Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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West of LFT towards Lake Charles, lots, lots, rain, still raining. Have to power up wet vac tomorrow. gust to @ 30..power out 2min.
Just as LE predicted.
Everything fine in Breaux Bridge....didn't even lose power.....just a few leaves on the ground. Anyone need help, generator, etc...just yell..........
So good to hear so far everyone came through relatively unscathed.
For all my newfound friends in the Gulf Coast area...I know that the past three months have been heartwrenching for all of you. I have watched you turn out in throngs to search for a young woman whom most of you never even knew. I have watched you leave no stone unturned here, looking for answers that would bring her home and hold the one responsible accountable. I have seen and shared your tears when she was found. And now I watch the news and see the wrath of Isaac that is affecting so many of you, and your loved ones, right now. As I, and so many other "non-locals" here, have drawn strength from you all over these months, I hope that you can feel the prayers and love we are sending you...]

Yep yep... now we need to see who is back so we can worry about you if you haven't checked in yet (we are sleuthers, afterall.)

Please click "thanks" button to check in so we know you are ok.
Hello WS Friends!!

We did well in CP, a good breeze and not too much rain. We never lost power and my husband went to work yesterday. I hope everyone to the East of us is doing well today. It was rough in BR, where my inlaws live, but they are fine today.
We just got back from Lackland AFB, Sunday night. Our son graduated Basic, and will be staying in SanAntonio for Tech school. He is in Security Forces, and loves it. Can I say Proud AF Parents. :smile:

I will be hanging around to help out with present and future cases.

A house on the news in Lafayette this morning.
God bless all that has damage from this storm.
CF, I hope all is well with you.


  • Isaac house in Lafayette.jpg
    Isaac house in Lafayette.jpg
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There is an article in The Daily Advertiser today by Jim Craft thanking everyone that helped in the Mickey Schunick case. My Internet is down and I'm new to the I Pad and don't know how to copy and paste yet.
Damage from Isaac in and around Lafayette from what we know and see is minimal.

Our DIL's niece lost everything including her car due to flooding in LaPlace, La. LaPlace is near New Orleans. She does not have flood insurance. Her home is not in a flood zone. She is also a single mother.

There is an article in The Daily Advertiser today by Jim Craft thanking everyone that helped in the Mickey Schunick case. My Internet is down and I'm new to the I Pad and don't know how to copy and paste yet.

Here's the link:|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s

Part of the article:

"What stands out the most in this case is the way it galvanized our community. Hundreds of volunteers who either searched, donated services, or furnished supplies did so without hesitation and without compensation. Those efforts say so much about Lafayette and the Acadiana area. For example, private businesses donated services in equipment and man-hours totaling over $60,000.

The most amazing part of this investigation was the coming together and organization of all of the citizen volunteers and search groups that looked for Mickey. In my 35-plus years of service as a police officer, I have never witnessed such a large-scale operation to locate a missing person."
My favorite part:

"A dangerous monster has been removed from society..."

Well said, Chief Craft. Bravo, sir.
[ame=""]In Memory of Mickey Shunick - YouTube[/ame]
My favorite part:

"A dangerous monster has been removed from society..."

Well said, Chief Craft. Bravo, sir.

From stranger abduction, without a clue to who, what, why, where, to , investigation, identification, arrest, plea negotiation/prosecution, conviction, sentencing LWOP, and Mickey Shunick's remains recovered. All within 90 days due a textbook investigation by LPD, with excellent media management by their PIO, resulting in two critical public tips due to an aware public...

Sexual Predators are recidivist, Mickey Shunick's abductor/murder serial killer BS Lavergne, is now being investigated for multiple victims in LA and other States. Lisa Pate 1999(LA), another murder victim of BSL's was also brought to Justice due to the Mickey Shunick investigation.

Amazing, as to what can be accomplished when communities, law enforcement, and the justice system come together as one, communicate, contribute, and work for the same unified goal..

