Brandon Scott Lavergne - New Evidence Revealed

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I wish we had more input from his parents for all we know this is just more if his lies.

Verified members here have also said he was abused and had a tough childhood. I don't think it's lies... But it's not an excuse.
Can you believe BSL urinated in his X wifes mouth because he thought she was cheating on him...I would have shot that creep as soon as I had the chance if I was her! That is just sick,sick,sick!

attacking her at her job, urinating in her mouth and making her consume it, sneaking up behind her in the dark and scaring her... he's one lucky SOB she didn't get a gun for protection and shoot his butt. i wish she would have.
Let me point out what I'm getting at for all of you confused ones lol, I'm sorry I wasn't more clear.

Okay, so before Mickey was even found, me and a few other users here discussed this particular picture. However, we didn't discuss it here, because we had/have no idea if it's BSL's.

I'm going to guess it's NOT, because I think we would've heard about it by now.

But I wanted opinions on if anyone sees anything familiar in the hand writing.

Before BSL's journals were released, a while back I asked if anyone had copies of BSL's handwriting, but no one did. Now that there journals are released, I'm asking if people see any similarities. I also asked a long time ago if Brandon was knowledgeable with computers and no one knew. Now with the new info, it seems he was very knowledgeable with words, and computers, something in which that note contains both.

Back story of the note:
(For the 10th time, IM NOT SAYING THAT BELONGS TO BSL CAUSE IT PROBABLY DOESNT. I just want to stress that, because i don't want to be held responsible for anyone saying I said that was him lol Because i have no idea)

About 2 weeks before Mickey went missing, Mickeys sister had that on her instagram, and the caption was that while she was at a bar at 2 a.m., an "admirer" gave her that note. As you can see by the note, it references computer, and the users name is "Brandon". It could have been a coincidence, it's just an oddly eerie one.

The main reason i say it's probably not BSL is because I'm sure Charlene saw whoever gave her this note, and it'd be pretty obvious if it had been him. Unless it was anonymously dropped on her table.

The image i posted comparing a few letters of both letters was somewhat similar, but not all letters match up.
Like I said, hand writings change.

When I read that note, I just found it strange.
"Find girl, Erase girl"
I just thought that's an odd note to give a random girl without scaring her off.
It just seems like something someone like BSL would say.

Erase girl seems similar to murdering.

It then goes onto say "find soulmate. User does not exist"

Kind of like BSL claimed to never be able to find a soul mate because of his hatred towards women.

Just my view.

Psychopaths communicate in riddles, OceanMetTheSky...
I agree. In his confession about Lisa he made it sound as though they were in a hotel, but that couldn't have been the case if he killed her right after she tried to take his keys. I wonder where they were. I wonder if police ever found that out. It does seem as though she didn't get a very in depth investigation no matter how much Higgenbotham insisted he killed Pate.

I was always under the impression it was a home of Lavergne's. When the information about Lisa was first released it said that he and Lisa stayed someone for days and he didn't allow her to leave. He awoke from a nap and saw her taking his keys, presumably to escape, and that's when a fight broke out and he killed her. I don't think she would have had such a problem trying to escape in a hotel room.
Oh yes, I know, that's why thats my interpretation :)

That or either a really, drunk random guy named Brandon that has no affiliation to this haha
I can't pull up the journals on KLFY. I hope someone can post them here. Just the 3 pages I have read made me feel like he was writing to someone- one was obviously his (ex)wife. I believe he was writing expecting for them to be read by many at some point. Maybe not as a book, per se, but like we are reading now, in the aftermath of his violence catching up with him. I don't have any facts or links to back this up, it is just my opinion. I think he knew that he would end up in prison for life eventually- even back then when he was serving his first sentence. The journals are full of excuses about his abuse as a child.
He is definitely way smarter than I ever gave him credit for. He was aware of "others like him" according to his psych evaluation. I am not sure what I think of that statement- I too am aware of "others like him". I have been reading about serial killers and true crime since I was 12-13 years old... But I am aware in a way that searches for truth and for justice, not in a way to learn and long to join the monsters as I feel Brandon was studying them.

ETA: I finally got the journals to open for me on my iPhone. Going read now. I fin it weird that each entry has a title. I journal and never title my entries. I may be wrong but this strengthens my thoughts that he expected this journal to be read one day.

Makes me sick. Makes me not want to read them because I don't want to satisfy him!! I hope anything he writes in prison is not released to anyone but LE. He needs NO attention. I think these are different though because it may have clues to other murders? Still makes me feel bad!
Let me point out what I'm getting at for all of you confused ones lol, I'm sorry I wasn't more clear.

Okay, so before Mickey was even found, me and a few other users here discussed this particular picture. However, we didn't discuss it here, because we had/have no idea if it's BSL's.

I'm going to guess it's NOT, because I think we would've heard about it by now.

But I wanted opinions on if anyone sees anything familiar in the hand writing.

