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but he just can't. Not after tonight when BD rolled that big ole bus right over him.

It was HIS *advertiser censored*

It was HIS bestality (sp?)

It was HIS child *advertiser censored* (or maybe "that woman's"

I, lil ole Bille Jean Dunn, had absolutely NO IDEA what was on that drive. If I did , then it would have never been in MY house. After all, it was found in HIS dresser - or the dresser that he used.

He just can't sit back now and let her run roughshod over not only him, but good ole mamma too.

This should be good.

Oh he can and he will, unless his lawyer gets ahold of him and knocks the stuffing out of him prior to the show.

Two things, one, he needs to profess his love for BD to try to get her back; and two, he wants credit for this deviant behavior IMO. If he eventually goes down for this crime, he wants it to be in a blaze of glory that "no one will ever forget." IMO, he's just sick that way.
I can hear it now...oh those other women, that was before it was so awesome between me and Billie.
I'm listening and BD says she saw images of her and SA private bedroom pictures. What? Did I hear this right?
I'm not sure I can listen to this. She is talking about Shawn and not her missing daughter.UGH!
If she keeps on talking about how great Shawn is I can't listen to her. Will I be missing anything?
If SA goes thru with the interview I doubt this will be BD last one.
Every time she talks it gets more confusing.
She is pretty hot about the other women so I do question if she knew what was on that flash drive.
Im also on the fence now if she knew what happened to Hailey. The way she has defended him until now I thought she knew and was involved. Since she did speak out somewhat against him now Im not so sure any more. I may change my opinion the next time she opens her mouth tho.
I went looking at the affidavits tonight, looking for something else. And one thing that I hadn't noticed before was that 2 officers asked and received consent to search all the items on SA's mom's computer on Wednesday afternoon (I think the 29th of December). It then says, that on Thursday morning at 11:30am an officer and investigator went and retrieved the computer from who I believe to be SA's moms husband. Anyway, I thought it was interesting that they got consent on Wed. but waited until Thursday. There was more than enough time to try to delete things on that computer. I found that info at the bottom of page 5/top of page 6.

Good catch. Unless you physically remove the hard drive and shred it, you can delete all you want, it will all be recovered.

We all know BD used the computer at work for her own perverted use. I am wondering if LE siezed it and looked it over, if not, WHY??? Not sure if any web filters are installed at the hospital on their network that would prohibit *advertiser censored*, if so, we know the filters didn't prohibit the other stuff she was looking at.

Remember, BD spent hours upon hours at work downloading that other stuff, printing, etc. What's to say if *advertiser censored* wasn't filtered on the network, that she didn't do the same with it?
Investigators Show Hailey's Mother *advertiser censored* Found During Investigation

Billie spoke candidly on Blog Talk Radio about nearly everything surrounding her daughter's disappearance on December 27, 2010.

In an interview with KTAB last week, Dunn said she didn't know much about the *advertiser censored* discovered on a jump drive and computer from Adkins' mother's home. This time around, she revealed investigators had showed her images of bestiality and child *advertiser censored* that were discovered. Dunn said she had never seen images like that in her home.
What do you all think about what Billie said about seeing the computer images? Do you think LE showed them to her? She could know just because she had seen what was on that flash drive before LE took it. Last I heard her say, she was talking to LE every few days or so & that they'd let her know if something big came up. It sounded to me as if she was trying to present herself as working with LE now. That was not the impression I ever had of her before.

Also, was there any mention of her going out of town with family the other day? That was the reason she gave for cancelling the other chat.

What do you all think about what Billie said about seeing the computer images? Do you think LE showed them to her? She could know just because she had seen what was on that flash drive before LE took it. Last I heard her say, she was talking to LE every few days or so & that they'd let her know if something big came up. It sounded to me as if she was trying to present herself as working with LE now. That was not the impression I ever had of her before.

Also, was there any mention of her going out of town with family the other day? That was the reason she gave for cancelling the other chat.


Would she be that stupid to admit LE showed her the images if indeed they didn't?

Then again...
Would she be that stupid to admit LE showed her the images if indeed they didn't?

Then again...

That was my first thought too. Obviously, LE would know if that were true or not. She contradicts herself so often I can't even keep track any more. IMO, BD has a way of presenting her story so she is cast in the best light. If that means changing up the story as time goes on, she does that.

Ok jumping in here for a sec...I just finished reading this thread. I missed last nights show. Anyway...I still do not understand BJ. From what I have read here it sounds like she was/is more upset about the other women than the *advertiser censored*. It is all so bizarre to me. Why is she just not screaming through the rooftops on this? Why does she not sound outraged? This was in HER home! If she didn't know about it and has just been recently shown pics why is she just not mortified, outraged? example: We moved from one home to another about a yr ago. The old house we lived in is right next door to my best friend. Before we lived in that home it was being lived in by some pretty questionable renters...needless to say they were evicted. It was found out later when after we moved out and the new renters moved in that there was an area in the attic that had wiring into every A/C vent in the camera wiring. I FREAKED OUT!!!! After a complete run through of everything it was determined there had not been any taping while we were in that home. How was I to know until after I got the full rundown that those former renters did not have camera's going while we lived there. KWIM? How freaky is that? Anywho...what I am saying is that situation totally freaked my husband and I out. Just the thought that something so awful could have been going on without us knowing was terrifying. So why is BJD not mortified? Like I said I did not hear the interview but from what I am getting from reading here she didn't sound overly concerned about the *advertiser censored* but showed more anger/emotion etc over the affairs. Correct me if I am wrong.

