.
The only one in his family that I am aware of, both bio and adoptive, that shunned him was his bio mom.
It was only a little over a year ago that I found out he was a RSO. I made him mad by telling him he could no longer visit my house. I have young adoptive children myself, and it would not have been acceptable according to the law.

This breaks my heart for BSL. He's done evil things granted but the pain he must have felt from this was pretty awful.
Our child is adopted. At one point this child went through a pretty difficult time and was sent to a private school for teens with problems. My husband and I went there for family weekend. Turned out that 85% of the kids going through the school had been adopted. It was explained to us that it was not because of anything we did or because there was something wrong with our children. No matter how much love these children are shown, they still feel abandoned by their birth parents, especially their birth mothers. There was some thought at one point that our child may have borderline personality disorder. As I posted somewhere back, I'm an insatiable reader and when presented with a problem, I'm like the dog with the bone- I'll dig until I find the answers. As I researched, I found Dr. Blaise A. Aguirre, a psychiatrist who deals exclusively with adolescents and BPD. Again a fairly large percentage of adopted children present with BPD not because of the adoption but because of the abandonment issue. Teenagers as we know go through a roller coaster of emotions-sometimes on an hourly basis. It's all about finding out who we are and what our place is in the world. It makes me sad for BSL that on top of all the adolescent confusion, he felt abandoned by his birth mother already and then she rejected him. Sounds to me like she might have issues. Did she blame him for her breakup with the married lover?
For us, the story turned out happily. Our child does not have BPD, has finished high school, and is ready to begin college. It was a long road that love, support, and God got us through.
Again, I am not excusing anything BSL did. There is so much help out there for people who want it. It's a choice as are most things in life.
maybe if we knew his screen names he used we could sleuth them to see if he visited any other sites and maybe can find a connection to locations he has been or other victims? I defer to the season'ed posters because well, it appears what I say is laughable.
Some of you posters are being really hard on me. I don't think I came down on the sister that hard. I never implied that I have a zero tolerance policy. I gave her the credit she deserves, several times I said I was grateful for her help. I just said she made a bad choice and trusted the wrong guy. Then I said she did the right thing in the end. I also said that I am sure she had reasons to help him.
How is that so harsh?
I am sorry for upsetting Garryb's and his wife. They have been thru a lot and don't need any more stress. I should have not posted my reaction but I do not think I was overly hard on her.
Yes you did say you were grateful. I guess what struck me is that several of your posts read like "I am grateful, BUT...", "she was key, BUT...". Of course that is not word for word, and i certainly am not trying to offend anyone here. I just personally feel that the big picture is more important, that's all. The conviction of BSL and the locating of Mickey's body is far more important than if she helped him in covering up the burning of the truck. Especially since we know he played her like a violin with that story. Everyone's emotions have been running high since day one, and sometimes posts can be taken out of context for that reason. I'm sorry i was harsh in my response, but i do feel like whatever involvement she had with the truck and giving him a ride to the car rental place is minor compared to how she helped bring him down.
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