Brangelina Divorce

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NOVEMBER 22, 2016
a private plane seemed to have factored into the couple’s split and drew the attention of investigators. Two weeks ago, it was reported that the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services had cleared Pitt in its investigation of alleged child abuse. Although the D.C.F.S. investigation was closed, the F.B.I. was still gathering facts in regard to the matter.

“In response to allegations made following a flight within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States which landed in Los Angeles carrying Mr. Brad Pitt and his children, the F.B.I. has conducted a review of the circumstances and will not pursue further investigation. No charges have been filed in this matter,” a spokesperson for the bureau said in a statement to Vanity Fair.
The F.B.I. Has Ended Its Review of Brad Pitt’s Alleged Pre-Divorce Plane Incident

May 3, 2017
The unfortunate worst of it surfaced in public this past September. When he was on a flight to Los Angeles aboard a private plane, there was a reported altercation between Pitt and one of his six children, 15-year-old Maddox. An anonymous phone call was made to the authorities, which triggered an FBI investigation (ultimately closed with no charges).
Brad Pitt Talks Divorce, Quitting Drinking, and Becoming a Better Man

"Many people find themselves in this situation. My family…we've all being through a difficult time," she started out.

"My focus is my children, our children, and it is and my focus is finding this way through and as I said we are and forever will be a family and so that is my, that is how I am coping.

"I am coping with finding a way through to make sure that this somehow makes us stronger and closer."

Early last month, the estranged pair released a joint statement in which they agreed to seal all court documents pertaining to their divorce in order to protect their children.

"The parties and their counsel have signed agreements to preserve the privacy rights of their children and family by keeping all court documents confidential and engaging a private judge to make any necessary legal decisions and to facilitate the expeditious resolution of any remaining issues. The parents are committed to act as a united front to effectuate recovery and reunification," the statement read.
Angelina Jolie cries as she speaks about 'difficult' split from Brad Pitt

UPDATED: APR 10, 2017 11:23 AM·
Although Brad was investigated by the FBI over child abuse allegations in September 2016, Angelina, 41, has since called her ex a “wonderful” father to their six children.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Are Talking Again 6 Months After Divorce Announcement

ETA I repeat, MOO but her choosing to release the redacted FBI report now, when she is being sued by Brad over business matters tells me much more about her than about him.
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All that's being reported is AJ's own story about what the FBI report contains. Here on WS, we try to discuss only information that is from a valid source. Her story is not a valid source, JMO.

I see absolutely no reason to doubt AJ's account of what happened on that plane. Is there some particular documented 'valid source' evidence that backs up your claim? Please post if there is as I'm unaware of anything that paints her as an unreliable witness.
I see absolutely no reason to doubt AJ's account of what happened on that plane. Is there some particular documented 'valid source' evidence that backs up your claim? Please post if there is as I'm unaware of anything that paints her as an unreliable witness.

You could say exactly the same for Brad Pitt. He said She said,except he didn't say anything publicly and she has been as public as possible. Colour me suspicious.
Please, read the article. Jolie even admits she put him in a choke hold because she "thought" he was going to do something

Please quote in context. Which is that, based on his violent and aggressive actions towards her and his ongoing alcohol-induced rantings and ravings throughout the flight, she felt one of their children was in danger of being attacked by him and so acted to protect that child.

And of course I've read it, and in depth. I wouldn't have posted the article otherwise.

That their older children have nothing to this day to do with Pitt tells its own story.
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I can’t imagine what a long flight with a mean alcoholic would be like. Oh wait, I can…….
Please quote in context. Which is that, based on his violent and aggressive actions towards her and his ongoing alcohol-induced rantings and ravings throughout the flight, she felt one of their children was in danger of being attacked by him and acted to protect that child.

And of course I've read it, I wouldn't have posted the article otherwise.

That their older children have nothing to this day to do with Pitt tells its own story.

Yes,it tells the story that their mother did her very best to keep the kids from their father to further her own agenda. Children are easy to manipulate,especially children that were solely yours to begin with.
Angelina strikes me as a master manipulator. JMO.
You could say exactly the same for Brad Pitt. He said She said,except he didn't say anything publicly and she has been as public as possible. Colour me suspicious.

