BREAKING: NY - James Burke, ex-police chief of Suffolk County, arrested for soliciting a male undercover officer, 22 Aug 2023

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Could this mean he's on the list of public defenders for Suffolk County? IOW, he's on call to defend people who can't afford an attorney. In Suffolk County, they refer to it as "Assigned Counsel".

Assigned counsel, or no, I still find it greatly disturbing that James Burke, a felon, who did not want the FBI in the LISK case, is being defended by an attorney who is employed by the office now in charge of solving the LISK case.
Assigned counsel, or no, I still find it greatly disturbing that James Burke, a felon, who did not want the FBI in the LISK case, is being defended by an attorney who is employed by the office now in charge of solving the LISK case.
.. mebbe the friends are in high places with a strong network/
Just sayin'?
Someone please explain to me why O'Rourke has an association with the DA's office as of 2023? Am I reading this correctly?


Edit to add:

What. The. Hell.

I stand corrected. Someone brought to my attention that the James J. O'Rourke in the DA's office is likely a son or grandson. They are likely not the same person, but of the same family.
That's still disturbing - suggestive of the same old group still in charge. Very disturbing.

Yes, I agree. And these entanglements should not be diminished, or glossed over, IMO.

This is not about good or bad PR for Suffolk County. This is, and should always be, about the truth, and justice for the victims and their families.

...I miss Walter Cronkite, those who remember him, too. I was a kid, and each night he signed off with, "And that's the way it is."
Yes, I agree. And these entanglements should not be diminished, or glossed over, IMO.

This is not about good or bad PR for Suffolk County. This is, and should always be, about the truth, and justice for the victims and their families.

...I miss Walter Cronkite, those who remember him, too. I was a kid, and each night he signed off with, "And that's the way it is."
Problem is that it absolutely does appear to be all about PR.
PR that won't stand up to any level of scrutiny. like banging Shannan's case closed using the exact same words that closed what was never or inadequately investigated in the first place.
They need to be explaining that, like.
In a manner that is acceptable to her family and to those of us who believe she received a really raw deal.

they have no apparent good reason to take this action.
Yet, they did and here we are again.
I will admit the suits raised more than my eyebrows.

I see no difference at all.
They're still not respecting women.
They're still dehumanizing sex workers,
and more than likely they're still enjoying snuff movies.

There has to be a better way to do this.
From the article below 3/31/2022

"A standing ovation from the members of the Suffolk County Legislature and the audience was music to the ears of former Detective John Oliva and his previous FBI Gang Task Force member and current legislator, Rob Trotta. All 18 members of the Legislature signed a proclamation congratulating Oliva on his vindication and the dismissal of the charges previously filed against him, which forced him to retire, according to Trotta’s office.

In 2014, then Detective Oliva retired from the Suffolk County Police Department due to trumped up charges orchestrated by former and now convicted felon Tom Spota, according to Trotta’s office. It was revealed during the federal corruption trial of Spota and his former top aide, Christopher McPartland, that they and former Chief of Police James Burke initiated and coordinated the charges against Oliva, ...

... “John Oliva was a terrific cop with a great arrest record and he served the department and the residents with distinction,” Trotta said.

So, imagine this world with these corrupt 3 "top cops" running your county. Where good cops trying to do the right thing are reassigned, and if they still poke around, they are arrested on trumped up charges, sending a message to all of the others who wanted to do right that they should choose now: Fall in line, leave or get arrested.

James Burke's handling of this Gilgo/Gilbert investigation must be investigated (should have been as soon as he went to the Clink). And, if there is evidence of it (sounds like there was), charges should be filed. For all of his corruption aside, you had a Chief of Police openly obstructing justice in this investigation.

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"... [The] judge trashed him as a “dictator” before allowing anyone in court who wanted it, to take a turn at berating the ex-lawman...

...Judge Wexler told Burke that he ran his department as if he were a dictator, with absolute authority and commanding loyalty from everyone under him... if you were not on his side, that’s corruption. He corrupted the system, not for one act but for three years” Wexler told the defendant.

... [federal Judge Leonard] Wexler took the unusual step of opening the floor to anyone in the gallery who had anything to say about Burke. Three people took up Wexler’s offer.

1. Terri Schofield - "Jimmy Burke is a coward, Jimmy Burke is a sociopath,” Schofield said in open court. “I don’t believe Jimmy Burke has any chance for rehabilitation.” Schofield went so far as to accuse Burke of being the Gilgo Beach serial killer – drawing gasps from the gallery.

