Brianna Dennison 19yo Reno NV #9

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DNA Solves
I think he put her there immediately after killing her. Why LE is trying to keep it a secret...I don't understand. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he isn't going to keep a body around for days and days due to the decomp.
I think he put her there immediately after killing her. Why LE is trying to keep it a secret...I don't understand. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he isn't going to keep a body around for days and days due to the decomp.
I agree. :)
I'm curious, does anyone know if psychics have been used in this case?

If yes, what info have they come up with?
Food delivery is a good idea, based on uniform description. However, the one victim's noted lack of smelling anything unusual about the perp would probably remove food delivery or handling out, if the assumption was that he did the crimes after his work (rationale for being out so late).

Food prep and/or delivery could be smelly. You know how you can go into a gas station or convenience store where the clerk smokes and you pick that up after just a few minutes in there? The same thing would happen with a guy delivering hot tomato-based products with cooked yeast. You'd be able to smell it.

I think it is possible to think that the guy does use the truck for work since there were papers describe by the Dec victim as having type written wording on them. It could be school related or work related, but the consensus is that he seems to look for victims late at night when he has a legitimate reason to be out at that time (his family or SO wouldn't think it unusual for this person to be out and about after midnight.)

Either his job is very sanitary with no physical effort involved (no sweaty smell to him) if he did go straight from work to committing his crimes, or he had had an opportunity to shower after work.

You may find the information on this link interesting talking about Brianna's case.

There is more ...but the info below was garnered from a person who is using Remote Viewing to see what happened to Brianna...The Aramark truck is a food vendor..hmmm

My friend sees a truck belonging to ARAMARK in her RV. She sees Brianna alive for a while after her abduction – 10 days approx. She saw an image of a street sign “GrandView” during the first 3-4 days, which is close to UNR – she did not know this area at all – we found it on Google Maps. We drove the streets right after she was reported missing and she felt she was alive in a cellar, dark and damp. She feels she was in a home that was occupied by someone other than the kidnapper – possibly parents or an older family member.
We looked for anything for 4 weeks – but there is something that happened to Brianna that I just found out about and can’t mention due to the high sensitivity. My friend saw it happening to Brianna and she was alive and crying. This occurred within 7 days of the kidnapping. When she came to work and told me about it, we both felt “how crazy” it was and too weird to imagine, so we figured she was obsessing about this case. IT WAS A TRUE RV. After that she saw the ARAMARK truck and felt she had passed.
My friend, who I have known for 16 years, is absolutely distraught about this situation. She knew she was alive, she knows what he did to her, and now we are left with ARAMARK truck. Please see if there is anything here that helps you see some details about this man. My friend predicted her father’s death 6 months before it happened, predicted her own serious injury in Oct of 2006, and helped the family of a missing man many years ago. I have seen her “work” and believe she has important information. The police are not interested because she has not done this work before, publicly. I am the only one she told about what Brianna had done to her, and I found out just Thursday that this was indeed one of the things this guy did. I am the one that told her that it was too sick to think about.
Appreciate your time,


Aramark I am very familiar with. They run food services all over the country.

We provide services to more than 900 colleges and universities on four continents around the world. <<This was on their website. I wonder if Aramark runs the food service at the University?

I don't know that I buy anything you would find on Brian's predictions site as I think he is a fraud...but it wouldn't hurt to find out if there is a connection between the women eating on campus at the cafeteria.
Aramark I am very familiar with. They run food services all over the country.

We provide services to more than 900 colleges and universities on four continents around the world. <<This was on their website. I wonder if Aramark runs the food service at the University?

I don't know that I buy anything you would find on Brian's predictions site as I think he is a fraud...but it wouldn't hurt to find out if there is a connection between the women eating on campus at the cafeteria.
Good thoughts, but wouldn't that rule out Brianna though since she wasn't a student at UNR? I don't know about Brian's predictions either. I remember some off the wall things from Trenton Duckett's disappearance.
I took a quick scan through Brian's info page and it will be interesting to see if any of the info he has received/given comes true.
I took a quick scan through Brian's info page and it will be interesting to see if any of the info he has received/given comes true.

If you throw enough darts one of them is bound to stick. :)

There has been absolutely nothing stated by LE or the family that would indicate Bri was held captive while alive...actually the info has been to the contrary.

If the purpose of considering the food industry was that it would give someone (delivery person) the chance to become familiar with the residents of that neighborhood, then ARAMARK doesn't present that opportunity (at least IN their homes).
Softsoul, your statement "ifyou throw enough darts, one of them is bound to stick" is true.

I would'nt discount any info until it was checked out. Especially if you keep on getting the same info over and over again.

The bottom line is too catch this perp and bring justice to Brianna and the other ladies who were victims of his.
Yes, it rules out Bri...but it may not rule out the other females in that house.
It would be interesting if this wasn't random and one of the other girls was the original target but since Brianna was right there by the door and the others locked in the bedroom, she became the victim of opportunity.
It is interesting you mention Charter Cable. We were batting it around earlier that a person installing cable would have access to homes etc.

I wonder why they took the cameras down? It seems odd to only leave them up for a short time unless they got what they needed from them maybe?
This is in reference to the food delivery thoughts.
This dude Anthony Sholfield (wisconsin)- had over 1000 pairs of panties that he stole over time.
He is not the guy but may share some traits of the perp here.
He worked at a pizza delivery place, university student, and stole panties from University women.
What stands out to me is that he never approached the women or was ever associated with a sexual assault. This is why I am having a hard time with the perp in Bri's case having an actual fetish of stealing underwear. I think LE might be off-base on that theory.
I wonder why they took the cameras down? It seems odd to only leave them up for a short time unless they got what they needed from them maybe?

Could be they think there is a better chance that he will revisit the site if the cameras aren't there? They may have had them up there to record all the vigils, etc. that took place there for awhile, anticipating he would be among the crowd.
Actually, the camera was taken down a few weeks ago. I drive by there a couple times a week. But then, a lot of people do - there are two major employers right by there, IGT (International Gaming Technologies, makers of slot and video poker machines) and Charter Cable (Cable TV).
And wasn't it suggested he could be a cable installer? :eek:

(SS, you might be on to something!! :D )
What stands out to me is that he never approached the women or was ever associated with a sexual assault. This is why I am having a hard time with the perp in Bri's case having an actual fetish of stealing underwear. I think LE might be off-base on that theory.

I know of several serial rape cases where the offender was said to have a fetish of some sort, including underwear. It is often something they begin prior to escalating into rape. It then becomes their preferred "souvenir".
Could be they think there is a better chance that he will revisit the site if the cameras aren't there? They may have had them up there to record all the vigils, etc. that took place there for awhile, anticipating he would be among the crowd.
Or maybe they took the surveillance underground, so to the perp would only think the area wasn't being filmed anymore.

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