Before BSL's journals were released, a while back I asked if anyone had copies of BSL's handwriting, but no one did. Now that there journals are released, I'm asking if people see any similarities. I also asked a long time ago if Brandon was knowledgeable with computers and no one knew. Now with the new info, it seems he was very knowledgeable with words, and computers, something in which that note contains both.

Back story of the note:
(For the 10th time, IM NOT SAYING THAT BELONGS TO BSL CAUSE IT PROBABLY DOESNT. I just want to stress that, because i don't want to be held responsible for anyone saying I said that was him lol Because i have no idea)

About 2 weeks before Mickey went missing, Mickeys sister had that on her instagram, and the caption was that while she was at a bar at 2 a.m., an "admirer" gave her that note. As you can see by the note, it references computer, and the users name is "Brandon". It could have been a coincidence, it's just an oddly eerie one.

The main reason i say it's probably not BSL is because I'm sure Charlene saw whoever gave her this note, and it'd be pretty obvious if it had been him. Unless it was anonymously dropped on her table.

The image i posted comparing a few letters of both letters was somewhat similar, but not all letters match up.
Like I said, hand writings change.

When I read that note, I just found it strange.
"Find girl, Erase girl"
I just thought that's an odd note to give a random girl without scaring her off.
It just seems like something someone like BSL would say.

Erase girl seems similar to murdering.

It then goes onto say "find soulmate. User does not exist"

Kind of like BSL claimed to never be able to find a soul mate because of his hatred towards women.

Just my view.

I wouldn't put it past him...He's weird like that! Wouldn't be surprised if he stalked mickey or her sister before without them knowing it.
I thought that we learned when Mickey first went missing that she didn't have a smart phone, just a regular cell phone.
Can you check your email with a regular cell phone and that's how he got in to change her password
? If not, I'm really confused about how he'd do this.
(please excuse my lack of knowledge on how different cell phones work. I have a smart phone and I swear it's smarter than I am)

justwannahelp, forensics files was on the tv when I woke up. There was a documentary of 1980s serial killer/sexual predator Robert Parker airing. In my morning haze, I heard them mention that rapist/sk Parker would spread cayenne pepper throughout his victim's apartment after raping & murdering them to render the k9s ineffective.

Due to BSL using cayenne pepper on Mickey's grave
, I researched Parker. Ironically the book; 'Definitive Signature of a Rapist and Murderer', by Robert D. Keppel, William J. Birnes - 2008 - Law, describes the escalation of BS Lavergne and much better than I ever could...

jestwannahelp, 'sadly, there must be darkness present for the light to shine through'...'thankfully good triumphs over evil in the end'..

'Definitive Signature of a Rapist and Murderer'

I don't know if it was in Dallas or Lafayette.
But since her brothers graduation was coming up, and summer had basically began, I wouldn't be surprised if it was in Lafayette.

I do not have a smartphone but I can access my yahoo email. I (think) i have a samsung gravity? (over 4 years old IIRC...)
I think he accessed Mickey's email to retrieve her password and then he changed it on his i phone. ~jmo

Does cayenne also keep "varmants" from digging up a grave? I wonder :waitasec:
My dad uses it to keep male cats from "spraying" in his carport to "mark" their territory... he has 2 male indoor cats and it just got rediculous one year! It has kept the male cats away since then... just wondering.

:what:'Definitive Signature of a Rapist and Murderer'

I would say that instagram is a 'Definitive Signature of a Rapist and Murderer'

did you catch the "EXIT" at the end?

Sure sounds like BSL to me!
AGAIN.... I wonder if the sister was not his intended victim?
He seems to LOVE obsessing over the one thing he claims he hates the most... And that's WOMEN! He loves them so much he hates them It seems like because he he couldn't leave them alone,or be faithful to his girlfriend!
Well, small things like this were really one of the main reasons I thought that Mickey was not as random as everyone else thought.

I still have other reasons for thinking she wasn't random.

But even if that note has no affiliation to BSL, it sure is a weird note.

I always found it weird that Brettlys bike was taken a week before Mickey, and he repeatedly put up missing posters to find the bike. Only to have the bike dumped by a cemetery.

From all the info released though, it would seem I was wrong on thinking he knew mickey or charlene beforehand though.

However, he definitely did stalk/know things about many women that never even knew him, so who knows.
He seems to LOVE obsessing over the one thing he claims he hates the most... And that's WOMEN! He loves them so much he hates them It seems like because he he couldn't leave them alone,or be faithful to his girlfriend!

He does, huh?

I found it weird that BSL planned to meet with his prisoner friend the day he was arrested. They scheduled at planned prison meet up time.

Because from what I've read, he also planned to meet up with the woman who cuts his hair to take her on a date.

I don't know why he'd make both of those plans
It's creepy and with all that we know happened since CS got that note, it definitely feels like it could have been this Brandon. But I agree with Ocean, I doubt it's him.