Oh he said plenty publicly, courtesy of his PR. They went on a very sanctimonious damage control exercise to protect their product, filled with 'poor Brad, dealing with his issues, respect his recovery journey' while at the same time taking every opportunity to throw nasty shade at AJ. And are still doing exactly that to this very day.

Nothing is ever Brad Pitt's fault.

Not even this -
<modsnip - personal anecdotes are off topic>

Noone knows what goes on behind closed doors! Noone knows when a woman is out of control, but the man seems like the bad guy.

It is my personal opinion that with the recent report, Brad may have flaws, but AJ is toxic! She is NOT doing her children any favors! She didn't want any rules and he did. That doesn't make him a bad parent, but it can make children choose her side because - duh - no rules?!

Children see themselves as 50% mom 50% dad. When either of the parent disparages the other, the children can and often do internalize that conflict that "they" are not perfect either. It is extremely damaging to manipulate children and tell them horrible things about their other parent. It is even worse IMVHO when you are a public figure and you do these things in a very public way. I STILL think her forcing this report to come out when he is suing her about the business is BS. AJ is toxic and wrong; and ultimately, her children are suffering because of it.
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I STILL think her forcing this report to come out when he is suing her about the business is BS. AJ is toxic and wrong; and ultimately, her children are suffering because of it.

<modsnip>AJ, in possession of new info, applied anonymously for the full report in order to understand the reasoning behind the FBI's decision to not pursue charges against Pitt.

Politico is the source of the release. Not AJ. Politico. From the link:
On Aug. 9, Jolie amended the complaint, which includes an interesting new detail. Before the F.B.I. announced that Pitt would not be charged with assault on an airplane, the agent investigating the Sept. 2016 incident prepared a statement of probable cause and presented it to the chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles. (In the amended complaint, Jolie says she learned this from the F.B.I.’s FOIA response last year.)

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Children see themselves as 50% mom 50% dad. When either of the parent disparages the other, the children can and often do internalize that conflict that "they" are not perfect either. It is extremely damaging to manipulate children and tell them horrible things about their other parent. It is even worse IMVHO when you are a public figure and you do these things in a very public way. I STILL think her forcing this report to come out when he is suing her about the business is BS. AJ is toxic and wrong; and ultimately, her children are suffering because of it.
I agree. AJ going very public with her story of what happened on the flight is very damaging for her children. Its the reason why BP has seldom spoken about it or any of the children in the news media/tabloids. He protects their privacy, always has, even before the divorce, because he knows the media attention can be harmful to kids.

He and AJ probably had differences while they were married about her using the kids for publicity, calling the paps. Once the divorce began, she's exposed them to the tabloid media on a regular basis. She's a malignant narcissist, JMO. She manipulates those closest to her to get attention for herself, to look like a martyr, like a hero.

OTOH, Brad has never courted the media. They follow him, he avoids them, unless he's promoting a movie, charitable project, etc.

Spousal abuse by women towards their partners is a very real thing. I know men who have experienced it. Its every bit as traumatic for them, very humiliating. Men hide it, don't talk about it. JMO, speculation only, but its possible that was part of the situation on the private jet and in their marriage. A woman who immediately jumps on her husband and puts him in a choke-hold sounds like someone who has done it before. JMO How do you do a choke hold? I wouldn't have a clue, anyone else? How did AJ learn it?
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So if we believe the things written in the first article, she used Maddox to lure him in and then she used Maddox to get rid of him when she had no use for him anymore?.
Her school counsellor believed she was a sociopath with no empathy.

But OK,Brad Pitt is the problem!.
AJ, in possession of new info, applied anonymously for the full report in order to understand the reasoning behind the FBI's decision to not pursue charges against Pitt.

Politico is the source of the release. Not AJ. Politico. From the link:

I have read several news outlets that indicate otherwise. Several news sources say she and her attorney's had the report years ago to settle other law suits. She just wanted the information out to the public

"All parties have had this information for nearly six years and was used in previous legal proceedings. There is nothing new here and serves no purpose other than being a media stunt meant to inflict pain," a source close to Pitt said of the report coming to light now.
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In my opinion, it's odd that the children were never allowed to testify. If either parent is abusing them physically or verbally, they deserve protection, regardless of that parent's gender, wealth or social standing.

