Brangelina Divorce

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Angelina became "fed up" with Brad's consumption of weed and possibly alcohol, and mixed with what she believes is "an anger problem" ... felt it became dangerous for the children.

She is asking the judge to give Pitt visitation. She does not want Brad to have joint physical custody ... only joint legal custody.
Interesting about the custody request. What sort of visitation rights would Brad Pitt get if this is granted by the judge?
Hmmmm...and that movie he recently finished with Marion Cotillard, the one with the 'reportedly' steamy sex scenes? Like the ones in Mr and Mrs Smith??
Im predicting this will break the records on how much this will cost each of them.
I'm shocked. Hopefully they can still be adults and work together on parenting. Easier said than done though.
I did not see the coming....shocked. Really.
I was so impressed with them living a meaningful life instead of that shallow Hollywood life . I thought of them as really good examples.
I was so impressed with them living a meaningful life instead of that shallow Hollywood life . I thought of them as really good examples.

I think with celebrities, the public never hears about the truth of their lives, they just hear the glossy PR narrative that their agents pass onto the press.

Its only when they get divorced or something that you suddenly get this avalanche of information, which shows that all sorts of other things were happening in the background, but kept secret.
Angelina is a 41 year old woman with six children who lost her mother early to ovarian cancer, had both breasts removed and fairly recently (last year) had her ovaries removed. Brad is 52, has smoked pot throughout his adult life, supposedly "drinks heavily with co-stars" when on location for a film, and was recently found by an Angelina-hired private investigator to be having an affair with French costar, Marion Cotillard.

A source close to Pitt told The Sun: 'There have been rumors around the status of the relationship for years, but they are now very much in turmoil and it is hard to see a way out.'

The source went on to say: 'There have been a constant string of arguments about their future and their children.

'The marriage is in crisis and friends doubt it will survive, although Brad and Angelina are both committed to do as much as they can to stay together for the sake of the kids while they are still young.

'They have come through a lot before and somehow managed to keep up appearances but Brad thinks this time is different.'

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It sure sounds like this is not as "sudden" as it appears to be. After having made the decisions that Angelina has had to make in her life, I think the last thing she needs is a stoned-out cheater who it sounds like is now drinking too much and has developed anger issues.

Divorce is always sad. But sometimes it is necessary.
I'm shocked. Hopefully they can still be adults and work together on parenting. Easier said than done though.

I think we've all seen how ugly it can get when parents divorce. I've always admired these two and hope they won't subject their kids to what others have had to go through. It breaks my heart to see children used as weapons.
She's played this very well. Picking Johnny Depp's lawyer who let him come out smelling like a rose no matter how much evidence pointed to him being an abusive,violent drunk.

I think this has more to do with her political ambitions than him cheating on her but she's playing it that way in order to make him look like the bad guy. That's why she's also playing the custody card and bringing the kids into it. People are already nodding their heads criticizing him. But maybe the truth is he told he he didn't want to be married.

She's also timed it right after the Emmy Awards and in order to maximize publicity. Clever girl.

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