But it sure is creepy.
Let me point out what I'm getting at for all of you confused ones lol, I'm sorry I wasn't more clear.

Okay, so before Mickey was even found, me and a few other users here discussed this particular picture. However, we didn't discuss it here, because we had/have no idea if it's BSL's.

I'm going to guess it's NOT, because I think we would've heard about it by now.

But I wanted opinions on if anyone sees anything familiar in the hand writing.

Before BSL's journals were released, a while back I asked if anyone had copies of BSL's handwriting, but no one did. Now that there journals are released, I'm asking if people see any similarities. I also asked a long time ago if Brandon was knowledgeable with computers and no one knew. Now with the new info, it seems he was very knowledgeable with words, and computers, something in which that note contains both.

Back story of the note:
(For the 10th time, IM NOT SAYING THAT BELONGS TO BSL CAUSE IT PROBABLY DOESNT. I just want to stress that, because i don't want to be held responsible for anyone saying I said that was him lol Because i have no idea)

About 2 weeks before Mickey went missing, Mickeys sister had that on her instagram, and the caption was that while she was at a bar at 2 a.m., an "admirer" gave her that note. As you can see by the note, it references computer, and the users name is "Brandon". It could have been a coincidence, it's just an oddly eerie one.

The main reason i say it's probably not BSL is because I'm sure Charlene saw whoever gave her this note, and it'd be pretty obvious if it had been him. Unless it was anonymously dropped on her table.

The image i posted comparing a few letters of both letters was somewhat similar, but not all letters match up.
Like I said, hand writings change.

When I read that note, I just found it strange.
"Find girl, Erase girl"
I just thought that's an odd note to give a random girl without scaring her off.
It just seems like something someone like BSL would say.

Erase girl seems similar to murdering.

It then goes onto say "find soulmate. User does not exist"

Kind of like BSL claimed to never be able to find a soul mate because of his hatred towards women.

Just my view.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if BSL tried to write something like that. I haven't read his journal yet. But one of you stated he is grandiose with his words, another stated he's trying to write a song, it really doesn't sound to far off. And what freak at a bar writes some crap like that and gives it to a stranger?? Usually when someone says an "admirer" it's secret and they don't know who it is. I truly hope LE knows about this!! I wonder if Mickey was with her at the bar that night? They look so much the same he really might not have even been able to tell the difference between them! ...If of course it was even him. That is just a major coincidence, almost too big for me to believe it to be one. I'll take a look at the journals and his handwriting and then I'll have a better opinion.
Well, small things like this were really one of the main reasons I thought that Mickey was not as random as everyone else thought.

I still have other reasons for thinking she wasn't random.

But even if that note has no affiliation to BSL, it sure is a weird note.

I always found it weird that Brettlys bike was taken a week before Mickey, and he repeatedly put up missing posters to find the bike. Only to have the bike dumped by a cemetery.

From all the info released though, it would seem I was wrong on thinking he knew mickey or charlene beforehand though.

However, he definitely did stalk/know things about many women that never even knew him, so who knows.

Major stalker, another reason why I don't doubt the possibility
He does, huh?

I found it weird that BSL planned to meet with his prisoner friend the day he was arrested. They scheduled at planned prison meet up time.

Because from what I've read, he also planned to meet up with the woman who cuts his hair to take her on a date.

I don't know why he'd make both of those plans

Bingo...That's what I was wondering too! His X girlfriend must've not been the type to keep tabs on what he's doing,where he's at or question him much! Sounds like a playa playa and pretend Godly man!
I do believe BSL and others like him are working hand in hand with the evil one. (I'm too afraid to type the name, but you know who I'm talking about.) He said he became the darkness, and he did. There was no light in him. What he said about those brave enough to cross paths with him or be a part of his life or whatever he wrote. That really freaks me out.

what she said
I wouldn't be surprised either because he's just psycho like that basically haha.
Yeah, he definitely tries to be "poetic" and "deep" in his journals.

I don't know who would give that a random stranger, but when you're drunk, nothing seems out of the ordinary to give someone I guess.

Yes, I would think admirer meant she didn't see who gave it to her.
But you really never know if someone just walked up and said hey, read this and walked away.

Charlene and Mickey are identical in looks, that's for sure. It almost shocked me to look at Charlene because I felt it was Mickey.

The note in itself is strange, but the fact that is says "Users/Brandon" is even stranger, because I've read about all of the womens internet profiles he had. Almost like women that are kept in his cache of stalking files.
Another thing I just want to point out about the note, if you notice at the top where it says "Modern love Story" those 3 words are the closest hand writing to his journals. They have that cursive look to them like most of BSLs journals, while the rest of the letter appears to be print.
There are some capital headings on BSL's old letters such as "Life Sentance" that he wrote. That's one of the only things i have to compare the capital letter to the closing word of "EXIT" in all caps at the end of the note.
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