RN2MOM, Read all the Comments to the above linked article: Vehicle may tie Lavergne to Texas case

Reply to: The Daily Advertiser

"This is why I am concerned by the Judge sealing the investigative info/evidence". If BS Lavergne abducted other innocent victims while supposedly incarcerated (2006-2008).

Will investigators, disregard this possible 2 year window of opportunity of BSL's and any possible victims?

Would this info ever be released to the public? 'Prolly not, imo'..
Deja vu Kenneth McDuff TX...
RN2MOM, Read all the Comments to the above linked article: Vehicle may tie Lavergne to Texas case

Reply to: The Daily Advertiser

"This is why I am concerned by the Judge sealing the investigative info/evidence". If BS Lavergne abducted other innocent victims while supposedly incarcerated (2006-2008).

Will investigators, disregard this possible 2 year window of opportunity of BSL's and any possible victims?

Would this info ever be released to the public? 'Prolly not, imo'..
Deja vu Kenneth McDuff TX...

Like I said...I totally agree. They should put it out there for those who care to HELP.
I am new to Websleuths but have been following daily since Mickey went missing. I have been amazed by the dedication and genuine concern each of you have. A few years ago I sat on a jury for a little girl who was 13 and lived off the streets basically. From what I recall her mother was in jail and this child prostituted herself for drugs, food etc. These two men brutally beat and raped her repeatedly, then left her in the woods behind some apartments here in Lafayette. Coroner said it took days for her to die. Needless to say the case was a horrible thing to sit through and what I left with following that trial was a saddness for her. The entire trial there was no one there for the girl.....and this vile horrific man sat there with family and friends supporting him. I don't remember him. I remember her! I remember and think of what could have been for that little girl. Would she have been the next Oprah? If given half a chance, what could she have been?
Since I have been reading the posts and following you all over this last few months, I have realized that we truly are not conformed by this world but renewed in mind to prove what IS that which is good, acceptable and the perfect will of God.
I know that those whose lives have been taken will be judged and the best part is they(victims) get to stand with Jesus for these murderers' judgement and then they will see what true power and justice is. Until then, I join you sleuthers to help find and bring these children give them someone......someone to fight for them...even if not seen.
God bless you all!
Ok. I am going to get slammed for what I'm about to ponder out loud. But if there is any online forum that I would EVER post what I'm about to, it's here --because you all are pretty calm and collected and know how to "toss ideas around" without freaking out. So I'm just tossing this out there. PLEASE understand that this is not my opinion, but something I've wondered about ever since I've been a mother. Do you think that putting children in daycares from infancy then into school then after school care etc etc could be psychologically damaging SOME of them. I KNOW that some people have no choice. I'm just wondering because I have a couple of friends that put their babies in at 7am and don't get them until 6pm. That's a LONG time to be away from their mothers 5 days a week. Their older school aged children go to before care at school, then school, then are bused to an aftercare at a daycare. In nature, with most mammals, it is not normal for babies to be away from their mothers for such long periods of time. Again, I am NOT judging. I'm just wondering if this could be negatively affecting the psychological development of SOME of these children that are away from their mothers.

Personally, I am a ninny and am on the other end of the spectrum and rarely leave my babies until they are fully weaned around 2 years old, and trust me, I get lots of snickering from friends and family about that. Thus, I try my hardest not to judge other mothers and their breastfeeding, daycare, etc decisions.

So, I'm not judging,. I'm just looking at what is natural for a mammal, and wondering about extended long term daycare.

I think you're thinking of the research that describes the mother-infant relationships and the kinds of attachment disorders that result from it. Those studies then go on to describe how the attachment disorders affect the child's cognitive, social and emotional capabilities.

Here's some of the text referring to the child's behavior:

Each individual's ability to form and maintain relationships using this "emotional glue" is different. Some people seem "naturally" capable of loving. They form numerous intimate and caring relationships and, in doing so, get pleasure. Others are not so lucky. They feel no "pull" to form intimate relationships, find little pleasure in being with or close to others. They have few, if any, friends, and more distant, less emotional glue with family. In extreme cases an individual may have no intact emotional bond to any other person. They are self-absorbed, aloof, or may even present with classic neuropsychiatric signs of being schizoid or autistic.