2. Suffolk County Legislator Robert Trotta, a former cop, also took a turn and said Burke’s dictatorial reign over the department cost people their careers.“People aren’t going to college because of him,” Trotta said. “This is not an isolated incident.” (Not sure what that means but must mean something)

3. Christopher Loeb delivered a powerful statement against his tormentor, describing the torture he suffered at Burke’s hands.“I will never feel safe after what you and your officers did to me,” Loeb said. “I will never again feel comfortable living in Suffolk County, the place that I used to call home.”

Loeb, now in custody on an unrelated drug case and wearing blue jail garb, said it’s about time for Burke to face justice.

“Today is the day I honestly believed would never arrive. I thought you were untouchable,” Loeb said. “Now look at both of us, we are each incarcerated. The difference, besides the fact that my sentence is about to end and yours is only beginning, is that my actions reflected only me. Your crimes revealed the problems in the entire Suffolk County law enforcement community."

<modsnip: quoted post was removed>
And, the article posted here #208 details how Trotta (who explains in your article that the threat of Burke or Spota arresting him on trumped up charges because it happened to one of his colleagues is what caused him to retire) details how he later made sure that colleague's name was cleared.

What a crooked crew that Spota, Burke, and McPartland were, huh? Snuff films, threats if you didn't fall in line, of reassignment or arrest, etc. My hope is that someone is (please) investigating this behind the scenes, just as they were doing when they grabbed RH and stunned us all.

"The reason I decided to leave the police was because I thought I was going to be arrested by a corrupt district attorney [Thomas Spota] and a corrupt police chief," explained Trotta. "And I can say that because one of my partners, one of the three of us that were assigned to the FBI, actually did get arrested on trumped-up charges."

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Suffolk County prosecutors and an attorney for disgraced former Suffolk Police Chief James Burke, who was charged in September with public lewdness and indecent exposure, are discussing a possible plea agreement, his attorney said.

A hearing in the case scheduled for Friday morning before acting Suffolk County Judge James Saladino in First District Court in Central Islip was adjourned, according to Burke’s attorney, as the talks continue. Burke did not appear Friday at the Cohalan Court Complex.

“It was adjourned because the defense and the prosecution are discussing a resolution to this matter,” said attorney James O’Rourke of Hauppauge.

Suffolk County prosecutors and an attorney for disgraced former Suffolk Police Chief James Burke, who was charged in September with public lewdness and indecent exposure, are discussing a possible plea agreement, his attorney said.

A hearing in the case scheduled for Friday morning before acting Suffolk County Judge James Saladino in First District Court in Central Islip was adjourned, according to Burke’s attorney, as the talks continue. Burke did not appear Friday at the Cohalan Court Complex.

“It was adjourned because the defense and the prosecution are discussing a resolution to this matter,” said attorney James O’Rourke of Hauppauge.

I so wish that we had ability to link into the minds of prosecutor and county officials in attempt at understanding the detailed facts for not publicly seeking accountability in this case and in investigating claims of past criminal behavior. The questionable behavior is no longer some deeply guarded secret, publicly an ongoing topic of discussion. Change doesn’t occur without action.
I so wish that we had ability to link into the minds of prosecutor and county officials in attempt at understanding the detailed facts for not publicly seeking accountability in this case and in investigating claims of past criminal behavior. The questionable behavior is no longer some deeply guarded secret, publicly an ongoing topic of discussion. Change doesn’t occur without action.
They operate in their own little universe out there on LI, don't they? Oh, to be a fly on the wall.
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I wish I could read this article, its the only one written about the lawsuit. I'll see if I can get more information from another source.

Spota and Burke were terrible people who caused a lot of damage to victims and to the good cops they worked with.
The scandals of Burke and Spota, along with departmental dysfunction, is mentioned in this article summarizing the very successful terms of Steve Bellone as county executive.

Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and 2013’s Winter Storm Nemo, which shut down the Long Island Expressway for multiple days, presented challenges of their own, as did a major scandal at the highest levels of county law enforcement. The scandal, which ensnared ex-Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota, ex-County Police Chief James Burke, and a large supporting cast of associated cronies and henchmen, probably significantly delayed the ultimate arrest of Gilgo serial killer suspect Rex Heuermann, who damaged the County’s zeitgeist and collective sense of safety a little bit more every day the alleged killer remained at large.
Daily Mail reporting misinformation once again. Burke is not currently serving time. He walks among us.

That said, we guessed that this might be the defense's strategy for beyond a reasonable doubt once JR spoke publicly about the signed affidavits of several witnesses that placed Burke previously with RH at these parties.

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