Nothing I've read about the events during the flight suggest it was suitable for children to witness or be involved in at any level.

I don't find either of them to be exceptional examples of parenting. Parents should not be brawling in front of their children and nothing in the report indicates that one is any better than the other.
I have read several news outlets that indicate otherwise. Several news sources say she and her attorney's had the report years ago to settle other law suits. She just wanted the information out to the public

"All parties have had this information for nearly six years and was used in previous legal proceedings. There is nothing new here and serves no purpose other than being a media stunt meant to inflict pain," a source close to Pitt said of the report coming to light now.
Yep. JMO, its a form of psychological abuse that has probably been going on for a long time, including the years they were married.

It makes you wonder if she's this manipulative with her children, making them compete with each other for her favor, etc. That's not unusual during divorces by parents alienating children from their ex spouse. I hope the nannies AJ employs understand that reporting abuse to the authorities is not a violation of any NDA they've signed as a condition of employment. NDA's do not apply in the case of illegal activity. Maybe its time for some former nannies to come forward.

I see absolutely no reason to doubt AJ's account of what happened on that plane. Is there some particular documented 'valid source' evidence that backs up your claim? Please post if there is as I'm unaware of anything that paints her as an unreliable witness.
Yes, there's cocomod's link above to an article that states the results of the FBI and LA County DCFS said no abuse by Pitt took place on the plane. Those are professionals, objective third parties trained to conduct an unbiased investigation.

AJ, OTOH, can't be objective. She has a vested interest in making her ex-husband look bad, especially now that he's filed a lawsuit against her for breaking a contract and selling her share of their property in France to a Russian oligarch.
^ That's just not true and I really don't understand why you're stating it as a fact? AJ, in possession of new info, applied anonymously for the full report in order to understand the reasoning behind the FBI's decision to not pursue charges against Pitt.

Politico is the source of the release. Not AJ. Politico. From the link:

Actually, the article was written by someone at an online magazine called "Puck". Never heard of them.

"It's been a sad situation for years," says the source. "Since Angelina filed for divorce, Brad has been focused on having the best relationship possible with his kids. It's been very difficult for him. Many times, there have been long gaps where he didn't see the kids at all."

"He misses the kids when he doesn't see them," the source adds. "He still has many good things going on in his life. He has a positive attitude. He believes there will be a time when he has a great relationship with his kids again."
I’m not shocked at all ..

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Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner’s memoir confirms Angelina Jolie behind famous Brad Pitt pics​

in 2005, a photographer received a tip that Angelina Jolie was staying at a resort on the coast of Africa with Brad Pitt — who was still married to Jennifer Aniston at the time.

The new couple, who had worked together on the movie “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” had generated plenty of rumors that they were also an off-screen couple, but nothing had been confirmed.

But the photographer was told not only where the pair were staying but also given details about the time of their daily walk, along with a suggestion of where they could be “secretly photographed.”

“We got the photo, we got the proof,” Wenner writes, “we had the worldwide scoop, the debut of Brangelina.

“The tipster was Angelina.”

I’m not shocked at all ..

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Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner’s memoir confirms Angelina Jolie behind famous Brad Pitt pics​

in 2005, a photographer received a tip that Angelina Jolie was staying at a resort on the coast of Africa with Brad Pitt — who was still married to Jennifer Aniston at the time.

The new couple, who had worked together on the movie “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” had generated plenty of rumors that they were also an off-screen couple, but nothing had been confirmed.

But the photographer was told not only where the pair were staying but also given details about the time of their daily walk, along with a suggestion of where they could be “secretly photographed.”

“We got the photo, we got the proof,” Wenner writes, “we had the worldwide scoop, the debut of Brangelina.

“The tipster was Angelina.”

Me either. There are also articles thy state she was behind all the nasty rumours about JA,and the biggest one saying that Brad Pitt left her because she couldn't or wouldn't have kids.
She is a nasty piece of work IMO,she used her small child to steal the heart of someone else's man and then once she got her claws into him she set out to hurt his ex even more publicly,she already had JA husband but that wasn't enough for her.
I wonder who's man she has her sights set on next?!.
All MOO.

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