Now...maybe just maybe BJD didn't have anything to do with HD's disappearance, maybe she knows nothing. But...she continued a relationship with the only POI in the case among other things that just don't make sense. I feel like this interview was a preview of the Grand Jury and I also feel like she did it knowing the interviewers would be gentle with her and also seems to me she is now getting ready to cover herself knowing SA is prob going to start spinning his own tail.

Ok jumping in here for a sec...I just finished reading this thread. I missed last nights show. Anyway...I still do not understand BJ. From what I have read here it sounds like she was/is more upset about the other women than the *advertiser censored*. It is all so bizarre to me. Why is she just not screaming through the rooftops on this? Why does she not sound outraged? This was in HER home! If she didn't know about it and has just been recently shown pics why is she just not mortified, outraged? example: We moved from one home to another about a yr ago. The old house we lived in is right next door to my best friend. Before we lived in that home it was being lived in by some pretty questionable renters...needless to say they were evicted. It was found out later when after we moved out and the new renters moved in that there was an area in the attic that had wiring into every A/C vent in the camera wiring. I FREAKED OUT!!!! After a complete run through of everything it was determined there had not been any taping while we were in that home. How was I to know until after I got the full rundown that those former renters did not have camera's going while we lived there. KWIM? How freaky is that? Anywho...what I am saying is that situation totally freaked my husband and I out. Just the thought that something so awful could have been going on without us knowing was terrifying. So why is BJD not mortified? Like I said I did not hear the interview but from what I am getting from reading here she didn't sound overly concerned about the *advertiser censored* but showed more anger/emotion etc over the affairs. Correct me if I am wrong.

Now...maybe just maybe BJD didn't have anything to do with HD's disappearance, maybe she knows nothing. But...she continued a relationship with the only POI in the case among other things that just don't make sense. I feel like this interview was a preview of the Grand Jury and I also feel like she did it knowing the interviewers would be gentle with her and also seems to me she is now getting ready to cover herself knowing SA is prob going to start spinning his own tail.


You can listen to the interview by going back one page and click on the link.I just got done listening to her for 90 min. However it will make you even more upset. B is still not outraged and speaks way too much about S
Just finished reading thread

Did LE tell her that they found ONE child *advertiser censored* pic or did they show her one pic?

I would find it unbelievable if ONE child *advertiser censored* pic was found.

I'm sure she didn't view all 150,000+ of the pics

Can someone please clarify this for me?
Ok jumping in here for a sec...I just finished reading this thread. I missed last nights show. Anyway...I still do not understand BJ. From what I have read here it sounds like she was/is more upset about the other women than the *advertiser censored*. It is all so bizarre to me. Why is she just not screaming through the rooftops on this? Why does she not sound outraged? This was in HER home! If she didn't know about it and has just been recently shown pics why is she just not mortified, outraged? example: We moved from one home to another about a yr ago. The old house we lived in is right next door to my best friend. Before we lived in that home it was being lived in by some pretty questionable renters...needless to say they were evicted. It was found out later when after we moved out and the new renters moved in that there was an area in the attic that had wiring into every A/C vent in the camera wiring. I FREAKED OUT!!!! After a complete run through of everything it was determined there had not been any taping while we were in that home. How was I to know until after I got the full rundown that those former renters did not have camera's going while we lived there. KWIM? How freaky is that? Anywho...what I am saying is that situation totally freaked my husband and I out. Just the thought that something so awful could have been going on without us knowing was terrifying. So why is BJD not mortified? Like I said I did not hear the interview but from what I am getting from reading here she didn't sound overly concerned about the *advertiser censored* but showed more anger/emotion etc over the affairs. Correct me if I am wrong.

Now...maybe just maybe BJD didn't have anything to do with HD's disappearance, maybe she knows nothing. But...she continued a relationship with the only POI in the case among other things that just don't make sense. I feel like this interview was a preview of the Grand Jury and I also feel like she did it knowing the interviewers would be gentle with her and also seems to me she is now getting ready to cover herself knowing SA is prob going to start spinning his own tail.


You really need to go listen to it for yourself. Because honestly, I think you will hear it according to what side of the fence you are on, or if you are on the fence.

The most important thing that I heard last night was that SA's mother knew Hailey was missing at noon on Tuesday, BD says that LE told her this. That is huge if you ask me. IMO

As for her outrage/no outrage. She found out about this on Friday like we did. She was interviewed by a local station, and IMO I really don't think she knew anything. She said in that interview that she was going to have to talk to LE. It sounds like that is what she did and according to her, LE showed her some of the images. She has had what? 5 days since Friday for this all to 'sink' in. I don't think there is anything bizarre that 5 days later, or even a few days later, her anger/outrage is not going to be at the same level as it would be from the first moment she seen these pictures and had confirmation from LE. kwim? JMO
Just finished listening to last night's show and have to say that once again, I am floored by BD's nerve. Her half-hearted thanks to the searchers, well, at least some of them anyway. Not those bad ol' mean searchers who are HOPING to find something awful and want to prove to her that SA did it.

Get a clue, lady. Those people aren't out there braving the elements and spending their own money just to spite YOU. Contrary to what you seem to think, the world does not revolve around BD. :eek:

Those folks are out there because a beautiful child needs to be found, and if deceased, she deserves to be treated with the dignity and concern her wonderful mother didn't bother to afford her in life.
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