Breaking News/State files Brief Today in Young Case.10/20/14

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I read the ruling PDF. In the situation with the civil suit for custody of CY, it was the defense themselves who introduced the custody civil suit into testimony through their cross-examination of Meredith Fisher. (Oops).

In the case of the wrongful death civil suit, the trial judge gave very specific and detailed limiting instructions, both before the evidence was introduced and again at the end during jury instructions, telling the jury the way to look at the civil suit and default evidence (not as evidence of criminal guilt). The SC found those limiting instructions sufficient and said there was some validity for the evidence being brought in for its limited purpose, and it was up to the trial court's discretion to determine that validity.

In addition, JY's defense attorneys (remember one of them is a judge now!) did not object and/or did not object with any specific mention of constitutional grounds for the objection. At the appellate level and with the SC it's about judicial error and specific items for appeal. The attorneys did not preserve these issues for JY. The CoA pretended like the defense did preserve the issues and then made a ruling.

The SC said the CoA erred and overturned the CoA's decision.

The defense led with their strongest appellate issues and both were shot down by the SC. Not sure they have anything else to work with from the original brief filing for the CoA to consider.

And, on the same day, killer Grant Hayes' appeals were ended by the SC. He'll be in prison the rest of his life. Remember he dismembered the mother of his 2 kids.
I sincerely hope the Fishers are feeling some relief. This SC ruling is the best news I've heard in a long while!

Justice for Michelle...........:) :)
This is quite a disappointing ruling. It seems to step all over the fifth Amendment of the Constitution.

Can this be appealed to the SCOTUS? I would think this is a good case to appeal.

Based on the evidence, an innocent person sits in jail, to the cheers of social media. Another example of the horrible flaws in the American Justice system.
For some odd reason, JLY received a sympathetic nod from the CoA trio.
Ultimately, justice prevailed when the 7 Supreme Court justices ruled to keep JLY locked up for the remainder of his life.:jail:
Justice DIDN'T prevail, an innocent man sits in jail and the person or people that murdered his wife are free.

It is an absolute disgrace.

Then again, the entire US Justice System is a disgrace right now.
Oh but justice DID prevail! JYL slaughtered his wife, the mother of his children and thought he was going to get away with it.

The disgrace is that this murderer walked free for almost 6 years. The disgrace is that some blame any and everything for this horrendous crime except the murderer himself.
12 very competent jurors decided JYL was in fact guilty of 1st degree murder.
Finally,the highest court in the great state of North Carolina wisely upheld the conviction

Quite the contrary, the justice system is alive and well.
So it's over for good? Done? No more appeals? Her family must be so relieved.
What a relief!! IMO, this was the only logical ruling.

I followed this case from the start because I'm from Raleigh. (though I don't live there anymore...but visiting right now!) I remember shortly before the first trial I noticed Michelle and I are the same age. When I learned how JY and Michelle met ...I remember thinking "omg I could have very well met this evil man or at the very least crossed paths with him."
Also, we frequented the same hangout places at the same time. At that time I was enrolled at UNC but my very best friend was attending NC State...oh the tailgating we used to do. So, glad I didn't ever cross paths with JY. I wish Michelle had not either. :(

Again, JMO, after learning the facts of this case I have zero doubt of JY's guilt. Zero.

When I think about what was done to Michelle Young and her unborn this very makes me sick and angry.

To say Michelle Young deserved much better is such an understatement. She would have been a wonderful wife (to the right man, a man that is a real man, one that respects, cares, loves and is loyal to the woman he exchanged marriage vows with) and the most loving, caring mother (like she already was to her daughter.)

IMO, JY is right where he belongs. I mean there is one other place I wouldn't mind him being.
Thank goodness he can never violently kill another pregnant woman.

Michelle Young's family and especially her daughter are never far from my thoughts especially when I'm back home (like this week) visiting. Being back here in Raleigh, made me look up this case to see if anything happened since I last checked...and thankfully I see a decision was made and IMO the right decision.
after learning the facts of this case I have zero doubt of JY's guilt. Zero.

What facts? It was all circumstantial evidence. They still never explained how he drove hundreds of miles on an empty gas tank.
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