The capacity and desire to form emotional relationships is related to the organization and functioning of specific parts of the human brain. Just as the brain allows us to see, smell, taste, think, talk, and move, it is the organ that allows us to love — or not. The systems in the human brain that allow us to form and maintain emotional relationships develop during infancy and the first years of life. Experiences during this early vulnerable period of life are critical to shaping the capacity to form intimate and emotionally healthy relationships. Empathy, caring, sharing, inhibition of aggression, capacity to love, and a host of other characteristics of a healthy, happy, and productive person are related to the core attachment capabilities which are formed in infancy and early childhood.
Like I said...I totally agree. They should put it out there for those who care to HELP.
I am new to Websleuths but have been following daily since Mickey went missing. I have been amazed by the dedication and genuine concern each of you have. A few years ago I sat on a jury for a little girl who was 13 and lived off the streets basically. From what I recall her mother was in jail and this child prostituted herself for drugs, food etc. These two men brutally beat and raped her repeatedly, then left her in the woods behind some apartments here in Lafayette. Coroner said it took days for her to die. Needless to say the case was a horrible thing to sit through and what I left with following that trial was a saddness for her. The entire trial there was no one there for the girl.....and this vile horrific man sat there with family and friends supporting him. I don't remember him. I remember her! I remember and think of what could have been for that little girl. Would she have been the next Oprah? If given half a chance, what could she have been?
God bless you all!

This is so heart wrenching! I know this is ignorant, but while reading your post, I was thinking to myself how such atrocities happen in big cities. My jaw dropped when I read Lafayette. I consider myself to be fairly intuitive and street smart, so I have to think maybe I was just a bit naive, had blinders on or just didn't think Lafayette could harbor so much evilness. I'm so disgusted and pissed!
Safe and sound in NOLA. Power restored at my son's apartment, so we're enjoying a little reprieve here tonight. My house is a hot, wet, soggy mess, but it's still standing. No severe damage, thank you, Lord.

The most frightening moment of the whole ordeal was when a transformer exploded a couple of doors down. I was finally falling asleep about 4-5 am yesterday morning when the house lit up like Close Encounters. The transformer was arcing, and we could hear the horrible hum, hummmm... Eww! Then the pole caught fire and flames were shooting out into the sky. I called 911 twice, but there was nothing they could do. The rain finally put out the fire. Entergy says it could be 3-4 days until power is restored. It will be a test of the mettle to deal with the heat, but it could have been so much worse.

My kitties are not happy. One guy, our Katrina tabby, ran out Monday night and stayed in the garage until this morning. They've hardly eaten, and all three were still huddled in our bed when we left this evening. My little Mi-Mi did venture out and catch a locust today, so that was a good sign. :)
Actually, sorry to say, the eye hasn't even gotten to us yet. Yes, it may turn before it gets here. The east side of the storm is ferocious, but we're going to get a good taste of the west side for sure. Gonna blast us bad here in Laffy sometime after midnight. Isaac's going to whale on us all night and into tomorrow. Just in case Isaac changes course and passes over Lafayette, and we get some of the east side, make sure you don't sleep in a bedroom near a tall tree that's to the south of the room. The hardest winds will be from the south in that case. A lady down the road died during Gustav in '08 when a big tree crushed her bedroom to the ground. I'll be sleeping in the north bedroom tonight. Winds from the north and west won't be as bad if we get the west side of the storm. Safest sleeping place in the house is on the east side, in either case.

Good luck, Isaac has only just begun to affect Lafayette.

Thank you everyone for your good wishes and prayers. We all really appreciate it. :tyou:

Did you make it through the storm ok? It stayed pretty calm here, but I think you are further South and closer to Vermillion Bay which leads to the Gulf. At any rate, hope everyone made out ok!
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